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What is their name?
Hannelore Abendroth

Do they have any nicknames/aliases?
Rip Van Winkle

How old are they?

What is their gender?

What is their sexual orientation?

Are they human or deviant?

What are their powers/abilities?
An extremely powerful Telekinetic...kind of. Her telekinesis seems to be bound to an old Jezail rifle she keeps with her at all times. Rip can control bullets shot solely from this rifle, changing it's trajectory to never miss a shot and hit multiple targets.

Do they have any notable weaknesses?
She can only control bullets from her rifle.

What is their personality like?
Much like her name sake, Rip is rather childish, impulsive and impatient. You will often find her dancing, singing and twirling her rifle like a baton. She loves causing mayhem and destruction and follows the Dominions instructions without question.

What is their backstory?
Hannelore Abendroth. She was born in Erndtebruck, Germany where her father was in the German Air Force's Reserve's. He was also a horrible drunk who often beat her and did other unspeakable horrors to her. One one such occasion she managed to get her hands on her great grandfathers old Jezail Rifle. The old WW2 rifle should have never fired but it did. The bullet should have missed, but it didn't. She spent the next several days hunting down her fathers drunkard friends and killing anyone that got in her way. That was when Dominion approached her and gave her a direction for her anger.

She had been a member of Dominion for a while, but no one would trust her in a leadership position. She is particularly well suited to protecting an area or building. Especially in an open area where she can make full use of her magic bullets.

Is there anything else we need to know?
-No one dares even attempt to remove this block, for if she can control something with the velocity of a bullet with such ease, imagine her power without the block coupled with her personality.
-It generally isn't recommended that anyone touches her rifle. She values nothing more and is prone to violently attacking anyone who touches it.

What is their faceclaim?