Rune looked toward Rene, " Yes I am glad we got out alive and a little leg wound isn't so bad compaired to what could have happened."

Rune frowned at a sudden thought that entered his head, ' I don't want to loose Rene. What is this feeling? It makes me want to smile all the time, everything seems better when she smiles or is near me. That's crazy considering how little I've known her but I am... scared? I don't want this to end.'

Rune shook his head and continued talking to her, " My leg is fine thanks, I think I may dip it into the ice cold waters to numb it." Rune blushed, 'Brave?' Clearing his throat he replied, " Um, really I am fine thank you for coming back to me."

Rune lead Rene back to the spot where they first had met. There's that feeling again like intense loss was coming and helplessness that followed it was a crush blow. The sun was setting and night was soon falling to give way to diamonds in the sky.

"Well I guess this is goodnight Rene." He turned to look at the beauty before him, so young and yet he could tell that she would become even more beautiful as time passed.

What he didn't know was years from now this beautiful mare would be his to cherish. His one and only.