♥ Reminder

Please follow the ToS and keep all roleplays PG-14
Also, please try not to exclude anyone from your roleplay.

Have fun!


.:Extended Rules:.
Though most know the basic rules of role-plays a reminder ever hurts, and there will always be people new to it.
Here are some rules everyone who appreciate in every role-play unless stated otherwise.

The role-play owner is Goddess, always follow her rules
No excessive swearing, and respect fellow players
No god-moding or metagaming. Translation=don't be all powerful and don't let your character know things they shouldn't. Even if you know who the villain, if your character wouldn't then keep it that way.
No cybering, no advertisements for it either.
Only role-play threads in here, if you have questions or requests post them here.
Let the others know if you will be absent, otherwise be active.
If your RP does die (it happens to the best) please let us know so we can archive it.

I think that's it! If I left anything out, speak up. :3

♥ Mods for this Area:

xXEletrik ObsessionXx