Solo - Awakening

For all of her life Carolina Oliveira had experienced a peculiar tugging sensation. It wasn’t urgent, or even intrusive, but it was always present. Carolina had known there was something she was meant to do with her life, but as a typical teenager she filled her life with shopping, school, and boys and was able to forget about her sense of longing.

One sunny summer day, while Carolina was outside tending to her garden, everything changed. In one instant she was typical Brazilian teenager Carolina Oliveira and in the next she was something entirely different; someone entirely different. In that instant an energy that had been stored deep within Carolina burst forth and flooded her with memories. Beautiful memories of her last few moments of life with Neo-Queen Serenity brought a tear to her eye to think about. Horrifying memories of Queen Nehelenia and the corruption she’d endured at her hands were too much to bear.

Carolina clenched her fists in the rich, familiar soil. She remembered everything. But most importantly, she knew what the pull was. It had intensified with the force that had awakened the memories within Carolina. The pulling sensation that had pervaded every aspect of Carolina’s life since the moment she was born only meant one thing. The Small Lady was awakened. She was here on Earth and in present times. And she needed her Quartet.

Carolina stood up and dusted her hands off. She had to respond to Small Lady’s call; she knew this to be absolutely true. If Small Lady was in trouble, she would need the full power of her entire Quartet and Carolina instinctively knew that the other members of the Quartet had also been awakened.

Carolina arranged to be sent to Destiny City on an exchange student program. Her heart was telling her that the Small Lady was here, and that the rest of the Quartet would follow suit. They were destined to reunite in this foreign city. Carolina’s new life as Sailor Ceres, protector of Sailor Chibimoon, and Carolina Oliveira, foreign exchange student was about to begin.