A girl with short white hair with a definate asian look about her. She was chaseing after a little girl who happened to run by Alucard and hide behinde him.

"Kane you stop runned right now!" Demanded the girl. The small child with sea fome green hair and ocean blue eyes luaghed and repled from behinde Alucard. "Try and catch me Nee-chan!"

The girl ran up and faster then a human flash steped behinde Alucard and grabbed the girl by her allar and lifted her up. "Ah! no fair! You used your pwoers!" Kane whined.

The older girl snapped. "Kane!" The child instantly quieted. The older girl bowed while saying. "I apologize for her. She's quite adventureouse. She stopped to add. "I'm Xireana Everdark and this is my younger sister Kane."