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174. AERIAL ACE = Con. type Cool = ((attack -defense))

An extremely speedy and unavoidable attack

175. AEROBLAST = Con. type Cool = Sp attack formula /roll 20 x 2 dmg

Launches a vacuumed blast. This attack has an high critical hit ratio, and if the user rolls a 20 on thier attack turn, this move instead of raising the attack accuarcy by 1 hits with x2 the damage

176. AIR CUTTER= Con. type Cool = Sp Attack formula/roll 20 x 2 dmg

Hacks with razorlike wind. This attack has an high critical hit raito, and if the user rolls a 20 on thier attack turn, this move does x2 damage instead of raising the user's accuarcy by one that turn. Also, Air cutter is a move that hits more than one opponent, and is quite valuable in a double team battle

177. BOUNCE =Con. type Cute = Attack formula + Paralyze

Bounce is an unusally attack the user actually managed to avoid all attack the first term, and jumps high into the air, and on the second turn come down for an attack. With this attack, the damage is figured on the second attack turn when the user comes down to hit with the attack.

178. DRILL PECK = Con. type Cool = Attack formula + 5dmg

A corkscrewing attack with the beak acting as a drill

179. FEATHERDANCE = Con. type Beauty = -2 Attack opponent

Envelops the foe with down to sharply reduce attack

180. FLY =Con. type Smart = regular Attack formula

Flies up on the first turn, and then strikes on the next turn. The user of this move will avoid most attacks on the first turn by flying up, and out of reach & on the second turn attack. It is on the second attack turn that the user will formula damage.

181. GUST =Con. type Smart = Sp attack formula

Strikes the foe with a gust of wind whipped up by wings. Even if an opponent tries to fly away ..this attack will hit as it uses tornado like wind to attack one's foe.

182. MIRROR MOVE = Con. type Smart = same attack as user ((dice roll stilled used))

Counters the foe's attack with the same move. It doesn't matter what attack the opponent used the last term ..this move will copy, and do the exact same dmg/infliction of status to the opponent.

183.PECK = Con. type Cool = regular attack formula

Attacks the foe with a jabbing beck,etc.

184. SKY ATTACK = Con. type Cool = ((user's accuarcy - foe accuarcy + users Sp. Attack +Sp attack - foe's defense =dmg))

This attack actually charges up for one turn as the user won't attack until thier second attack turn. This attack when uses takes over two attack turns, and has the ability to cause flinching. The attack though must be successful accuacry wise for two turns in order to successfully be used as an attack.

185. WING ATTACK = Con. type Cool = Attack formula

Strikes the foe with wings spread wide

186. AIR SLASH = Con. type Cool = Sp attack formula + flinch

The user actually uses wind pressure to create blades of wind that slice into an opponent.

187. BRAVEBIRD = Con. type Cute = Attack formula +5/5 = user damage

Bravebird is an attack where the user puts themselves at risk as they drive at thier opponent to try and hit and get a powerful hit. It takes a truily brave bird to utilizy this attack

188. CHATTER = Con. type Smart = Sp attack formula + Confusion

Chatter is a move where the user tries to confuse thier opponent with mindless chatter. This is an weak sp attack, that relies more heavily on it's side effect then on the actual damage that it can do.

189. DEFOG = Con. type Beauty = -1 def. accuary of foe & +1 attack accuarcy of user.

This attack move ..lowers the foe's ablity to dodge by clearing away the cloud in the eyes of the user, and decreasing the ability of the foe to escape.

190. PLUCK = Con. type Cute = attack formula [x2 attack if holding a berry]

If the user is holding a berry they literally seemed to pluck up as they feel a huge sense of confidences in their attacks, while they hold something that can help them if things go out of control in thier claws, beak, flippers, etc.

191. ROOST = Con. type Cool = restore's half of max Hp

They say that you should beware when a bird comes home to roost, but in this case ...if you are the user you have nothing to fear as this defensive attack if successful will restore exacly half of the Max Hp of the user

192. TAILWIND = Con. type Smart = raises team speed by 2 for 5 turns.

By literally putting the wind to one's back, the pokemon & it's party can move with an extra boost of speed as it moves quickly.

193. Acrobatics =attack formula/2 but if the opponent isn't holding an held object it's attack formula x2

It lightly attacks the opponent. The damage is larger when the opponent isn't holding a held item.

194. Hurricane = Sp. attack formula +5 dmg [Confusion]

It surrounds it's opponent with a monstrous wind. It may confusion.

195. Sky Drop = attack formula

It attacks by raising the opponent skywards on the first attack turn, and then dropping them on the second. The opponent that has been raised can't move, and thus loses it's attack turn. This dmg for this attack isn't figured out until the second attack turn when the user crashes back to earth, and can not be counter attacked on that second attack turn.