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Enduring Muse

PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 1:43 pm
February 13th, 2005

Waken a bit disoriented it had taken Wind a bit of time to figure out where she was. She was a bit surprised to see Merci curled next to her but reasoned she'd probably been moved and Merci had already been there.

No matter. Though her wings felt especially good at the moment. Savoring a good streatch she got up and quietly left the room, walking downstairs to fetch her book. Nothing tugged at the literary mind more than an unfinished story.

After a few moments, some noise was audible from outside - the soft crunch of footsteps. Whoever it was wandered around a bit. A shadow peeked quickly through a window.

Then, after a few more minutes, there was a hesitant knock on the door, followed by three short, quick raps.

Hearing the knocks Beryl made her way to the door, opening it slowly. "Hello? Anyone there?"

"Y-ess...." came an answering voice, warily. "Is this the house of... um... the gods?" A young woman was standing a few feet away from the door, having jumped backwards when it opened. She was wearing warm winter clothes, a long shimmering-blue scarf wrapped about her shoulders and the lower half of her face. She peered at Beryl over the top of the scarf, through thin-rimmed glasses.

Her face broke into a gentle smile when she saw the woman. "If you mean the Edelsteine, yes you are at the right place. Please, come in."

She opened the door wide, making a sweeping gesture with ehr arm to welcome her in.

She walked inside, clutching at the scarf with one hand, looking around as she came in, then pointing abruptly at Beryl. "Are you... are you one of them?"

Rather than start she chuckled softly. "Yes. I am Beryl, goddess of the Wind." She gave a small bow of welcome to the stranger.

The woman flushed. "My name is Sosiqui," she said, quietly. "And, um... I've heard..." She fiddled with the end of her scarf, looking down at it as though it were the most interesting thing in the world. "I've heard it said that this is a good place to go if you... if you want to make an end. A useful end." She looked up abruptly, meeting Beryl's gaze, mixed emotions and shadows in her eyes.

"That depends upon what you mean by an end."

She moved over to the wingbacked armchairs in a corner, motioning for Sosiqui to follow.

Sosiqui shook her head, although she did follow the deity and sat down in one of the chairs. "It means, to give you the short version... that I am a person with very little in the way of past and next to nothing, that I can see, for a future. No memories, no purpose, no point." She looked at Beryl, and for a moment an almost pleading expression washed over her face. "I don't want suicide, no... but I am tired of this." Sosiqui waved one hand vaguely at the window, as if to indicate the outside world. "I was told... or overheard, rather, that there was a place where one could become one and float away, vanish into the essence of gods reborn... a useful end." She took a deep breath. "A purpose."

"Then it's not an end you seek, but a new beginning. To be something more than you once were. You do not enter this place blindly like many, but drawn and driven, correct?"

Beryl's voice was calm and even. To ask to loose one's self in the great soul of a god was not something to be addressed lightly or in jest.

"I... I don't know. I guess so." Sosiqui's eyes unfocused for a moment. "I've never had anywhere to go, really. As far as I know, I popped full-blown out of the ether almost two years ago, like Athena from the head of Zeus... and I was here... on Gaia. I don't remember anything before then except bits of information... like, well, the Zeus thing. Trivia, really. Nothing that relates to ME, to who I am or where I came from, since I'm fairly certain I didn't literally appear out of nowhere." Her forehead wrinkled in thought, then she sighed. "It's... not something I can work past."

"You seem very like one other already here, endowed with Dreams. Perhaps I should introduce the two of you. But yes, here you are welcome and here you may find what you seek. Do you know what Calls you?"

"What calls me?" She looked confused. "I... I'm not sure I understand. I heard about this place in a bar in Durem, actually." She laughed, although there was no joy in the sound. "Couple of people muttering about some crazies. I listened to their conversation 'cause I had nothing better to do, until I found out what they claimed you were doing and where this place was, vaguely. Wandered until I found it."

She paused. "It is true, then? You really are a goddess?"

"Yes, do you need proof?" Her voice wasn't accusing, merely questioning. She understood how hard it was to grasp the concept of deities walking freely among mortals for some.

"I'm not sure." She looked down at her scarf again. "It's hard to believe, but it's also easy - I've seen so many other bizzare things here in this place. Even though I don't remember anything beyond Gaia, I still remember that some things are just not normal... beats me where I got my idea of 'normal', but this sure isn't it."

Sosiqui sighed. "It's also easy to believe because I want it to be true. Show me?"

"Alrigt then." She picked up a long branch of wood that had yet to be broken for kindling, handing the end to the woman.

"Firstly, try to strike me."

"Um, alright..." Sosiqui unwound the scarf from around her shoulders first, dropping it onto the chair before accepting the stick of wood. She hefted it in one hand for a moment, then swung it at Beryl like a baseball bat.

Beryl simply smiled, vanishing as the 'bat' swung through her. All around the woman a warm breeze kicked up. Breeze changing to a stronger wind. Wind changing to a gale as things started to be picked up and thrown about the room.

Sosiqui gasped as the bat was wrenched out of her hands by the wind, and she instinctively dropped into a crouch, curling to protect her head with her arms. "Okay, I believe you, I believe you!" she yelped as a cascade of various loose objects whirled around her.

The winds slowly died back down, Beryl starting to reform from the wind. "My apologies, my powers seem to have gotten a bit stronger while i wasn't noticing."

"I'm ok-OW." Sosiqui winced as a throw rug slithered off of the high shelf it had been thrown onto and fell right on top of her head. "I'm okay," she repeated, shoving the rug off of herself and onto the floor, giving it a dirty look. She ran one hand through her hair and stood up. "Well. Um. I guess it is true then. I suppose that's a good thing?"

Beryl chuckled a little bit, moving to put everything back. If nothing else she had managed to give the room a much needed sweeping, a pile of dust in the fire proved that.

"If you believe it to be good, then it must be."

"Yes... well." Sosiqui retrieved her scarf and sat down on the chair again. "What did you mean by a call...?"

"A Pull, a Tug, anything that drew you here besides just listening about this place in some bar. My host was pulled here by my gem, and I drawn to her. We were Called."

"I don't know about any call like that... gem? See, I'm very ignorant." Again, that mirthless laugh. "I came because I felt like it was something to do. Some recourse. I felt like it was a good idea, maybe. Nothing so grand as a Call sounds..." Her voice was wistful, almost tinged with regret. As if she wished she had some great and grand path to follow, some reason to arrive in fanfare and be welcomed into a place she belonged.

"Ah, then perhaps your gem has not been formed yet and you were drawn here to wait? That happens too you know. It's not impossible. Any who come here come for a reason. Do not worry, your Call will come in time."

"Will it..." Sosiqui looked down again, forehead wrinkling in thought.

"You sound so sure. Do you know for certain? Is that part of being... what you are? It seems to me all I did was overhear a conversation by sheer chance." Still, there was longing in her face for a moment.

Beryl laughed. "What is Chance but a helping hand in Fate? Few are called here to be hosts, and those that are are fairly obvious. You have that feel about your soul. It's something I've come to recognise through practice, not power."

"Really." Sosiqui blinked a few times in rapid succession. "I must say, it's the first time I can remember that something... recognized me... and wasn't obnoxious." She shook her head. "I did try once, you know. A little girl, showed up on my doorstep. Terrible screaming thing, wailed like a banshee and bit like a rabid dragon. They told me to take care of her, but I just couldn't do it. Dropped her on another doorstep. I can't do children... but that's a pointless story." She waved her hand dismissively, and sighed. "What kind of gem are you talking about, anyway?"

"An Edelsteine gem. The bare essence of the god to be reborn. Like this one." She pulled the neck of her shirt down a bit to reveal her own gem, fused into the skin below the crux of her collarbone.

Sosiqui leaned forward to peer at it. "That held you...? Where did the body come fr-"

She pulled back sharply as something occurred to her. "It's not your body, is it." It was a statement, not a question.

"No, it did not start as mine. The Creator has the power to gather our essence, the bits and pieces of the old souls left over from abandoned worship. A living, willing soul is required for us to be reborn. My own host and I are close, she watches over me as I do her. She still exists within me, and thinks thoughts that are not mine. Her soul still exists."

"I see." Sosiqui sat back in her chair, apparently deep in thought. "That's more complex than I thought - then again, I did get my information off of runny-mouthed drunks." She snorted. "But you start with a gem, right? And then... I guess you could call it a transformation... that begins?"

"Yes, the gem must first fuse with the host and then it moves to Morph, when the host and diety start to merge. After that if enough is accomplished then the duo evolves further, becoming a Youth, as I have."

"And how does one get a gem? Where do they come from... I can't imagine you find gods laying in the gutter." She laughed again, although this time there was actually a hint of genuine pleasure in the sound. "Er. Forgive me if that was blasphemy or something," she added, apparently remembering that she was talking to a deity.

Beryl smiled an shrugged the jest off. Better not to scare anyone away. "That is true. The Creator gathers the sparse essence of gods that have fallen and died out from lack of worship. This essencce in compressed and contained within a gem. Usually, there is only enough for a male and female of each essence."

"The Creator, huh? Heavenly head honcho?" Yep, Sosiqui was definitely more animated now - coming out of her shell, as it were. "And you... er... you seem awfully, well, down to earth for a goddess. Do you have temples? Worshippers? How many of you are there?" She looked around, as if expecting gods to come pouring out of the woodwork.

Beryl couldn't help but laugh a little. Maybe she should talk to someone about gettnig an official greeter t-shirt. "Lord Harmodius is the first, the Creator. Through him our gems are founded. There used to be just a few, myself, Knowledge and the Universe. Noow though there are both versions of Dream, the Hunt, Water, Anger, Angst and Shadow."

"Angst?" Sosiqui looked startled, then started to laugh. "Sorry. It's just... um... I should have known there'd be a god for that. It's just odd to know for sure..."

She did quiet down, though. "I'm sorry to bother you with so many questions. I hope I didn't interrupt anything when I came in..."

"Oh not a bit. I've taken it upon myself to greet those who are curious and anwer the questions I can. I have both my memories and my host's of the morph, and I can tell you doing it alone can be frightening. I try to make sure no others go through that. Probably why I seem a bit more terra-bound than people would expect of a goddess."

"Well, um... thank you for explaining. It does sound like something I'm interested in... I guess. Although it's too big a thing to decide in one day, but it would be a purpose... maybe an end, maybe not. An end to feeling useless, in any case. At least it's not raising another goddamn baby. Er. No offense."

It took more than a bit of restraint to supress a rather rude noise. "None taken. I'm probably one of the most lighthearted dieties you'll meet here. And end to feeling inadequate is always a good thing. Now," she stood to her full height, wings ruffling and resting behind her. "let's see about getting you some tea and food. Something tells me you're probably hungry."

"You don't have to do that," Sosiqui protested, but she stood up anyway, eyes bright. It had been a while since she'd been freely offered anything - such things didn't come to those who kept away from others.

"Oh hush and follow me." Smiling and trying not to laugh she led the way back to the kitchen, a teapot already on to boil for tea.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 1:44 pm
February 15th, 2005

Sosiqui had tried to... well, not forget what she'd seen when she'd come to this house before. Not forget, no, but maybe put it aside. Try and get it out of her mind, partly as a test, and partly...

Well, to be honest, it scared her when she thought about it. Just a little.

Although not as much as her life staying the same way forever. Maybe that was why she was here again, knocking at the door and hoping whoever was within was hospitable to visitors.
The door swung open, having not been properly closed before. Beryl was sitting by the fire, reading her book and sipping at a cup of tea.

Sosiqui tensed a bit as the door opened under her hand, but she relaxed as she saw the one familiar face. She quietly crept inside and closed the door, then cleared her throat softly to try and get Beryl's attention.

"Oh, you're back. Glad to see you weren't firghtened away."

Smling she gestured for the woman to take one of the empty seats near the fire.

Sosiqui did so, feeling a bit more at ease. "Not scared, exactly.. I guess I had to come back and reassure myself that it was real. And you're not particularly scary," she added, biting her lip. "Then again, I haven't seen anybody but you..."

"Well you just wait until someone tries my temper." She gave a conspirator's wink and set down her empty mug.

"Did you have more questions for me?"

Sosiqui looked sheepish. "I did ask you a lot, huh? Um... I guess I was wondering how many other gods there are... and y'know, what kind they are... do you have Zeus running around in here, or something?"

"Nothing quite so grandiose. There's Harmodius, Creation. Byrne is Fire and Rebirth, Lucius the Universe, Gianfar is Knowledge, Revei and Morpheus are each a Dream, Eamnonn the Hunt, Lucien as Anger, and Kaelin is Water. Myself not withstanding."

Sosiqui looked pensive. "Those don't sound, uh, too bad... and how do they interact with their, um, their people? I guess..." She squirmed a little. "I guess I want to know if doing this, er, hurts..."

"It depends really. Revei's host started to sleep quite a bit, my own was confused and fought a lot, despite trying to get along, Kaelin's just became antisocial for a time. From what I've seen and experienced it really depends on the individual."

Sosiqui paused, wondering what it would be like to fight something in your own head... a battle you'd inevitably lose. "Did they know?" she asked, quietly. "Did they know what was going to happen?"

"My host did not, but the others did. I made sure of it."

"I see..." Sosiqui bit her lip and looked thoughtful. "Well. It's all a moot point unless I have a gem-thing, right? And I don't know how to get one, so..."

"Correct, Harmodius collects the essence and then concetrates it into a jewel. It's unclear as to how he can do this. Then again he is Creation so who am I to ask? There are a set of stones in the display case though, should you care to see."

"Display case?" Sosiqui looked curious. "Do they mind? Being out on display, I mean... or are the gods sleeping?"

"They sleep for now. I think they'll wake properly with a bit more time to draw power. Do you want to see them?"

Sosiqui just nodded. "Please."

She smiled and stood up, motioning for the woman to follow further back, to the glass case near the grand door that led to Harmodius' sanctuary.

Sosiqui followed, then trotted a few feet ahead of the deity to look at the gems inside, her hands behind her back to resist the urge to touch. "Wow. They're lovely - I'm surprised you don't have thieves trying to take them, thinking they're valuable. Er, not that they aren't - just not in the way a thief would think..."

*tick, tick, tick*

Not the sound of a clock, so much as the sound of some object making it's way across the floor. Followed by the quick patter of light feet, as the tread of Mercury.

Byrne padded into the room, a small metallic object clattering behind him. "Hello?" he called.

"True, but I don't think they'd get very far. Lord Harmodius is the only one who can open that case as far as I know."

"Byrne!" Beryl giggled a bit and quickly enveloped the firey child-god in a feathery hug. Then she saw the minifridge. "New pet?"

Sosiqui turned around, startled, then froze like a deer in the headlights, watching the other deity as if he might eat her or something. She stood very still as Beryl moved away from her.

Wait. Was that a FRIDGE? Was that a god of, oh, household appliances or something?

"Oh, hello." Byrne looked at Sosiqui with some interest. "No, she's really friendly! Which is weird and all, considering the god-killer and all. But I'm teaching her how to do tricks and stuff."

Sosiqui looked at Byrne the same way one would look at a large lion - with respect, but more than a little concern as well, in case he happened to be hungry. "Um... hi, your, um, godliness?" she said, weakly, bowing her head to him. "Nice... fridge?"

"Ah, that's good considering how big of a mess we made blowing up the last one. Which reminds me, I need to repay you for that lovely shower of food."

Grinning she started tickling his sides with her hands, wingtips going for any vulnerable spot.

Sosiqui backed up a bit, her back pressing against the cool glass of the case, and just watched - although her fear was being replaced with interest.

Certainly, they seemed more like the Greek gods of old - what old? where? she didn't know - in that they were more... well, more human. An odd dichotomy.

"No fair!" he said, sliding out from her grip with his smaller frame and then staring at Sosiqui. "You're awfully quiet. Don't worry, we got rid of the god-killer, and buttercups' too small for eating people. If she even would. She seems to like other things more."

As if to accentuate the point, the fridge door clicked open. Aside from some eerie green fog coming from the entrance, it was otherwise a relatively modest maw.

God killer?


Sosiqui looked over to Beryl for some kind of moral support, or reassurance, or something. "I'm Sosiqui," she offered, though, to the firey deity.

Byrne bounced lightly on his feet, grinning at her openly. "Sosiqui, huh? That's a funny name. I like the way it sounds when you say it...like "marmalade"." he demonstrated with a giggle "It does silly things with your mouth when you say it, but that's what's so neat about it. So why are you here? What did you want?"

"Uh... I came here yesterday, and Beryl was here?" she said, weakly. "She said something about a call..."

Sosiqui put one hand back onto the glass case - and suddenly jumped, startled, and turned around. The glass her hand had touched had been warm...

One of the gems was shining brightly, and she blinked at it stupidly. "Should it be doing that?" she asked nobody in particular.

He laughed in delight. "I think it likes you!" he leaned forward. "oooh, pretty. I wonder if Harmodius will show up. He hasn't been here when I have been. I wonder if the god-killer kept him away."

Beryl laughed and watched, smiling and giving Sosi an encouraging wave of her hand. There was one puzzle solved.

She peered down, this time spreading both hands out on the glass heedless of fingerprints, and squinted at the gem. It was teardrop-shaped, with flickers of purple and green. "It's lovely, but... what is it? I mean, I know what it is... maybe I mean WHO is it?"

"That is the Light gem if memory serves." Beryl smiled and walked over next to Sosi.

"Might this be what has drawn you here?"

"Light..." Sosiqui traced one finger over the warm circle on the glass. She seemed shaken, somehow. It was all well and good to talk about these things when they were merely possible... but it was another thing altogether when they were certain. "I don't know. Maybe?" she said, through a mouth gone suddenly dry.

"It's understandable. Do not worry so much though. If this is what called you then you are definitely welcomed here." She gave the woman a comforting smile, watching as the jewel Drew her.

"I, um, yeah," Sosiqui mumbled, eyes still glued to the gem, even as something inside her squirmed uncomfortably.

She had been called. Harmodius needed to know. Taking a deep breathe she walked over to his door, hesitated a moment and gently knocked.

Johnathan stood at the door, having wandered much of Gaia during the last few days idly. He hadn't been watching where his feet had fallen until now through this day, and looked to the door curiously. Something about the place bothered him, yet intrigued him. He frowned slightly, but walked up the stairs, raising a hand to knock.

He paused, reflecting a moment, but proceeded to knock, quietly. As he stood there he couldn't decide exactly how he felt, but it was something he couldn't exactly ignore either. And it was better then going back at the moment to the problems.

Hearing the knock Beryl tentatively looked at Harmodius' door before going over and opening the main shop door.


Sosiqui turned and instinctively moved in front of the part of the case holding the Light jewel, feeling almost like hissing at the newcomer, beating at him, making him GO AWAY from HER jewel-

Wait, what? She shook her head rapidly, then hit herself firmly on one side of her skull for good measure. It wasn't her jewel... what was wrong with her? Ridiculous.

Still, even as she calmed down, she couldn't quite motivate herself to move away from the jewel.

"Ah..." He was caught a bit off guard, and flinched slightly, not expecting the sight he saw. "Greetings. Where is this place? Or should I say, the name of this? I... found myself here."

"This is the Edelsteine shop. Please, come in." She opened the door and gestured for him to come in, still waiting for Harmodius to respond to the knock. Maybe she needed to do it again a bit louder.

He stepped in, looking about carefully. "I see..." He looked to Sosiqui, and past to the case, eying something in it curiously. "Might I ask what exactly... this place is?" He paused in his words, his eyes caught on the gem.

Sosiqui looked from the newcomer to the gem case. Good. He didn't seem to be looking at her -

Stop it! she growled at herself, mentally. It's not yours!

"This is a place for deities reborn into being."

That said she moved over behind Sosi and put a gentle hand on her shoulder. "I think he is looking at the other gem dear."

Taking up her courage again she moved back to Harmodius' door and knocked a bit louder than the first time.

"I don't know what's wrong with me," Sosiqui mumbled, by way of vague apology.

"You were Called, it's as simple as that." She smiled, knowing full well what the pull of a jewel felt like.

"It's fine," he said quietly, pondering the words. "An... interesting concept." His mind was already alive with through as he looked to the case, but his thoughts were flowing, livid and shifting. Something about here made him forget things that bothered him.

"I've never really heard of deities being reborn per se..."

"I should... go home. Think. Yeah," Sosiqui mumbled, and pushed herself away from the case.

She got halfway to the door before turning around, biting her lip as she looked back at the still-glowing jewel. "Um... that's another question. Where's home?"

"You can stay here if you like. I can put linens on the couch and pull out a cot or you could take up a temporary pallet in my rooms.

"Would you? I, um..." Her voice trailed off, but she stared back at the case again before closing her eyes and shaking her head. "Don't feel so good."

"Not at all. Do you want to take one of the couches? I can say from experience they are a rather nice place to sleep. And I could stoke up the fire for you if you'd like."

"Couch, yeah, that'll work." Sosiqui made a beeline for the couch nearest to the case, and flopped down on top of it. Even as she kicked her shoes off, she continued to stare toward the Light gem as though in a daze, hypnotized by it.

He stood there quietly, listening to the talk. He felt no compelling need to leave here, nor did he want to. At least here he wasn't so concerned in things.

"Could I stay for the night?" he asked abruptly. "All I'd need is a small corner really... I don't think I could make it home at this point." Partly a lie, but he wasn't fully aware of his words til they were spoke.

"Of course. You both may stay." Smiling she disappeared for a moment to the upper level, returning with blankets and pillows that she situated on the two couches.

"If you'll pardon me, I need to sleep myself. Should you need anything my rooms are upstairs. Knock on the door with the stained glass storm. Good night." making a small bow she left, ascending the stairs to go back to her space to rest.

Sosiqui nodded vaguely and curled up on the couch, pulling the blanket up over her nose - but not quite over her eyes, which remained open for quite a while, reflecting the light of the gemstone.

You're mine.

No, no, it's not your gem...

Of course not. It is YOU that belongs to me.

Sosiqui blinked blearily before her eyes slowly closed and she drifted off to sleep.


Enduring Muse


Enduring Muse

PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 1:45 pm
February 16th, 2005

Sosiqui blinked as she woke up, realizing that the ceiling above her was unfamiliar. "Bwuh?" A couch? Why was she on a couch? WHOSE couch was it?

A soft glimmer of light from across the room suddenly reminded her, and she sat up, rubbing at her eyes with one hand before fumbling her glasses on again. The Edelsteine house... the gem. Beryl had put her to sleep on the couch.

Bleh. Her mouth tasted like something had died in it during the night. She pushed the blanket aside and tried to gather her thoughts.

A stranger asleep on the couch was nothing out of the ordinary, nor was it unwelcome. He had payed it mind enough to put an extra blanket over the girl and had built a fire in the sizeable hearth. Beyond that, he sat quietly on the chaise, his eyes hidden behind the screen of his hair.

Lucius lay asleep next to him, head on his lap.

"Man, I need a shower... hairbrush... whose stupid idea was it t-" Sosiqui's train of thought derailed as she caught sight of the deity - that oddly colored hair was hard to miss.

"Um." Her eyes flicked over to look at the distant glow of the gem, then back to Harmodius. "Um..." What DID you say to a god when you'd been sleeping all night on what was possibly his couch and had a horrific case of bed-head?

"Good morning, " the voice came lifted out of shadow just as he lifted his face. "My apologies if I disturbed you."

A smile briefly lit his mouth at her cute dishevel.

"Ah... no, no, no! Er, my apologies for sleeping on your couch, um, sir?" What DID you call a god, anyway? Your majesty? Your worshipfulness? Your godliness? "I, um, Beryl told me to sleep here after the gem started glowing funny, I guess."

By now, last night - the warmth of the gem, the barely-distinguishable whisper in her thoughts, how possessive she'd felt - all seemed distant as a dream.

"I provide the chest of blankets and pillows for just such a purpose as visitors....and the finest couches, we are glad to have you, " there was a glint in the more visible red eye. "Beryl has a motherly air that I appreciate. It was wonderful of her to look over your welfare. "

He gently shifted Lucius off his lap, eliciting some quiet murmurs, and stood. "I am Harmodius, and it is a pleasure to meet you."

It was few strides, and he crouched at her side. "You are?"

Sosiqui blinked again as the deity walked towards her. Her first instinct was to run her hands quickly through her hair, to get it into SOME semblance of decency. "Um, I'm Sosiqui," she said, mind still reeling. It was way too early for this. Never mind that the clock said it was practically mid-afternoon. Good lord, why had she slept so long?!

"Well met, Lady Sosiqui."

He nodded, some if the decoration he wore giving soft jingles. "Tea, or water, or coffee then? "

"Um... tea, I guess." She quickly fumbled her glasses off, wiped them on her shirt, and put them back on. "I'm, er, not sure exactly why I'm here, sir. Do you, um, get people on your couches frequently? You don't seem very surprised."

Her gaze was slowly drawn back to the gem, and she realized she was staring at it. She firmly forced herself to look at Harmodius instead.

His eyes followed hers, and his mouth quirked a half smile. He wave a hand and a delicate jade dragon cup and saucer with tea appeared. "With some frequency. "

He offered her the cup. "Light's play draws your eyes."

She accepted the cup and again forced her gaze away from the gem. "It does," she admitted, staring down into the tea as though it was the most interesting thing in the world. "It started sort of glowing at me last night. That's why I ended up on the couch, I think. It was almost like it didn't want me to leave." She shook her head. "When I came here, I'd heard it was a good place if you wanted to lose yourself... but it's different to say it and another thing to have it actually be a distinct possibility." She took a quick sip of tea.

"Here is a place of nigh endless possibility and dreaming. Perhaps you would like a closer look at what you consider?"

It was more statement then question, and just as easily as the cup the shining jewel was in his hand and offered up.

Sosiqui blinked owlishly as suddenly the jewel was right there. She slowly lowered her own teacup and leaned forward a bit, peering at it.

Really, it was even more beautiful outside of the glass case. The light it gave out was soft, pleasant, diffusing out through the facets of the gem and throwing little rainbow specks everywhere. "And there's a deity in there? God? Goddess?" she asked, softly. This time she didn't bother making the effort to look away - it seemed silly to look at anything else.

Mine, something sang quietly in the back of her mind.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 1:46 pm
I took it home.

I... I don't know. Harmodius held it up and I couldn't stop looking at it... it was like staring into a... a...

I don't know. It wasn't like anything I'd ever seen. I think I slipped into a trance or something, maybe fell asleep, because when I looked up again it was some time later and Harmodius was gone. The jewel was still in my hand. So I took it home.

Home. A dinky apartment near the town walls of Barton. Furnished adequately, that's the most you can say about it. The jewel makes it all look so pathetic and sad...

I can't stand the contrast. I just can't. The jewel illuminates my life for what it really is, and it makes me so angry.

I'm not sure if I'm mad at myself, or at the jewel for making things so crystal clear.


Enduring Muse


Enduring Muse

PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 1:47 pm
A dream...?

The world around her was fuzzy, static, and indistinct. It jumped around a lot, oddly, but a soft glow diffused through everything - the one constant.

Yes. A dream. It is not my realm, but it will serve.

The voice was somehow familiar and strange at the same time. Sosiqui turned towards it, where the light was strongest, although she could not feel her body. She simply moved.



And she knew. As blindingly as the light, she knew.

The jewel.

I am no rock. I am myself, the other voice insisted. I slumber fitfully. You know what I seek.

Body. Form. Life... me?

Indeed. The intensity of the light shifted. I wa- no, I am. Am a god of power and glory. Come to me... first follower. For your sacrifice, you shall be honored above all glories in my temple save my own radiance...


You want purpose. I have that. What is more noble than the rebirth of power? The light changed again, subtly. Why do you hesitate? I know you want the change I can give you. I feel it in you.

... Don't kill me.

Never. Your sacrifice and worship will be honored. You shall not die - we will live forever. Together. The light will cleanse you.

Longing. There was more. And?

I will shine my light on your past. Shadows will burn away, and all shall be revealed. You shall know yourself.

The joy was cleanly felt. How?

Go to the place where the gods gather. Together, we shall rise in glory above them all. Trust in me.

... Worship me.

Y... yes....  
PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 1:48 pm
February 22nd, 2005

Sosiqui slowly walked up the path to the Edelsteine house, the jewel clasped tightly in one hand. A week was enough.

It was time to decide.

She could tell the jewel was restless. The facets seemed to shift sometimes, and the glow of the gem would pulse from time to time in a strange movement of light. It wanted something.

Something? No. It wanted her. The bizzare dream she'd had that morning had made that known beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed the door open without bothering to knock. She belonged here now, right? No need to knock.

Beryl was propped on her elbow, a book felled in her lap. She'd fallen asleep reading, again.

Seemed to be more than a bit of a habit for her. She was only lightly asleep though, a light shake should be enough to rouse her. Or get an amusing response.

Sosiqui smiled wanly when she saw Beryl. A familiar face, at least. She'd know. "Hey," she called out, then walked over when she realized the deity was asleep. "Beryl?" She reached out with one hand and tapped her lightly on the shoulder.

With a bit of a startled noise and the thump of her book hitting the floor she woke.

"Oh, Sosi. My apologies, I seem to be napping like a cat again. Is there something I can help you with?" She bent over and retrieved her book without leaving her seat. She made a sweeping motion with one hand to a nearby empty chair so the woman could sit.

Sosiqui wordlessly unfolded her grip. The jewel's light flared outwards for a moment, then dulled to a steady, soft glimmer deep within the heart of the gem. "It wants to bond with me. It wants..."

Her mind went back to the dream. It had been choppy, almost... staticy. Bad reception, or something of the kind, but there had been that sense of longing, that sense of purpose, desire, and need. And the promise to give her a purpose... as part of of the rising of a great god. He would give her, his first follower and greatest sacrifice, a place of highest honor - under his own, of course - she would not be extinguished.

All this had come to her as she'd woken up that morning to see the jewel shining like a miniature sun. She could still see the afterimages of it if she closed her eyes tightly.

"Ah, so it's ready then? And you don't know what to do?" Her tone was gentle, understanding what must be going on. How could she not, as she herself had done the same?

"I don't know what I should do." She looked down at the jewel again; the facets shifted slightly like a kaleidoscope. "I thought I wanted this, but doing it... doing it is another thing..."

She glanced up at Beryl. "I think if I think about it, I'll never be able to decide. Help me do it." There was a tone of desperation in her voice.

"I understand." Smiling she gently took the gem, holding it up to the light for a moment. "Rest a bit yet, and you shall be free."

She returned the jewel to the woman's hands and smiled a little. "Where would you like him to rest?"

Sosiqui raised one hand and touched it to her forehead... then frowned and moved her fingers downward, spreading them out as she felt over her face like it was something she'd never touched before. "No, no," she murmured, eyes unfocusing slightly. "That's not right..." She felt her way down and off the edge of her chin, and touched the side of her neck.

"... there," she said quietly, fingers brushing the left side of her neck, exactly halfway between the line of her chin and her shoulders. She could feel the faint throb of her pulse.

"Hmm, different, yet fitting. A fine choice." She smiled again. "Now just take his gem and rest it there and let his gem fuse with you. I won't say it's painless, as I know mine wasn't. But don't be afraid either. Some fusings go quietly while others go with bangs. Take your time and don't be afraid. If anything happens I'm right here and I'll take care of you, alright?"

Sosiqui bit her lip. "I want to do this. I do," she said, her voice trembling just a little bit. "The voice in my dream... was... so weak... but so kind to me..."

And, closing her eyes, she brought her palm, still cupping the gem, up to the side of her neck. She moved quickly, almost as if expecting to be stopped at any moment - or as if trying to get the moment of decision over with as soon as possible. The slapping sound of flesh against flesh as she finished the movement was audible.

"I know, so was mine." Her voice was soft as she watched.

When the hand clapped to the woman's neck she placed a gentle hand over it. She wasn't forcing the hand to stay, more letting the other know she was not alone.

Sosiqui's hand twitched, then stilled and fell away, sliding bonelessly out from under Beryl's as the woman's eyes lost focus again.

The jewel, which had met Sosiqui's skin facing point-down, sank slowly into the skin. A few droplets of blood oozed around the edges, but far less than there SHOULD have been, and soon even those vanished. The skin rippled around the gem and gathered up around it, forming a light ridge between the gem's surface and the rest of Sosiqui's flesh.

Then the jewel flashed once, blindingly, and the light flowed over Sosiqui's body like water. For a brief instant, she glowed too.

Then her eyes suddenly snapped open all the way, her pupils dilated, breath coming in ragged gasps.

Beryl's face remained calm throughout the fusing. She'd seen stranger.

"I will freely admit that's one of the more original fusings I've seen. Are you alright?" Her hands were on the woman's shoulders, carefully holding her up.

"I- don't- know-" The words were forced out between gasping breaths, but after a few more seconds, the hyperventilating stopped.

Sosiqui took a deep breath and let it out. "The light..." She blinked and looked around her, squinting. "I can't see you, where are... ah... wait, there..." She groped out and felt over one of Beryl's wings. "Blue... focus... yes. There." She rubbed at her eyes with both hands, then stared at Beryl as her pupils slowly returned to normal. "It glowed. I couldn't see anything but pure light... for a second..."

Her left hand wandered up to lightly touch the surface of the gem on her neck. When she touched it, her hand jerked away as if startled, then returned to poke at the new addition properly. "What have I done?"

The question wasn't spoken in the usual voice of desperation, though. It was surprisingly calm.

Wind stayed still for the tactile inspection. She couldn't help but smile a little.

"You have begun something new. Would you care to see?" She stood and held out a hand to the woman.

"Okay." Once again, her voice was surprisingly calm, almost eerily so.

Beryl was still smiling, hand extended. "I can show you around the entire shop and grounds if you like. After all, what do immortals have but time?"

"Mirror?" Sosiqui touched the jewel again. "And, oh, yes. How do you stay here? I should stay here. The neighbors at my apartment wouldn't like it at all."

"Of course, and for the time being you can stay with me. I might need to fetch a few more bed linens but it should be fine, provided you don't mind having others such as yourself around. You're not the first, nor the last, to come here and take on the jewel of a god."

Smiling she led the way down the hall so that the woman could see herself in a full length mirror.

Sosiqui looked at the mirror and brushed her hair lightly away from the side of her neck, blinking at the jewel set there. "Okay," she repeated. "Can I sleep? I'm so tired. I just got up two hours ago but gods, I'm tired. Did I just blaspheme myself? Hah..." Her eyes lost focus again.

Beryl coudln't help but laugh a little. "If you did, it's defiantely one of the better ones I've heard. Now follow me, there's a spare cushion in my room waiting for you."

Still smiling a bit she led the woman upstairs to her rooms, opening the door to reveal two neat rows of cushions and privacy screens. The closest one was unoccupied. "Will this do for you?"

Sosiqui toppled onto the nearest one like a tree that had been cut down. "S'fine," she mumbled, curling up instantly into a fetal position, her left hand wandering up to touch the jewel again.

In the fainter light, it became clear that Sosiqui was still glowing a tiny bit, barely there...

Beryl's hands went through the now familiar motions, gently removing the woman's coat and placing it on the rack by the door. A soft blanket was gathered and laid out over her.

"Do you need another blanket or a pillow? Don't be afraid to ask something of me. If I can help, I will."

Sosiqui didn't answer, though her eyes were still open. Slowly the remaining glow died - and when the last of it was gone, she uncurled a bit with a small sigh, eyes closing.

Beryl smiled softly, tucking the blanket around the woman. "Rest easy, you'll be safe here."

She started to close the screen a bit so she wouldn't be bothered. The woman might even appreciate them and find them calming, with the scenes of the sky and spring fields silk screened upon them.


Enduring Muse


Enduring Muse

PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 1:49 pm
The light suffused everything, a pure glow that was free of both heat and chill. It was simply light, and it blocked out all the odd 'static' in this strange dreamworld.

Thank you. The voice was powerful now. It resonated deep in her bones. You will be honored.

You promised?

Truth spoken. A pause. It may pain you, but not beyond what you can bear. It is in my interest to preserve this.

Your interest? Suspicion.

You misread me, Answer. I mean merely that your form shall become my rebirth, in time... of course, I want you to be safe if only for that practical reason. My promise is another layer beyond that. The Light keeps his word. The last resonated deep and low, and felt as though it might shake her apart.


I seek not just a new birth and form, but a follower as well... worship. Honor. Glory to be the seed to greater glory. Together.

Yes! A sudden burst of that same wild joy filled her. You will give me a future and light my past... what else can I do?

The light pulsed brightly, but it did not blind her. It should have, but it didn't. Such was the way of dreams.  
PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 1:50 pm
February 23rd, 2005
Roleplay, originally on pages 351-355 of the old thread, now logged in guild

Sosiqui pulled the pallet from Beryl's room into her own... uh.

Well, she supposed it was a room. She supposed whatever was currently inside it was that "platinum zoomorphic interlace" Harmodius had spoken of, although she could have been wrong.

Whatever it was, the stuff currently inside the room looked like an odd... well, substance somewhere between glooby gelatin and glass, with the occasional point of crystal or real glass sticking out of it. She couldn't tell exactly where the walls were or how big the room was beyond that. There was only a small seven-foot-square plain tiled floor in front of the door available for her use now. She'd brought in the pallet, and set up a small desk lamp on one of the boxes, running an extension cord into an outlet in the hallway for that purpose.

She carefully set up the pallet and flopped down on top of it. Why was she so tired? True, she had moved today, but it shouldn't have been that taxing. But then, there was the gem... it had talked a lot today. Creepy.

And the gender-thing. That was creepy too. She shivered involuntarily and fumbled to turn off the light. Sleep would help, right?

Leave it.

Her hand stopped, then she shrugged and turned it off. "My body still, and I sleep with the light off-"

The light turned on again, and Sosiqui felt a wave of tiredness pass over her. "Hey, knock it off! I like what you're going to do for me and all, and I will follow you, really, but I'm so tired... and I need to rest, right? So you'll be strong?"

There was a pause, then a sense of assent. Sosiqui turned the light off. "That's better." She curled up in one of her blankets and fell asleep immediately.

Half an hour later, the light turned back on again.  


Enduring Muse


Enduring Muse

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:23 am
February 24th, 2005

Sosiqui woke up slowly, her head pounding with a dull, low throb that wasn't precisely pain, but most certainly wasn't comfortable either. Sunlight was streaming over her face. "Hwah?" she mumbled, fumbling for her glasses with one hand and pushing back her hair with the other. "What time's it?"

As soon as the glasses were on, she gasped and tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness pushed her back down to her pallet. Still, she could look up, and turn her head - and what she saw was most definitely NOT what she'd seen last night when she'd gone to bed.

The room had opened up around her, become a delicate, airy, and above all wide-open space with a high-vaulted ceiling. Pale white columns, almost like stylized tree branches, crept down from the arches above to meld into the walls. A massive bay window topped a raised dais set into the outer wall, bathing the room in sunlight. Two other smaller rooms, domed and set into the larger expanse, had appeared out of god-knows-where... and, come to think of it, he probably did.

"You did this," she muttered, sitting up with a great effort. "And you used my energy to do it, didn't you?"

There was a faint hum of pleasure in the air. Sosiqui laid down again, feeling dizzy. "Dammit, I'm TIRED. I feel like I haven't slept in days."

Sleep again, then. The mental prodding was immediate.

"I'm hungry," Sosiqui mumbled, but she sank back into the pallet, feeling woozy. She doubted she could make it down the stairs to the kitchen like this - she'd probably fall over halfway down and kill herself, or something equally stupid. "You... really ought to be more considerate," she chided, punctuating the sentence with a giant yawn as her eyes drifted closed again.

As she rolled over on her side and fell asleep again, the jewel on her neck caught the sunlight and pulsed with a rhythm that could almost be termed thoughtful.  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:25 am
February 24th, 2005
Roleplay, originally on pages 359-361 of the old thread, now logged in guild

I picked up a new journal today - there were a few blank ones in a bookshelf downstairs, apparently free for the taking, so I brought one up here. I suppose I'll use it, and maybe Light will be amused later on. Maybe it'll be holy writ. Hah.

After all the crazy sleeping and eating, I still feel drained, but I will admit the room is beautiful. Light seems almost apologetic, although not in a humble way at all. It's kind of hard to describe, but there's absolutely no submissiveness in his apology. He regrets the effect his action had on me, but not the action itself. It's rather weird... but I guess, understandable. I'd be that way if I was a god too, maybe.

Which I will be - well, not me exactly, but my body. The idea still startles me, just like sometimes I brush my hair back and am surprised to find the jewel there.

Time for more sleep, before I can get too philosophical. At least Light promised never to do that again without warning first... I notice he said WARNING, though. Not ASKING. Clearly he doesn't need my permission.

Gods. Feh.


Enduring Muse


Enduring Muse

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:26 am
March 13th, 2005
New Belongings

Has it really been so long? It startled me deeply when I noticed the date and compared it to the last date in my journal... I'm sure it hasn't been that long... has it?

Either it has been or all the calendars in the house are lying to me. Either way, it's creepy. I seem to be... losing time, for lack of a better word. I'll go to sleep and somehow miss a day or two without realizing it, or having any concept of the missing time until I look at a calendar and realize. It's extremely disquieting...

No, something is definitely up. I have clear memory of going shopping, gods, ENDLESS shopping. I almost wonder if the god I carry is actually deity of merchants... but no, he's light. Has to be. The amount of lanterns we purchased is truly staggering. He made me do a right bit of work hanging them all and hiding the cords.... and that required cleverness. And duct tape. An aesthetic god, this one.

What meager funds I had in my accounts are all but gone now, but somehow I don't care that much. What use is it, if not for this? The god has an odd sense of whimsy, too - he insisted on buying all the lanterns, even the ones with cat's-paws and bunnies on them. He also wanted a small stuffed dragon themed after Light, and was just as delighted when a Sun dragon showed up outside our door one evening. I get the sense that he approves highly of such things - he's said, whispered in the back of my mind, that the presence of these things means people still carry memories of his glory deep in their minds. I wonder if he's right?

I still don't know his name, and that bothers me. Almost more than the missing days.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:27 am
March 14th, 2005

Sosiqui slipped quietly down the stairs, feeling vaguely uneasy.

It was nighttime. The god she bore did not like nighttime, not at all, but the violent blaze of light and heat in her room was stifling and she absolutely had to get out. She felt as though she had barely escaped suffocating, and spots of light still danced in her vision.

She padded into the kitchen on stocking feet, and opened the fridge to see what there was for snacks. She stoically resisted the god-born urge to stare at the fridge light like a moth, and pulled out some juice.

So quiet. It was almost a relief. Despite the vague whispered protests that rustled in the back of her mind like a forest full of dried leaves, she padded back out into the dark of the living room and sat down in a chair, resisting the mental prods to turn on the light.

There really was something to be said for darkness.

A shudder ran through her as she moved to take a sip of juice, and some of it sloshed onto her hand. "Hey, stop it," she said, sharply.

There's an obedience part of being a faithful follower, Answer. You seem to be missing that, hissed suddenly through her mind, much clearer than the vague complaints of earlier.

"I am faithful - I'm giving you my body, aren't I?" Sosiqui said back, licking the juice off of the back of her hand. "I just need... a break. A rest. You're in there, can't you understand?"

The Light burns you unduly. The voice was less stern now, but still intense and strong. Your body is not yet fit to withstand the requirements of glory.

She shivered again, this time of her own will. "What do you mean?"

I understand your concerns, Answer. I will fix them.

"What are you going to do?" Her voice suddenly rose in vague panic, and suddenly cut off.

The glass crashed to the floor, spraying juice and small glass shards as Sosiqui slumped suddenly into the chair, her eyes rolling back in her head.

The juice was good. Sugar, easily burned for energy to fuel his requirements for her body. The god's gem glowed brightly, waves of light emanating from it and flowing over Sosiqui's skin and clothing in rapid pulses.

Yes. This needed to be done, so that she could learn, and change, and become what he wanted. It would be much better if she could adapt on her own, without his constant interference.

Tsk. This wasn't doing at all.

It was too dark here. He prodded at her mind. They had to return to his sanctum. Come, my Answer. Awaken.

Sosiqui's eyes opened. They were unfocused; the world was spinning. Her whole body was tingling as if from lack of blood. "What...."

Up. Move. To my chambers, I will continue there. He extended more of his power and forced her out of the chair. She wobbled, slack-jawed; he turned her foot away from the pile of shards that had been her juice glass.

"What are you doing? Stop it," she protested muzzily even as she walked stiffly across the room.


"Don't call me that!" Her eyes snapped forward, and although they didn't focus completely, she seemed more alert than she had been. "Light, Answer... none of those... don't call me any of that..."

Avatar, then. The living incarnation of deity.

"Not yet..."

Avatar, yes. Come.

Somehow, she managed to make it up the stairs under his relentless prodding.

The determination of a god was a force to be reckoned with - but Light was still trapped within his gem, and there were strict limits to his power and influence.

About halfway down the hall, Sosiqui hit those limits, stumbled, and fell when the god's impetus to her movement suddenly failed. She fell to her knees, head swaying back and forth, hair fallen over her face. Tears snaked down her cheeks.


I am your god.

"Doesn't prevent that. Every god I've ever known has been a b*****d in some way, somewhere. Feh," she managed, weakly.

She felt him considering this. I have never claimed to be infalliable among friends. he admitted.

"And otherwise?"

Followers expect such.


Perhaps so.

He wasn't entirely certain if it qualified as narcissism or not, but star watching on clear nights remained one of his favorite, quiet past-times. A returning flock of migratory birds and their incessant honking on their way had driven him back inside, so Lucius slowly made his way through the common rooms and up the stairs to the apartments.

Sosiqui was startled to hear footsteps, and tried to get up, but she couldn't. The thought tore through her that the god was holding her down, but his instant denial and the shudder of exhaustion in her muscles told her otherwise. Instead she remained kneeling and sat back on her heels, hands clenched tightly in her lap.

Cresting the turn of the stair, Lucius paused momentarily to find the hall floor apparently......occupied?

It was her....him...

"Well, a little late to be testing out the quality of the hall carpet, yes?....or were you practicing your mantras and mudras?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing. Examining the bloody carpet," Sosiqui snapped, then felt instantly contrite. "I'm sorry... Lucius, right? The god I carry is apparently trying to do something, but lacked the power to get me even back to my rooms."

Oh, she was mocking Light now, her voice tainted with bitterness. He wasn't being fair, no he wasn't. Not at all fair.

His mouth half quirked in a smile, "Indeed. Well, and he seems to have done a nice job of leaving you the helpless damsel."

He offered both hands, palm up, an offering to carry.
"Can't be bright all the time, " it sing-songed through his grin.

"Thank you," she said, reaching up both hands - limbs trembling from an odd sense of exertion - to take his. She felt a sudden kinship with Lucius. He seemed to understand, if nothing else, and that was more than she had ever gotten from the deity in her own gem. Promises, yes, wonderful promises and help, but not understanding.

Within, the god seethed at the edges of her mind, not entirely pleased, but not really able to do anything about it at the moment either.

He lifted her weight to her feet, then scooped her up bride style, "You'll need to permit me to carry you into your room, otherwise we'll be waltzing the hall for the night."

He winked at her as he made it to the door.

Sosiqui giggled in spite of herself. "Thank you, kind sir." Exhaustion and relief made her silly. "There's also a glass that shattered on the floor downstairs that I wasn't able to pick up... if you could warn people off until I get my strength back..."

He opened the door and carried her in, pausing momentarily to take in the decor. Well, not pulling any punches for certain.

He ascended to the bed and lay her down gently, "I'll take care of the glass. You'll likely have other things that will need tending."

Lucius motioned to the dozens of lanterns, " Such as changing bulbs or adjusting cords....such menial tasks to the glory."

She laughed again, a slightly delirious tone to the sound as he laid her in the 'bed' on the dais. "I don't mind that, too much. It's the light... and the heat of it..."

Her voice drifted off and her eyes lost focus completely. "So tired. Thank you." Sosiqui's eyes closed and she curled softly into a fetal position, the hair obscuring the side of her neck falling away to reveal the gem flickering there.

"Your aid is appreciated," slipped out from between her lips, on the tail end of a deep, shuddering breath.

"You should be more careful with your host. If you break it, I doubt he'll be generous enough to get you a second."
So he can talk. The mental sneer was kept from becoming a physical one. Uncertainty, however, was plain.

Or would he? I don't know, anymore. I thought I understood the motives and actions. But....my Lord...he-

"I have no intention of breaking her," Light said firmly. "I will do her honor. These early days are difficult, that is all. Soon all shall be well for her. There will be golden statues in my temples. Thank you again."

The voice fell silent, then, and the glow of the gem dimmed to a mere spark, deep in the core. The only sound was Sosiqui's even breathing.

"Hmmph, " it was nearing a scoffing noise, but ended up being either too thoughtful or soft in the throat.

Golden statues.

There is no monument that fills the awe of the void. Indeed.

He turned on his heel and strode out, eyeing the last lanterns as he passed. But there *is* light. Countless pinpoints and nebula. He scowled at himself in hallway, half between the room of Light and his own.


Enduring Muse


Enduring Muse

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:28 am
March 15th, 2005

Another dream, of sorts - the strange, jumpy world of light and mist surrounded her, shot through with lines that didn't quite connect, very much like bad reception on a television.

Feeling resigned, she 'sat' back and waited for what was to come.

... I apologize. came the voice and presence of the god, after a few moments.

Well. That hadn't been what she was expecting. "You... you should be sorry..." she managed.

I am testing my limits. Yours, as well. I have found yours. Silence, then, deep and almost frighteningly intense, until he spoke again. I wish to ask a boon of you.

"A boon? Isn't my body, my life, enough?"

You misunderstand.

"Explain, then, please, oh great one." Her tone was sarcastic, biting.

I am dwindled... much as gods hate to admit it, much of our true power comes not from within but from without. From followers, mortal beings, humans or others across the expanse of time and space. I am... here, now, because something did not work... with those who followed me once. They turned away.

"What are you saying? What exactly do you want?" She was genuinely curious now.

I am... unused to mortal points of view. I enjoy my lofty spires. Perhaps too much so... and so. I ask your help, your.... opinion, you could say.

"My opinion?" She laughed. "When has that mattered to you after I said 'yes' to your entreaties?"

You wound me, and to her surprise, his voice really did sound genuinely hurt. I do not want to fade again. I want to do whatever it takes to remain in the high places of the worlds... to do right what I once did wrong. I am not an infallible god.


I am getting a bit annoyed. Kindly do me some courtesy, though it is not deserved?

She blinked at that, and nodded mutely.

Will you give me your point of view? Guide me to be more hospitable... more in tune with the needs of those who will devote themselves heart and soul to me? I will not make mistakes again. Must not. You who will become Light, reflect it into my own shadows. His voice was commanding, but with an odd hint of pleading running through it.

She was amused. And maybe a little sorry. "A truce, then?"

If that is what you wish to call it. A... partnership, of a kind, inasmuch as one such as you can partner with one such as I. That last was spoken matter-of-factly, and Sosiqui let the retort that bubbled up fall away. It was true, after all - he WAS a god, she WAS mortal.

"You won't walk all over me?"

I shall try not to. And you will help me, not hinder?

"If I can. If you keep your promise."

I always keep my promises, he said, sharply.

"One thing."

What is it, my Avatar?

"My name is Sosiqui."

A pause. Would you rather that?

She paused, as well. "I... well... I guess Avatar is okay." She grinned sheepishly. "I could use a little of those lofty places you were talking about."

He actually laughed. Very well. And?

"What is your name?"

The pause this time seemed to stretch on to eternity, until...


The name broke the dreamworld apart.  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:29 am
March 15th, 2005

Sosiqui opened her eyes slowly, yawning as she did so. The sunlight that seemed to bathe the dais at all hours of the day, in defiance of the laws of physics, was waning.

She sighed. Another day lost, then? But at least, for once, she felt refreshed instead of exhausted. She sat up and rubbed at her eyes. They felt odd, warm and prickly in a strange way. Good ol' Mister Sandman was a bit overenthusiastic...

She blinked again. Something was off. Something... what? She leaned back and looked up at the ceiling, trying to figure out what was bothering her, studying the intricate curls in the carvings that coiled up the arches. She'd never noticed them before-

Sosiqui gasped, then looked down. Her glasses were tucked safely between a pillow and the edge of the nest-like bed, but... but...

She could see all the detail in the ceiling. Perfectly. She rubbed at her eyes again and peered upwards once more.


She felt the faint hum of the god's- no, of Illumin's - pleasure in the back of her mind. He had done this for her... and although it probably wasn't wholly altruistic, considering he'd be inheriting the body before too long, it was still a nice gesture. Especially since he hadn't ousted her from bed feeling exhausted.

"Thank you." She pulled herself out of bed, quietly, and moved to turn on the lanterns. Her way of showing thanks, she supposed, as they lit up, immediately throwing the room into a blaze of light.

Your approval is appreciated. There is more.

"More? What else did you do?" A note of suspicion crept in.

Look at the light.

"I've already been half-blinded enough anyway."

LOOK at it. The snap of command was back, and to her surprise she found her head moving unbidden, turning towards the lanterns. She squinted reflexively, then gasped again.

"It's... it doesn't hurt. It's not blinding me... What did you do?" She stared at the lanterns, eyes wide, unflinching.

I would be a fool indeed if I could not look at my own Element, Illumin chuckled, apparently pleased with himself. And a gift for you. The Light holds hidden depths that few may see.

Indeed, in the heart of what would have been blinding, impossible light had her eyes not been changed, a halo of swirling colors danced. She looked at it unblinking, more than a little awed.

When it rises, I will show you the sun.

"I... I can't wait," she breathed. "Thank you. How incredible. You really have changed."

Illumin radiated smug pleasure.  


Enduring Muse


Enduring Muse

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:30 am
March 31st, 2005

She woke up in the night, mouth dry, head hurting just a bit, to realize that her skin had a very faint glow to it - barely visible to normal eyes, but then hers weren't normal anymore, were they? Fascinated, she sat up and moved her hand in front of her face, watching the way the glow flowed and rippled like water.


The response was immediate, as it always was now. She had to fight to stop her lips moving in time with his mental speech. Yes?

"Are you doing this? It's beautiful..." She watched transfixed as she flexed her hand and the light flexed along with it, in a way she doubted she could have described to anyone else without the gift of sight Illumin had granted her.

I am glad you like it. It comes when I have been moving.

Indeed, the light was fading beyond even her sight as she watched. "What have you been doing?"

Preparing a place for you. Would you like to see?

She shivered, inexplicably. "Where?"

Within. I must have your approval; you will be there when I am... here.

Sosiqui took a deep breath. She knew what was going to come, inevitably, but... it still made her squirm inside. But she had chosen this, hadn't she...?

"Show me."


Her eyes drifted closed almost against her will, and she felt all her muscles relaxing before she was pulled into...

... into ....?

It felt like a dream, but she knew it wasn't a dream. A haze of light that even she could not look directly at hung next to her, and a wide sunlit hall opened to her.

She moved hesitantly, and was surprised when her feet echoed on the wooden floor. "Where...?"

Within. The halls of the mind. Instead of a dark cavern, I have made you a palace...

"Palace?" The architecture was like their room in the 'real world', light and airy and intricately carved, with windows that opened onto blue sky, green grass, and the faint hum of birdsong.

I filtered through your mind and sought out that which was soothing to you. You will live here in, I hope, some modicum of peace.

She frowned at the last, it was an order. She could tell. It was useless to protest that he couldn't force peace...

... because, to be honest, he was doing a pretty damn good job of it. She leaned out one of the windows. A fountain was babbling away just outside. Her fingers brushed the grass; she smelled the scent of fragrant flowers.

"How is this possible?"

Within my own mind? If I cannot shape that, how can I hope to shape the world?

But it's my mind, my mind, she thought, before he released her to true sleep again.  
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