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PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 7:30 pm
Disturbed definitely isn't Christian... if you like metal then i suggest you listen to Demon Hunter, Dead Poetic, Decyfer Down, Underoath, and As I Lay Dying, they are great Christian metal bands.  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:42 pm

Could you explain the gay sex not being a sin lol ???

Well, the verses that people usually use to condemn it are Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13, and Romans 1:26-27. The thing is, the leviticus passages use the Hebrew zakar for male, meaning either "high-ranking male" or "priest", roughly. At the beginning of both Leviticus chapters, there is a commandment against having anything to do with Molech, the god most of the tribes around the Israelites worshipped at the time. This religion practiced sexual ceremonies, one of which was for male priests to be sodomized, so that temple-goers could leave their "sin" with the priests. Obviously, this was idolatrous, which was the real sin being adressed here. This could also be used to condemn casual sex between two people.

Next, the Romans passage. This one is tricky to grasp, as it involves a basic understanding of cause and effect, which many christians seem to lack. rolleyes It must be taken in context, and so I'll copy-paste an explanation I've been using a lot lately.

Romans 1:25-32

25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator�who is forever praised. Amen.
26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

Now. The first underlined word, lust, is condemned everywhere in the bible, and is not simply a condemnation of homosexuality. Using it as such is a perversion of the original texts. Next, we have a grammatical issue. The bolded words "furthermore, since" mean that what comes AFTER the "since" is the reason for condemnation by god, the second underlined portion. That's idolatry, and rejection of God, which is also condemned throughout the bible. Now, the last part, in italics, is "to do what ought not to be done". If God is giving these sinners over NOW, then they must not have actually been doing anything sinful yet. And look, the list of punishments he gives them seems to contain nearly every kind of sin in the bible! EXCEPT homosexuality. I wonder why?

There are some other verses, but I can't be bothered to dredge them up. Find the lists of people who won't get into heaven for me? The words are mistranslated...  

Kuroi Kokoro no Mendori


PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 3:17 pm
Disturbed definitely isn't Christian... if you like metal then i suggest you listen to Demon Hunter, Dead Poetic, Decyfer Down, Underoath, and As I Lay Dying, they are great Christian metal bands.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 3:19 pm
Kuroi Kokoro no Mendori
I say being gay is wrong because it goes against Gods plan for Humans because he made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. I understand if they are gay and they are trying to become straight but if they stay gay then its a sin thus not allowing them to go to heaven.

And here is a fact Metal was invented to counter Christianity.

Everyone here is saying that homosexuality is wrong, and you know what? It isn't. Even the most literal, out-of-context interpretations can only safely argue that the ACT of gay sex is wrong, and even that idea falls away when we look at the original laguage texts.

The fact is, sexual orientation is not a choice. Studies have clearly shown that it is a genetic anomaly and is unchangeable.

Sexuality and Choice
- Wikipedia on Sexual Orientation
- Gay Men Respond Differently to Pheremones
- Gay Men's Brains Found Different
- The Homosexual Brain
- APA on Homosexuality
- Reuters: Gene Alters Sexuality of Fruit Flies
- Cell: Fruit Fly Experiment
- Homosexuality-A Natural Cause?
- A Difference in Hypothalmic Structure Between Heterosexual and Homosexual Men (study published in Science, 253: 1034-1037, 1991)
- NewScientist.com: Pheromone attracts straight women and gay men
- Sexuality Is Not A Choice
- APA On Sexuality
- Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture
- Twin Studies of Homosexuality

Even the pope (who by all accounts is rather conservative by nature) admits that homosexuality is not a sin in and of itself, and that it is impossible to change.

I believe the God is okay with my being gay. I prayed for weeks, just prayed and prayed and prayed for God to "make me straight". And then, at the end of it all, I just asked, "Is this what you want for me?" and all the sudden I felt so RIGHT.

I believe God loves me just the way I am. I believe that it's not a sin to be gay, nor is it a sin to have gay sex (I'll get to that part later, if anyone replies). And finally, I believe we're all being complete idiots and hypocrites, claiming that all sins are equal and then jumping on every mention of the word "homosexuality", even when it was just a side note in a much larger discussion that, ironically, has been discussed along with this; Hypocritical Christians. How are we better than Fred Phelps, or Hitler, Peter the Great, Nebuchanezzar? Aren't we ALL perfectly equal in the eyes of the Lord? Doesn't gossiping about a classmate hold us back just as much as murdering 6 million people?

Could you explain the gay sex not being a sin lol ???

When I see someone gay I just feel sorry for them.

And Metal was made to counter Christianity is a true fact tell me one "Metal" Song that supports Christianity???
What is wrong with you? Rap is made to tell people to kill cops and the word "********" is to be used every other word, rap is extreemly racial that tells us to kill whites, rap tells us to cheat on girlfriends and kill cops. MOST rap songs say this, SOME metal songs are against christ, and god, BUT NOT ALL METAL SONGS say tthis... ever heard of flyleaf??? i mean come on!  


Spastic waffles

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:43 pm
Hypocritical Christians.

The one thing that makes me most angry out of anything on the planet. For example:

-People like the preacher mentioned here. This one made me REALLY angry. See my response to the post, on page 44, if you care to see my full opinion.

-People that condemn gays. I have a gay uncle, and guess what? I fully believe he's still going to Heaven! And you know what else? My father, who is straight, as sad as it makes me to say this, at this point in time will probably not be going to Heaven. The difference between the two? My uncle's a Christian, my father isn't.

For the sake of this argument, let's assume being gay is, indeed, a sin. (Note that I am not stating it is, I am assuming for the purpose of this post. I personally haven't studied enough nor prayed enough to be able to form my own opinion on whether or not it is.) How is it any worse than when I slip up and curse when someone makes me angry at work? If God, the all-forgiving God, can forgive me for cussing, why wouldn't he forgive gays for their sins? So stop damning them to Hell!!!

Final thoughts. Jesus said one the two most important commandments ever was to love your neighbor as yourself. Do you (by you, I am referring to hypocritical Christians) not stop to think about what this means? Do you not stop to think about the fact that Jesus himself spent time with sinners? Jesus accepted everybody and told us to do the same.

So why aren't some people doing it?!

...I think I may have gone off on a bit of a tangent here, but the discussion resulting from this post brought this on way more than the original post did.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 2:53 am
Spastic waffles
Hypocritical Christians.

The one thing that makes me most angry out of anything on the planet. For example:

-People like the preacher mentioned here. This one made me REALLY angry. See my response to the post, on page 44, if you care to see my full opinion.

-People that condemn gays. I have a gay uncle, and guess what? I fully believe he's still going to Heaven! And you know what else? My father, who is straight, as sad as it makes me to say this, at this point in time will probably not be going to Heaven. The difference between the two? My uncle's a Christian, my father isn't.

For the sake of this argument, let's assume being gay is, indeed, a sin. (Note that I am not stating it is, I am assuming for the purpose of this post. I personally haven't studied enough nor prayed enough to be able to form my own opinion on whether or not it is.) How is it any worse than when I slip up and curse when someone makes me angry at work? If God, the all-forgiving God, can forgive me for cussing, why wouldn't he forgive gays for their sins? So stop damning them to Hell!!!

Final thoughts. Jesus said one the two most important commandments ever was to love your neighbor as yourself. Do you (by you, I am referring to hypocritical Christians) not stop to think about what this means? Do you not stop to think about the fact that Jesus himself spent time with sinners? Jesus accepted everybody and told us to do the same.

So why aren't some people doing it?!

...I think I may have gone off on a bit of a tangent here, but the discussion resulting from this post brought this on way more than the original post did.

Well, all sins keep you from God. Gossiping about your husband over your neighbour's fence will send you to hell just as easily as murdering six million people, since all sins are equal. However, asking for forgiveness wipes ALL your sins off the slate, even murdering six million people. That aside, even the most literal interpretations of the bible can't show that homosexuals, celibate or not, are going to hell.  

Kuroi Kokoro no Mendori

Spastic waffles

PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:39 am
Kuroi Kokoro no Mendori
Spastic waffles
Hypocritical Christians.

The one thing that makes me most angry out of anything on the planet. For example:

-People like the preacher mentioned here. This one made me REALLY angry. See my response to the post, on page 44, if you care to see my full opinion.

-People that condemn gays. I have a gay uncle, and guess what? I fully believe he's still going to Heaven! And you know what else? My father, who is straight, as sad as it makes me to say this, at this point in time will probably not be going to Heaven. The difference between the two? My uncle's a Christian, my father isn't.

For the sake of this argument, let's assume being gay is, indeed, a sin. (Note that I am not stating it is, I am assuming for the purpose of this post. I personally haven't studied enough nor prayed enough to be able to form my own opinion on whether or not it is.) How is it any worse than when I slip up and curse when someone makes me angry at work? If God, the all-forgiving God, can forgive me for cussing, why wouldn't he forgive gays for their sins? So stop damning them to Hell!!!

Final thoughts. Jesus said one the two most important commandments ever was to love your neighbor as yourself. Do you (by you, I am referring to hypocritical Christians) not stop to think about what this means? Do you not stop to think about the fact that Jesus himself spent time with sinners? Jesus accepted everybody and told us to do the same.

So why aren't some people doing it?!

...I think I may have gone off on a bit of a tangent here, but the discussion resulting from this post brought this on way more than the original post did.

Well, all sins keep you from God. Gossiping about your husband over your neighbour's fence will send you to hell just as easily as murdering six million people, since all sins are equal. However, asking for forgiveness wipes ALL your sins off the slate, even murdering six million people. That aside, even the most literal interpretations of the bible can't show that homosexuals, celibate or not, are going to hell.

There are people who seem to believe that being gay is unforgivable. Those are the ones I'm talking about.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 12:28 pm
Kuroi Kokoro no Mendori
I say being gay is wrong because it goes against Gods plan for Humans because he made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. I understand if they are gay and they are trying to become straight but if they stay gay then its a sin thus not allowing them to go to heaven.

And here is a fact Metal was invented to counter Christianity.

Everyone here is saying that homosexuality is wrong, and you know what? It isn't. Even the most literal, out-of-context interpretations can only safely argue that the ACT of gay sex is wrong, and even that idea falls away when we look at the original laguage texts.

The fact is, sexual orientation is not a choice. Studies have clearly shown that it is a genetic anomaly and is unchangeable.

Sexuality and Choice
- Wikipedia on Sexual Orientation
- Gay Men Respond Differently to Pheremones
- Gay Men's Brains Found Different
- The Homosexual Brain
- APA on Homosexuality
- Reuters: Gene Alters Sexuality of Fruit Flies
- Cell: Fruit Fly Experiment
- Homosexuality-A Natural Cause?
- A Difference in Hypothalmic Structure Between Heterosexual and Homosexual Men (study published in Science, 253: 1034-1037, 1991)
- NewScientist.com: Pheromone attracts straight women and gay men
- Sexuality Is Not A Choice
- APA On Sexuality
- Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture
- Twin Studies of Homosexuality

Even the pope (who by all accounts is rather conservative by nature) admits that homosexuality is not a sin in and of itself, and that it is impossible to change.

I believe the God is okay with my being gay. I prayed for weeks, just prayed and prayed and prayed for God to "make me straight". And then, at the end of it all, I just asked, "Is this what you want for me?" and all the sudden I felt so RIGHT.

I believe God loves me just the way I am. I believe that it's not a sin to be gay, nor is it a sin to have gay sex (I'll get to that part later, if anyone replies). And finally, I believe we're all being complete idiots and hypocrites, claiming that all sins are equal and then jumping on every mention of the word "homosexuality", even when it was just a side note in a much larger discussion that, ironically, has been discussed along with this; Hypocritical Christians. How are we better than Fred Phelps, or Hitler, Peter the Great, Nebuchanezzar? Aren't we ALL perfectly equal in the eyes of the Lord? Doesn't gossiping about a classmate hold us back just as much as murdering 6 million people?

Could you explain the gay sex not being a sin lol ???

When I see someone gay I just feel sorry for them.

And Metal was made to counter Christianity is a true fact tell me one "Metal" Song that supports Christianity???
What is wrong with you? Rap is made to tell people to kill cops and the word "********" is to be used every other word, rap is extreemly racial that tells us to kill whites, rap tells us to cheat on girlfriends and kill cops. MOST rap songs say this, SOME metal songs are against christ, and god, BUT NOT ALL METAL SONGS say tthis... ever heard of flyleaf??? i mean come on!

Not really rap was made to express yourself and your opinions. Only RECENTLY do SOME tell you to kill cops and etc. don't you ever hear songs about people saying that rap is dead??? its all over TV nowadays rolleyes and even nowadays there are still some that don't talk about ho's killing cops etc.

Metal was invented to counter Christianity saying that MOST of them is against God with the Satanic Synbols, drinking blood etc. I personally do not hate rock but Metal is mostly against God.  



PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 2:51 pm
Christian Band List that is almost complete: Thank God for TVU

God told us to use our talents to worship Him.

All sins are equal (READ THE BOOK), and no one ever said
were good things.

It's you choice to sin or not.

though i'm against homosexual marriage in the church because it's against the cermonial purpose of "For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh."-Gensis 2:24

Sometimes I look at Christians constantly screaming at each other on here, and I think "God, please help us, we are so messed up."  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 4:06 pm

Sometimes I look at Christians constantly screaming at each other on here, and I think "God, please help us, we are so messed up."

I always think of a quote, I can't remember who said it:

"Jesus came down to earth to tell us to love one another, and we've spent the last 2000 years killing each other over how he said it?"  

Kuroi Kokoro no Mendori

Cherri Lemonade

PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 4:36 pm
Doesnt this just make you mad? Such as at church, so many ignorant christians! It makes me dislike church(and a couple other reasons). Also for example, my mom. I lissen to Disturbed (i also lissen to Lordi, Slip-Knot, Flyleaf, Korn, Weird AL ,AC-DC, and a ton other metal and death metal)...But she is too ignorant to lissent to reason that Disturbed is a christian band, and metal CAN be christian... They just piss me off. Does it to you also???

first of all, would Jesus call anyone stupid or ignorant? second of all, i listen to that music also, but trash n trash out, and to say that ignorant christians make the rest of us look bad is hypocritical, we all fall short of the glory of God, none of us are worthy of anything He gives us, but He loves all of equally, we should have more patience for ppl and if they judge us by what music we listen to, then let that be for God to handle, just love ur mom for who she is and not for what she does, as for the music, if we are not careful of what we listen to then we are opening ourselves up for the bad that it is talking about, but we need to give our problems to God and let Him handle them for us...i hope i didn't seem to ramble and i am not trying to attack u n ur time of frustration, just give it to God and He will relieve u of what is troubling u... biggrin  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:19 pm
Kuroi Kokoro no Mendori
I say being gay is wrong because it goes against Gods plan for Humans because he made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. I understand if they are gay and they are trying to become straight but if they stay gay then its a sin thus not allowing them to go to heaven.

And here is a fact Metal was invented to counter Christianity.

Everyone here is saying that homosexuality is wrong, and you know what? It isn't. Even the most literal, out-of-context interpretations can only safely argue that the ACT of gay sex is wrong, and even that idea falls away when we look at the original laguage texts.

The fact is, sexual orientation is not a choice. Studies have clearly shown that it is a genetic anomaly and is unchangeable.

Sexuality and Choice
- Wikipedia on Sexual Orientation
- Gay Men Respond Differently to Pheremones
- Gay Men's Brains Found Different
- The Homosexual Brain
- APA on Homosexuality
- Reuters: Gene Alters Sexuality of Fruit Flies
- Cell: Fruit Fly Experiment
- Homosexuality-A Natural Cause?
- A Difference in Hypothalmic Structure Between Heterosexual and Homosexual Men (study published in Science, 253: 1034-1037, 1991)
- NewScientist.com: Pheromone attracts straight women and gay men
- Sexuality Is Not A Choice
- APA On Sexuality
- Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture
- Twin Studies of Homosexuality

Even the pope (who by all accounts is rather conservative by nature) admits that homosexuality is not a sin in and of itself, and that it is impossible to change.

I believe the God is okay with my being gay. I prayed for weeks, just prayed and prayed and prayed for God to "make me straight". And then, at the end of it all, I just asked, "Is this what you want for me?" and all the sudden I felt so RIGHT.

I believe God loves me just the way I am. I believe that it's not a sin to be gay, nor is it a sin to have gay sex (I'll get to that part later, if anyone replies). And finally, I believe we're all being complete idiots and hypocrites, claiming that all sins are equal and then jumping on every mention of the word "homosexuality", even when it was just a side note in a much larger discussion that, ironically, has been discussed along with this; Hypocritical Christians. How are we better than Fred Phelps, or Hitler, Peter the Great, Nebuchanezzar? Aren't we ALL perfectly equal in the eyes of the Lord? Doesn't gossiping about a classmate hold us back just as much as murdering 6 million people?

Could you explain the gay sex not being a sin lol ???

When I see someone gay I just feel sorry for them.

And Metal was made to counter Christianity is a true fact tell me one "Metal" Song that supports Christianity???
What is wrong with you? Rap is made to tell people to kill cops and the word "********" is to be used every other word, rap is extreemly racial that tells us to kill whites, rap tells us to cheat on girlfriends and kill cops. MOST rap songs say this, SOME metal songs are against christ, and god, BUT NOT ALL METAL SONGS say tthis... ever heard of flyleaf??? i mean come on!

Not really rap was made to express yourself and your opinions. Only RECENTLY do SOME tell you to kill cops and etc. don't you ever hear songs about people saying that rap is dead??? its all over TV nowadays rolleyes and even nowadays there are still some that don't talk about ho's killing cops etc.

Metal was invented to counter Christianity saying that MOST of them is against God with the Satanic Synbols, drinking blood etc. I personally do not hate rock but Metal is mostly against God.

Is your head truly that far up your a** that you didn't understand what I was saying? OF COURSE IT WAS ALL MADE UP NON-SENSE/CRAP!!! Just like your untrue statement that you apparently couldn't/ didn't put any thought behind.  



PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:21 pm
Doesnt this just make you mad? Such as at church, so many ignorant christians! It makes me dislike church(and a couple other reasons). Also for example, my mom. I lissen to Disturbed (i also lissen to Lordi, Slip-Knot, Flyleaf, Korn, Weird AL ,AC-DC, and a ton other metal and death metal)...But she is too ignorant to lissent to reason that Disturbed is a christian band, and metal CAN be christian... They just piss me off. Does it to you also???

first of all, would Jesus call anyone stupid or ignorant? second of all, i listen to that music also, but trash n trash out, and to say that ignorant christians make the rest of us look bad is hypocritical, we all fall short of the glory of God, none of us are worthy of anything He gives us, but He loves all of equally, we should have more patience for ppl and if they judge us by what music we listen to, then let that be for God to handle, just love ur mom for who she is and not for what she does, as for the music, if we are not careful of what we listen to then we are opening ourselves up for the bad that it is talking about, but we need to give our problems to God and let Him handle them for us...i hope i didn't seem to ramble and i am not trying to attack u n ur time of frustration, just give it to God and He will relieve u of what is troubling u... biggrin
thanks for the help, and no problem with "troubling me", constructive advice/knowledge is always very helpful, thanks for your input... and i am not stopping my love for my mom, because i still love her...  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:22 pm

` J o r d a n ~


PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:14 pm
` J o r d a n ~

*~Let the Fire Fall ~* A Christian Guild

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