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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:10 pm
From Isabel's Journal

Babysitting: Part One

"Car, Mija. We've got to get going." Kyle swept his young daughter into his arms, kissing her on the forehead and settling her on his shoulders. For the days adventures, she wore a tanktop over a fishnet top and black jeans. He wore something remarkably simular, though his jeans were hugely baggy, unlike hers. They made quite the pair.

It was going to be a busy day. Lithle and Michael had buisness out of town, so he'd taken the day off work to babysit the stampede of children that resulted. Earako was no problem, the little bat girl and Isabel had already met, and he frankly adored her. But he'd never met Lithle's Savius and Jer'ain, so it'd be an adventure. Still, he had some plans to keep everyone busy.

Michael's place was first on his list, as it was closer than Lithle's new apartment. Neither was terribly far, really, and he could have walked were it not for his leg and Isabel. As it was, he couldn't carry her for long.

"'m gonna play with Earako?" Isabel asked, tiny fists wrapping around his colourful hair and tugging a bit painfully, "We played blocks!"

"I know you did. You're gonna meet some new friends too."

"Nice ones?"

"Well, they are Lithle's... I'm sure they aren't that bad. C'mon--" He lifted her off his shoulders, buckling her into the front seat. "Lets get going."

Babysitting: Part Two

"Don't let her out of your sight." Michael knew he was repeating himself, but he couldn't help it. Earako liked Isabel but Lithle's kids... well, who knew what she was raising. He admired her more than any other member of Tred, past or present, but she had the maternal instincts of a dead fish.

Of course, Jer'ain was a sweetheart. He reminded himself of that, as if the thought might calm him. Jer'ain had nearly been his daughter, once upon a time. But that was old news, and he had seen Lithle's influence changing the girl. As for Savius... well... the less said the better. He wasn't MEAN or anything. But there was a darkness to him, that Michael felt he recognized all too well. He never wanted to see that darkness in Earako. Not in his little girl.

"She'll be fine!" Kyle was rolling his eyes, as he watched the two girls playing contently on the floor.

They certainly looked different from each other, Michael reflected, but most of that was Kyle's influence. While he'd certainly influenced Earako's fashion sense, he controlled Isabel's. Hell, the man and his daughter were practically wearing the same outfit!

"Well, good. Take care of them kid." Reaching out, he mussed Kyle's spiky hair, grinning at the man he almost considered a brother. Maybe he'd never had much of a family, but he was making one. "Be good for Kyle, Earako."

"'course Da'." The albino child jumped enthusiastically to her feet, pulling Isabel up after her. "We're gonna have fun!"

"Yeah, that's what I'm worried about."

Part Three  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 9:20 am
From Isabel's Journal
Babysitting: Part Four
Isabel Gets Pierced

Well, these things happened, right? It had started simply enough. They'd gotten into the car, and Savius had been facinated by his tattoos. Lithle, in her love for simplicity, didn't have any. The usual questions had been asked ("How many do you have?" "Eight." "Did it hurt?" "Sometimes."), and then the idea had struck.

Why not get Savius a tattoo while they were out? And well, if he was getting one, it was only fair that the other kids had a chance to get something done as well. One thought had lead to another, and here they were at his usual tattoo and piercing parlor, the one Davic worked at. And if the name, Ink, wasn't very creative, well the work was high quality.

As they entered the building, Isabel hung closer to her Daddy. It was dark, and kinda scary. She wasn't sure she liked the smell of the place either. But Daddy said it could be fun, and she believed him. She liked all the bright bits of metel he had, and wanted some for herself. It was just... somehow she felt nervous.

"Don't worry, Cuz." Savius murmured from behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "No one'll hurt you while I'm around."

"Why?" She asked, immediately, automatically. Everyone said things to her, but she found that they always let the details fall away, left her wondering.

"We're family. Kyle, Michael, Dad... they're blood in every way that matters. Different parents, same soul. Familes protect each other. I protect you. You protect me. We're both of us older than we look." He spoke in low tones, near whisper.

Isabel was surprised to find herself relaxing. Families protected each other. Savius would take care of her. And he... there was something in his eyes. "Okay."

"Well, who wants to go first?" Daddy asked, and Isabel was surprised to find herself tugging on his shirt.

"I wanna." She stated, boldly, standing as tall as she could. "I wanna look like Daddy."

"You're too pretty to look like me darling. But you can get your ears pierced if you want."

She started to nod, but realized that was wrong. She saw lots of people with their ears pierced. She wouldn't look like Daddy, she'd look like everyone. And she didn't want that. Frowning up at him, she studied his face, finally pointing up toward his eyes. "Want that one."

"You want your eyebrow pierced, Kid?" It was the large man that Daddy called Davic talking, so she turned to face him. "You're what, five?"

"'m big enough." She responded, glaring up at him. "I want one like Daddy."

"You okay with this Kyle?"

"She knows what she wants. Don't you 'bel?" Daddy lifted her up and set her in the chair, ruffling her hair gently. "It'll only hurt for a second, okay?"

It only did hurt for a second, but that was still enough to bring tears to her eyes. Isabel whimpered, not minding that she was crying. She was being brave. Like Daddy must have been, for all the shiny bits he had. And when she looked in the mirror, there it was. A little flash of silver just above her eye.

Through her tears, Isabel smiled.

Babysitting: Part Five
Plenty of Ears for Piercing

Earako watched nervously as Isabel got her eyebrow pierced. The yonger girl was being so brave, and she wasn't sure that she was the same. It was weird, only a minute a go, she'd been caught up in the flurry of excitement about piercings, and now her stomach felt kinda sick. Butterflies.

And yet... Isabel saw smiling. She was crying too, but Earako was pretty sure that her overall expression was a happy one. It looked pretty cool too, a flash of silver against the girl's blue skin. Maybe the butterflies were good butterflies, and she could do this after all. She knew she wasn't brave enough to get a tattoo, like Savius was doing, but she could at least get a piercing.

She could buy lots of earrings, in red and black and gold. That would be fun. It would be like decorating her skin, but in a different way. That really might be fun!

"Who's next?" The man called out, and with a deep breath, Earako stepped forward. She would do this. She really would. "Another eyebrow piercing?" He asked, a bit sarcastically.

Earako shook her head. That wasn't what she wanted, even if it looked neat on Isabel. Besides, she could just imagine what her Da' might say! She was rapidly learning that what was okay for Kyle and Da' wasn't necissarily okay for her. Maybe when she was older...

"I want my ears pierced, please." She said, taking a deep breath to settle the butterflies in her stomach. They felt more like dragons now.

"I think we could fit a few hundered piercings on those ears of yours, Mija." Kyle said, smiling at her as he settled her in the chair. "But we'll start with just two, huh?"

Earako nodded, though he had a point. She had more ears than anyone. If she got a lot of piercings, she could really decorate herself. If she was ever this brave again.

The first one hurt, and she had to bite her lip to keep from telling the man to stop. Isabel had only had to get one piercing, but she was getting two. Maybe she'd only get one. Maybe it'd look pretty for her to have just one. Maybe... the second shock interrupted her line of thought. It was done.

It was done?

She found herself giggling, giddy on nerves and excitment. She'd done it. And she'd gotten two! Da' was really going to be impressed, wasn't he.

"You look cool!" Savius called out, flashing her a thumbs up.

"Very pretty." Kyle agreed, kissing her on the forehead. "It suits you."

"Thanks." She lowered her head, a bit uncomfortable with all the attention. But it was all done. And now Jer'ain could have a turn. Earako was pretty sure she liked Lithle's daughter, even if she didn't talk much.

Part Six  



PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 9:44 pm
He got her ears pierced! I swear, sometimes I just want to break Kyle's neck. What was he thinking? My little girl, with her ears pierced. I could just... ********. I guess it doesn't matter. And I can't get to angry. At least she didn't come back to me with a tattoo like Lithle's kids did. And that's her common sense, not his. I'm glad my little girl has a brain in her head. And I can only be so angry. It's Kyle. What did I expect?

And she was laughing, and happy, and so proud that I couldn't bring myself to yell. I've been worried about her lately. Some of the innocence and trust seems to be leaving her. She's started to look at the world as something that could hurt her, something that could let her down. I don't like it. She seems so unsure lately, and I don't know how to fix it.

She's been talking a lot about D-corp. What she is and what it means. She said something the other day, something about her whole point being dragons. Of course, I told her she was being silly, but truth is, she's too aware for her own good. She was created to tame a dragon, wasn't she? I just hope, when she does get her own, that the two of them get along. I'm worried about what the alternative might be.

Mostly though, she's the same as she's ever been. She spends a lot of her time drawing, and lately she's been taken to singing. She has a pretty voice, when she remembers that not everyone is a bat, and she needs to keep from singing too high. When she's doing the stuff she loves, she's fine. But every once in awhile, something will come along that steals her smile. She's always talking about the other kids, and there's envy in her voice. What have I done that would give her the impression that she's less than perfect? And how do I reassure her?

Anway. I guess every kid goes through a phase where they're trying to figure out where they belong. I just thought that was in the teenage years, not as a kid. I don't know the answers to her questions. Not all of them.

So what am I supposed to say?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 9:15 pm
A One Sided Conversation
Earako talks to Michael's Eden Leaf

"Umm, hey. Da' says your gonna be my little sister. Or brother. Are you a boy leaf or a girl leaf? Da' says he doesn't know. You know, I used to think he knew everything? I guess he doesn't, not really. But he knows mostly a lot.

I don't know much at all. I don't know if you're a boy leaf or a girl leaf. I don't even know if I want you to be anything but a leaf. Not that I don't like you or anything, 'cuz I do. But Da's already so busy. And now that Kyle has Isabel... well... I dunno. I guess I feel sad. Just a little, just sometimes. Maybe if your ever not a leaf, things'll be like they were. You know.

But maybe stuffs always been like this. Maybe I was just too little to notice. I notice a lot of stuff now. Da's sad most the time. Kyle's hurt. Lithle's angry. I think, well, I think maybe being a grown up is hard. Otherwise, they wouldn't be so sad, you know? You'll find out when you get here.

When you get big, everything gets scary. I'm s'posed to get a dragon. I'm scared of that. Scared it won't like me. It's s'posed to. We gots to be friends. It's my job. I'm scared of going to school sometimes. 'cuz I know not everyone can like everyone. I want to like everyone. I'm scared Da' will go out at night, and not come back. He says its dangerous out there. So shouldn't it be for him too.

I'm scared of you. I'm scared you won't like me. I'm scared Da' will like you more than me. But maybe it won't be like that. We could be friends. Savius and Jer'ain are friends. And 'bel says that families take care of each other.

I'll do my best to take care of you.

That's Da' comin' home. Maybe we can talk again later. I gots to help with the groceries.  



PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2006 4:13 pm
So, Earako's met her egg. It's a red dragon, and they keep it in an open flame. She was a little sad not to get to hold it, but I think mostly she was too excited to care. She's making all sorts of plans for it. And I'm... checking my bank account. Do to considerations of space, we've moved out of the apartment and into a house.

After all, I think the no pets rule applied to dragons too, and I have no idea where we would have put it.

I guess money's never been a concern, not with Tred taking care of the expences, but the poor kid in me hates to spend money. Gotta do it. For her. For the future child in the leaf.

The new house is further from D-corp, but the drive isn't so bad. It's also further out of the city, but again, I can commute where I have too. It's not as far as it seems, really. The main feature is the huge backyard. I'm building a 'cave' in it. A place for Earako and her dragon to hang out, because apparently red dragons don't like being out in the open. There's a lot of trees, and those also offer shade from the open sky. Hopefully the little lizard will be comfortable. Four bedrooms, just in case.

Earako's got the master bedroom, because she's got a dragon to consider. I don't mind a smaller room. It's more comfortable really. Poor kid in me, I guess.

And the leaf has the room with the most windows. I guess I think a plant kid is going to want the light. It seems happy there, as long as I visit it often. And Earako seems happy too.

It's weird to me. I prefer the pulse of the city. But I've got to think of her, don't I? And it makes her smile.

PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2006 7:40 am
User Image

So, you want an update on her do you? God knows you should be able to do this yourself with her going there all the time. But fine. I guess I don't mind talking about her so much.

Earako's hair has gotten longer. It reaches her shoulders now, and she tends to wear it loose, though sometimes she weaves ribbons into it. She's gotten taller, but stayed pretty slight, almost on the delicate side. Maybe it's because of those wings, I figure she might be so light so she can fly.

She's... she's very feminine, in a weird sort of way. Kyle calls her style gothic lolita, and as near as I can tell, that means black and lacy. She loves complicated dresses, with lots of lace and ruffles. Her favorite colours are black and blue. And... I guess she's a bit shy about her skin. When she's not wearing long sleeves, she wears gloves that cover most her arms. I wish she'd get over that. Oh, she got her ears pierced. Once in each ear.

She's still sensitive to light, and continues to wear her sun glasses. In addition, she's taken to carrying a parasol, usually one that matches her outfit, to shade her. She burns rather easily, though I keep a lot of sunblock on her.

She still loves to draw, and spends a lot of her time doing it. Thankfully, she colours on herself less. She's also trying to learn to sew. She's very patient, and independent in odd ways. She looked up words herself to fill out your form right.

I've got to be honest, she's a handful in a strange way. I mean, she's always polite, and sweet, and gentle. But it makes it hard to know what to do with her. She's such a girl. I guess that's why she always gets her way. And I think she knows that. I wouldn't put manipulation past her, that's for sure.





PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 8:31 am

"Go way!" Earako mumbled, pushing her Da's hand away from her shoulder. Reluctant to bed and reluctant to rise, that was her. "'m asleep." She added, wiggling deeper into the covers.

"That's enough, Kid. Your eggs hatching, and they want you there." Just as her father's words started to sink in, she found herself picked up, and dumped on the floor in front of her closet without ceremony. "Now, hurry up."

"My egg, really?" No longer tired, Earako began digging through her closet, for just the right dress. The pretty one, with the dark red to match the dragon. "We gots to go! Da' why didn't you wake me up earlier? I gots to get ready!"

"Earako, you don't have an hour to preen today, I'll be waiting in the front room. Don't forget that ring."

"I don't preen!" She called after her Da's retreating back. She just wanted to look pretty, for her dragon. Oh well. He was a boy. Even if he was her Da'.

The ride in the car took too long, but finally, finally, they reached the incubation facility. Earako bounced in place while her father checked them in, and did her best not to run to the spot that the fire coloured egg sat in its flames. It was shaking, she could see it, little cracks and breaks in the shell. Her dragon. Her dragon. Her dragon. There, a flash of red beneath the shell. Then more. Then--

It was beautiful. So pretty, bright eyes blinking at the dim lights as it streached its wings and neck.

"A very healthy female red. Very good." One of the lab coats commented in the background.

A girl. A girl dragon, just for her. The butterflies in her stomach exploded, as she experianced a moment of absolutely overwhelming doubt.

And those eyes fixed on her.

"I... I brought you this." She said, holding out the silver ring, which was a bit large, but would look nice on a chain until it was the right size to decorate a horn, or something.

The dragon seemed interested, crooning softly as she sniffed at the ring before taking it gently in its mouth. Made bold by the acceptance, Earako reached out to pet her gently, and got a contented croon for her efforts.

She liked her!

"I was thinking of calling you Vimber. Do you, do you like it?"

A happy chirp at this, and Earako relaxed. "Oh, good. We can go home now, Vimber. There's a little bit of outside, which I know you don't like, but at home there's a cave and everything!"  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 1:32 pm
Da says I shood try and rite more ofen. He also says my spelling is teribl-- bad. But this is not for school so I don't no why it has to be perfict. I think the way I spell is fine. Besids spelling is boring.

But, here is wats important. I have a baby sister. She's not really a baby, she's a todler, but she's litle. Her name is Tansi and she came from a leef. I love her. But sometimes, she's realy loud. Realy, realy loud. I gus I just got to get used to that.

Vimber is also loud. Vimber is my dragon. She's a red dragon, and she's very sweet. Da says she's a menis and that she's going to eat him and Tansi. He just doesn't undarstad her. She's very nice to me and she loves me. She's my best frend in the word and I love her. She loves me and she wants to protect me.

It's just sometimes she dosn't no wat is god and wat is bad. She will lern, if Da just gives her a chanse. She's rel nise on the insid it's only that she dosn't no how to show it.

Da says he uset to think the same thing about Ant Lithle. He says I'll grow out of being niev

I am going to tech my self to sew. I made a frend and he told me I cud find a techer. But I can't, so I'll tech myself.

Or maybe ask Da, agin.  



PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 1:51 pm
The following entry is in reference to this event: Blood Sweet

There was a man at the park today. Savius got in a fite with him becuse I was talking to him. He hurt Savius real bad. Vimber and Fen chased him away.

Savius said I was dum. I shold now better. I don't now wat I was suposed to now.

He says peple can be bad. He says I'm to trusting. He says I cold have got killed.

I thot the man was nice.

I don't now wat I'm suposed to think now.

I'm scared. I don't now wy. I don't now what of. I just now that mabe things are bad that I thot were good.

What do I think?

I'm scared to go out without Dad.

Mabe I shold learn to fite. And use a gun. Savius says he'll teach me.  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:45 pm
The knocking startled Earako. Da' was out, it was just her and Tansi, and no one was supposed to be coming over. She wasn't supposed to open the door to stangers, and she didn't WANT to open the door either. People couldn't be trusted. At least, not strange people. But the knocking continued, and Earako could hear it. Irritating enough that she snuck to the door, Vimber pacing protectively at her feet. Peering out the peephole, she instantly relaxed when she saw who was on the other side.

"Cousins!" She greeted, after throwing the door open. Savius, taller now, taller than her, swung her up into his arms and spun her laughing. Jer'ain, who was sweet to her, but strange and quiet too, knelt to stroke Vimber, who churred happily and begged for bits of meat.

Jer'ain always had bits of meat for her. Savius was allowed to eat raw meat, unlike Earako. Sometimes, it didn't seem fair. Blood was sweet.

"How's the pretty one?" Jer'ain asked, moving forward and touching her hair lightly, a brush of soft fingers before she retreated. "You do well?"

"I'm fine, cousin, and how are you? Come in!" She moved out of the way, letting them enter, take seats on the living room couch. Earako perched on the ottoman, across from them, and waited. "You have more you need sewn?"

Savius laughed. It wasn't a free sound, like hers, but quiet, not forced but not quite real either. "You think we use you, cousin?"

"No. I like it. It gives me practice." She giggled as he reached forward to ruffle her hair, turning an hour of grooming into a fluffy mess.

"There's a christmas thing. I want a tux, and Jer'ain will need something too."

"V--" Jer'ain objected, looking up.

"No." And Savius's quick response quieted her, she looked sulky, but nodded.

"Not a dress, at least." She said, looking put upon.

"I can do that. I've never made a tux before." Earako was already excited. Savius would need black, with blue accents. For Jer'ain, perhaps a dark green?

"Cool." Savius stood, and Jer'ain echoed the movement. "You gonna come get icecream with us?"

Earako jumped up excitedly, glancing reluctantly toward Tansi's room.

"The plant baby too."

The day was looking much more exciting.  



PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 6:35 am

In class I learned that I am a mind. People who have magic of the mind are good at details. Like sewing, it has a lot of details. And I'm good at sewing. Also, we like to learn. I think that is only sometimes true. Some of my classes are really boring.

People with magic of the body are neutral. They are supposed to be good fighters to. They aren't good at mind or spirit. They are easily tempted to.

Most the people in the class were spirit. Three of them and both Keanu and Ligeia are. I think maybe that means spirit is best? Also, they are the nicest, because they fight for the people they love.  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:17 am
Skills Homework

Tessa Avery
her task will be to journal about going out for five nights to different areas blind folded with someone as a guide. once at a specific location takethe blidnfold off if you wish. Have her echolocate and try to tell her guide what she sees, eahc tiem she should get better at picking up details from what she hears.

Night One:
Location- Forest

The teacher said that she had to know how to use her echolocation abilities better, and Earako's Da' agreed. Which was why they were... somewhere. Well, no, she wasn't that lost. She could feel the cold of air on her skin, and the night sounds were not of the city. No cars, no people. Wherever her Da' had taken her, it wasn't nearby. She wished she could see, but Da' said she had to do this right. So the blindfold stayed on.

"Well, bratling?" He asked, and Earako turned toward the sound of his voice, pulling her cloak closer as the wind shivered against her skin.

"I told you not to call me that Da'." She objected, but knew it was no use. So... what could she see. Or, hear. The problem was the sound of course. The high pitched... well... shriek, required to get the sound clearly back to her. Da' brought earplugs, just in case, but she still couldn't help but feel that she was being rude.

The other problem was the strangeness, recieving information in a way still unfamiliar. But it had to be done. She shrieked, a high pitched sound, scaling up the range toward inaudibility. And the sound came back, echoes and images, imprinting on her a confused jumble of information that needed working out.

"We're in a forest." She announced, sure of that much, the shadowy forms of trees had been clearly heard. "Umm... fir trees, the kind with needles." She was losing the sense of it. Another piercing cry. "There's a... path, off to the left." She pointed toward, sure of it now. "With a sign." It was frusterating that she couldn't read it, but of course, there was no way to pick out words.

"Anything else?"

"There's not much underbrush. The trees are pretty far apart. Lots of bugs." They showed up as tiny specks, interupting her clear view of her surroundings. "And I'm cold."

"Alright Princess, lets get you home."

Night Two:
Location- Park

It wasn't the same as the previous night. There were city sounds this time, distant enough to be undistracting, but close enough to hear the growl of city buses. Her Da' had held her hand for the last few minutes, leading her further away from the sounds on an even, paved path. She could hear water, nearby.

"Go ahead." He let go of her hand, and she felt relieved to be given permission to 'look'. It was uncomfortable, this blindness. She was used to her night vision, used to only sunlight stealing sight.

Impressions, easier to sort through this time, easier to hold onto to. Less, bugs, and that helped as well. But at first, what she saw confused her. It wasn't steady or stable, and therefore took a moment to recognize. "There's a fountain!" She bounced in place as she said that, pleased to have figured out the mystery, and pleased too, to be near a fountain. "It's got... swans on it, and the water looks different, when I can't see it."

"And there's benches, and a path around the fountain. The trees are really far apart, and small." She called out again, turning slightly to get a new angle. "I think there's flowers? It's kinda hard to tell. They're so close together. Big things are easier."

Another turn, and she laughed at what she discovered. "Oh, Da', you look so neat this way. I wish I could show you. And the fountain. Now I want to look at a waterfall."

Night Three:
Location- City Street

It almost felt routine on night three. Earako first listened, taking in the sounds of the area, and then listened calling out and creating a sound based map of the location. Well, this was different. No more uncrowded, natural settings. And so many textures. She was starting to learn that sound could have texture, the way it bounced of glass was different from the way it bounced off rough stone. She was learning too, to jump straight to the range of sound that brought echoes, instead of climbing to it.

"We're on a street. There's cars parked all along the road, and a couple of people... three. Ones just a kid. A girl? Or a boy, with long hair. The streets are messy, aren't they? All sorts of trash." She looked up, delighted by the sound of glass streaching into the sky. "Oh, wow. The buildings seem even taller this way. They just... fade. And there's birds!"

"Anything else?"

"I'm cold."

"Alright darling, we'll go home."

Night Four:
Location- Abandoned Warehouse

"Da, I don't know where we are." Earako admited, crossing her arms and 'looking' again, but only getting the same confused impressions. "This place is strange."

She felt his hand in her hair, ruffling it gently, and relaxed a bit at the non-verbal encouragement. At least, even if she was confused, her Da' was there. "What do you see?"

"Well... there's... stuff." She hesitated, biting her lip, and rubbing a bit at the blindfold, almost irritated with it tonight. "Boxes... but not many... and what looks like... rocks." Turning, she examined one of the things confusing her. "We're inside... but there's windows, and some of them are broken. And there's... well, it looks like a car."

An encouraging sound from Michael reassured her that the crazy description was not inaccurate, and she smiled. "There's lots of wood and stuff, but that's it, Dad."

"Well sweety, you can describe things even when they don't make sense." He took off her blindfold, and she was distressed to find that the dilapitated building was just as chaotic as it'd seemed. "Good job."

Night Five:
Location- Lost Here to Home

"Alright, batling, take us home." Da' instructed, as if this was just a day, and she wasn't blindfolded. As if she knew where they were.

Well, that was first, right? She gave a little shriek, just to get an idea of her surroundings, and was surprised to find that they seemed familiar. She wasn't sure, at first, what that meant. That shape, the curve of the sign, the shape of the buildings roof. It was like something she saw all the time. But this type of seeing was different, so that she wasn't immediately sure what it was she was recognizing.

A bike was in front of the store. One she knew.

"This is Lost Here!" She said at last, amazed that she could have not known it. She'd practically been raised in that building. She'd sat in Kyle's lap and watched the guys make coffee drinks. There'd always been a squirt of whipped cream for her, whenever she came to visit.

After that, it was easy, heading home. They didn't live far, and navigating the roads was just a matter of matching her mental map up with the one of colourless shapes that existed in sound. She nearly turned wrong once, only to realize as she did so that the shape of the street she was turning onto was wrong. Not bumping into things was easy at this point, and she walked confidently, tugging her Da' along by his fingertips.

"One, two, three. And that's ours." She pointed to their house, the familiar iron gate tightly locked. And that was as far as she could do. Da' had the keys.

"Well, I think you've got the knack of it."

"Does this mean I can stay up all night to practice?"

"Huh." He ruffled her hair and tugged off her blindfold. "Keep dreaming brat bat."  



PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 8:14 pm
Private Lessons


She was shaking when she got to the car. The distance was gone. The comfortable detachment had somehow left her. And she couldn't stop shaking. Vimber was crooning, speaking in an odd mixture of dragon and human. She heard Special, she heard safe, but she couldn't listen.

He'd been in her head. The door had slammed. She'd been locked in!

She hated him. She hated everything.

"Earako?" Her Da's voice, and she could barely lift her eyes to his. He was frowning at her, and she winced at that expression, expecting... she wasn't sure what. "Batling, what is it?"

She burst into tears. It was the concern in his voice, or the gentleness. Da' wouldn't hurt her. Whimpering, she threw herself forward into his arms, nuzzling close and soaking his shirt with her tears. "He was.. and I.. Da'... Da'... don't make me go back there."

"Did he hurt you?" Suddenly, Da's voice was very hard, low with the threat of anger. Earako began to relax. It meant she was safe, his voice.

"I, I, I. He just. I was scared. Da', don't make me go back there."

"Never again."  
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