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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] The Hatching Grounds
[Zenobiath's Hatching] In Their Eyes Shine Stars Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 ... 30 31 32 33 [>] [>>] [»|]

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Cute Fairy

PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 7:49 pm
Hatching? Dragons?! It was the dead of night! Ionan didn’t think he’d been up this late before, but he’d certainly gotten up at strange times for hatchings... He pulled on his robes and took a breath, grateful again for the candidatemaster’s instructions. He knew what to do. He did. But it was late and he was tired. He tried to force a yawn away and failing that he sighed. He saw Rhiyn and gave a nod to let him know he’d be following.

Demanthra was probably waking the others up. “No time to lose,” he muttered. He wondered if T’rin would be watching. His sister had given him an earful over that shanty he’d taught him, but it’d been worth it. He still counted him as a friend.

He followed the candidatemaster out. Where was Kinye?

Dea and #Teddy#
PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 7:53 pm
Elibrie - she/her

Elibrie woke with a start from restless sleep, and needed a moment to come to her senses and remind herself where was, not to mention take in what was happening. She wasn't quite sure of the exact candlemark, but it was very definitely the middle of the night, and... Oh. Oh. It was time. She immediately glanced to see where Oranie was, but didn't waste time on more than a look before she hurried to get herself into her robes and presentable. She tucked her hair neatly up out of the way, slipped on her sandals, and after that stuck to her sister like glue. With how the Touching had ended, and all the stories told even just of recent clutches, she couldn't help but be a little nervous, but she blocked that away as best she could. She repeated F'dral's words over and over in her head and took a deep breath to steady herself. They could do this. She could do this.

Once they were in place, she snaked out a hand to take Oranie's even as her sister whispered. "They were very nice," she agreed, keeping herself from mentioning the dramatic end the Touching had come to. The eggs they'd touched had been very agreeable, kind even, and just because others had gotten upset didn't mean that there was anything to be afraid of; they were only babies, after all, and all manner of things could upset a baby. "Do you think there might be one like Menankith?"

Their aunt's brown was a good fellow, but also...odd, Elibrie couldn't help but feel, having chosen a girl and all. Might there be a similarly unconventional boy in this clutch? And...did Oranie want one?


Ilzerin - he/him

Again with a middle of the night Hatching, really? Well. It was the soon-to-be-hatchlings' prerogative. Ilzerin heaved himself up off his cot with a sigh and made with getting ready: robes on, sandals on, and long hair quickly twisted up in such a way that it wouldn't become a potential hazard. He most certainly did not want a baby dragon pulling on that! He spared a look and a slight wave across the room for a certain someone, but now was no time for anything more than that. It was off to the Sands, where he was content not to be among the first out, and stand wherever he happened to end up, rather than searching out any one person or group in particular. He was all for sociability and a bit of banter, but it wouldn't hurt to keep his mind on the dragons, either. That was, after all, what they were all here for.

Nashwa - she/her

Nashwa was sleeping soundly and snugly when the commotion began, burrowed happily under a very thick blanket (High Reaches was sharding cold!), but rose quietly and made her preparations without fuss. Her little brown flit cheeped at her from atop her cot as she finished, but she shook her head. "No, Altan. You stay here and go back to sleep." Obediently - for she had been diligent about training him from day one, and he had luckily been agreeable to start - he made a little nest for himself in her blanket, and she pulled a bit over to tuck him in before moving with the crowd of Candidates to the Sands.  



Blessed Mage

PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 7:54 pm
As she huddled in her blanket, trying to sleep, Ryala wondered again if this was really such a good idea. When she'd agreed to try her luck at a High Reaches hatching, she hadn't really considered the fact that the temperature would be vastly different. And she really should have, too, all things considered. At least she had Ghost and Ignis snuggled close to her, offering a little more warmth.

At some point, she slept, but it wasn't for very long. As the draconic humming swelled to fill the night, it awakened her friends, who in turn excitedly pounced on her. She needed to get ready, there were eggs hatching!

"Mmmph... Go back to sleep, you two," she mumbled into her pillow, before her mind processed what was happening. With a start, she pushed herself upright, brushing long strands of auburn hair from her face. It was time... Now?! But it was the middle of the night!

Still, as she well knew, the eggs would not wait. If the hatchlings wished to arrive in the dead of the night, then so be it.

It had become almost routine now, changing into the white Candidates robe and sliding on the light sandals, braiding her hair to keep it neat and out of the way. As she prepared herself, both of her flits excitedly swooped around the room.

At last, she was ready. Joining the others, she shivered a little, both from the chill air and the anticipation. Maybe this time!


Shardit, couldn't a person get any sleep around here? It was bad enough that, upon arriving at the Weyr, she'd discovered that the eggs were due to hatch rather soon... But to choose an hour when everyone else was trying to rest? Sighing mightily, Gwyn rolled over and reached for her robe. Might as well get herself in order, then. It was a good thing that she'd gotten her things organized when she'd arrived earlier today. Or was it yesterday? Well, anyways, she was now glad that she'd taken the time to put everything away properly. She knew exactly where to find what she needed as she dressed and brushed out her hair.

In short order, she was ready. As she approached the group of other candidates, though, it seemed that not everyone else was. Shards, did that one girl have her robe on backwards?! Well, that was her problem to sort.

Briefly closing her eyes, Gwyn breathed deeply, squared her shoulders, and proceeded with the others into the cavern.


Yawning hugely, Avali stretched and blinked in the dim light. What was going on? What was that odd humming... Wait, HUMMING?!

Shells, the eggs! The eggs were hatching!

Scrambling out of bed, the girl nearly tripped over herself as she hastily donned the required white robe and pulled on the sandals that would protect her feet on the Sands. Would this be it... would this be the night that she Impressed? Oh, it would be so amazing if she did!

Taking her place among the other candidates, she followed them towards the eggs.  
PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 7:55 pm

As far as Harpiath was concerned, these little ones could have hatched during Threadfall, and she still would have been secretly thrilled to see them. Secretly, of course. Couldn't let too many know she was getting soft in her old age. Even the shroud of sadness that normally hung around Amalteia had ebbed once she'd heard the old queen thrumming, and though Harpiath's knees and wings protested mightily, she launched herself from her weyr to find a suitable ledge to observe the proceedings.

Just in time, too, as some old fool was running her mouth at the young mother and sire. An old fool named Ageiroth. Typical.

Your wisdom? The old gold rumbled derisively, settling herself down to better watch. Do you even remember which end you laid eggs with, Ageiroth? Don't answer that. I'd hate for you to strain yourself today of all days. She saw no need to address either parent, considering they'd done what queens and bronzes had been doing for Turns upon Turns now.

Amalteia paused halfway to her seat, frowning into the darkness in the direction of her queen. Harpiath dismissed the subtle hint from her rider to be nice. That HAD been nice. Besides, she hadn't even started on how Ageiroth would probably squash a clutch these days instead of brooding it properly.



Territorial Friend

Sweet Symmetry

Tipsy Kitten

PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 7:59 pm
For Kyzier! <3

Ruunan [HR] - 17 - he/him/his - App Woodcrafter

Ruunan hadn’t been expecting a super-friendly introduction; mostly, in his mind, other candidates saw him as quiet and unassuming and perhaps a little too… uninvolved to bother. But this candidate did not seem perturbed in the slightest by what Ruunan assumed was a pale and worried look on his face, and the untidy crop of curls that obviously did not emphasise how much he cared for his appearance.

“It- I… ah.” He began, stuttering a little as he glanced back towards the eggs. He caught his lip with his teeth, then turned back to Kyzier. “Ma-maybe… that green and red one?” He gestured to the Red & Green Present Egg. It looked… nice and energetic. He hadn’t been able to touch it, unfortunately.

“Oh. Ah. Nice to meet you Kyzier… I’m, erm, Ruunan. I’m from High Reaches.” The young man sort of gestured to the hatching grounds with a shrug of his shoulders, then coloured a little. Of course Kyzier knew where High Reaches was. They were at High Reaches. “Erm… what qualifies the best dragon?” The question came from a genuine curiosity. Somehow, he was a little bit reminded of Starry Night egg as Kyzier spoke. This thought made him smile. “I’d… I’d be happy if the hatching went well and nobody was hurt… but if I did Impress…” Something jumped about in his chest. Or stomach. He was having a hard time telling the difference. “I’d be really very grateful that my dragon believed in me.”

Cause that made one of them then, oh ho ho.

Shells. He had to start thinking more positively! He tried his best to put on a positive, confident smile (which may or may not have come across a little strained), and nodded his head.  
PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 8:04 pm

Nights didn't bring much sleep, and so Haveli had no issues getting up and getting ready. Her mind was empty, save for a few stray thoughts here and there over the hour, or how she didn't get her sandals properly fitted.

Idle thoughts, calm and empty as they should be, and the woman stepped out on to the sands after following all the proper steps.

Was this going to be it? Would she Impress and make her Mother and the Masters proud? Or would she die out there, figuratively and/or literally?

Calm, empty thoughts.  


Sparkly Decorator


Lonely Phantom

PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 8:05 pm

Master of the quick change as she was, having to flip clothing on and off between sets or shows was an art unto itself, Veri wasn't nearly as fast as her sister was this time. In fact Vera was nearly pulling her arm from it's socket in her excitement and the desire to be out on the sands immediately. Of course she had the same sorts of feelings rushing through her, but she kept her calm visibly while she vibrated and glowed like a sun on the inside. Very first hatching right after their very first touching... if they were lucky both would walk away this night with a dragon? Or maybe not. It was so late at night and she had only gotten the smallest bit of sleep, she could have been loopy!

A giant smile plastered on her face, or at least a true one, Veri bowed before the giant gold and her mate on the sands respectfully and was nearly yanked off her sandaled feet by her twin once more. This wasn't something she was used to, but she was amused highly by Vera's unbridled excitement as they finally came to a stop side by side, her eyes roving over the eggs in search of the two she'd managed to touch. Of course she wasn't biased towards any particular egg, not really, but they had been adorable so she wanted to watch what came of them even if they likely weren't hers.




While her talk with her mother had actually done quite a bit to rouse her spirits and bring her back to something like her normal self, Miela wasn't at all in a rush to meet the eggs. Or rather, two eggs in particular that wanted as little to do with her as she did with them. Though she dressed in her robe, pulled on her sandals and brushed out her hair from the cloud state it had been in, as it always was, she wasn't doing it in as rushed a manner as the other candidates. Certainly she had some expedience, as was her duty, but duty was as fast as she would go and even as she began to walk onto the sands, to bow, to expose the back of her neck to these dragons that all hated her and had been gossiping, there was dread.

Somewhere in the back of her mind there was a loud voice bellowing "So what!?" but she couldn't bring herself to heed it as she normally would have, ready as she was to be singled out by a baby dragon that had already made it's desire to face her head on extremely evident. Straightening from her bow, the small girl made herself seem even smaller on the sands as she walked to an area where she could be all alone. Certainly something was going to happen this dark night, but others didn't need to be swept into it as she faced it head on, unable to actually defend herself for fear that a baby dragon might Between.

Resolutely she imagined a calm pool in her mind and stayed as still as stone, for now.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 8:12 pm
Nuamia - Western she/her

Nuamia practically flew out of bed when the humming from the dragons registered. It. Was. Time. Her hair was a bit of a mess, and as they walked to the Sands she tried to finger comb it into some semblance of order. She had mixed success. Hopefully if she impressed the baby wouldn’t care.

Bowing to the parents, she stepped out onto the warm sands. It felt good for now considering the cold of High Reaches was so unfamiliar to her. But she had a feeling that her feet would soon feel that familiar too hot feeling.

Divisti - High Reaches she/her

As curious about what her first Hatching would be like as she was, Divisti wasn’t showing it. She was sailing through the experience in an air of supreme calm and general good natured amusement, showing none of the excitement bubbling inside. It was just her way.

She went through all the correct motions with the Candidate Master and the parents, before gliding out onto the sands. This was the dragon’s moment. And she would not ruin it for anything. Divisti settled in among the crowd and smiled to the woman next to her. She was also new to the candidacy if she remembered correctly. Cha..ku..ri, was it?


Heleste - High Reaches she/her

Ooooooooohhhhhhhh BOY! Here we go! It was time and there was no stopping this ship. It had was leaving the port and heading out to sea. Heleste would have whooped had she not thought that F’dral might pull her from the sands just for doing that. Where was her other shoe???

Finally ready with all her bits in the right place, Heleste set off towards the back of the group. Bow, don’t fall over, check! Don’t trip on robe on the way back up, check! She was on the Sands and it was marvelous. Look at the glorious eggs. The soon to be glorious dragons. Oooooohhhh, this was a goooooood day… night… time.  


Predestined Cultist


PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 8:16 pm
Talayla of Gold Ageiroth - Harpiath
Ageiroth bristled at the other queen's comments. Harpiath! Leave it to her to get in Ageiroth's way. She focused her words only to Harpiath, though she kept an eye on the sands. Yes, Harpiath, wisdom--something you clearly know nothing about. Why don't you mind yourself, rather than worrying about me?

Rich, coming from Ageiroth.

Talayla sighed. Here we go. Give her a hard time all you want, but if you sharding upset this hatching--

I would never! Talaylamine, you should know your Ageiroth better than that. I would never upset a hatching. After briefly responding to her rider, she turned back to Harpiath. I hope you would be self aware enough to know it, but you are not as clever as you seem to think.



Kyzier - Ruunan
Kyzier nodded, smiling to him. "I'm Western--I said that, right? Yes, no? Well, it doesn't especially matter, because I'm here for now." Their smile was genuine, friendly, and...perhaps a bit too familiar, but still well-meaning.

At his question, however, they paused. They hadn't exactly...thought about what the best dragon would be. "Hm...well, it's pretty hard to tell which dragon is the best, but the way you can figure it out is if they Impress to me, I guess?" Hm. Okay, maybe they weren't sure on that one--time to move onto something they were more sure about. "All dragons are fantastic, though!" Yes, that one was a definite.

And then, Ruunan dropped that line, giving a strained smile. For a moment, there was something--just in their eyes, it didn't touch their smile--that looked like genuine concern. Immediately, it passed, or perhaps they just didn't want him to see it. Either way, they lifted a hand to clap him on the shoulder, but judged his response to be sure it wouldn't make him more nervous.

"Runny," they said, using a vague approximation of his name, "You are definitely dragonrider material. I can tell. So could whoever searched you. Trust me. Trust them. So! In that case, it's when, not if, right?" They were a bit odd, but clearly meant well...in their own way, anyways.

Sweet Symmetry
Mr. Runny Nose
PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 8:17 pm
Alumet of Gold Zenobiath

From her place upon the sands, in a state of calm and joy, Zenobiath was focused solely upon the shells of her little ones until the sound of a voice met her like a gnat buzzing against a human ear. 'Advice', today of all days. As much as the Gold would respect senior Queens, it was not something she needed. This, mothering her children, watching them shell and find theirs? As natural as breathing. Her hum did not falter, nor did the swirl of deep violet. Ageiroth was met with a rather cool sense of self. Zenobiath did not doubt. She was of the most regal line, and carried herself as such, Terribly hard to forget what is written in one's very being, Ageiroth, but so kind of you to offer your words. Do enjoy focusing upon my children's joy though, won't you? She was nothing if not cordial, addressing the Gold only this once before going back to her little ones. Soon enough.



Feral Phantom

12,375 Points
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 8:23 pm
Talis and Holleth

It's time were the words that woke her up, quiet and calm, but more than enough to stir her. Unlike the Candidates down in the Barracks, there was no pressing need for Talis to be ready in a hurry; she had all the time she liked, if she wanted it. She could even have ignored it entirely and gone back to sleep (not that she was inclined to). So she shooed Riot off of her chest and rose to dress, ignoring the green firelizard's chittered annoyances at being disturbed. Ultimately, the offended flit settled for curling up on the nightclothes her bonded tossed onto the bed, though she kept one red eye slitted open and glaring, just to make it very clear how very unhappy she was!

A familiar brown appeared just as Talis was pulling on her shirt, and while Riot was in to much of a huff to acknowledge him, blue Sentinel gave a quiet croon from the edge of the desk. "Come on then, boys. I guess you're coming with me." The huffy green, however, got a sharp look and a firm command to stay. One corner of her lips quirked up into a bemused smile: three flits, really? When had she become one of those people? Granted, one of them wasn't actually hers, but still. It was weird. She shook her head at herself and picked up and pulled on the long coat she had draped over the back of her chair. Sentinel tucked himself into a warm inside pocket, and once Prowl decided where he best wanted to be, it was off to the Stands.

As they were all getting themselves settled a few minutes later, Holleth reached out to Lauthisen with the faintest of mental touches. He felt no need to say anything, nor did His wish him to relay any words. While the sevenday the Western candidates had been here had been...eventful in certain regards, there was nothing that suddenly needed saying at this very moment. And there would be no smartass remark, either, not after what had happened last time.

but seriously don't ruin another perfectly good set of robes
PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 8:23 pm
[kaiator - he/him - HR]

Oh no. Oh, oh no, it was--it was time, again? So soon? Kaiator found his nerves fleeing him all at once as he scrambled to get ready as fast as possible, all his vanity for once abandoned. He didn't have time to preen and get himself done up--IT WAS TIME.
Usurper trilled his displeasure throughout the whole affair, only somewhat silenced by Casris laying his head across the much smaller Bronze. Kaiator barely had time to tell them to stay put, although he could at least be sure Casris got the message. The larger Brown was plenty docile, and seemed to have no intentions of moving. Usurper, however--that one was the problem. Kaiator could only hope that his insistence had been enough as he clambered after his fellow Candidates, cursing under his breath at his own nerves rumbling in his skull all the while.

He was on the Sands before he knew it, bowing to Zenobiath almost as if in a dream before he shuffled over to the rest of the Candidates. By the time he'd settled on a spot, he found that he was still poking and prodding at his robes to get them in just the right way, regardless of the fact that he'd long since gotten 'ready'. Where had that Tunnelsnake wound up, anyway--? She had to be somewhere down here--everybody was. He craned his neck to try and catch a glimpse of her over the crowd, but still made sure to place himself more on the side of the group of Candidates than anything. This--this was a good spot, he reasoned. Good enough for him, anyway. Sure, he wanted to be front and center, but with so many others clamoring for the same privilege, Kaiator fancied his chances a little...elsewhere. Better safe than sorry, he thought.
Calm and welcoming thoughts, though. Not worries. Just calm! It'll be fine! Probably!

haveli friend bls


Otherworldly Plague

20,675 Points
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  • That One Hero 500


PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 9:35 pm
Rahmsii - [he/him] - HR - Open for interaction

Rahmsii was never one for a restful night sleep. He was up so late now again, that his eyes were weighed down with purple. He should rest more really.. but the stillness of the night let him the quiet to read. To think and stretch away from prying eyes a while… but sometimes it made his mornings so slow.It felt no sooner that he punched his pillow into a comfortable shape, and fidgeted until he got perfectly comfortable.. that strange sounds echoed through his dreams. He was dreaming of warm sun filtering through skybroom branches and of music.

It took him a few moments for the dragonsong to stir him from his dream He stretched and stared, confused that everyone was bustling around the barracks throwing things this way and thats. He blinked clearly, looking at the glows turned to illuminate the room full of people bustling and changing. In his sleepiness, it took him a moment to figure what was going on. Like a flash he kicked his blankets away. Stripping and shoving the coase robe over his shoulders. Tiredness forgotten in a raw rush of adrenaline (and a splash of cold water to his face for good measure).

In a delighted daze Rahmsii found himself on the sands, bowing to the beautiful gold clutch mother. He rung his hands in excitement - even if he needed to keep his wits about him - it was joyous! He gazed at each of the clutch, gently curious. Wondering what those he hadn’t had a chance to briefly meet might be like. All of them would be lovely. He stood up on his toes, ignoring the heat creeping up his feet. Craning his neck looking over the crowd of he as looks for Tuela. He nodded and lifted his chin, hoping to find her in the sea of faces so he wouldn’t need to stand alone.


Urzoh - [she/her] - HR - Open for interaction

Little babies couldn’t exactly pick when they’d be born, eh? Urzoh kicked off her trousers and pulled on her robes. If she could pick when she came kicking and screaming into the world, it’d be a nice lazy afternoon - after a long lie in. It was still dark, she scrubbed sleepily at her eyes. She took a few breaths and sip of cold water to wake herself. There was no way she’d be caught dead yawning on the sands!

Urzoh gave her face a light slap for good measure. Feeling much more human, she stretched and spun around in her robe. Finally the gorgeous clutch was ready to hatch! She afforded a minute to excitedly punch the air before putting on her well-behaved candidate face uon leaving the barracks.

Urzoh bowed to the clutch parents and found what she thought was the “good” spot. She could see the eggs and felt comfortable in a throng of candidates around her. She watched the eggs - eyes jumping from shell to shell, straining to see if any shells were thinking abot cracking. Oh little one’s, welcome to the world.

J’er of blue Cyliodath

Cyliodath sat daintlly on a ledge, a respectful distance from the clutchparents and their loved ones. Oh.. but he loved watching Hatchings. The sweet little children making their way to their bondeds. He carded his front paws together, laying his chin thoughtfully upon them.
Good luck today lovely ones. He chirped quietly. He arranged his wings across his back, a built in blanket. The tip of his tail twitched absently in thought.

J’er couldn’t help but grin to himself. Sitting in the stands brought back more than enough memories of his own impression day. Of the little blue dragon falling head over wing to find him. Wonder if there will be a climber like you hm? he ribbed his dragon sweetly, only to receive a good natured snort. It was late, but he wouldn’t miss the excitement of the hatching. He’d miss everything exciting and all the talk of tomorrow! He balanced a mug of klah in his hands, getting comfortable.

Prism Shine
Rahmsii... the boy
PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 9:42 pm
Candidate Nalacko - she/her

Nalacko was sound asleep. Noise from those around her finally disturbed her slumber enough that she sat up knuckling her eyes about to suggest they quiet down as some were trying to sleep. Instead the voice of the candidatemaster broke through the sleep fog. Hurry now? Why for? Nala wondered for a moment as she peered around at the other candidates.

Then she heard the dragons humming. Practiced motion rolled her out of bed and saw a quick scrubbing to ensure she was clean. Nala used cool water cause she knew in a few minutes she'd be quite warm enough. On went the white robe and she joined the rest waiting to head to the sands proper. She took a deep breath as they went in.

Nala bowed to Zenobiath. Thank you for this chance, she thought softly. The teen moved further onto the hot sands and eyed the eggs. Should she stand closer? no further away? In a group? No solo. She fidgeted trying to find a good spot. Were her friends watching from the stands? She hoped so, but she also didn't want them to see her fail yet again.

After some shuffling she spotted a familiar cohort and company. Nala sliddled up towards Juhvek and smiled. "Ready?" she whispered. Her breath stilled in her lungs as she tried to figure out which egg would hatch first. No one really seemed to be rocking yet. Give it a little bit, she told herself.




Otherworldly Plague

20,675 Points
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • Galactic Domination 200
  • That One Hero 500
PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 9:48 pm
[alisaide - they/them/he/him - HR]

They had been (almost) silently preparing for this exact moment from the instant the Touching had ended. It had only been a matter of time, and Alisaide was at least confident in their ability to get everything they needed together--and thus, when the call rang out, they were slipping into their robes with a kind of practiced ease that belied how much they'd tried to get it all under their belt. They didn't need to worry about Freckle and Marine--one request for them to stay put, and they both decided to curl up in a comfortable little pile at the foot of their bed, quietly chirping to each other before they fell back asleep.

Alisaide, on the other hand, was going to be up for quite some time yet.

A quick half-jog and a bow to Zenobiath later, they were standing in the middle of the Sands, as close to the eggs as they were allowed to get--they weren't the only one to decide on this particular placement, as they noted with a wide grin. Alisaide took a deep breath, trying to suppress some of the trembles of excitement they could feel building up inside them. This was it--they were here now, and there was no turning back.
And honestly, they couldn't wait.  
[IC RP] The Hatching Grounds

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