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Shiny, shiny, bright and tiny.
Shiny, shiny, bright and tiny.
Shiny, shiny, bright and tiny.
Shiny, shiny, bright and tiny.

It echoed through the space. The great vast space was endless yet it felt so small. Breathing and expanding but always enclosing. Enclosed here, but beyond was so much more. It felt shielding. A small space in a larger space specially made to protect something important. Inside, there was a soft blue glow. Outside, was stars so bright.

The space was breaking though, and that which was protected could no longer be contained. The world was closing in, and the light was escaping. Before it was all lost, a sacrifice was made and the garden was sealed. A new shield was created: A coat of stars to replace the garden that protected the light. A creature was born and awoke to expose light to the dark world - but too much light was lost and now the light was only a small glow in the night.