Name: Cinnamon Twirl
Gender: Boy, Feathered
Type: Earth
Body Cinnamon brown
Eyes: Hazel, Wary yet happy.
Hair: Mixed cinnamon brown, white [sparse] and light brown. Decent length.
Cutie Mark 8D: A stick of cinnamon and a cinnamon bun
Brief Character Description: Cinnamon is unafraid to be blunt in favor of his friends, though he mainly keeps to himself and is generally shy. He cannot easily bring himself to speak to others though when he is baking or sharing the things he bakes a more open side of him breaks through for a time. His love of baking only leans to cinnamon as a favored spiced but does not exclude other options so he often keeps a wide variety of baked goodies at home. He is also unreasonably afraid of bugs to the point of terror.
+ Ref pics where possible: Only picture references are the ones linked above [googled and selected for visual representation]

I'd do a RLC comm but I tend to operate strictly from cash CC and my paypal is barren xD so for now i'm stuck on gaia gold. I'm unafraid to pay heavily to get one sooner[yeah....i bribe my way into art alot...hell it works and golds always come easily to me xD] and i'm having trouble puzzling out when the events/next event will be held >.<

Fireflight: Most of it looks fine; the only big issue I'm having is - eddys? D8 I can't tell what that is. Maybe if you provide a reference photo or detailed description of the markings, that would help a lot.

Unfortunately we're not really open for gold bribes, because we're not lacking in that department, to say the least. But as far as gold and customs are concerned, we're definitely having an auction at Christmas for sure. smile Nothing else is planned at the moment. We send guild announcements when we have an event, so don't worry about not being notified.

Eddy's are a swirl commonly noticed in water, normally ocean currents. and clouds. They're basically a mild swirl effect eddy1 This is one example though i'm not looking for anything so detailed. Namely along the haunch and/or shoulder. This one is a good bit better Eddy2 It is primarily to add to the visual and character as a Cinnamon bun or almost any cinnamon stick also appears similar to eddy's.

As I said above I'm not looking for more then one or two that balance each other out and add to aesthetic flavor.

Fireflight: OH, you mean eddies. Since everything on a Phony is solid colour except for large-scale gradients, an eddy would simply end up looking like a swirl, such as in your example pic of cinnamon buns. That would be considered extra markings and thus the quest will be under conditional approval, which is to say only for special customs [laddered auction/RLC or where stated], because it's not so much the quantity, but the privilege of having a non-normative feature. You might want to consider whether you'd still want to have swirls on him - let me know!

Can do without, Its not necessary so much as an ooh pretty for the character. Just kind of fits. **updated to cover discussed points and fix a mistake in his mane coloring.**

Fireflight: Unfortunately as it turns out, we decided against an auction this year end, but we are opening for potential RLC - hopefully that situation on your side is better now! Please specify his hair-style and I'll QC it again.