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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

[CLUB MEETING] Get Ready to Rumble [PG.3+4] Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 4

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Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 6:17 pm
If their small spookie tussle didn't give it away, Mort's eye roll at Alex was probably enough to clue Olivia in that indeed this was the one who, presumably, would gobble up the table's contents. He shoved his zombro off with a snort and wiped at his mouth. "Long story short, both've us ate lot've spookies once. Unpleasant experience," he explained to the wight with a grimacing smile. "Still tease him, though, since he ate more." Even the memory of the sugary confections was enough to make his non-existant stomach give a nervous flip.

Freya's entrance earned her a soft but no less fond look. It had been a while since he saw the valkyrie, and while she looked quiet still, it was a step in the right direction to move on. He'd talk with her more once this got out of the way and for now delegated a wave and hopefully assuring smile her way. While he felt guilty for remembering nothing but the sorrowful encounter last time - and certainly the whispers didn't help that - he hoped somehow he could begin to make reparations.

Ah, more familiar faces! It had been what felt like an age since he last saw Michi, but Mort smiled and waved at her as she came in. "Nice t'see hasn't been pulled out yet," he greeted as a joke. Though given Amityville's history with Hunters and Horsemen, however little this was seen in the news, he wouldn't have blamed her . . .

But that was neither here nor there, for he had an idea to propose! At Ren's introduction, the zomboil stood up and patted the brainy spookie crumbs off his shirt before clearing his throat. "Yes, ah, questions, y-yeah, here. Name is Mortimer McNeal if don't know, but Mort's preferred." He threaded his hands together as he faced the group, a ball of nervousness tightening in his Core that wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't for his condition. They...they couldn't see it, right? He had checked himself before coming to the meeting . . .

"Like Ren s-said, idea thought've was live kart racing; s'much fun as game is, think club would profit from something more, er, active. Do agree," he said with a nod to Roch, "that we should supply parts t'make things fair. I work graveyard shift at junkyard, n' asked boss if could use some parts he won't miss. If a-anyone else can contribute, though, would be very nice! More is good, is better.

"This is what have so far:
would have teams've three people sign up names, colors, all that. Depending on turnout, will either lump them into one course or separate them onto d-different courses t'beat others in small tournament modes Like, er, say have nine teams sign up: could separate them into three groups've three, two groups with four n' five, orrrr throw 'em all in for battle royale in a-all've courses. Right now have ideas for two, maybe three courses if want t'do multiple. Is mostly for students getting feet wet, see how goes, see what needs tweaking, all that." He paused to let them think that over, for he would need all the feedback he could get. Mort was terribly cerebral, but needed help when it came to action.

"S'far as karts themselves, m'leaning towards full customization. Pick own body, 'ssecories, n' stuff. Have small list've those too. No outside interference on karts allowed 've course, can only use materials we offer. Other option is offering premade models we make ourselves, t'make things faster n' easier on teams." Another pause to let that sink in as well.

For the more visual learners, he pulled out from his coat a folded piece of typed computer paper (terribly professional) which had the following list:

Kart Parts
Main Body
• Standard
• Lightweight
• Heavyweight
• Double Decker

Additional Parts
• Spikes (Small)
• Spikes (Medium)
• Extra Plating (Light)
• Extra Plating (Medium)
• Extra Plating (Heavy)
• Wings (Small)
• Wings (Medium)
• Off Road Tire Treads

What did they each mean in the long run? Hmm . . . "Karts 've course'll have essentials there, wheels, engine, n' all. List doesn't have t'be limited t'this, though" Mort went on as he passed the paper about. "Is preliminary, stuff that know have in p-possession right now from junkyard. But if someone has suggestion or idea 'bout anything, or questions, o-or contribution've some kind, talk t'me now." He at least looked eager, if a bit anxious, to hear what the others had to say; there was always a risk with a speech impediment to say something confusing.

-Ice Queen



Nio Love
I didn't accidentally forget you or anything no sir

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:17 pm
Oh... Jove began to feel a little knot of anxiety worm it's way into his belly. He was very fond of scario kart. It had been the first videogames Ren had shown him how to play, and he had spent many long nights playing together or alone in his brother's room, with the sound turned off while the gryphon slept. It was a game that reminded him of Ren and pillows and quiet, relaxed atmospheres.

But there was nothing relaxing about actually building a kart!

The pup shifted nervously, migrating back towards his brother's side without realizing it. He had never really liked cars for as long as he could remember. He didn't like the smell or the noise they made, and he hated walking in front of them. He could be coaxed into his caretaker's car because of his unwavering trust for the old vampire, and had once dared a ride on Roch's motorcycle, but he could never ride in a real kart!

He wanted to ask the zombie if there was any way to not be on a team and race, but even if he had words they would have stuck in his throat. Only a little whimper came out.



Grey Dragon


Dangerous Flame

14,900 Points
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:50 pm
Actually karts?

When things seemed to have settled down, Andrew finally returned back to the group and sat well away from the rest, curling out in an extra chair.

"I do have a question... how much are we we charging for the races and will there be any prizes?" building things sounded fun but winning was always more fun. They could do a pot prize or something.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:35 pm
It was enough of a clue for the small ghoul, though she had hoped that the story wouldn't have been short. She liked listening as other talked but it didn't seem to be the time for it (sad) when the club leader called everyone to order.

Olivia gave a small smile to both Alex and Mort before she went to go find herself a seat as instructed. She found herself in a cluster of pillows on the floor and pulled her legs up close as sank herself into them. Comfy. And her full attention as Ren and new found friend Mort made their introductions and explanations.

A sparkle returned to her eyes as she listened to all that they were saying. And also a little sad that she had apparently missed some sort of booth but everything else sounded so amazing. They would be playing a game AND making a cart? Wait, what did making a cart mean? And groups and divisions? Mort had mentioned that they would fix something about her lack of experience and Olivia was rather tempted to ask about if that would happen.

So many questions crossed Olivia's mind all at once and her hand began to raise to hopefully get them addressed but she quickly pulled it back. She opted to remain quiet instead, hoping others would ask the questions she had herself; some of them were starting to kind of be touched upon. Kind of. Andrew's wasn't really something she was wondering about but... okay.


Swashbuckling Sentai


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 11:05 am
Jove's whimper was given a glance, but as Mort didn't know the boil, he simply attributed it to nerves at the thought of racing. Which probably was a sane reaction since Scario Kart did have a lot of . . . tumbling karts.

"Ah! 'Course will have prizes, wouldn't be good race if didn't," he answered Andrew with a smile. He did not, however, elaborate on prizes. "Teams'll pay small fee to enter, maybe ten seeds per or so. Just something for club t'have bit've funds for later projects. Would also sign little waiver so that can't blame us if is injured." A silly formality given the trouble Amityville students normally had, but it needed to be done to appease possibly concerned parents.

Seeing Olivia's tentatively raising hand before she retracted it, the zomboil gestured to her. "Had something?"


Grey Dragon

PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 9:54 pm
The zomboil gave out a yelp followed by a bark of laughter when Mort turned on him with the spookie crumbs. No, Alex did not like spookies down his shirt. He did not like them in a house, he did not like them with a mouse. He did not like them here or there, he did not like them anywhere. He did not like---

Well, it's just safe to say that he no longer enjoyed the sugary confections. He never really had, though at least if they had enough sugar or were made with brains he could stomach them. But as it turned out, too much sugar could actually be a bad thing, and his undead stomach protested against the memories he was suddenly afflicted with at the mention of their unpleasant experience.

Still, with the momentary tussle at an end with only minimal cookie shirtage, the zomboil was began the task of shaking it out onto the floor, all the while eyeing the entranceway for new arrivals.

"Michi!" He called out cheerfully to the smoke demon and motioned her to come closer to the current trio before directing his smile back at Olivia. "Don't worry, she's all smoke and no fire." He reassured the other undead, as he knew when he had first met the smoke demon he'd had some reservations of his own to start with, and being a fellow undead himself he knew all too well how terrifying fire could be.

That was really all he had time to say, however, when his attention was drawn first by Ren, who quickly drew out Alexander's excitement. Live scario kart racing?? His mismatched eyes widened, and he turned towards Mort with an expression much like that of a young scarelings on Halloween morning, but one that clearly said 'tell me this isn't just a dream."

And then Mort confirmed that it wasn't.

"A battle royale...So we're going to be allowed to throw things at the opposing teams?!?" It was a little unclear whether that was a question or an excited statement.

"OH! You know what I bet you could even get sponsors for the karts, since it's like, practically free advertising for the companies anyways! Could just ask for them to throw in something towards the prize pot. Gift certificates, silver seeds, catering for an afterparty. We're totally having an afterparty, right?"

He was so excited. This was what being a teenager was really supposed to be about! Not fighting for your life against hunters or killing humans to collect Fear. No. This.

He needed this.





Ice-Cold Hunter


Sparkly Bunny

PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:59 pm
Never ever in the history of all the worlds would Belladonna Divine ever pass up the opportunity to meet people. Even at the expense of arriving horribly late, under dressed, and a touch loud. She was loud because well, boots had been the first thing she'd seen once she'd gotten Mort's text so those were tossed on and since she was wearing boots, she'd rather not have those clash with any of her fancier dresses so switched to a still fancy hoodie.
Also, she was loud because she kind of yelled on her way in. Well, she had only yelled because at the threshold of the common room she'd tripped and thus clattered noisily to the floor.
So maybe the witch's social skills had gone down in the past few months due to various manners of stress.
Or maybe she was just excited.
Yeah. Just excited.

With a bright smile for those she knew and didn't know, the witch hopped up off the floor and happily clattered over to the group. Since Mort looked like he was giving a speech of sorts, the witch only waved at him with a bright smile. A wave was given to Ren and LW too, of course, but it was Alexander that Belladonna sidled up next to.
"Did I miss anything important?" She inquired with a bit of a curious sparkle in her eyes.
She was really excited ok

PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:00 am
He had not missed the latecomers to the meeting, Ren's keen eyes watching the doorway carefully throughout both his and Mort's little speeches. Freya was given a small nod, a cautious smile, while Michi received a wide grin and a playful wink, Ren's wings fluttering as he settled himself atop the back of a chair, one leg drawn up so that he could rest his arm on top of his knee.

He let Mort answer the first few questions, Ren reaching out almost automatically to wrap an arm around Jove's waist without saying a word. He didn't even look at the boil, but instead kept himself facing the rest of the group, his expression mild.

"Don't worry," he said to Andrew, giving the boil a secretive wink. "There will be plenty of incentive to win - and to enter. My man Mort here has been awesome at coming up with the racetrack itself - he's the one who came to me with the idea, so really I'm giving him all the credit for being so awesome."

He pointed a finger at Alex. "Excellent idea, my good man. Sponsors would be a delightful addition, and we could get lots of publicity for this thing if we play it right. Scario Kart Club's my baby, after all, and since I'll be graduating soon, we've gotta make this thing be awesome."

"And yes," he added with a mischievous grin. "We'll definitely be having an after party."

Belladonna would receive a wave, Ren winking at her.

"Any other questions or suggestions? You guys blow my mind with your sheer fantastic-ness."

Sorry for the delay, guys, had some RL issues come up > A> <333


Dramatic Marshmallow

Ice Queen

Dapper Lunatic

PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 7:37 pm
Roch scratched his cheek, looking at Jove and the others in the room. "Not everyone's a mechanic," he said abruptly. "Not everyone's a driver, either--some too young, some just ain't learned yet. I suggest--and I ain't officially a club member, so y'can ignore me if y'want, but I think y'might wanna offer up either some teaching or help."

He knew how to ride a motorcycle, he'd never tried a go-kart before. It would be interesting to see the differences! But a motor was a motor, he figured. He could get some books from the library and figure that one out easily enough.

"So... if y'need some help, I'm willing to," he said, as if it wasn't obvious.  

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