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Reply [IC] Rogue Lands [IC]
Let's leave the past behind us [Dhoofika'Haba x Aibisho]

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Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:04 pm
AIM RP Log -- Krysin & Felyn
Dhoofika'Haba & Aibisho

Dhoofika'haba had slipped away from his family (his two mothers and his many sisters) for the single purpose of letting his mind have some peace. Their family never did have a fair environment for himself and his brother. His sisters had been favored, while in other families it was more likely for the sons to be favored. Both Dhoof and Aibisho at times could feel that lack of love from their mothers. Dhoof felt it distinctly at this moment, when Kiuma had begun to teach his sisters more intensely about hunting methods. Dhoofika and Aibisho had to wait for there's, and the quality of their lessons were considerably worse. Still, the brothers did know the basics of hunting. Dhoof didn't believe that his mothers would be so negligent, and if Kiuma did not teach them hunting, it was mostly Baala who came up to teach them. His black mother seemed more sympathetic to them than his red mother. If he thought enough, Dhoof could come to the conclusion for a few seconds that Baala loved her children equally.

Kiuma didn't, and his sisters seemed to strive in the environment they were raised in. Dhoof had been picked on from birth, even if he was larger than the girls. The girls could get away with being mean and playing pranks, but if Dhoof ever attempted the same he would get punished. So, he had developed the attitude of not fighting back. His body was strong, but his mind was weak. Even when alone with his brother, his voice was soft and timid. He wasn't extremely intelligent either, or at least it didn't seem that way. He talked so infrequently that it was difficult to determine whether he was plain stupid or had some intelligence to him. Dhoof cowarded in the presence of his prissy sisters, and he even ran to his brother for comfort when his sisters were being particularly mean. He had no backbone to speak of, and after spending so much time with his family, it was unlikely he would ever develop now.

Even now when he was away from the girls, he looked demure and submissive. There was no telling when they'd show up, and there was no telling when Dhoof would decide to go back and see them. But, for now he felt vaguely safe when away from them, but not safe enough to relax. He only ever did feel safe when with his brother, which was why he was searching for him now. His red eyes scanned the area, looking for his brilliantly bright red brother. Right now he'd very much prefer to revel in the security that being with his brother provided to him on so many occassions.

Aibisho frowned down at his reflection in the water, staring at the half-healed scratch that marred his cheek, narrowing his eyes on it as the rippling surface made it dance back at him. With a growl, he threw his paw down against it, sending waves of water crashing elsewhere, soaking his fur and wetting his face. That only put him in a worse mood, but he wiped it off and turned away - just in time to see Dhoof.

"We need to talk," he said with a snap, his eyes shifting around, tangerine orbs making sure none of the girls had followed their brother in an attempt to torture him or something of the like. They liked to do that. Confident that they were alone, he turned his eyes back to his brother as he sat down upon a large stone. "Sit down, Dhoof," he said slowly, loweirng his voice, "this is important."

He had frozen in place when his brother turned his gaze to him, and he could practically see the bad mood cloud hanging over Aibisho's head. His lips curled down into a petite frown as he took in the partially healed scar on his brother's cheek. He might have asked Aibisho more about that, but his brother wasn't in a good mood, and Dhoof knew well enough just to be quiet when someone was in a bad mood. His sisters had taught him that lesson well, and he winced slightly at the memories. Well, at least he knew now that he wouldn't be getting his much desired comfort from his brother.

"Okay," he replied softly, and slowly made his way over to his brother. He sat down at the base of the rock that his brother had perched himself on top of, his loyal red eyes peering into the face of his sibling. Something was definitely up, but Dhoof would allow Aibisho to speak without being questioned constantly. He had been taught manners, and to use those manners when in front of his sisters, but they had carried on to him being polite and even timid to everyone else. "What do we need to talk about?" He prompted his brother into speaking with his soft, sweet voice. It was a voice that was mostly ineffective, and had no strength of command in it whatsoever.

Aibi frowned slightly at his brother, taking in his rather meek temperment, his lack of command. He was angry at them for that, for putting them both down, for beating them both into submission, but he was mostly angry at them for that. Dhoof hadn't always been so weak and timid, had he?

"We're leaving," he said, simple as that, though quiet in case his sisters did happen to be lurking anywhere close. So long as they left, left without anyone seeing, they could do it. If they found out, especially his mom, he would be in for it.

"We're leaving, you and me," he said, tail flickering, though his head hunched and he let his eyes dart around in case someone was near. "WE're old enough, we can go out on our own, survive. We'll go somewhere where they want us, where they don't hate us."

"We are?"

The question was spoken in such confusion, in such surprise that it was clear Dhoof had never thought of such a thing. He had resigned himself to his fate, and had figured out a way to survive with his sisters so that existance was tolerable. Never once had he thought about leaving, and he was shocked that his brother had said it with such strength and surety. He made it seem that no matter what they were leaving. Dhoof thought for sure his mother and sisters would put a stop to such thoughts. They had never told them to 'get lost', had kept them even if they weren't at all favored. In fact, their life wasn't all that great, but thoughts of actually leaving had been squashed. He didn't think he could survive without his sisters.

He felt so lost in that moment, torn between the forced loyalty to the female members of his family, and the true loyalty he had to his brother. "But who would want us?" he asked in a soft, plaintive voice. It seemed like to him that no one would want them. Their own family didn't want them. If they left they'd be on their own, just him and his brother, and while that wasn't bad at all... for some reason he was still hesistant. It was so sudden, and Aibisho made it seem like he didn't have a choice.

But... he should be used to that. He never did have a choice before in anything that the family did. Maybe now he had lost his ability to choose in the presence of his brother. He wasn't even sure what he wanted to do... but if his brother wanted to go, Dhoof would follow. He would suffer if left alone with his sisters, and eventually would be forced to leave on his own. If Aibisho was so set on leaving, he needn't even ask for his brother to follow, Dhoof would do it without questioning.  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:06 pm
"Yes," Aibisho said with a sigh, shutting his eyes, irritated and irritable all at once. "I'm so tired of being stuck here with them, punching bags and toys, pushed around by our sisters and not even paid attention to by mom. What's the use of even being here if they just do that?" He growled, paws digging into the earth beneath them, claws unsheathing and scraping up soil.

"I've talked to other lions," he said with a shake of his head, opening his eyes to turn their bright hues upon his brother, "males aren't reated like us in other places, Dhoof. Males are treated good, like the females are, it's only.. mom." He shook his head, glancing away, towards the horizon. This had been on his mind forever, for ages, and he wasn't just going to let her keep them tied down like this in a place where they were tolerated at best. "She wouldn't even care if we went missing now. We can take care of ourselves, and that's what she'd tell Baala too."

Yes, it sounded as if Dhoof didn't have much of a choice in this situation. His brother wanted to leave, and he would dutifully follow. His loyalty to his brother had always been stronger than his loyalty to the rest of his family. He lowered his eyes, hating to see the irritation in his brother's eyes. Something had pushed him to this final decision, and nothing Dhoof would say could make Aibisho change his mind. Dhoof didn't have that kind of strength. "Okay," he said softly, timidly. He glanced back up to his brother briefly, and gave him a tentative smile. "At least we'd be treated better elsewhere, right?"

Unlike his brother, Dhoof hadn't spoken to a soul outside of the family. Perhaps he was scared of his sisters finding out, and using his escapades as an excuse to do harm unto him. He had never been as daring as his brother - his sisters had beaten him into half the lion he could have been. Never would he become what he should've, it was too late for that. "They are?" Once again it was a softspoken question, one that didn't demand an answer, but would awfully enjoy having one. "I guess... she wouldn't, not really," he said with a soft, sad frown. "Baala would worry, but mother wouldn't care, and eventually Baala wouldn't either. They'd just forget that we ever existed, probably." That was the sad, but undeniable truth.

Aibisho knew, deep down, that his brother only agreed to this because he told him to. Better that than him staying here though. Dhoof couldn't think for himself, he never did, and if that meant that Aibi had to lead the way then so be it. At least he would be taking him somewhere where he wasn't beaten down and beaten up, somewhere where someone other than he himself might appreciate him. "Yeah, at least we'd be treated better somewhere else."

"Yes, they are. Other places, males are just as important, if not more, other places there are kings, Dhoof." He shook his head, pushing himself up onto his paws, and began to pace angrily back and forth in front of the waterwhole. Oh, he knew that if he had ever been heard talking to some of the lions he had talked to, he would have been in trouble. They had filled his head with ideas, with stories, with so much stuff that it had been quite a while since he had first thought up this idea.

He sighed, pausing to glance over his shoulder, tail flickering. "They'll forget, but we'll all be happy, right? We're not meant to be here, we're meant to be somewhere else." He was sure of it, they were meant to find another home, somewhere else, not with their mothers and their sisters, somewhere where they were appreciated.

The treatment that the brothers had received had taken different effects on them. Aibisho had always been stronger, and at one point Dhoof had been strong too. He just hadn't been strong enough to be able to take what his sisters dished out to him and come back stronger from it. Aibisho had been, and Dhoof could see that now. His brother glowed with the strength of body and mind. He was everything Dhoof was supposed to be, but had failed to become, and some part of Dhoof knew that. That part was made sad because of it, but there was nothing that could be done about it. "And we'd be together," he said in a soft, hopeful voice. It would just be them for a while, and that would be nice. It would be even nicer to eventually be treated decently, too.

His soft eyes followed his brother's pacing, a concerned frown etched onto his maw. Aibisho was flowing the energy, Aibisho was ready to leave. Dhoof wasn't sure if he was... but that didn't matter so much right now. "Kings?" The idea of males having so much power made his lips twitch up into a smile. It was a pleasant thought - Dhoof would like to be a king one day, so that no one would treat him as poorly as his sisters and mother had treated him.

"I'll be happy so long as I'm with you," he replied sincerely. Oh, there was no doubt that Dhoof would be content anywhere, so long as he had his brother by his side to comfort him when times got rough, or when other lions got rough with him. He was a lion who would forever be dependent on others, simply because he hadn't been raised well enough, hadn't the strength to be strong on his own. "I guess if we aren't treated nicely here, we're not meant to be here. It makes... sense."

"Yes, we'd be together," he said finally, stalking quicker, tail lashing behind him as he did so, "without mom, without our sistesr, without anyone to be mean to us or put us down or tell us that we're wrong." He turned his blazing eyes upon his brother, turned his body to face him. "Don't you see, Dhoof? We can leave this all behind us, leave our past behind us, start over somewhere new where noone knows any of this. We can just be two normal lions with normal lives."

His eyes grew distant, wistful for a moment, before he turned back to look at himself in the waterhole. He could leave everything behind and go somewhere else. That's all he wanted to do. He and Dhoof, they could start over.

"You and me together, whatdya say, Dhoof?" he asked, quietly, almost sadly as he stared down at his reflection, simply standing there and gazing upon the fiery figure that gazed back at him from the murky water.


Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:29 pm
He couldn't keep his brother's gaze, not when the gaze was so fierce. Submissively he lowered his eyes, staring down at his creamy toes. They wiggled in discomfort, shifting the earth only slightly underneath them. His brother was so passionate about it, and though he did long for such freedom, he was still anxious and uncertain. He didn't have that passion Aibisho had. Perhaps he didn't because he hadn't met any lions, he hadn't heard from them how wonderful the world could be to males. He nodded his head slowly, signaling that he did understand. But, his voice had grown weak in his throat. Was it fear? It might be, because he was leaving the security of his family to travel alone with his brother. So many things could happen to them... they could easily get hurt. Even if they weren't treated well within the family, they had protection here. Elsewhere they would not.

He stood up and walked to his brother's side loyally, because right now he firmly believed that Aibisho wanted his loyalty, wanted him with him. Dhoof did not have the strength to do otherwise. His red eyes stared idly down at their reflections, and silently he wondered if he would ever be able to speak his own thoughts. Would he ever stop being scared of the consequences his words could bring? Maybe, just maybe, if they left he'd stop being so fearful and submissive. It was something to hope for.

He turned his head to the side so that his gaze could stare calmly into the face of his brother. He nodded his head subtly, a smile blossoming onto his face. "Let's get away from here," he said softly, but it had some form of conviction, of surety. It wasn't much, but it was something.

Aibisho saw his brother come up to his side, and part of him felt relieved when he did. That was as sure a sign as any, even before he spoke, that he was going to agree to his wishes. It made him feel bad, sometimes, to force Dhoof into things, but if he didn't, they would, and better he than them right? Right.

"Once we leave, Dhoof, there's no turning back, they won't let us come back," he knew what he spoke was truth, he was almost sure of it. If they ever tried to return to their mother, he was sure she would be less than forgiving, less than kind about it. She would probably have gotten rid of them eventually anyway, told them to leave. What use did she have for boys, after all? He turned his eyes up to peer into his brothers, a smile spreading over his face. "Ready?"

Dhoof was the most malleable of substances, easily manipulated and easy to give in. It was how he was raised to be, and in the end that did not make him the strongest of lions. If his brother wanted to leave, he would follow even if he himself did not want to go. Even now he wavered in indecision, but he didn't dare voice that to his brother. Aibisho was so sure that leaving would be the best thing for the two brothers. Aibisho had no doubts... and Dhoof did not want to start giving him any. If they were going to make it, Aibisho would have to be strong, strong for the both of them because Dhoof could never be strong enough for half of himself. Without his brother, he likely would not be able to make it on his own.

"I know," he replied softly, almost sadly at the fact that his family cared so little for him. They wouldn't care if he left, and if he came back they would only show him cruelty - his sisters especially. Once they left, there would be no returning home to the safety and security of a family. They would only have each other, and maybe in some instances having each other was better than having all the sisters in the world. "Ready," he said, mirroring his brother's smile. The girls were out hunting, and so no one would notice them disappearing until it was too late. If they left now, nothing could stop them, and they would be free from the torment they had been made to suffer through. Dhoof was sure it would feel nice, because it felt nice thinking about it. He wanted to live a day without cruelty, and it seemed as if that day was soon coming.

Aibisho nodded at his brothers final agreement, his tail flickering behind him, and he spared one last glance down at the pair of them in the watering hole. This was the last time he would be standing here looking down on himself, the last time he would be here in the lands his mother had raised him, the last time he would be in the lands he knew. This was the beginning of a journey, the beginning of something new. This was the beginning of the rest of their life.

"Alright," he said, turning his back on the watering hole, heading in a direction that had been pointed out by a lion he had talked to a few days before, "we're gone."
[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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