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Alderaans Avenger, Coruscant orbit

Jace ran a hand through his hair and stifled a yawn, his other hand carried a steaming cup of caff and cream. There was a light smack as his sandals bounced from his heel and off of the cold and well polished durasteel floor that lead to the hangar. He mumbled responses to the various niceties he was offered along the way, pausing outside the door he downed half of the contents of his cup. Keying in his pass code the door's opened and he stepped through, making his way to his personal fighter in the middle of the hangar. Rubbing his eyes he placed the mug on the small toolbox next to his ship and donned the respirator. Picking up the sander he began to remove the scorch marks as well as the custom paint job from the bottom of the x-wing.

He must have been a sight to see, black cargo pants, skivy top, and shower shoes sanding down, and then repainting. The man scowled as he picked up the paint gun, the perfectionist in him wanted it restored to the former glory, but the realist knew it would only wind up in the same if not worse condition. Pulling his respirator off he downed what was left of his caff, with a deep sigh he loaded the canister with primer and readjusted the mask before spraying the light grey substance all over the bare metal.

Rubbing his temples he set the empty spray canister atop the toolbox, stepping back to admire his work. It was not perfect, but unless the Imperial's were holding a beauty contest he knew he could beat the lot of them.