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[FIN] What foalish non-sense(Myrrh&Sadie) Goto Page: 1 2 3 4 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 11:23 am
User Image Oh yes, it was a very pleasant day. The sun was shinning and clouds were far and few between. A cool breeze drifted between the trees and over open valleys like water down the streams and rivers. Lounging in one of the many clearings of the forests, was a gray and dusty brown stallion. His sand and mud colored mane sifted gently as a breeze blew past him. Golden eyes laid closed and ears pressed back against his skull, he wouldn't hear the soft calling of the winds. No Myrrh wouldn't listen to such non-sense that his father and family might. They were all foals still, the lot of them. At times Myrrh wished they would all grow up for once and leave behind the petty sentiment of foalish ways.

Shaking his head, eyes snapping open, Myrrh shook away the clouding thoughts before looking around. Serious eyes watching the shadows as if daring anything there to come out and reveal itself to him. He was tired of foalishness, but he wasn't foolish enough to let himself get into trouble... Right? He could only hope so...  
PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:25 pm
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Pleasent days full of sunshine, cloudless blue skies and the chirping of birds. To the copper husky colored mare, that now wandered through the forest, they were just normal days that came and went as any other day did. They weren't so special to her. If Settia were to hear her say such things she would have been very upset. But the older red mare thought about things differently than Sadie did and she excepted that.

She squinted as she walked out of the forest and into the sudden blinding light of the clearing. She had come there in the hopes of finding some clover to munch on but she would have to look for it once her eye sight returned to her.




PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:35 pm
A silvery gray ear flicked up at the mere sounds of something in the distance, though he didn't move to stand. Let whatever it was come, he feared not the howls in the night that mothers' called 'demons' coming to get the foals if they were bad. He new bloody well that the howls came from wolves and their soquili counterparts, Skinwalkers. A snorts came from the stallion as his head rotated around, scanning the surrounding trees for whatever was walking. His ear twitched again as he caught sight of an outline from the corner of his eye.

Twisting his head back around, he focused on the outline as it came closer into the light, he watched as the dappled light play off the creature's reddish coat like fireflies over a crystalline pool. Golden eyes narrowed slightly as he willed the light and trees as well as the wind to stop playing their tricks upon him and just let him 'see' what was coming. Shaking his head, Myrrh looked again as the mare as she had come from the trees, breaching the shadows and into the fullness of the sunlight. Well at least it wasn't anything, 'deadly'. Remained still, silent, he watched her, not wanting to startle or scare the mare back into the shadows where nothing could really hide from anything.  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:51 am
Sadie growled a bit and shook her head, blinking several times trying to get her eyes adjusted to the light as quickly as she could. She was frustrated with herself for not checking the clearing before she stepped right out into plain sight, knowing full well she would not be able to see for a few moments. It was a stupid move and it could cost her. It wasn't like her to be so reckless and she wasn't sure what was up with her.

Soon enough, her vision came back and she looked about the clearing quickly and scented the air. Her ears flicked about on top of her head, listening for any sound that might alert her to danger. She didn't notice anyone there and was completely unaware of the stallion lounging in the tall grass. Figuring it was alright, she walked further into the clearing and soon found what she had been looking for. She bent to eat the sweet clover all the while her ears still alert for any noises.




PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:01 pm
ears twitched at the presence of the growl that came from the mare, it almost was enough to make him chuckle. Suppressing that urge, Myrrh remained still, though his sand colored tail twitched thus rustling the grass around him. A snort escaping his muzzle the young stallion hoisted himself off the ground. Letting the small bits of sun dried grass fall from his less then splendid looking coat. Shaking himself as if wet, he turned his head toward the mare whom had occupied herself with eating clover.

"There is a better patch then that days old one." he offered quite bluntly. "One that's not in the heat of this ridiculously hot sun." He in point turned his head to one side to glare at the bright orb in the sky. "Unless you like things that are half dried and crumble easily." at this he shrugged in a 'not my business' sort of way.

Conveniently he stepped away from the mare, though in the same direction she was in, though off to the side. To where a small cool spring still flourished even in this steamy weather. Dipping his head down, Myrrh started to drink, letting the water soothed his dried throat, though a golden eye remained watching the direction of the mare, an ear pivoting in her direction, as if expecting some sort of snappy come back...  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 3:23 pm
Her head snapped up instantly as she heard him stand and she watched him prattle on and then go get a drink. She watched him as he watched her and it didn't take her long to think of something to snap back at him. The nerve of him telling her that what she was eating was just some half-dried and crumbled mess.

"Oh yeah?" she huffed raising a brow and flicking her tail in irritation. "So are some know it all stallion who thinks he knows what is best?" she retorted. Okay, so it wasn't her best come back but it was something instead of standing there dumbly and glaring at him. "I am perfectly fine with this patch here. It is not dried or crumbling and tastes just fine to me." and to prove her point she bent down and took a large mouthful.

She chewed it and swallowed and gave him a mocking smirk, though she wasn't sure how effective that would be. She wasn't even sure why his remark had set her off.




PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:03 pm
Pulling his head away from the stream, water still dripping from his chin though goes away after a shake or two. Giving a leveled look toward the mare as she retorted back at him, well well well, had he struck a nerve? Perhaps, though he had a great tendency of doing that to those he's met. Giving the wrong impression that he might be a little too old in the head for his own good. Turning he watched her snag another mouthful of clover from the ground and eat it, was she trying to prove something? From the sounds it was something along them lines.

"Alright, you know best about what you like." He shrugged as if he didn't care much about it all. "I'm just saying, any longer in the sun and it might have been past its due date. Clover is always a skittish thing." He pondered stepping over to an older patch, kicking at the browned ground. "They always tend to expire sooner then those in better cover."

As if almost forgetting about the mare he just stood there looking at teh parched ground where his hoof had scuffed it. Eyes narrowing as he tried to look harder at it, before scuffing again knocking away the brown vegetation to expose the newer underneath. Shaking his head he turned back to the copper and cream colored mare, eying her silently calculating and observing.

"Realistically clover is the main part of anyone's diet, well those that eat grass and the like. So don't mind me, I've always been told I'm too serious about thing." He rolled his eyes a bit at the thought of his parents. "Maybe they were right." This coming a little quieter though still audible. "Anywho..." Goes a bit brain dead, as he had never really had an intelligent conversation in what seemed like years.  
PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 11:26 am
She watched him curiously as he pawed at the parched ground. Then he looked at her and she quickly averted her eyes. She no longer wanted to eat the clover anymore, losing her appetite for the clover with his comment. She decided to get a drink instead and walked around him to go to the stream. She was turned side ways from him so that she could still watch him and dipped her nose into the cool water, washing away the mouthful she had eaten out of spite.

She continued to watch him and raised her head at his comment about some "they" that she didn't know. She crooked a brow curiously. "I do know best about what I like, you're right about that. When one is hungry, though, and what is in front of them is all there is, then you really can't be picky about what you eat." she responded and shrugged. That was what she had been taught as a foal. "One should be grateful for what they have, no matter how past its due date it is." She wasn't sure if she was making any sense at all. The sun was beginning to make her brain fizzle and she wasn't at all happy for her lack of concentration.




PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 11:50 am
Letting his tail twitch behind him and an ear flick off to one side in thought. Shaking his head and letting his mane reshuffle itself over his neck he ambled over closer toward the mare, though keeping to the shade where things were a little cooler then the full blown sunlight. Here the grass was a bit more greener and things looked sweeter perhaps? Who knew until it was tried.

"I'm picky, I prefer to eat things that aren't out in the sunlight unless the sun was cooler." Myrrh nodded sharply as he lowered his head toward a fresher looking patch of clover, some having purple blossoms. "The only time I wouldn't be picky would... I guess be the cold seasons, where everything is... Oh what did father call it..." He closed his eyes to strain his brain.

"Oh, but do forgive me. Here I am yammering on about things and I haven't even introduced myself." He straightened up, pulling his head in a little, front hooves pulled in together. A noble stance he called it. "Those I've known in the foalish non-sense years called me Myrrh. Might I be have the honor of knowing ones name?" he asked looking toward the mare.

He judged that she would have some 'exotic' name. A creature like herself didn't, to him, have 'common' names. With a coat of Copper and Cream, he would have to guess on what one would call herself. Losing the stance he lowered his head again to pull a couple purple blossoms from the clover and munch on then thoughtlessly, waiting.  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 9:41 pm
She watched him as he walked closer to her but still stayed in the shade. Did he really hate being out in the sun that much? His behavior was a bit odd to her but then again, everyone's behavior was odd to someone they had just met.

"One shouldn't be picky ever. Be thankful for whats infront of you. Others have it worse than you do and who knows when the same may happen to you." she replied in a calm tone. Her ears flicked at the mention of his father. So he had a family atleast.

She then watched him as he introduced himself. He looked rather silly in his stance and she had thought that Dustin was the only stallion who had some goofy pose that was supposed to impress the mares he met. Though she did have to hand it to the black stallion she lived with, his stance was a bit more flattering than this stallions was considering Dustin bowed to the mares. "I supposed I should tell you my name since you already have gone and stated yours. It is only polite." she said sighing and watched him with her icey blue eyes. "I'm Sadie, it is nice to meet you, Myrrh."




PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 4:58 pm
Myrrh nodded his head as he swallowed the clover blossoms. He didn't much care about being out in the sun, it was nice to lounge in. The rain really upset him. The way it created mud on the ground that he heard his uncle Eton loved to play in even as old as he was. Shaking his head, Myrrh stepped back out into the light, letting it shine off his odd gray and tan colored body. He was a mishmash of strange dull colors.

"A pleasure, Sadie. I would have thought you would have had a more exotic name. But that proves how much I know." For once a somewhat 'foalish' grin came to his face before it was misplaced again. "Though I've never met one like you, haven't really met anyone besides a filly some time ago that looked like she had weeds growing in her mane."

Myrrh shrugged as he let the warm sun shine down onto his back. Turning his head toward the skies he watched the birds flutter over head, wishing greatly he had the wings of his family, though he was destined to be like his mother. Earth bound. Shaking his head at the misplaced thoughts he looked back toward Sadie, watching how the sun played off her Copper and cream coat.

"You know, you do look really pretty when the sun danced off your coat." He nodded slightly. "When you approached the dappled lighting danced off your coat like lightening bugs over a water's surface. But I'm sure that you hear that from many stallions more or less worthy then me." He turned his head a bit, golden gaze observing.  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:55 am
The sun was beginning to make her warm with her dark coloring. The cream of her belly didn't do much to cool her since it was always out of the sun. But she was suprised when he stepped out into the sun. He had some dark colors as well and imagined that the sun made him rather hot as well, and so she couldn't really blame him for liking the shade so much.

"Exotic? I don't really believe that I am exotic. As far as names go, I think yours is more exotic than mine will ever be. Though I am not sure what you would call a normal name to begin with." she responded, feeling the tension, that she had not known was there, leaving her body. She that a small smirk come to her lips in repsonse to his grin.

She still watched him, not ready to be so casual as to take her eyes off of him but she was getting thirsty again with the heat. Finally she bent down again to sip from the cool stream. Soon she would have to be out of the sun for a while. As she looked back up she caught his compliment about her coat and was rather taken back by it. She couldn't help but blush a bit and then silently cursed herself for it.

"Um...thanks, I suppose." she said a bit too quickly before shaking her head to recover. "Actually I don't hear that from many others. I don't really run into a lot of others when I am out." she said a bit calming, hoping he had not caught her embarassment.




PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 4:24 pm
Normal, name wise? He didn't rightly know what he could consider 'normal'. His family's names were all... Bland to say the least, his own included at times. Myrrh, a name for a plant, thought this mare thought it exotic? Perhaps it was in a sort of light, perhaps not to many others. Myrrh stood in contemplation for a bit letting the hot sun beat down on his back until he felt like his coat was on fire and moved back into the shadow where he could cool off once more.

"I haven't met many others, so I wouldn't know 'normal' even if it slapped me in the face." He admitted as being an unsocial butterfly. "Being around big crowds tends to bring out the, as most would put it, pigheadedness. I don't mingle with others too great."

Ok maybe more then he wanted to 'share' but if they were going to get everything out into the open, then hell, maybe it was worth it. Right? A brow arched a little as he noted the slight hint of color that had come to her face though thought nothing really of it as he hadn't really been around many other Soquili to know what a plush really was.  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:33 pm
She watched as he retreated into the shade and decided that that was a good idea and followed him. Instantly her coat felt a hundred degrees cooler than it had before and her head felt much clearer. Though again, her eye sight was messed up since she was no longer in the intense flare of the sun.

"Everyone has thier own deffinition of normal. It just depends on what your morals and values are, I suppose." she commented, blinking several times while her eyes adjusted to the dimness. "I have to admit though, that I too have not met many others. I can't stand some large crowds becuase there is always something that tends to annoy me and I get enough of that from one individual and my entire herd. Well...almost my entire herd." she said as she regained her sight once more.

She was relieved that he had not caught on to her embarassment over his comment and her lack of recieving such things. Though she wondered if maybe he hadn't noticed because he had never come across it before, seeing as how he hadn't met alot of others.




PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:52 pm
Ears flicking backwards, he heard her following him back into the dim of the shadows. Here it was cooler and the air less muggy, the insects as well were less then out in the blunt sunlight. Here he was able to see more clearly without having to squint, or blink away the spots that come from the sun's light. Yes, it was much better in the shade and more sensible.

"So it seems that we are in the same boat. Sort of speak, my family, well my father's side at least all have wings. My sisters included, always bragging on about it." He went on, "I don't really see much difference between having wings and not. Besides the ability to fly, that's only a commodity."

Stopping again he shook his head, here was yammering on again. More then likely boring her to ears and really wanting to leave him. Keeping his dignity he turned away a little to look off toward the mountains, or what he could see of them from where they were standing. He hadn't been home in a while nor did he think he wanted to go home. The sound of her home kinda reminded him of his own, a ignorance that no one really liked to deal with.

"I am sorry if I am boring you to tears, Sadie. It's not my intent, I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to leave. Seems that's my fate, to bore and drive others away without even thinking..." His gaze remained looking toward the mountains, though an ear turned in her direction.  
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