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243. BONE CLUB = Con. type Tough = Sp attack formula + flinching

Clubs the foe with a bone ..may cause flinching.

244. BONE RUSH = Con. type Tough = Sp attack formula with dmg/5

Strike the foe with a bone in hand 2 to 5 times. This attack if successful can only be dodged during the attack turns, and thus if the opponent is unable to avoid the attack they take damage during thier defensive & attack turn. A counterattack is not possible, while this attack is in use.

245. BONEMERANG = Con. type Tough = Sp attack formula with/2 dmg

Throws a bone boomerang that strike twice. A counter attack can not take place when this attack is in used. Dmg is split in half with one part being done during the attack phase, and the second being done during the defensive phase.

246. DIG = Con. type Smart = Regular Attack formula + Regular Attack formula.

Digs undergrond the first turn, and then strikes the next turn. This attack must be successfully in the accuracy roll twice to hit, and during the defensive turn the opponent can not hit the pokemon unless they use a move that can target a pokemon underground. Formula ((dmg from first attack phase + dmg from second attack phase = overall dmg for the attack))

247. EARTHQUAKE = Con. type Tough = Sp attack formula

A powerful quake, but has no effect on flying foes. This attack hits everyone on the field, including allies if it's a two on two battle.

248. FISSURE = Con. type Tough = all of hp if it hits (if the roll is 15 or higher)

A one-hit KO move that drops the foe in a fissure. If this attack hits, the battle is over with, unless your pokemon is a flying type which can not be hit by Fissure. This attack can not kill any pokemon, but simply faints them.

249. MAGNITUDE = Con. type Tough = Sp attack forumla

This attack can't hit flying types. A ground-shanking attack that random intensity. If the user rolls a 4 +7 to the dmg, if it's a 8 + 6 to the dmg, if it's a 10 + 5 to the dmg, if it's an 12 + 4 to the dmg, if it's 14 + 3 to the dmg, if it's a 18 + 2 to the dmg, if it's 20 + 1 dmg

250. MUD SHOT =Con. type Tough = Sp attack forumla + 5 reduce spd by 1

Hurls mud at the foe and reduces Speed

251.MUD SPORT = Con. type Cute = - 5dmg for Electric attack against user

Covers the user in mud to raise electrical resistance

252. MUD-SLAP = Con. type Cute = Sp attack formula + 5 lowers acc. by 1

Hurls mud in the foe's face to reduce it's accuaracy

253. SAND-TOMB = Con. type Smart = Sp attack formula - 2 dmg/5

Traps and hurts the foe in quicksand for 2 to 5 turns. IF a opponent is hit by this move, they are trapped & unable to switch until this attack is over. This attack can only be avoided during the user's attack phase, and will not allow for any counter-attacks during the attack.

254. SAND-ATTACK = Con. type Cute = -1 Acc.

Reduces the foe's accuracy by hurling sand in its face.

255. SPIKES = Con. type Smart = same dmg as lvl

Sets spikes that hurt a foe switching out.This attack causes no dmg when used, but if the opponent tries to switches out pokemon the incoming pokemon will take dmg from this attack.

256. EARTH POWER = Con. type Smart = Sp attack formula + 5 lowers Sp. Def by one

An power that comes directly from the earth, and lowers the foe's Sp. Def one stage.

257. MUD BOMB = Con. type Smart = Sp. attack formula + 2 dmg and if the user rolls + 5 higher than foe lower opponent's acc. by one.

The user condenses the mud into a bubble as the attack is launched with a much more messier results

258. Bulldozer = attack formula [+5 = -1 spd]

The user stomps down the ground and attacks everything in the area. If it hits the pokemon's speed is reduced. Hits all pokemon in the battle including allies

259. Drill Run = attack formula [rolls of 10, 11, & 20 are critical hits, and will do double dmg instead of increasing accuracy]

The user crashes into it's opponent while rotating it's body like a drill. critical land much more easier.