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Name: Midas
Gender: Male
Alignment of Heart: Spirit's Nature: Neutral
Soul Mate: N/A

Midas never really talked to any of the other spirits in Isira. Plagued grief, he spent his days continually swimming in the lake. He would only come out when it rained, but then he would only lie on the bank and stare up into the sky. One rainy day, Midas was coming up from the water when he heard the sound of crying. He looked across the trees and saw a small boy crying under a tree. Soundlessly, Midas walked to the boy and sat down beside him. He gazed at the boy, lost in memory.
Then Midas spoke softly. “Why are you crying?”
“I miss my f-family…” The boy sobbed. Midas sighed softly, feeling the loss and sadness coming from the little boy.
“I miss mine, too.” Midas spoke, looking out across the water. “What’s your name?”
“…Faolchu…” Midas murmured. “Do you like the rain, Faolchu?” Midas asked kindly.
“It’s ok…” Faolchu sniffled, wiping his eyes.
“The rain is the sky’s way of showing you her love, and each drop is like a kiss.” Midas held out his hand, letting the rain fall on it.
Faolchu looked out at the rain too. “That’s nice…”
Midas looked down at Faolchu, and a small smile crossed his face. “Would you like a friend, Faolchu?”

Midas is deeply protective of Faolchu. Thanks to Faolchu, Midas is happier than he was when he first came, often laughing and joking. Midas and Faolchu are rarely seen out of each others company.
Midas looks like he is caught in a perpetual rainstorm. He is covered in water and it’s always dripping off him.