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[PRP] It’s Showtime [Diesel/Wolframite] Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2

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Romantic Exhibitionist

PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 3:34 pm

"I think it's possible to have a senshi be a royal on our side. I think Metallia is very - alien in their way of thinking." Wolframite reached up with one hand to grip his other shoulder, staring out with a distant expression. There was a shudder that ran through him as he recalled meeting the entity in it's very chambers. It was a feeling he would never forget for as long as he would live. It was one very few could say they ever had the honor, or the severe act of humility, to experience. It was something he couldn't fully describe with the best words - that all encompassing maw of power. He had to wonder how often the Queen interacted with that power, and if it was far less overwhelming for her than him. Was it even - comforting to her?

Seeming to pull himself quickly to the conversation, he continued. "The Queen rewards those who show continued service and loyalty. I should hope that translates to everyone in her charge." But he had to wonder why, after all this time, not a single senshi was at the front among the rest. Was there really a glass ceiling keeping them down past achieving that power?

The short comment had his ears flattening back. "I know. I get mistaken for a teenager plenty enough." Even when he was much older. The clean-shaven face didn't help.

"Yes, I concede that I'm more familiar to a pet or something breed to be petted than some crustacean or insect youma. I've even entertained a few request just to get it out of their system - if I'm in the mood." He admitted, shrugging his shoulders. "As long as they still acknowledge me as a person. It's the ones who whistle at me that I'd rather not give a inch of privileged." The ones that patted their legs, called him a good boy, and asked if he would like a special treat. It might have been cute on someone else if he was still on the field, but so many were not his type, and assumed too much of him based on his looks alone. He wasn't a lap dog who barked at any command. It was more fun when there was some fight in it.

Even youma liked some play. Any common, lazy treat wouldn't do.

The discussion turned quickly to that of the DMC, and that grip on his shoulder tightened as he stared out, forcing his attention out and not on anything else else his flickering focus might betray him.

"They can do plenty. Any side can. If you have the right leadership." Leto had lead a mission to take them, torture them, and broke so many of them into pieces. Even he had organized Order and Chaos alike, members from either side, in his plan to strike her down. It had all been successful save for Zinkenite's intervention and prevention of her death.

"Leto..." The word was almost whispered. "...has done enough in the past to us. If it wasn't for orders of being allies, things would be very different between us. If they organized again.......gathered with one focused thought again....."

He felt claws piercing between his uniform into his skin and he used the pain to stabilize himself.

You are talking poorly to a agent. He could report. Remember, it's past. It's all past. Remember not to spread these thoughts out.

Unsure eyes glanced at Diesel. "But, they are our allies. For now, they are useful to us. Good for us ...I suppose."

PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 9:41 am

He shrugged, dismissive of the topic. It didn’t matter hugely to him one way or the other, he supposed. They could promote some random, nameless senshi, and what would change if they did? Besides just breaking the streak of agent dudes ascending to the title. But it didn’t seem like a Royal Senshi would do anything that someone else hadn’t already done, so why would having one be important one way or another?

Diesel had never met Metallia. He’d never met Laurelite- he’d seen her, though, and knew that she was at least riding the line of what could pass for human. But Metallia? Based solely on things he’d heard and with no personal experiences to back it up, Diesel could say he didn’t think that was the case for her. She (it?) had to be some sort of omniscient evil-energy. As close to an actual god as any of them could expect to see. Was it not her Chaos and her energy that let all of the Negaverse and its agents and its senshi even exist? All of their abilities came from her- which, theoretically meant she was substituting for however many planets of power it took to wake up and power a senshi.

Because as far as he was aware, there wasn’t any power coming to him from Diesel, the planet.

Diesel didn’t always do what seemed like the most reasonable thing to do, but even he didn’t think it made any kind of sense for anyone to basically oppose a god. Yeah, all the White Moon had their thousands of planets and wonders and the bonds of hope and friendship and what have you.

But judging from Wolframite’s expression, it didn’t seem like the threat of Order stood up to whatever he’d experienced with the Negaverse. “How long have you been doing, like, all of this?” He asked, swizzling his fingers in a tiny circle through the air, as if to indicate their whole powered situation.

And whatever he was afraid of from Metallia seemed nearly as bad as whatever Wolframite had experienced from the Court.

Which Diesel found entirely bizarre and expected he had no hope of even beginning to understand. It looked like the half-youma was barely even paying attention to him, anymore. Staring off… elsewhere. Far away.

“I didn’t even know they had leadership.” Admittedly, Diesel wasn’t even slightly versed in any of the Mirror Court’s workings. He knew they existed, but not in any significant capacity. He’d only ever even seen, like, two of them? And he’d never once heard of anyone named ‘Leto.’ “‘...Again?’” He parroted curiously. Diesel had only been around for roundabouts three years, and practically nothing about the Court had made its way to him in that time, but at some point before then, they must’ve done something.

Something bad. Something that made Wolframite sound like he wouldn’t be making any friends among the Dark Mirror kids.

He choked on a snort, “Good for us? I don’t think they’re good for anyone.” How could they be? They were direct competitors to the same resource the Negaverse wanted: other bodies out gathering energy to do something with. But he didn’t dislike them. Diesel did have friends in their group- was happy to have more allies than enemies. “But the one I know- the guy is totally harmless. He’s real sweet, wouldn’t do nothing to hurt anybody, even if someone else wanted him to.”



Romantic Exhibitionist

PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 4:27 pm

His manerisms were tense, nervous as he looked about as if being heard or watched.

"Teenager I think. Back when ...when Gunn and Nealite lead us. Before we had the Rift. .....I can't remember my exact age. I don't remember my life now outside of being an officer. Switched too much." He said.

"They do. They all do, and if they don't, anyone can lead them. If you bring them together. Focus them in a direction. Very dangerous to do though. You can't be doing that. You'll get in trouble." He got in a lot of trouble for going against Leto and bringing together all sides to take her down.

Dangerous. You weren't good then. You'll be better now. You won't allow that from anyone.

"Again....." He looked over to him this time, glowing eyes staring at him worried. "It's in the past. It's - " Not important? It felt wrong to even say that. To think of them as not important. Did anyone remember them now than him? Remember the blood spilled. The screamed.

He felt his breath quickening and he released his hand to grip a wad of his uniform at his chest.

"No one is harmless." He managed between breathes as he stared down at the bricks lining the edge of the roof.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 9:59 am

Gunn and Nealite? Who the hell were they? And before the Rift? There was a ‘before the Rift?’ Were youma just out roaming free? How were Negaverse senshi supposed to get anything done if youma were everywhere all out and about? …Unless it was before that, too. “So… a while, then,” he murmured softly, voice trailing off a little uncertainly as dark eyes pinned on and watched Wolframite’s ever more frantic movements. His darting eyes. His choppy sentences. The grip his massive claws had on his uniform.

There was a lot to unpack here. A lot that Diesel could definitely see himself pushing his curiosity for.

’Switched too much.’

’You'll get in trouble.’

’Again… It’s in the past.’

What was? If it wasn’t obvious before, it definitely was now: Wolframite had way more experience with the Negaverse and the Mirror Freaks than Diesel had initially expected. The guy was just a Captain, and even though Diesel had seen him on big missions before, he hadn’t really thought much about him, hadn’t figured there was much more to him than any of the others on the same missions- besides the whole half-youma thing. That was a little bizarre on its own.

Wolframite had definitely been hurt, and even if Diesel wanted to press him for, like, specifics (he did love a good story…), it didn’t seem like he’d get them with the jerky, panicking way the agent was acting. It did, admittedly, make it a little more difficult to not acknowledge in some vein that this whole powered war- it could be pretty severe. Diesel barely thought on that fact at all. Maybe he’d been scared once or twice, but no one had ever hurt him. He hadn’t suffered almost anything since his awakening, so it was easy to forget- or ignore- that people had actually lost friends or family, or parts of themselves and their own lives. He knew Rakovanite killed. Diesel didn’t participate in that regard, but he’d seen it and knew it happened. People were hurt by this. Agents too, no matter how he joked about no one else being a threat.

He didn’t know how comfortable Wolframite would be with anyone else touching him, but that had never stopped Diesel before. And he definitely was no expert in it, and didn’t know what to do in situations like this, but it wasn’t like he was gonna stand there, staring and doing nothing.

“Hey, buddybuddybuddy.” The words spilled fast and thoughtless out of him, settling for literally anything that bubbled out to smooth the situation over. He reached, laying a palm on either side of the half-youma’s neck and using his thumbs to guide Wolframite’s face back toward him. “Wolframite, it’s just us, right? No one’s gonna get you, you’re not in trouble. You’re human, too, yeah? -Mostly, I mean. So, like, you can have bad thoughts and shitty emotions and not be in trouble for it. It’s okay. I’m here for you to- uh, I dunno, whatever you need, I guess? Right? We’re okay. You’re okay.”



Romantic Exhibitionist

PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:51 am

Wide, glowing yellow eyes stared at Diesel's, moving less frequently before locking in. The assurance that things were okay was enough to pull him into the present, and he latched onto those words like a lifeline in dark waters. A mantra to repeat in his head. Everything was okay.

His mind searched out for evidence of this reassurance, and there was no close long of energy to threaten them right now. Some minor, distant blips of power but nothing encroaching to be scared about. It was just a rooftop in the quiet of the city, and two officers. The sensation of a palm was grounding, something to focus on that said this was real, they were here, and that his thoughts were just that. He took deep breaths, attempting to pull himself from the more of his riled panic.

"Sorry." The first word that came to find. "I need to sit down." And setting a hand very carefully on Diesel's arm, he used him to slowly lower himself to sit down. He released Diesel's arm, feeling a bit more flushed out of embarrassment for his attack.

There, he took deep breaths in and slow breathes out. A practice he seemed to have done before. He did this for a few moments as he tried to keep from shaking. From his breathes catching short - a threat of getting too close to a full meltdown. But he pulled it all in, focusing on the little buttons on one of his shoes as he breathed.

Once he felt steadier, he spoke. "I have a bad history with them. - the Dark Moon Court. A long time ago...they did a lot to hurt people that I cared about."

"They did a lot to me."

"Back when they were the Blood Moon Court." He took a few deep breaths again, but felt himself shudder. It was always there like a deep well in the dark. A open maw filled with deep fears waiting to lunge out and grab him. That fear that rose his head with little things. Very small rooms in old buildings. The feeling of metal chairs and chains. The smell of singed skin and hair. A match.

A song sang beautifully in a language he didn't know.

His tail circled around him as he focused on what was said. You're okay.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 5:06 pm

“Yeah. Whatever you need,” Diesel offered, steadying his arm as Wolframite used it as a brace to sink to the ground. A bit strange, having the guy’s giant claws right there on him, and Diesel didn’t really know how stable the half-youma was mentally, especially when upset, but things seemed to be progressing toward fine. …Calming down.

Once the other was settled, Diesel situated himself at Wolframite’s side, crouching next to him, since that was probably better than standing over him. He lay a hand on the agent’s back, gently patting as Wolframite took forcefully slow and heavy breaths.

Just talking about it did all this? “I wish I…” But he didn’t, did he? He didn’t wish he was more familiar with the things Wolframite spoke of, the things an actual monster of an agent could be afraid of. Diesel was happy as a senshi and generally unbothered by the way things were. Like, sure, people died- were killed- but it went… pretty easily, honestly. Of course there was a fight over it, sometimes violent, it just… didn’t usually seem that bad? Maybe the magic and starseed-pulling lent itself to feeling less volatile, somehow.

It never felt like Diesel was part of anything evil.

And anyone not in the Negaverse was an outright p***y. They couldn’t do worse than the Negaverse. He liked feeling that way. Felt safe. Bizarrely comforting, in its own way.

“The… Blood Moon Court. I’ve never heard of that.” But they were Dark Mirror senshi? Who must’ve tortured people? “We don’t have to talk about it, y’know. I’m here if you want to, but I’m not trying to force you, or anything. It’s just hard to imagine… I only even know if a couple Mirror senshi, and none of them would do much of, like, anything. They barely even seem committed to being senshi at all, never mind trying to take people out or something.”



Romantic Exhibitionist

PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 10:35 am
The weight on his back was reassuring and steadied his focus to something physically present. It was a soft presence

"I want you to know." He looked over at him, a hint of desperation in those golden eyes. "Some people, they may start out good, but they can be pressured into doing bad things. Either they want to impress their leaders, get ahead, or, or maybe they are afraid. Some just need an opportunity to let that side free. To be given a match. You should never think of anyone incapable of doing evil. Never think someone can't harm you. You should always second guess. You can avoid capture that way."

And Diesel had to avoid being taken. What if this member took him. Took him without Wolframite warning him to be wary. To question intent. To know that people could all kill if pressed.

His expression dropped as he looked away again, as if maintaining eye contact for too long took too much from within.

"Always be wary of how many reflective surfaces are in one place." He warned, his tone picking pack on a panic pitched. Words a little faster. It spoke of wisdom gained by misery.

"Work with them. Use them to help your goals. Just never ever trust them to have your best interest at heart. To be there to save you. They are still their side. Not ours."

He thought of that eerie song again.

"I can't forget how they tortured....how they killed. There is still rot within them." A festering spot at the core of the DMC.

His claws dug into the ground and curled at the pained anguish of those lost or never seen again.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:51 pm

“I, uh- yeah, I will. Don’t worry.”

And like, maybe Diesel should be more wary and watchful and attentive. Maybe he should make it a point to always be checking who was around him and knowing where all of his escapes were- have a plan for if he needed to power up fast. Awful s**t could- and had- happened in an instant, and he was hardly the most responsive when things went unexpectedly south. It was just that he always seemed to have someone who would take charge and be directive when it happened. It never really fell on Ellian to have to worry about those sorts of things…

But it also felt like a pretty sad way of looking at things. They were in a war, so maybe it should be hard to know who to trust, but… hearing that he should be second-guessing everyone… It was disconcerting. Uncomfortable. He didn’t have a huge collection of people he expected were keeping ‘his best interest at heart,’ but the ones he did have weren’t people he wanted to stop trusting.

Diesel didn’t know Wolframite’s life. Didn’t know the extent of what he’d done in the past or what he had going on now. He didn’t want to judge or assume, but man- This poor guy. For real. His arm slid around the agent’s back, gently tugging to pull Wolframite’s head to Diesel’s chest. “…I really hope you have someone that you believe in enough to look out for you. No matter what else is happening.” This guy had the sad vibes of someone who usually did the looking after everyone, or who took all the bad upon his own shoulders. “It’s easier that way, y’know?”

Wolframite must’ve been holding onto this for a long time, but then it probably wasn’t something anyone would just ‘get over.’

There was no knowing who’d tortured him besides ‘someone’ from the Dark Mirror Court, but Diesel still had to figure they weren’t all capable of it- of killing? Maybe. Maybe killing could be on the table for anyone. But torture seemed worse. Torture seemed more personal. …Narci wouldn’t hurt anyone. Diesel really did believe that much. “…Are you really mad-“ Afraid. “-at all of them? For what just a few did?” The rot Wolframite called them.

“Hey, do you wanna get out of here?” Diesel offered, giving the agent’s shoulder a reassuring little shake. “I dunno if you can use any glamor or whatever, but if you can, do you wanna take a little break? You can come hang out where no enemies can wander up on us, and I’ll make you something to eat. Uh, my boyfriend will be there- Gideon- Feldspar. I dunno if that’d be a problem for you or not. But he’s chill. You could come relax a bit, if you wanted?”



Romantic Exhibitionist

PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:50 pm
The world went at a angle as he felt himself guided to rest against Diesel. For a moment, he was surprised, staring out as he felt emcompassed by a supporting arm about his back. But it didn't take long for him to relax. HIs heart was still racing, but the deep breathes were helping to keep him from feeling as if hew as going to suffocate. For a few moments, he focused on just calming down.

Did he have someone who was on his side? He liked to think he did. He liked to think those closet to him, all agents to the Negaverse, had the best interest of the Negavesre and himself in mind. That they were of the same mindset to fight for the cause, and to be there for him. There was no reason he felt distrustful of them, but he also knew that anyone could purify. Anyone could leave him too, just as easily as he left them. That his life could encounter another loss and this time, out of control. Part of him wondered if it would be poetic justice. It's why he grasped so firmly, singing claw and tooth into those he wanted to selfishly keep forever by his side. His life had changed too much. He wanted to finally latch onto stability.

"Mad? I was a lot madder before. For years. I gave up everything to that hate. I traded it all for that hatred. I even went to far as to do horrible things back in return. I wanted them to suffer." And he had made them suffer.

"Now....I'm tired. I already saw the end of that life - chased it to it's end - became what I am - and nothing was different." He had Leto there, in that warehouse, to torture her one last time. And they both had seen that they were monsters forever hungry and forever changed to their cores for eternity. If he reincarnated, he doubted things would be different. Now his appearance, who he was, just matched.

"I just can't forget it. Not after all these many years." Leto was Seventeen. He was a teenager too. They were all so young back then.

The weight of the conversation was exhausting, and at the mention of leaving, he nodded. If anyone happened upon them, he wouldn't have that drive to fight for his life. His thoughts were all over.

"I can glamour. I barely use it." He didn't have much of a life outside of being a officer.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 7:34 pm

Years. Such a... long time to hold onto those grievances. Diesel didn't know if he'd be capable of it no matter how horrible the treachery was- Any of the petty offenses Ellian had suffered just resulted in him cleaving the offender from his life. A clean break. Something he'd stop investing his mental energy in the moment it became a chore. He didn't want to waste time on someone who didn't please him, and didn't like to dwell on things that were just going to upset him... It always felt really easy to dismiss what he didn't like, but then, nothing particularly monumental had ever befallen him...

"It does sound exhausting," he agreed with the agent's sentiment, as Diesel patted lightly (reassuringly?) at Wolframite's back.

He could be completely jumping to conclusions here, but Wolframite had said his memory wasn't all there because he'd 'switched too much.' It hadn't been confirmed explicitly, but Diesel was pretty sure he'd been a knight at one point in this lifetime. And if he was missing pieces (huge pieces?) of memory, it really sucked that one of the things he did remember was whoever the hell Leto was and how she'd hurt him.

This poor guy must have some happy memories? It just sounded like they didn't involve the Mirror Court- Or the Negaverse, either, apparently? Since it seemed like a lot of agents just wanted to treat him like a pet...

"Alright, I mean, that pretty much settles it, then?" Diesel offered as he moved to stand. "Since you've got time, we might as well make some newer, better memories. I don't mean to brag, but you'll just have to trust me when I say I'm the life of every party!" He notched his head in the direction of his apartment. "C'mon, let's get out of here. The atmosphere's all wrong."


♥ In the Name of the Moon! ♥

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