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[DMC]Xi-Wang Zhào/Eternal Kiuchi of Gorgons Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 4 [>] [»|]

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Sleet Tempest Snape

Noble Vampire

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 11:56 am
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January 10, 2017 (Back dating.)

Sitting at his computer desk, tucked into the corner of his room, his dark eyes peered over his shoulder towards his bedroom door as he heard the front door close downstairs. Left home alone again, it wasn’t as bad as it sounded, he had gotten scolded by his mother's wife again. It wasn’t the first time nor would it be the last, he knew it, and yet it still hurt whenever it happened. His mother always stood off to the side, or somewhere behind the woman, as he was scolded or questioned by the overbearing woman. His mother never actually disciplined him, hadn’t in years.

Turning back round, ignoring the glow from his computer screen which displayed a game that he was playing, he turned his attention instead to the old stuffed panda bear in his lap. His legs drawn up as he sat pressed in tight to his desk so the bear was pressed close to his stomach. Reaching down to pet at an ear, a comfort thing, he focused back on the game then. The panda bear was one of those things he’d had since he was a child, the same as other people who kept blankets and other things from their childhood.

When had it all gone so wrong? He doubted it was when his mother realized she was pregnant. Maybe when she and his father, a man unknown to him, had moved to this country? Maybe when they’d married? or when they’d met? He always wondered these things but never could ask. His mother didn’t talk about the man who had once been her husband, who was his father. She never spoke of China or his grandparents, of any possible aunts or uncles. Nothing. It was as if there was some iron curtain around all this information...or rather a great wall had been erected to block it all - to keep it sealed off and away from the outside - from him.

He understood his mother disliked, perhaps even hated, his father but for what he didn’t fully understand. Was it just because he was male? It seemed like it was that and perhaps the idea in China that men ruled over women. It was the only thing he could think of, since his mother never mentioned anything other than her dislike of his father and that was so rarely done. His mother's wife didn’t like it when he was brought up, because it upset his mother, and so he couldn’t ask about the other person responsible for him existing. He couldn’t try and find out more about who he was and where he was from - his culture and family.

He only got to learn about China, and it’s rich culture and history, from what he found online and the people he spoke to online. He was lucky he had learned Chinese, mandarin, from his mother but that had been when he was younger and when his mother was learning English. It had been the language they could speak together, that was easier for her, so she could properly raise him since disciplining him in English and telling him things in English was hard for his single mother who was learning English. Maybe because those had been good times he found comfort in speaking, or reading, Chinese though it seemed his mother wanted to distance herself so much from her heritage that she didn’t even speak Chinese anymore. She was so...American.

With a heavy exhale of air he clicked the logout button and logged off his game before pushing his chair out from behind his desk and stood slowly. Panda bear still in his hands, held to his chest, he made his way across his room. Depositing the plush onto the nest of blankets and pillows which made up his bed Xi-wang slipped out of his room and down the hall.

For a long time now he’d been covertly trying to find his birth certificate, he knew it was somewhere in the house, as he knew his father’s name was likely to be listed. It was the only chance he had of finding out his father’s name and perhaps from there he could try and find the man or his family. He could use his mother's maiden name and his father’s name and try and find something - anything. He just...he wanted to know where he came from and more about where he was from and it just wasn’t the same finding out online from videos and other people. He wanted to talk to family members - to people he’d never met but had often thought of and dreamed about.

They could maybe, if he found them, help him with his Chinese as well. His mother had stopped speaking it some years back and the lessons had stopped as well. So there were plenty of words he didn’t know, though he did try to learn what he could online. He would, if he could and had the money, purchase some online program to help but he had no job as he was focused too much on school and his grades and he couldn’t hide such a purchase from his mother. This was also why finding his family would be harder, a lot of sites he’d looked at linked back to Ancestory.com and he had to pay for that site. He needed something...but he had yet to find it and it was upsetting.

Easing open the master bedroom door he slowly made his way into the room, on tip toes, and went to peek around. He knew no one was home but he still felt the need to be as silent as possible, he also knew he couldn’t leave anything even a hair out of place just incase questions were asked - he never was good at hiding his guilt. He needed this though! If he could find his birth certificate he might just find out what he needed, he really hoped so. Maybe his mother's marriage certificate as well, now that he thought about it, if the Chinese one was around and she hadn’t burned it in some sacrificial fire or something equally insane. That would tell him everything he needed to know and he could search from there.

Moving around the room he went for the obvious things first, sometimes things were best hidden in the most obvious places as people overlooked them due to that, so under the bed and the mattress were checked first. The desk in the room and all it’s drawers were checked next before he moved on to the closet to see if she might have any papers stored in there, who knows with his mother and her need to hide these things. Each place turned up nothing and by the time he left the bedroom an hour later he could say the only progress he had made was eliminating one room in the house as a potential location. What room next…? He had time to search another room but which one…?

Word count: 1,172
PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 10:21 pm
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January 13, 2017

Wrapping his arms, and his legs, around the body pillow he had he snuggled into the soft fabric. The blankets around him were tucked in, wrapped about him, he looked something like a burrito with his head poking out as it was. He was comfortable and warm.

He didn’t want to get out of bed, he could hear her downstairs and he had no desire to go down and deal with her. His mother, who was only a slight bit more tolerable, had gotten out of work early and had decided to get some grocery shopping done. So he was alone with her and he did not want to deal with her, she always had something to say to him - some lesson to teach him.

The only thing which wasn’t wrong with him was that he wasn’t white. He was male and he supposed if he were transgender the woman downstairs might approve of him, so might his mother for the first time in years. However that was not the case, he was cis gender as his mother and her partner would say. He’d been called that at various rallies as well and other protests and gatherings he’d been dragged to.

Shifting, snuggling in closer to the body pillow, he let out a rather discontent whine. He hated living here, and he didn’t just mean this family, he disliked this city. He hadn’t been good at making friends in school - ever so he lacked people to talk to, it also made doing group things in school very uncomfortable, and even now at Romano’s it was the same - nothing changed. He had sort of hoped...but how does one make friends when they don’t try? He knew friends didn’t just crop out of thin air, but he hoped.

Now though his life had taken another turn, not that changing schools was much of a turn. He was now some...senshi and not just any senshi but a dark mirror one. He really wasn’t sure what he thought of it, though he really didn’t think he’d do anything...it took effort and meant he had to get up and do things. Not just that but he’d have to get off campus and get back on, and he didn’t like doing that unless he had no choice. He knew he’d have to get up soon, despite what he wanted to do, and head back to campus.

It might be a weekend but he still had things which he’d had to do before he could come home, his mother had wanted him to visit and stay for dinner again. With how often she wanted him home for dinner it almost seemed like she cared about him, then came the questions every time while they were eating. He knew if he didn’t go his mother would call the school though...so he came home when she asked and suffered through it. Right now though...he had time to spare so he was resting. His mother should be home soon, it didn’t take her long to do the shopping as she went shopping every night for that nights meals and the next day's breakfast and lunch. Due to that everyone who worked at the grocery store knew her, since she was there every evening.

It wasn’t fifteen minutes later, or maybe it was, when he heard the front door open and close and someone calling for him. He wondered, briefly, as he heard his name called if his mother would change his name if she could. Considering how she had distanced himself from her Chinese heritage and culture he couldn’t help but wonder. Anything they’d once had which was Chinese in nature was purged from the house, save for a few things he’d managed to smuggle away to safety and hide all these years. These were things he now kept in his dorm room for safety, he didn’t trust that neither woman would go through his room here while he was away and find the items. He knew if they were found it would spell trouble for him - he knew it.

Dragging himself out of his bed, reluctantly letting his pillow go, he fluffed his hair and headed out of his room and downstairs. Calling out to let them know he’d heard, and wa son his way, his mother was already in the kitchen emptying bags and talking about what she was going to make...and he was already tuning her out. He’d do what he was told but anything else spoken went right in one ear and out the other. This was going to be a long night.

Word count: 777

Sleet Tempest Snape

Noble Vampire

Sleet Tempest Snape

Noble Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 2:34 pm
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January 22, 2017 (Back dating.)

When he’d been younger his mother had suggested he attend Azure Valley high, they had a good tech program and were a good school. He hadn’t wanted to at first, why couldn’t he just go to the high school that was nearer to their home? It wasn't until he’d found out that Azure Valley high was males only that he was on board. He wouldn’t have to deal with his mother, or her wife, talking to him about how to treat the girls in school with him or asking him how his days had gone and him knowing what they really meant. Knowing he wouldn’t need to deal with those things he had to deal with currently.

After agreeing it had taken a bit of work to get accepted but once accepted he was pleased with the school. He didn’t make friends really, a few here and there, but he didn’t have to deal with so many lectures and question and answer sessions with the two adults in his home. He was glad for that - really he was. He still wished he could get away from the house though but they just wouldn’t let him move out and move on to campus - he was still too young.

Now that he was older though that couldn’t be an excuse for them, at least he hoped not, but he was rather tired of the stress being a student of Azure Valley brought him. Too much school work and homework and it was just too much, he was certain any other school in Destiny City would be easier. So when Romano’s opened up and it also boarded students he had done his research, all from the comfort of his own computer, and finding out they had chores and other things he knew he could use that against his mother and the monster who also resided in the house. That would serve as a reason he couldn’t visit often and needed to live on campus, so he could easily fit in the chores he had to do.

Printing out everything he could, anything which would help him, he had presented it over dinner to the two females. It wasn’t as tech oriented which was good, he had no plans of going into a tech field, and it wasn’t a school where you could just slack off. It was a school which also pushed for good grades, though not as hard as the other school, and took core subjects seriously while also offering other things...though they weren’t pushed much and were even located off campus...which he was ok with.

It was when he came to boarding that he showed the information he’d printed, the bit on chores and other such things, that he pointed out that living at home would make it impossible to get his duties done and that he needed to live on campus. He could visit but it wasn’t likely to be often, he would be kept busy and with curfew and other things it wouldn’t be beneficial to him to come home often.

Keeping himself calm, and polite, he had pulled every ounce of willpower he had in order to politely shoot down whatever ideas his mother's monster said, especially when she tried to say his mother would miss him and he was her only child. He had to remind himself that he’d heard them talking about adopting or finding a donor. They wanted a child...someone who no doubt would replace him. He had to remind himself that he hadn’t been his mother's child, not like he used to be, in years. She wouldn’t miss him..she would just miss the control she had over him. He almost buckled though, he was so close to it, but his mother unknowingly saved him from it when she jumped in and agreed - it was a good school from the printed out information. He would do well there. Agreeing with his mother, perhaps a bit too quickly, he asked that his mother assist him in signing up and transferring him over there. He wished he was able to do it on his own - he really did. He didn’t like asking her for things, he always felt like it wasn’t his place...like he was asking too much.

He had won though...he could go up to his room and sleep peacefully tonight, wrapped around his body pillow with his stuffed panda comfortably squished between his chest and his body pillow. He was making steps, baby steps, to get away.

For now he sat there almost vibrating in his seat, from excitement, as he tried not to choke down the rest of his dinner as he rushed to finish it so he could go upstairs to his room. He’d need to pack some things tomorrow, once the transfer was started and it was a sure thing. Tonight he was going to get some gaming done, a shower, and bed. He had enough energy to do some gaming tonight, something he hadn’t had the night before. Tonight was a good night...he was happy, he really was.

Word count: 854
PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 10:48 pm
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April 14, 2017 (Back dating.)

Curled around the body pillow he had on his hotel bed the teen was curled about it tightly. One leg was thrown over it while one arm was draped over it and his other arm was curled under it. His right cheek pressed to the pillow while he stared blankly about the hotel room that Remarque had gotten for him. It wasn’t home, not by a long shot, but it was nicer in a way - safer. He didn’t have to deal with the stress and drama. It also wasn’t the dorm room at Romano’s where he still spent a good deal of his time. The hotel bed didn’t see nearly enough use, as it was more comfortable than the dorm room one he had, but it saw it’s fair share - like now.

Things had changed in his life, things he hadn’t expected, and in a short amount of time. It was one domino falling over which triggered more to fall over...and he wondered if more would fall over. He felt a bit like cinderella being saved after suffering for so long all caged up and mistreated. He had, for so long, been on his own drowning under the weight of his home life that he’d taken the only out he could find and now, after so long, a hand had helped him up...or two really.

The first one had pulled him up...only to shove him into a mirror while the other had helped him up and offered him a home, well a hotel room, and a job so he could try and make a life for himself.

Those two things had led him to meeting Caleb and being more open and he was glad for it. He’d found someone who cared about him...who was interested in him. It wasn’t something he’d expected especially not how quickly the other had moved, how quickly the others feelings had come on. To be honest he didn’t expect to feel similarly so quickly either and he wondered if it was because it was the first time, because it was someone who cared for him and after not having someone care for so long he melted to it.

He didn’t think that was the case but there was no way to tell. He knew he was happy though - content even. Caleb had asked him to move in, had brought it up more than once. He’d said he would move in just not when, he wasn’t even sure when. He sort of liked the freedom he had, even though he did like spending time with the other. He just wondered if it wasn’t too soon but he wanted a feeling of belonging and having someone in his life, someone who cared about him. So maybe it wasn’t.

Huffing he turned his face and buried himself into the pillow as he shifted and rolled a bit under the covers. Taking a moment to peek at the clock on the bedside table. It was three in the afternoon on a saturday and he had nothing to do, at least not if he didn’t want to. He could study, could go see Caleb, could do a lot of things but he didn’t have work for another hour so he really did need to get up and get ready. Since that he couldn’t avoid, he had to go. He had spent the earlier part of the day in bed sleeping, day dreaming and just drifting...it was a nice way to spend the time leading up to work.

Stretching and yawning he let go of the pillow and go up slowly. Dragging himself from the bed he went to get some clothing and take a shower so he could ready himself for work. Slowly he’d been getting used to being on time and keeping awake during work, though at first the keeping awake thing had not been easy. He was used to sleeping so much that being awake had been difficult.

He supposed he was growing up, slowly, and becoming an adult of sorts. He just wasn’t sure how he felt about it yet.

Word count: 688

Sleet Tempest Snape

Noble Vampire

Sleet Tempest Snape

Noble Vampire

PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 12:04 am
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April 14, 2017 (Back dating a bit.)

He’d been avoiding it, like the plague, but there was no way to totally escape it. Not when his phone was blowing up with calls and messages, texts and more calls from his mother and the she witch that his mother had married. He had tried for a week to avoid them but he needed them to stop calling him! They were waking him up, disturbing him when he was studying. He was smart enough to silence his phone, or turn it off, when he was with Caleb though.

Point was...he’d broken down and returned a call and here he was now..suffering as usual. His mother was shouting something and had a sign in her hands while shouting about women's rights, talking about how bad men were….with him right there. He sort of had that odd urge to just bury his head in the sand and hide...or maybe dig himself a grave and bury himself. Both options sounded good in his mind as he followed his mother, and the other female, about like some lap dog. Holding things for them when they were shoved at him, bobbing his head about and repeating what they said. He had dressed down enough to try and blend in and go unnoticed.

They were outside some place, he should have perhaps paid more attention, but he thought he remembered something being mentioned about a group of mens activities meeting inside the building. So they were here to counter that...protest which wasn’t a protest but just a gathering, in a building, of people of a similar opinion who were talking. The reason for being here made little sense to him, and again the idea of tossing himself into a shallow grave sounded nice.

However, he followed behind his mother who was shouting about women's rights and how women shouldn’t bow down to men and be little proper housewives. There were, predictably, females around his age, and just a bit older, there as well and he did his best to avoid them. He didn’t want to get into talking with them, they reminded him too much of his mother.

As his mother shouted about all men being misogynists and wanting to have all women beneath them and their thumb he felt the usual tightening in his chest. The words were like a knife to him...his mother thought he was like this...he knew it. She may deny it, though he’d never asked her, but he knew she thought he was the same...despite everything. And it hurt - a lot.

He didn’t say anything though, didn’t let anyone notice, he just followed silently and only spoke when he had to. He let himself appear to be silent support, as his mother said he was a proper male feminist - he let women speak and didn’t explain things. Really he just didn’t want to be here or be involved at all.

It was the idea of getting away from here, once this was over, and heading to Caleb’s that kept his own depression at bay today. He could go there and even if Caleb wasn’t home he could curl up in the others bed, or on his couch, and entertain himself till the other got home. Maybe that was another reason he was so willing to let things move quickly with the other...to cling to him and feel so strongly for him. It was something he needed - an escape and a comfort.

Was he using him? He didn’t think so...but maybe. He wasn’t even sure honestly. He knew how he felt just not...why. He didn’t know if it was normal to feel as he did as soon as he did so he had to question it, question himself. He hated it though, hated questioning his feelings and questioning himself like he was.

The next hour his mother was here, protesting and shouting, he spent deep in thought as he tried to figure out his own feelings and the why behind them. He almost tripped over a tree root he didn’t see, damn it, as he trailed after his mother like a little duckling only he was bobbing his head a bit like a bobblehead while hoping people didn’t notice him...at least no one he might know or see ever again - which could be anyone really.

It was when things ended that he helped his mother, and the other one, pack their signs into there car and let them lecture him before he waved them off and hurried himself to Claeb’s.

Letting himself in, since no one answered, he went to curl up under the others bedding and sleep. Wrapped around a pillow he took a moment to strip off his uncomfortable clothing, a hand peeking out from under the bedding to toss his clothing out onto the floor before slipping back into hiding, and curling back up he let himself drift off. Comforted finally today and hoping the other would return, from wherever, soon.

Word count: 835
PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 12:48 am
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April 14, 2017

He had told Caleb that he’d been getting Chinese lessons from the ladies, as they were more willing to help him, in China town and that was true. However he did want to expand on his Chinese and maybe take proper lessons, to improve, so today after lessons at Romano’s and after helping with laundry he had decided to do just that.

Romano’s taught foreign language but it was the basic ones - Spanish, French and Italian. They offered English to students who needed it but nothing like Chinese, he was surprised they didn’t offer Japanese to be honest, so that left him with really one option...aside from spending more time with the older women who helped him.

He had never been to the Chinese cultural center in the city, though he’d always been curious about the place, he’d also sort of been intimidated by the place. It just felt...like it was a part of him but like he wasn’t...good enough? It was hard to explain but that was the easiest way to think of it.

Despite being a bit tired, he was getting better at staying up longer and doing things aside from gaming, he made his way via subway to China town and walked the two blocks to the center.

When he stepped inside he shouldered his school bag and went to find someone who could help him...who could tell him who he could speak to about lessons or if there was a pamphlet or something else which would be of some use to him. Remembering that caleb had mentioned learning Chinese as well he thought he’d mention it to the other, and if there was any flyer or pamphlet he’d bring one back for Caleb as well.

He was sure they had cameras, for security purposes, but someone had to be watching them currently was his guess. He hadn’t been standing about, looking like a lost soul, for long before he heard the sound of heels headed his way at a rather fast pace and then a voice. The voice was calling out and asking if they could help him with something, and they were sorry for the wait they had been busy in another room.

Bowing quickly he accepted the apology, by telling them it was ok and he hadn’t been waiting long, when he straightened up he explained to them what he was looking for. He did explain, since she was giving him a look that was just a bit curious, he explained that his mother had taught him very little Chinese and that he wanted to learn more and improve. He didn’t mention Caleb, not sure how the female would take it plus it wasn’t her concern anyway. Once it was explained she understood and went to get him a list of people who could teach him, the list consisting of names and phone numbers, he could set up meetings with them here or at the library - whichever was convenient for him as they were all open to going to either place or somewhere else provided it was local and close by.

Understanding that he thanked her and asked her if there were other things going on here….anything he could maybe get involved in. That had her smiling brightly, excited even, as she started to explain various things to him and hanging him pamphlets which he took and held onto. He’d look over them all once he got home, though he wasn't sure if that meant to hotel he was staying at or Caleb’s home. He might try and sign himself up for some things...he wanted to get involved - to do what his mother never would have let him. He was free to now.

Having his freedom was...amazing and new to him.

When he left the center he was calmer, less tense and nervous, he also had several pamphlets in hand and a list of names and numbers. He’d have to figure out prices with them each when he called. He wished prices were listed...but they hadn’t been. It would be worth it though...he just hoped it wouldn’t be too expensive - he didn’t make a lot.

It was at some point, without really thinking about it, that he headed for Caleb’s apartment.

Word count: 716

Sleet Tempest Snape

Noble Vampire

Sleet Tempest Snape

Noble Vampire

PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 6:46 pm
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April 18, 2017

He’d had to explain the claw marks on his face, telling people it was a dog that jumped him, while trying to avoid people cooing over him in the store or female classmates showing him pity and concern. It was all off and uncomfortable for him as he shied away from all the attention. His teachers were thankfully better about it, leaving him alone after he’d explained it, but it still bothered him.

As the wounds healed, slowly, and scabbed over he had been using medication on it to help reduce the chances of scarring. It wasn’t because the idea of scars bothered him, though they did, it was because he didn’t want to deal with people once the marks were healed. He didn’t want more questions and other things from people, which he was sure he’d get, as the attention wasn’t something he wanted - ever.

That was also a reason he was staying more to the hotel room he had rather than Caleb’s. After retreating to the others home that first night he’d been spending his nights at the hotel, as well as any time he wasn’t in school or at work. It was hard to keep to the lie he’d told him, about a dog, and having someone fuss a bit other him...it was uncomfortable. He didn’t want to make the other feel bad for caring about him but it just wasn’t something he was used to.

Puffing up his cheeks he clutched at the panda plushie in his arms tighter as he turned his face and pressed the right side of his face into his pillow. Blankets wrapped about him much like a burrito. He didn’t have school or work today so he was content to sleep as much as he could, he’d likely drag himself from his hotel bed later and get some gaming in but till then - sleep.

Sleep was something he wanted but it had been, this far, illuding him as he couldn’t seem to get a good grasp on it and cover himself in the blanket of darkness which sleep provided. He didn’t know why is mind, his imagination, wouldn’t slow down and permit him this one wish but it wouldn’t.

He supposed he had a lot on his mind, had for days now, and it wasn’t just about the whole dark mirror senshi thing but also his relationship and had he jumped too fast? Was it normal to get so involved so quickly? It didn’t seem like it but he’d done it and he wondered if there was a reason behind it...how could he not wonder and question himself? He didn’t trust his own judgement in this at all and he knew he was likely influenced by his mother and his upbringing and not for the first time he cursed it, cursed how she had raised him but not her, and wished he could have grown up more normal - whatever normal was.

Why had his mother changed so much...why did she seem to distance herself from him and use him and perhaps even hate him. He knew his mother hadn’t wanted to marry his father, he’d heard that enough in the past, and she blamed her family for it and for his father being traditional in some ways; he didn’t know it all. But what had pushed his mother to where she was at now? It seemed just...to not make sense to him, not completely. Not everyone like his mother became like her...and did she think that somehow he’d become like his father? A man he’d never met, thanks to her? Did she realize she was causing him problems? He doubted she would care if she even knew and that just…

Sniffling once into his pillow he pressed his face into the fabric to hide the tears which had started to gather in his eyes. It hurt knowing that even if she knew she was hurting him she wouldn’t care. He could only hope she was clueless, that was the only consolation he had. But she couldn’t be so clueless, there was no way, and that just brought more tears to his dark eyes. She had to know and she didn’t care...and now he was confused on dating Caleb and he just….and it was a mess and he’d lied to Caleb...Caleb who only had been concerned and worried for him.

It was exhaustion which allowed him the comfort of sleep, an escape he needed.

Word count: 750
PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2017 11:35 pm
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May 7, 2017 (Back dating a bit.)

With spring came flowers growing, grass turning that spring green color, trees growing leaves, and rain - lots of rain. It wasn’t warm today and it was overcast with grey clouds in the air, heavy with water. Xi-wang had been out, heading home from class, when it had started to pour. He knew it would rain but this morning he hadn’t brought an umbrella. The clouds hadn’t been out, it hadn’t looked like it would rain, and as he didn’t look at weather reports he hadn’t expected this till the clouds started to roll in.

That had been around second period, when he’s been sitting in his history class, that he’d seen the clouds rolling in light but there and heavy looking. As the day had worn on they had gotten darker and lower and nastier looking.

The thunder had started rumbling at some point during his last class, but no rain had fallen. Lighting flashed but no rain fell. He had hoped that he’d make it to Rhona’s or Caleb’s before the rain started but alas - no such luck.

Grabbing his school bag, something he’d had for years, he brought it up and over his head in order to at least keep a bit dry as his feet slapped through the puddles forming on the street as he headed for Caleb’s. The others place was closer and warmer and with Caleb likely to be home from class soon, maybe, it might be nice to have a warm meal with company after getting soaked and freezing.

As he got stopped by a red light, and don’t walk sign, he took a moment to lower his school bag and opening it as little as he could he pulled out his cell phone. His bag was then held back over his head, by one hand this time, as he used his other hand to unlock his phone and send a text to Caleb telling him to get a ride to his place instead of going out into the rain - it was cold and it was pouring. He didn’t tell the other he was coming over, he’d surprised him. The next thing he did, after hitting send, was call up an italian place to order food. He had money to cover it, though not much, and thought some warm food might be nice. He even ordered some sort of italian soup for them both to really warm them up.

Shivering from the cold he hung up his call, once he’d given Caleb’s address, and hurried for the others apartment intent upon getting there before the food did, and hopefully before Caleb arrived. He ignored how the rain soaked into his sneakers, soaking his socked feet, and his hair started to drip into his face. He ignored how cold he was getting and the rain soaking into his clothing and leaving him damp, clammy feeling, and cold.

He had clothing at the others apartment so he could change into something warm and dry off as well, he couldn’t wait to get there. He hoped Caleb wasn’t home so he could surprise him. He also hoped the other got a ride home rather than walking, or running, and getting as wet and cold as he was.

Word count: 540

Sleet Tempest Snape

Noble Vampire

Sleet Tempest Snape

Noble Vampire

PostPosted: Sun May 07, 2017 9:27 pm
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May 7, 2017

He should have known it would happen, and perhaps he did, but it still didn’t make it any easier when he woke up in a cold sweat, panting, and shivering from the nightmare. The last day and a half had been hell, to put it nicely, it was like something out of a really bad horror movie. It had all sorts of cliches and yet people, himself included, had fallen for them and were still scared by the expected things.

After everything which had happened he knew he’d wind up dealing with at least one nightmare, as he didn’t even wish to guess how many nights following the events would be filled with them. As he clutched the bedding he slowly shifted about till he was silently rising to his feet and making his way from the fold out bed on Rhona’s couch and to his clothing. He was gonna take a walk and see if he couldn’t just...calm himself. He didn’t think he could sleep again, at least not yet.

Pulling on pants and a shirt he pulled a hoodie on then before rifling through his things in order to find a pair of socks. Once those were located he pulled them on and shoes were yanked on over them and the laced tied rather quickly.

He really needed to get out and just clear his head a bit, calm down. He knew this war wouldn’t be easy, not when he figured it was just that - a war. But he wasn’t expecting that either. A hospital should have been safe...shouldn’t have turned into a house of horrors. Yet it had.

That poor nurse….had she been like that the whole time? He still didn’t know, still wondered, and just felt sick thinking about it. The whole thing left him feeling a bit off and his stomach churning. This wasn’t what he signed up for, though he hadn’t really signed up for any of this really. But this, the last day and a half, wasn’t something he wanted to be involved in. He really did want to be in his court, no doubt about that, but he wanted to deal with other things.

Biting down on his bottom lip as he moved to leave the apartment, keeping his footsteps as light as he could, he made sure to pocket the spare key he had so he could let himself back in. Locking up behind himself he headed out. Hands in the pockets of his hoodie where his henshin pen and spare key were.

As he left the building and walked out on the sidewalk he took a glance around, left than right, before deciding to just read to the left and see where his feet took him. He had no plans on going anywhere he just wanted to go, it didn’t matter where. A walk and the cool night air was all he wanted right now, it was what he needed.

Wrapping his arms about himself he kept his head partially down, up just enough that he could see and not walk into anything, he didn’t want to attract too much attention to himself. He’d dealt with enough for the next few nights - thank you very much.

As his feet continued down the sidewalk he found himself turning at a corner, crossing on a green light, and turning another corner and continuing to weave his way through the local city streets as he let his thoughts slowly clear as he just focused on the nice cool air, focused on whatever else he could - like school. School would be over soon...he’d have graduated from high school. What did he want to do for college? He wasn’t sure but he knew he wanted to go to college, he would likely wind up going to DCU like everyone else seemed to do.

His mother had tried to push gender studies, and humanities on him as ideas for what he should be taking. All kinds of humanities classes and while some of them were good he didn’t like the majority of them - didn’t think they’d be interesting. Now though...now he could take what he wanted. The first thing he knew was that he’d take Chinese 101, a class his mother had forbidden him from taking. Beyond that he didn’t know - didn’t know what to major in.

While he was walking around he found himself thinking over the options he had, and he had a lot, he had good grades so there wasn’t much he couldn’t do that way. But what did he have an interest in...that was what he wasn’t sure on. Xi-wang had never really been allowed to think of what he wanted to do, or what his interests were. It was all what his mother programed into him, or tried to. He was out from under her thumb though and it was time to start thinking about it - about what he liked and what he wanted for his future.

Maybe something with language? Maybe history? He didn’t know...and he wish he did. He wished his mother had given him ideas and tried to help him figure things out, to encourage him to different ideas and told him what he was good at and what he could do with those things. She had never told him he was good at something and he’d make a good this or that. He’d heard other parents do it though, in the grocery store, at the mall...in various places. He’d once heard a mother tell her daughter she should go into fashion, she was always looking at the latest magazines and runways and seemed to have an eye for it. The girl, he remembered, had beamed at her mother for the compliment. His mother had never done something like that with him.

Biting his lip he continued on walking for a while before deciding to head home. He figured he could sleep again, he was chilly and tired again. He could do it, he could curl back up under his bedding and sleep.

Turned around he headed for home, he needed to get some sleep - he had school in the morning.

Word count: 1,031
PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 11:02 pm
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September 3, 2017 (Back dating a bit.)

There was only so long a person could go without eating and even less time for how long a person could go without drinking. He had tried, he really had, to hold out as long as he could. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust their host, he did trust her...though he did still have a lot of questions. She wasn’t going to kill them, even if she was against them, why keep them here so long? Why draw it out. No - he trusted her not to poison their food and drink.

He’d finally taken to eating around lunchtime, or what he guessed was lunch time, it was the third meal they’d been served since arriving and Kiuchi had taken to eating. He had limited himself in how much he ate and continued to do so for the next few meals. It was on day four that he noticed something very off with himself.

He’d been drying off from a bath and a patch of skin, on his lower back, no longer felt like skin. He wasn’t sure, or at least he didn’t think he was sure, as to what it felt like so he’d taken a look in the bathrooms mirror and that was when he’d seen it. A dark patch, right where the tailbone was, the flesh there glistened in a very unnatural way. It wasn’t even just that but the color...it was a dark shade of green, just noticeable when he shifted right and the light hit the dark hair.

What he failed to notice for some moments, as he was poking and prodding at the affected area, was that his fingers felt the area but as he scratched at the area he didn’t feel his nails against the skin. That...that wasn’t right. He should feel his nails scratching himself. In a panic, sitting there on the counter top with his back facing the mirror and his head turned to look into the mirror at himself, he took to nearly clawing at himself in an effort to just feel it. Nothing though...nothing. He didn’t feel it even as the area of flesh around the glistening flesh turned red from his actions.

What was going on? Shaking he drew in a shuddering gasp of air. Just what was happening? This wasn’t normal!

Shifting around he started working to inspect the rest of himself. Only finding that one patch, which he would keep an eye on, he couldn’t help but checking on it every few moments as he finished drying off. It was like he expected it to suddenly start taking over his whole back and spreading at significant speed. It didn’t happen though, thankfully. He still was scared, and nervous, he should really tell someone...but who? What did he even say?

Wait...should he even go near anyone? What if this was something contagious? Though where….this was a foreign planet so normal bacteria here, things people had an immunity to or weren’t affected by, could be the cause for this. This wasn’t good, this was bad...really bad. He couldn’t go home to Caleb like this, he’d notice - he’d have to notice. And if it was contagious he could make the other sick too.

Stepping out of the bathroom, a towel about his waist, he was pacing about the bedroom now as he worked himself into a panic.

This wasn’t good….he was scared - terrified even.

Word count: 573

Sleet Tempest Snape

Noble Vampire

Sleet Tempest Snape

Noble Vampire

PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 10:56 pm
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October 27, 2017

Xi-Wang had lived in Destiny city his whole life, miserable as it was at times, and he was rather used to seeing certain things and so when something new cropped up he knew it. He wasn’t the most social, nor did he get out a lot, but some things he just knew because he’d lived in the city so long.

He didn’t know why he did it, he hated the memories it brought up, but one of the old churches in the city had recently suffered heavily from a fire. He couldn’t remember what the cause was, he had been half asleep on the living room couch with the news on, but it was the church his mother and her now wife had gotten married in. That day had been...miserable for him, a day he wished he hadn’t been there for, but for some reason he had decided to visit the little church and look over the damage - just for the sake of it.

He had told Caleb he was going out for a short walk, and might pick up some groceries or food for dinner, and headed out of the apartment with his cell phone tucked into the pocket of his thick, warm, hoodie.

The walk really wasn’t that bad, aside from being a bit cold. He managed to avoid any spider webs though he had caught sight of someone trying to get into their car - the webs were winning. When he did make it to the little church, having had to take a bus to get there as well, he hadn’t been too surprised by the damage done. What little he’d caught on the news had told him it had been fairly extensive damage wise.

As he glanced over the place, remembering the damn wedding, he was surprised to see something which was out of place with his memories- a gargoyle. It hadn’t had one back then, he knew that, so when had they attained one and it looked old - like it had been there a while.

Shaking his head he continued to move around the place before breaking away, hands tucked into his pockets, as he headed for the grocery store. He didn’t want to hang about too long, he still didn’t even know why he’d come...just curiosity perhaps. Curiosity was the only reason which made any sense to him, it certainly wasn’t good, fond, memories as he possessed none of this place.

It was on the way back from the store, arms loaded down with bags, that he glanced back up and saw no gargoyle...had someone come and removed it? He hadn’t been gone that long, surely it would have taken some time to remove such a big hulking thing. It had been rather scary to look at, imposing and big, and it really didn’t fit with the church so maybe they had brought it down? It was odd….why have it in the first place? It really didn’t fit the church at all.

Shaking his head he continued on, he might mention it when he got home while he tried to cook dinner, he wanted to get out of the cold and get into the warmth of the kitchen as he attempted to make a decent dinner. He’d certainly bought enough groceries for it.

Maybe tonight, or tomorrow night, he’d power up and return to investigate further...because something really did seem off and suspicious - he didn’t like it.

Word count: 577
PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 11:51 pm
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November 21, 2017 (Back dating a bit.)

A new bruise already was forming on his right shoulder, he could feel it as he walked down the hall towards his classroom, it wasn’t the fault of anyone but himself. It really wasn’t uncommon for him to get lost in his own thoughts, daydreaming of various things, and it just so happen that a good portion of the time now spent outside of where he lived so he wound up banging into things now.

It wasn’t that he’d never had the issue before, he’d tripped down stairs before due to daydreaming and missing a step. Now though he was having little incidents more often, banging into doors, walls, and other various things. He’d seen people giving him looks, not realizing just how zoned out he was, as they seemed to be giving him looks as if wondering if he was ok or if he was perhaps just mental. Neither was the case, he was fine and he really wasn’t mental - he was just lost in his own mind for a while.

He just had to explain new little bruises and bumps to Caleb, and just why he kept winding up with new little injuries, it really wasn’t something he could help though. Heaving a sigh, his fingers curling into the long sleeves of his sweater, the teen turned into his classroom and made for the corner seat in the back - the way back. He didn’t want to be social….he wasn’t a social sort of person. Thankfully this wasn’t a class which required any sort of socialization, unless during some sort of group talk and even then it wasn’t required.

The one class he both loved and hated, due to the grouping up of people, was his Chinese language class. They had to pair up, at least once every class, in order to practice talking in Chinese to each other. The only thing which saved him from fumbling too much, though he still managed to do so, was the fact he had previous knowledge on the language thanks to the old grandmothers he had been getting help from as well as the Chinese community center in ChinaTown. The help there assured he already had a clue on the language, and was ahead of his classmates, so he didn’t bumble too much at the moment.

Yawning, a sweater covered hand coming up to cover his mouth, he blinked a few times. It was, in his opinion, too bright in the classroom - why was it so bright? That was the other thing - sleep. He’d been sleeping less lately thanks to nightmares of giant spiders which kept waking him up, and keeping him up, so his daydreaming was a bit more than simple daydreaming. It wasn’t anything to worry about, yet, he hadn’t seriously hurt himself yet.

As others started to file into the room the teen watched them all for a few moments before going to his school bag, he still had his notebook, textbook, and a pen to get out so he was ready to start as soon as their professor got into the room. Once he had his things out, and his bag was tucked up under his seat, Xi-Wang was happy to watch as someone scooted into the room right around the professor as they explained about bad drivers in the parking lots and an accident. As the professor asked Xi-Wang listened, somewhat interested. It seemed someone in one of the smaller, but better placed, parking lots had hit someone as they both tried to get a parking spot that neither was willing to back away from.

Apparently that had caused this student to nearly be late, as he’d had to try and get around the accident and growing audience in order to find a parking spot for himself so he could get to class. It was interesting and he was glad, so glad, that he didn’t drive himself to class. He didn’t have to deal with such things - he didn’t think he could handle it really.

Story told, and a few students having asked which parking lot, and class started and Xi-Wang settled into his seat as comfortably as he could. He really wished the desk afforded more room so he could pull his legs up into the chair and really just cuddle up into his seat with his notebook and work on jotting down everything the professor said. For some reason he was honestly more comfortable with his legs drawn up close to himself, he also liked to sleep with his ears both covered up for some reason. He liked to blame it, at least to himself since no one ever asked about either thing, on the fact he liked to feel small and bundled up and compact...cuddled maybe was a word he could apply as well?

His thoughts, which had started to turn towards the approaching winter and the need for warm bedding, were shoved back to the classroom justin time as the professor asked him about something. Taking a moment to gather his thoughts he was able to answer, in a soft voice as he tried not to attract attention to himself despite the professor placing the attention right on his shoulders.

Time to focus. He’d deal with things later...and sleep.

Word count: 879

Sleet Tempest Snape

Noble Vampire

Sleet Tempest Snape

Noble Vampire

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 9:01 pm
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November 23, 2017

It was just a routine check up, something he did every year, and so there was no worries as he sat there waiting for the doctor to come in. The room was a touch barren, it really lacked in anything decorative, so there was little to keep his mind occupied with as he sat waiting. It had been five minutes, maybe more, when he decided to lay down and draw his legs up towards his chest and close his eyes. The old doctor would wake him when he came in, he sort of had no choice really, and he was tired and waiting in here was just so boring.

It was just as he was on that edge, almost falling into sleep, when the door was knocked on and startled him. Jumping up in surprise, nearly falling off the exam table...bed...whatever Xi-Wang greeted the man who was apologizing for startling him. “It’s fine. I was just...tired.” As if to prove this he was yawning at the end of his words, he really was tired lately thanks to nightmares due to those spiders.

After confirming that it was just the usual check up the dark haired teen got up and went to get weighed and his height checked. He wasn’t surprised when he was told he was a bit under weight, he always seemed to be. The height however...it seemed he’d gained an inch and a half...putting him at 5’11 ½” and that was...well it was a surprise. Not a bad one but he hadn’t thought he’d get any taller...apparently he had.

The fact his pants were typically a bit big on him didn’t give any indication of it, since they weren’t fitting short on him, so he wasn’t expecting it. Smiling, somehow proud of this, he sat himself back down and let the rest of the exam go on as usual.

Once he got out he sent a quick text to Caleb to let him know, as he had told the other he had to appointment, and that he was going to get something for them to eat - did he want anything in particular. Hitting send on that he went to catch a bus so he could get to somewhere to get food for himself.

Deciding that between the cold, he was bundled up in a warm coat that had a fur trimmed hood, and the fact he felt proud for the height he’d gained (as if he had any active part in gaining height) that he decided on some comfort food - meaning Chinese food.

That brought him to ChinaTown and down the familiar streets, he enjoyed coming down here just to walk around even, it felt...like connecting with a piece of himself that was missing. Walking past a jewelry shop he took the time to glance in the shop window, there was some sort of holiday sale coming up apparently. It was on jade items. Snapping a picture and posting it to his social media, asking the few friends he had on there if he’d look good with a jade ring or two. He was, by the face he added on, joking but he did wonder. The thin bands of jade were nice...but wasn’t something like that too feminine?

Before the thought could go anywhere further he hurried on his way, focusing on food and thinking about what he wanted to eat. A bowl of rice, with just some veggies, would be nice but he wanted something more...some he could curl up with and enjoy. While he tried to figure it out he went to check and see if Caleb had gotten back to him on what he wanted for lunch.

Word count: 622
PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 5:06 pm
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January 3, 2018

Christmas was over and the New Year had come, and with it many odd occurrences had happened, things were going well despite the extreme cold and the weather they’d been hit with. Alone in the apartment, Caleb was out, he’d decided to do some cleaning as far as decorations went.

He didn’t want to touch the tree, and it’s ornaments, it felt a bit...not his place. What he did however do was start to pack up some of the other things which he’d put out, his own things. Little things were wrapped up and put into a small box he had, he didn’t have much for the holidays as everything he had were things he’d bought this year. He hadn’t brought anything when he’d left his mother's home, he’d only taken what he needed.

There was an ornament, a single one, which he had bought and that was the last thing he went to get so he could put it away. He would ask Caleb, later, about packing everything else up. For now he was wearing for the single glass, painted, orb that he’d bought when he’d seen it at a store. It was a little silver ornament with a panda painted onto it with holly resting on its head, like a flower tucked behind an ear would look, and a stalk of bamboo with a little christmas bow about it in the panda’s paws.

It was cute and he’d bought it the moment he’d seen it, cradling the bag it had been in to his chest the whole way home from work. Having hung it up on the tree when he’d gotten home with it, finding a nice little place for it, Xi-Wang was as gentle as he could when it came to removing it and yet without any warning he found himself sneezing and the orb dropping from his fingers.

Just as he was finishing the sneeze, and opening his eyes, he heard the crash and bent quickly to pick up the pieces. It was broken….shattered. Biting down on his bottom lip, refraining from tearing up, he went to scoop up the pieces so he could throw them out. He’d never known ornaments had dust inside of them….then again he’d never seen one broken open. The dust however looked glittery...maybe glittery?

Once the pieces were in his hand and he was standing, heading to the kitchen, he was sneezing again and this time his nose nearly pressed into the shattered remains...and right into the dust. Inhaling he opened his eyes and lifting his head he gave pause.

Around him is no longer Caleb’s apartment but his mother's home...but it wasn’t like it had been when he’d left. It looked like when he’d been a child, a very young child. There weren’t all the influences of his mother's wife but rather the influences of his mothers heritage - his heritage.

There was no tree and no decorations all over the place. What there was however was him and his mother eating and bundled up on the living room couch watching a movie together. It was a christmas movie but the words were in Chinese, some of the words he couldn’t remember now...too much time had passed between then and now. After not speaking Chinese for so long, years, he had forgotten a lot, he was working on it though.

On the small coffee table was some food, his mother had made some food for them to eat, and while it didn’t look special and festive it was special. The apartment was small, on the run down side, but it held a certain warmth to it. He could see his younger self, a stuffed panda in his arms, snuggle further into his mother while telling her he was stuffed and thanking her for the meal.

Christmas wasn’t something he’d celebrated like normal people when he’d grown up. There had never been a decorated tree, though there was always a gift or two, it wasn’t a Chinese holiday and while it was celebrated in China it was different. Decorations weren’t a thing, that was what came when the Lunar New Year came, what was normal to his mother for Christmas celebrations were things they couldn’t do due to lack of friends and family here in the country. So it was just them eating and watching movies.

Feeling a warmth fill him, watching his mother ruffle his dark hair, he felt a smile tugging at his lips. He missed her...the old her, not the new her, he missed this - the warmth. Somehow it had all been lost and he had been too young to see the loss coming, to see when it started, and now they didn’t talk anymore...didn’t see each other.

When everything vanished, leaving him back in the apartment he shared with Caleb, he could still feel the warmth the memory left him with but there was also a sadness now. It was a deep sadness, the sort you felt from losing someone you were close to...the sort of loss that left it’s scar because the loss was that big and dramatic. With the remains of the decoration thrown out, he’d see if he couldn’t replace it tomorrow, Xi-Wang returned to get the box of decorations and bring it to the bedroom where he could store it at the bottom of the closet.

That done he changed into some softer, easier to sleep in, clothing and curled up under the bedding with the old panda stuffy he’d had since he was young - since then. Still holding onto the warm feeling he snuggled in to get some sleep...to maybe dream of times long lost - of happier times.

Word count: 956

Sleet Tempest Snape

Noble Vampire

Sleet Tempest Snape

Noble Vampire

PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 12:18 am
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January 8, 2018 (Back dating to DMC Queen event.)

This place, even though it felt so empty and overwhelming, was still interesting and something worth investigating. They were in space - a place they couldn’t go normally. When he’d first found that out, that normal senshi could go to space but they could not, he’d been upset. Why couldn’t they go to space? What made them so different...they were still senshi!

But it was what it was and yet here they were in space. He couldn’t go outside though, as much as he wished he could, so instead of seeing an alien planet and it’s night, or day, sky he was left with exploring the castle itself and seeing what was different between here and what was on Earth. So far the water and food were both different, there were some other things as well of course, but a lot was the same...just fancy and in different colors and fabrics from what he was used to.

He hadn’t expected it, though who really did? When you thought of space you thought of futuristic things and bright colors, at least that’s what he thought, and you thought of different technology and fabrics and looks and things. Because you figured they didn’t have the same materials as you did, or maybe similar but not exactly the same.

All he could do was explore the first floor, which oddly had bedrooms, wasn’t it in most homes that the second or third floor held the bedrooms? Not the ground floor. It was perhaps a bit odd, had him wondering just why that was the case, but perhaps the place just had that many guest rooms? And didn’t know what else to put on the first floor? They had everything else? It was just...odd.

Either way that’s what he was looking around now, poking into the unoccupied guest bedrooms. One of them, the one he was just entering, looked a bit...disastrous. Perhaps someone had been here before him and messed it up? But who and why? It didn’t make sense but he decided to look around and straighten up, it was the least he could do - right?

It was nearly fifteen minutes later, while on hands and knees, that he spotted something poking out from under a dresser. Whatever it was it was small and it clearly didn’t belong where it was. Scooting closer he reached under the dresser in order to pull the item out from its hiding spot.

As he sat up, or was just about to, he heard sounds coming down the hall. It sounded, to him anyway, like the guards that patrolled the area. Ducking back down, in order to hide, he heard something around the doorway. It was as he heard this that he scooted himself, along the floor, item still in hand until he was under the bed and hiding nice and neatly. It paid to be small, at least that was his thought at the moment, as they seemed to continue on to whatever they were doing.

Slipping out from under the bed he stood and without a thought he slipped the small item into the waistband of his uniform before heading off for his own rooms. Whatever had happened here...he didn’t wanna be around any more.

Word count: 544
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