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[PRP] Older, yet the same. (Hema, Liang, Khirsah) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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I Lady Kiya I

Obsessive Fairy

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 12:30 am
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Time seemed to speed up for Hema as she got older. Not much had changed with her, except that she was bigger. Her hair was curly like her mothers. She seemed to shimmer a bit more then when she was a foal. She slowly walked out of the brush.It'd been a while since she actually ventured into this area since she was a foal.

Clouds where out, threatening to rain. She didn't mind. The rain was nice, though she was sure it wasn't going to rain until later that night. Or it would have already started pouring. The air was cold, and left her wanting to shiver as she walked. She wasn't sure on what she was doing, or where she was going yet. It made adventures more fun when you didn't know everything about them. What was a adventure if you knew where you were going?
PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 12:38 am
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Khirsah's booming voice traveled far from where his was as he started in the ritual shouting match as always when it came to him and Liang being near one another. " why in the hell must you be so damn annoying Liang? yoru the most Vain, egotisical, stallion i know who has a holyer than thou problem with thier attitude!!!" tossign his long flowing mane that had now grown once since he was a foal, but now he was a large adult and face to face with the one stallion he hated but loved annoyign when he could.
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" oh please you pig headed brute, i thought you could come up with something better than that. and all that yellign is only gonna attract unwanted attention." was all liang replied in a caml, smooth voice as a cocky smirk came to his face. oh he loved being an adult now but khirsah seemed to still be the same irritating brute that made his wings ruffle when he irritated him but for now he was rather calm and enjoying khirsah's lame come backs.

samus x

Ice-Cold Cat

I Lady Kiya I

Obsessive Fairy

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 12:49 am
Well, that was strange. Hema could hear a argument close by to where she was. Turning, she spotted who she thought she'd find. A light yellow stallion with a blue stallion. One of them even confirmed that they were who she thought by saying a name. Though, she didn't need them to say one of their names to know it was them.

"Well, well. I see things haven't changed" She said as she got closer to the two stallions. Other then their appearances, to her they seemed to be the same. She stopped a few feet away from the two fighting stallions. Flicking her wings as she raised an eye brow. Her silver eyes seemed to glow in the day light. One would think she'd be blind with how her eyes looked.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 12:58 am
Liang's eyes twinkled in amusment as he was confermed correct that Khirsah's yellign whould cause unwanted attention. atlest it was someone they had met from childhood atlest, was the thought he had was he eyed Hema with his own silver eyes. "well look what the yelling did Khirsah. dreadfully sorry if his yelling caused any problems." he gave a charming smile to Hema as he learn how to keep up in his gentlemen was unlike as a foal he was quick to get huffy thoug he still had his outbursts.

Khirsah glared at Liang and snorted. " oh knock off the damn act Liang." rufflign his wings, he then eyed hema and contuned. " seemes things never change specialy when it comes to this idiot Liang." wrinkling his muzzle, his green eyes seemed to blend with his dark blue coat as he shot another glare at Liang whom he knew always never let a chance go by without insulting him.

samus x

Ice-Cold Cat

I Lady Kiya I

Obsessive Fairy

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:04 am
She let a small giggle pass threw as she shook her head. They were quite amusing. "I'm sure if it caused any problems I'd join in your little yelling games." she said to Liang as she bounced her eyes from both of them. It had been a while since she last ran into them, but she wasn't too upset for not running into them again when they where foals. "I guess I shouldn't be too surprised." She said with a grin, this would prove rather amusing.  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:12 am
Liang made a tsking noise at Hema's comment. " yelling is dredfully horrible to do. it causes such a fuss and i beleive only pig headed brutes like Khirsah yell and scream." he spoke in a calm even voice as he tryed never to yell if he could help it as he though of it as a horrible thing. " and i suppose he might be correct in saying some things never change. i know atlest he has not." givign a charming grin, he knew he would rile khirsah up with his simi suddle insults.

Khirsah snapped at Liang wing, causing liang to swiftly move away from him. " i said knock it off liang you high and mighty jurk. you think you so better than everyone but your not." ears flicked back, he tossed his mane still glaring at Liang. " seems you havent changed really at all Hema though same as before i will never know how you can stand there amused by all of this."

samus x

Ice-Cold Cat

I Lady Kiya I

Obsessive Fairy

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:23 am
She wanted to laugh at Liang. He acted almost TOO innocent, almost though. He was believable, but on the boarder line of it. She quickly turned her attention from Liang to khirsah as he nipped at Liangs wing. How couldn't someone find this amusing. She Nodded at his question. "Well, I'm sure if you where in my hooves, you'd find this situation quite amusing as well. "

"And I quite like myself the way I am. I didn't think I needed to change." she flicked her wing and flipped her curled mane. "But I would have expected a little maturity from the both of you." She said. Though, she wasn't one to talk. She wasn't that mature, unless of course she had to be.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:33 am
Liang gave a dramatic sigh as he swiftly and gracefully moved from khirsah who snapped at his wing. " come on khirsah must you contiune being so barbaric and immature." he then flashed a innocent, charming smile at Hema. " i do beleive you must be mistakin if you beleive im being immature in any way. i think im being rather mature between me and khirsah. unlike khirsah i grew up and became mature." ruffling his wings to adjust his feathers, he tossed his mane to also fix it from geting a bit messed up by Khirsah's surpise snap.

Khirsah grumbled and snorted as he contiuned in his glaring at Liang who he felt was jsut trying to piss him off worse. " mayeb but then again im not in your hoofs now am i Hema?" sighing, he gave up on the battle between him and liang for now that is as it always started up again. " i think i can be mature when i feel like it. i just am annoyied beyond anything with Liang and besides i think im allowed to be immature when i want to." grunting, he pawed the ground a little figuring today was gonna just be one of those days. " besides enough of us what about you Hema."

samus x

Ice-Cold Cat

I Lady Kiya I

Obsessive Fairy

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:42 am
She snickered again at Liang. He could probably make any mare fall in love with him and them rip their hearts out before they even realized it. Hema thought that's probably what would happen in the future. Some helpless mare would fall for him, and he'd just push her away. In a polite rude way, of course.

Her eyes continued to bounce from one to the other as they talked. "Me? I don't think there's anything interesting about me." She said with a smirk. "As me being mature or immature, it would really have to depends on the situation" She said nodding trying to look serious and not smile. " What I don't get, is why you two hate each other so much." She flicked her mane and eyed them both once again. "It puzzles me on how you both annoy each other so much. I don't believe I've seen any other two horses like you two."
PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:51 am
hema was most likey right in thinking Liang could maybe make any mare fall for him then break their heart due to him beign so into himself and feeling others where beneath him. still lian kept the charm smile as he moved his way over to her. " im sure you could find somethign interesting about yourself or what you been up to since we last saw each other." again he gave a dramtic sigh as she went into talkign about how he and khirsah bickered and fought. " to put it mildly we just are too opposite to ever get along but im sure Khirsah here can sum it up better." inoccently grinning, he knew khirsah would take the bait of his insult.

Khirsah just shrugged at them both. " well then i dont see why you find me and liang here interesting at all when all him and i do is argue whenever we see one another." he then shot a glare at Liang and watched as he kept up the mister gentlemen act. " cut the act Liang. you and i both know you wanted to say im a brute and your a gentleman and thats why we disagree. no its cause you act high and mighty." snorting, he flicked his tail in irritation.

samus x

Ice-Cold Cat

I Lady Kiya I

Obsessive Fairy

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:00 am
"Well, I guess some people aren't so full of themselves." She said with a smirk as he walked towards her. "And as to what I've been doing since we last spoke, little of that and perhaps a little of this." Well, it would probably bore them if she started going into details, so it was best to just not say anything. Plus, she wasn't interested in telling any stories.

She raised an eye brow as she looked back to Khirsah. Well, they may be opposite, but it didn't mean they couldn't get along. She shrugged. "Some find suffering of other's rather amusing." She said, of course there was a fine line to what type of suffering that was amusing to her. Arguing, that didn't involve herself, was quite laugh-able.

"So.... Let me get this straight." She looked at Khirsah, then the Liang and back to Khirsah. "You don't like him because he's high on himself, and he doesn't like you because he thinks your a waste of space?" She let escape a laugh. "You act like your two are siblings."
PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:09 am
" oh really are you tryign to mply somethign by sayign that Hema dear?" Liang repled calm and self asured as he stayed next to her now. " and i suppose if you do not want to get into whatever you been up to that is your busness." tossing his mane, he eyed Khirsah. " if thats how you want to put it be my guest Khirsah." giving a cocky grin, he then made a tskign sound again. "correction, i dislike khirsah because he is a brute, barbaric and has no mannors what so ever. i beleive being a gentleman, having manors and having good looks is of most importtance."

Khirsah grunted and shook his head. "whatever as he said your buseness is your buseness." he then rolled his eyes at both of them. " how anyoen can stand someone as vain and fake as Liang is beyond me and hats more indetail why i hate him." unlike liang he used the word hate as he truely did at times hate him though they had a 'i hate you' type of friendship wether they liked it or not. "and do we always have to get into me and liang? i see no reason to laugh about it ether."

samus x

Ice-Cold Cat

I Lady Kiya I

Obsessive Fairy

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:17 am
"I'm not implying anything." She smiled innocently at Liang. She shrugged at the two of them, now looking at nothing but the grass in front of her. "Well, it doesn't have to be about you two, I was just curious is all." She shrugged again. "I'm sure you'll get questions like that with other's you run into." She nodded. "plus, it's good to know a little about who you talk to." She paused.

"You've just got to ask the right questions to get the answers you want." She said. "Now, off the subject of yourselves, anyone care for a flight? Perhaps a little adventure." She asked with a smirk. "Try to put behind differences and have a bit of fun." She paused "Unless you're scared, that is."
PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:16 pm
Liang gave a raised brow at how innocent she was smiling at him. no matter he would let it slide as a gentleman it wouldnt due to cause more grumblings except when it came to Khirsha then all bets where off. " no matter and if a flight is what you wish than we shall." oh he didnt mind going out flying for a while though he would not back down when challenged. eyeing Khirsah now, he figured he would go along with it.

Khirsah gave a bored yawn as he listened to both Hema and Liang. " fine, if that is what you really want to do. plus i rather not contiune staying here anyways." snortign and stretchign his wings, he waited for hema to take the lead since she started the whole wantign to go flying. ether way he was done staying in one place and a nice flight sounded good to him.

samus x

Ice-Cold Cat

I Lady Kiya I

Obsessive Fairy

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 1:17 pm
The moment they both said yes, she just simply stood back to open her wings and with one strong flap of them she was up in the air. It was fun to get the wind threw her feathers and mane. Even if it was cold, it still felt nice. It didn't take long for her to pick a direction, she didn't even wait for the others. They'd follow soon enough. She spun in circles as she started towards west. It'd been a while since she flew, but she never flew this way.  
Open/Private Canon IC RP

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