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Reply THIS IS HALLOWEEN: Deus Ex Machina Training Facilities
[ Mission ORP ] THE LONG ROAD HOME p.37! Goto Page: [] [<<] [<] 1 2 3 ... 33 34 35 36 37 [>] [»|]

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a-disgruntled-dragon rolled 1 6-sided dice: 5 Total: 5 (1-6)


PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 5:59 pm
[ Bradley ]
[ Runic Bandages ]
[ 30 / 40 HP ]

The death hunter trainee looked up as the teeth fell. He wasn't the best help this mission, but he'd made a dent. In something at least. He wiped slime off his face and followed everyone up the rope ladder. See Yzalin he hadn't died! He didn't even have to draw her to survive! He could do this! See? See?!

The weapon made no comment.

He was pushed into a quarantine zone and raised a brow. The hell was going on? He was fine, he was completely find good grief.

And what was famine? Like the fabled horseman of the apocalypse? Or the actual thing that happened in the world? And what did it have to do with the damn sand beast? Bradley crossed his arms and waited for an explination.

[[ You're not going to get one, just calm down and let them work. ]]

He ignored Yzalin, brown eyes cautious.
PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 6:52 pm

More bodies shuffled into the holding area. If so many of them were infected, then surely it couldn't be that bad, right? Right? Hanna's injury succeeded in preventing her brain from spiraling too far down the rabbit hole of just what horrors might be awaiting her now that she had been sectioned off. A few familiar faces joined her, among them, Nora. And Nora had bandages she was willing to share, hallelujah!

"Yeah, I survived the Sarlacc stomach and all I got was this stupid wound," Hanna mused, deflecting the shitty partner comment. It was an issue that had her petrified, like was-this-why-I-was-repodded-for-2.5-years-before petrified. She'd suffer the injury in silence for now.

Cami was still gathering herself, which was okay. Her pant leg could stay on if there were runic bandages to be had. Hanna parted the fabric to allow access to the wound. Her instinct told her to clean it up, but a runic bandage would serve the purpose. She didn't know Jack, and she involuntarily tensed when he first made contact. "Thanks," she said quietly. Being bandaged produced an oddly intimate, closed space.

Golden eyes dropped to his hands as he worked. "So..." she said, dragging out the word, "you're Life? What do you think about this quarantine thing?" Her eyes strayed over his shoulder to the gathering of Hunters working in the desert sands beyond them. "Or of... this outpost? What are they doing here?" Hanna hoped he had more insight than she did.

HP: 40/40 -- healed!
Inventory: x2 weapons tablet


Akina Tokuwa


Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 6:59 pm
This was easier for Peyton, worrying over the newer recruits, rather than herself. This was familiar, putting someone else's feelings and problems before her own, it helped to still her hands, focus all of the girls in quarantine. Hell, if they'd allowed it, she'd have been in there with them, helping Cami tear away Hanna's pant leg so they could bind the wound on her thigh. Stuck on the other side of the barrier, she couldn't offer much more than moral support and comforting words. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing, right?

She looked up as someone shuffled towards her and feigned a poke with a blood stained finger. It had lips twisting in a frown, pale eyes narrowing up at the giant of a man before rolling in obvious exasperation. Her arms and hair were still caked, the blood now dried and starting to flake away. If she was going to catch whatever it was that had infected them, she'd have certainly caught it by now. "Funny,' she drawled out, slouching over her crossed legs with elbows resting on her knees. She was as close as she could get to the infected without being in quarantine herself.

As he allowed himself to be herded into the barrier she let her attention drift briefly to stormy as the other girl took a seat. She looked incredibly shaken, and really Peyton couldn't blame her. They'd just been through something awful, and poor Stormy had already not been doing great. The Sun didn't know what to do to help her, it was distressing.

And since she couldn't help, she had to turn her attention towards those she could, even if just by being present.

Jack took over first aiding Hanna, and as much as he managed to get on her nerves at time, she knew him to be good at his job. The red head was in good hands with the tall Lifer. "Still gotta work on that bedside manner," she teased softly, without any bite to it.

A twitch of pale eyes took in Nora, who had joined the small knot of hunters. She appeared unharmed, and was even asking after Cami's current state. It brought a small, wary smile to her lips before she finally looked back to Hanna, answering the question she'd been asked before more people had been dubbed infected. "I'm not sure, but it'll be alright." Probably.



akina tokuwa

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 7:25 pm
nora hp: 25/40 + 1 weapon tablet
jack hp: 40/50

he answered Peyton briskly, his mind in work-mode. "And wouldn't you like that. Now shut up and let me work." Jack didn't look up, his slanted eyes narrowing further in concentration as he cleaned the wound of extra sand with his scarf (hardly sanitary, but there weren't other supplies around) before beginning to wrap it up. Not like they could do much worse anyway, if they were so infected.

The word made his stomach turn. Infected. Impure. Owain muttered softly to try and soothe him, assuring he was working on it . . . whatever "it" was. If there was anything awkward about a shirtless guy around working that closely around women who were starting to shed layers, he wasn't acting as though he was aware.

"I'm thinking I need to watch a Star Wars flick after this," Nora mused as she peeled herself out of her breastplate, wincing as the still warm metal nipped her fingers. "All this sarlacc talk's got my interest peaked. They ever kill one in there? Might take notes if there's a next time." Please don't let there be a next time. She was curious too about the Lifer's take on this whole thing, since he seemed to have some experience.

Jack didn't answer for a while, still very into the process of bandaging--almost to the point of seeming OCD. But at least it wasn't too tight; he had worked on enough people, most of them whom he knew, to figure out what usually was too much or too little pressure. "Don't thank me for a bandaid; we've all apparently contracted something down there regardless," he grumbled as he sat back, wiping at his upper lip with the back of an arm. "Do you want my honest opinion? I haven't the slightest idea about this outpost, but I can tell you that whatever we've got, it's going to affect the bond somehow, and most likely in a terribly negative way. Hunters rarely ever get something mundane after all, let alone from giant earth worms."

"Oh, don't you just hate when you don't catch a good disease?" Nora said, snapping her fingers as she dropped her armor.

"They said 'famine quarentine'," Jack went on, starting to fold his scarf with the same meticulous eye he had given Hanna's bandages, though his hands shook ever so slightly. "Couple that with 'Sahara clean up unit' and the knowledge that famine horsemen work extensively on parasites and other pandemics, and I'm quite certain you can piece together what we probably just had the luck of catching." His tone turned more sour towards the end, irritated and betraying how much this was working on his nerves in spite of his cool looks.

Akina Tokuwa



Anxious Spirit

Akina Tokuwa

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 7:42 pm
A smile quirked on Hanna's lips at Jack and Peyton's banter. He was definitely abrasive, but it didn't bother her. He was helping her; there would be no criticism here. "I'm still thankful it might allow me to walk normally in my last moments," she said, laughing... until it trailed off. Downer.

We've all contracted something down there. "They make creams for that," Hanna murmured, mostly to herself. The jokes were helping. She wasn't sure how. But they were. Even if they were only helping her.

Jack's mention of horsemen pushed at her mind. The horsemen were not exactly around when she was awake and kicking in Deus. That had been something that cropped up in a big way during her sleepy time. She had spent her brief time back researching them as much as she could, but her knowledge was limited. Apparently, she was doing hands-on learning now.

Hanna narrowed her eyes. "So we have a famine parasite, or something worse. Your division hiding any famine vaccines in those labs?" she ventured, trying to perpetuate the Everything's Going to be Okay vibe with her half-hearted jokes. "Maybe I'll lose some weight. Get a side hustle as a model. In case this whole devoted-to-humanity thing doesn't work out."

Golden eyes flickered up to Peyton. She smiled once, almost timidly. If she was smiling, then it meant nothing could be deadly wrong, right? These were the lies she told herself. The bandage was already taking hold, offering immediately relief to her pain. She tried to envision her skin knitting back together, fusing into place.


PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 7:58 pm
She smiled, she couldn't help it. The banter was so terribly normal it was actually comforting in it's own way. Abrasive or not. "You have no idea what I like," she offered mildly, forgetting for just a moment that Jack, of all people, would have a better idea than most. Not from real first hand experience, but from a dream. That memory wiped the smile from her face, and she cleared her thought as she sat ups straighter, looking away as she picked at the flaking blood on her arms.

Where was Noah? Han't he made it out of the pit and through the line yet? A glance in that direction showed her that no, he hadn't.

Frowning, she returned her attention to the band of newbies and not-quite-newbies. When Famine and parasites were brought up she visibly cringed, having second hand knowledge of the sort of damage they could inflict upon a person.

"There were Famine parasites in the dorm basement before a group of hunters cleared them out." She wasn't sure if this was the same thing, but it was at least something, and talking was better than sitting there and thinking too hard. "A bunch of them got infected, Rep, America, Taym, Harrison. More, I'm sure, but I don't remember all the names." She frowned, lips pursed as she worked through memory. "There were two different parasites. One was like lice, but where they infected they made your hair white, like Rep's is. Even if you shaved your head." Really, it hadn't been that bad from what she ahd seen. Of the two, that had seemed mostly harmless and treatable. "The other was a like a worm. Like a tape worm." Pale eyes snapped to Hanna, because she'd just made a joke about this. "It worked like a normal tape worm, but more veracious." Taym, who never had an appetite, had been ravenous. It had been most distressing.

Probably that information would not come as a comfort to them. It also occurred to her that the ones infected on island had not needed to be quarantined, and whatever they had now was probably worst... Still, she had to believe that the Moons in charge of the clean up knew what they were doing, and would get everyone sorted out. Negative thinking would not help them at the moment.

akina tokuwa





Wrathful Demigod

Inle-roo rolled 1 6-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-6)


PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 8:31 pm
Staying behind to make sure others got out first was more of an instinct than a conscious decision. Evan was confident that he would be able to make it out of the belly--well, mouth--of the beast, even with his tingling foot; he was less certain about everyone else's chances, especially with the way some of them had carried on in the dark. These new trainees seemed to be cut from a more delicate cloth, and no sooner did that though cross Evan's mind than he felt old and cynical. Not wrong, though.

He hobbled up the rope ladder after the last of them had climbed out, never so happy to see daylight and desert.  
Inle-roo rolled 1 6-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-6)
PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 8:32 pm
Evan was significantly less thrilled to see a Hunter approach him with a hand-held scanning device. His lip curled with impatience as he tried to go around them--he had sand and monster spit in places he didn't even know existed--but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder as the scanner beeped furiously when it was waved at him.

He glared daggers down at the Moon, who seemed to care more about Evan's infected status than his desire to grab a shower, but let himself be led to the quarantine pen. A brief internal discussion told Evan that nothing seemed to be wrong. His foot was still numb, and he was sore, filthy, and worn out, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

There were more people in quarantine than he had hoped to see, many of them the new trainees. With any luck, the techs would be able to give them a quick once-over, see for themselves that no one had sprouted any extra legs or antennae, and send them on their way. Without luck, well...at least everyone seemed to be in relatively good spirits, considering the situation.

Except Stormy. She seemed a little more like she wanted to disappear. Evan sat himself far enough away from her that he wouldn't be crowding her at all--vividly recalling their last encounter and the faint smell that still lingered in his carpet as a result of it--but close enough to keep a careful eye on her. Close enough, but only just, to stretch his good foot out and gently nudge her with it. "Okay?" he asked, worried that she might actually be sick in a way that required this kind of quarantine.




Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 9:51 pm
stormy hp: 35/50 + rope + bandages

She didn't react when she heard someone settle down nearby, and she didn't speak when spoken to. All Stormy did was breathe, in and out, in and out, and idly scratch at her arms the way someone in withdrawal might. She remained curled and tucked and only vaguely aware of the world around her, her mental faculties taxed to their limits and her body apparently harboring something just as bad, and her memories--God, her memories. The nausea rolled over her again and threatened to make her lose what little she had deigned to eat that day.

When Evan nudged her, her breathing became more audible and erratic as if she were afraid. Something was being repeated in Spanish in an undertone, like a prayer.

chirigami rolled 1 6-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-6)
PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 10:10 pm
At first Milo hadn't been sure if she was making fun of him about his throwing capabilities, because hey, he had hit a row of those teeth instead of nothing at all. Though, he had only managed to toss one grenade in all this mess while they seemed to each be equipped with three. Or something.

Not like he needed to throw anymore as more explosions seemed to be going on around them, his job now acting as a human shield for the shorter Hunter with him. He'd try and do it well. And pulled her towards the ropes when they finally came down (while being really tempted to just carry the girl out, especially when the sand levels began to fill all around them). Milo wasn't sure how well he would be able to support the two of them so he just offered her words of encouragement as they went up the offered ropes. "Come'on Noemi-chan, close to gettin' home!"

Milo was totally doing a great job with all that by, you know, running his arm into one of the remaining teeth that they had been trying to clear away and get away from. Good job, Milo. Way to show her how it's done.

Milo's HP - well he's missing 30 (so, like 20) GJ!
Inventory: himself, Runic Bandages

nyxtsuki moon
clearly not the best at like helping and saving


Swashbuckling Sentai

chirigami rolled 1 6-sided dice: 5 Total: 5 (1-6)


Swashbuckling Sentai

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 10:15 pm
And maybe really really deep down, Milo wanted to stick with Noemi to make sure she would be okay. Or something. He had gone to the tent just like the others and gotten the scan just like anyone, but it seemed he had given off a ping to the system.

Or, just the Sahara hated him and decided he needed to go along to a small little area that was enclosed with daggers.

Yup. Milo was under quarantine

Milo's HP - well he's missing 30 (so, like 20) GJ!
Inventory: himself, Runic Bandages

nyxtsuki moon
quarantine buddy ~
PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 10:50 pm
nora hp: 25/40 + 1 weapon tablet
jack hp: 40/50

"Hope you like long walks on the beach without the water, then."

Despite his attitude and inner anxiety, Jack couldn't help but snicker. .5 seconds' worth of mirth from him was a hard find, but dirty jokes did it. "If they did have some, I wouldn't be here. I'd be studying it in a ******** controlled environment, not this--" He made a vague gesture around them, as if that was insulting enough. He then surrendered further explanations to Peyton as he continued to fold his scarf until Hannah's blood could no longer be seen, then set it aside and wiped at his brow.

"Sorry? You said in the basement?" Nora piped up, frowning at Peyton. "Gods, I knew it was bad down there, but . . . Bloody hell, I'm not sticking it out in there if everything I touch is infectious." She wondered if she'd have to take permanent bumming rights on Gale's property, or else hope someone would take a roommate. She scratched her shoulder unconsciously, as if warding off an invisible insect.

Deus had not been making the best impressions on her.

Jack hummed in thought. "Wonder if those might be comparable," he was muttering to himself before speaking up. "They weren't mutants too, were they? Studying how they came about versus these Famine creations might prove illuminating in the nature of Fear itself." He paused, then steepled his fingers under his chin as his gaze flickered towards each individual. "Perhaps I can conduct further studies on you once we are through processing."

Nora looked at him like he was crazy. Then she looked over and saw what was probably actual crazy from that girl Evan was engaging. Then she asked herself once again just what the hell she signed up for again.


Akina Tokuwa


Anxious Spirit

prolixity rolled 1 6-sided dice: 5 Total: 5 (1-6)


Shameless Enabler

17,150 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Hygienic 200
  • Ultimate Player 200
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 3:39 am
Sand started to pour in as the teeth were knocked out, making the liquid in the pit into a gross and treacherous slurry. But the light and air coming in with it were a welcome sight, as was the rope ladder that Mark tossed down once he'd gotten out. Noah squeezed Peyton's hand and then let go so that she could climb the ladder, following shortly afterward. The walls of the pit shuddered alarmingly, but he managed not to lose his grip or fall against anything on the way up.

He submitted meekly and tiredly to being scanned, but his eyes rounded with alarm when the scanner beeped and he was shooed off into he quarantine enclosure. "What does that mean?" he asked one of the Moon hunters on the cleanup team, but he was pointedly ignored. Infected? Unsafe? Poorly-repressed panic on his face, he looked over at Peyton, who was comforting another trainee, and then removed himself to the far corner of the small enclosure, where he stood tensely with his arms tucked close against his ribs and his whole body taut with tension. If he wasn't safe he shouldn't be near anyone.

Standing still on his own made him more aware than he wanted to be of the stuff slowly drying on his clothes and skin, and he clamped his teeth together and thought briefly about how glad he was that he hadn't eaten breakfast. Then he decided not to think any more about food, because the juxtaposition of even the idea of food with the viscous, slimy, rotten stuff still on him was making him feel like retching anyway. He wondered if he had enough money in his account to get a new coat, because he'd rather burn this one and everything else he was wearing.

HP: 30/40
Items: 1x runic bandages

prolixity rolled 1 6-sided dice: 5 Total: 5 (1-6)
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 3:57 am
"Time to go," Jordan agreed, gratefully, and made his way up the ladder, concentrating on climbing rather than on thinking about what had been in the pit or what was causing the continuing tremors or why the pit had been right there to swallow them all when they came through. He hadn't been particularly useful with the grenades, but he thought he might have helped Melvin hold it together, if only a little. That'd have to do.

A tent and a portal had been set up at the top, and Jordan wondered briefly where the other teams had been when the first group had come through the portal and into the monster's mouth. Some kind of titan, or just a massive monster? Once they got back and cleaned up, he could do some research, maybe.

HP: 45/60
Item: 1x Runic Bandages



Shameless Enabler

17,150 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Hygienic 200
  • Ultimate Player 200
prolixity rolled 1 6-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-6)


Shameless Enabler

17,150 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Hygienic 200
  • Ultimate Player 200
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 3:58 am
When the Moon specialist scanned him, the scanner pinged, and Jordan felt his stomach drop out. Quarantine. Infested. Ferros, he said desperately.

I don't sense bugs, Ferros told him. But they'd still come up on the scan. Maybe it was just a matter of time until the bugs finished burrowing their way in, and -- no, no. Maybe it was a false positive. But he couldn't afford to be around anyone who'd come up clean. Just in case. Just in case.

He moved numbly into the quarantine enclosure and folded down to sit on the sand, curling up and trying to breathe evenly and not think about anything. Instead, he looked to the mouth of the pit, watching as people emerged steadily from the unstable opening. Everyone would get out. Everyone had to get out. He didn't know all the names and faces, but he watched, and watched for a few in particular.

His thumb rubbed over the band of Ferros's ring over and over; soon, a spot of silvery metal had been rubbed clear of gore under the slow, even strokes.

HP: 45/50
Item: 1x runic bandages  
THIS IS HALLOWEEN: Deus Ex Machina Training Facilities

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