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PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:00 pm
Hello and thanks for inviting me into the guild. heart

Real Name: Johanzen P.

Political Alignment: Republican

Membership: Clark County Republican House Committee

Age: 20

Place of Birth: Manila, Philippines

Place of Residence: Las Vegas, NV USA

Hobbies: Video Games, Role-Playing, Muay Thai Kickboxing

Stances on Presidential Candidates:

President George W. Bush: I believe, and this is just my opinion, President Bush is a firm leader who makes unpopular but mostly righteous decisions. I also believe he's far from perfect but competent for his duty in the White House. I also favor him when it comes to his personality and outlook as a person.

Senator John F. Kerry: Very mysterious and dual. Its hard to see where he stands on important issues because he seems to change his opinions alot. I think his speeches are too occupied by: "I'm not Bush" "I was in Vietnam" and "Bush is bad" I can't even assess this candidate fairly, he shifts on issues too much.

Stances on issues:

War on Saddam Hussein's Regime: Completely justified. Saddam is a terrorist madman dictator who killed thousands of his own people. According to sources and intelligence, he was well on his way to becoming a threat to anyone in the world.

Abortion: I think responsibility should start before pregnancy, such as protected sex, decisions when it comes to having sex, etc. I don't think its right to run away from a responsibility from your own mistake, fault or bad decision. With that said I think abortion should be a government-sanctioned option for rape victims or people with severe medical conditions that would kill both the baby and the mother, but illegal otherwise.

Gay Marriage: I believe that marriage is a holy matrimony between a man and a woman and it should stay that way, legally and symbolically.

Gay Adoption: Still indifferent on this issue.

Stem Cell Research: Still indifferent on this issue.

Economy: Going steady and fine right now as far as I know. I believe people should also change their attitudes when it comes to the economy. Patience, perseverance, hard work and faith will get you through poverty, not complaining to the President. I know this by personal experience. I have reasons to believe many of these people who complain about the economy have 3 cars in the garage, a 2 story house, food on the table, and decent jobs. It seems like they want more or just using the issue for political purposes.


Senator Kerry's Vietnam Record: I don't think it matters much when it comes to the campaign. I believe he served honorably when he was there. He came back and protested against the war but then again he was a younger John Kerry who was less mature than he is now. I think he should stop basing his candidacy on his Vietnam experience. I think he should also finally settle matters with the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

President Bush's National Guards Record: Still doing research, but from what I know, heard and seen now, I'm leaning towards the fact that the documents found are fake. Again just as Kerry's war record, its really not relevant when it comes to the campaign. Some democrats criticize President Bush for having no war experience, thus making him less competent in the War in Iraq. They praise Kerry for his veteran status and claim he would do better due to his experience. Although President Roosevelt lead us to victory in WWII over tyranny, having no personal experience in war himself. FDR couldn't even walk.  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 10:14 am
Well now, this seems like the place to announce this.

Hello Leaning Rght Guild! I'm back!

I helped get the original Leaning Right Guild going with Razak and a handful of others.

I stopped posting in Gaia in February 04, losing heart at the sheer stupidity on the political forum and the bias of the moderators toward it. (Particularly Danjel, of course.)

Anyway, I've decided to take up the good fight again, so you'll be seeing me from time to time on the Politics forum. I won't be posting at anything approaching lightning speed. But I'll be lurking and from time to time throw in a pithy comment or two.

Anyway - some basics on me, for those who missed me the first time around:

Name Logan Darklighter

Real Name: William (though I actually do answer to Logan in real life!)

Age: 38

Place of Residence: Dallas, Texas, USA

Occupation: Tech Support/Security

Background: I was born just early enough to have vague personal memories of the space age and the Moon Landings. I've been a fan of Science and Sci-Fi ever since I was old enough to start reading, when I was 4 years old. I really made the big leap into fandom though in 1983, when I attended my first convention, a one day event called - Yamatocon. It was a Star Blazers convention. They had a microscopic dealers room and the attendence was barely over 300. But it was my first experience being around a whole bunch of other people with hte same interest in something that would later be called Anime.

A year previous to that I had been introduced to Role-Playing games. First, with the ubiquitous D&D, and then, then GDW's Traveller, the Space Opera counterpart to the Fantasy themed D&D. I liked Traveller better. And of course, influenced by anime, Star Wars, and Star Trek, created a character whose name I now use as my alias.

(Scary thought - I've been involved in fandom since before many of the people on this forum were even BORN!! Ack! Too late to "get a life!!" now, I guess. ^_^)

Anyway, I started drawing fan art in the early 80's and on up through the present. I've developed my own style based on influences from Matsumoto, Mikimoto, Shirow, Sonoda and Urishihara.

Politics -

In my high school years, I liked Reagan, but I wasn't all that political at the time. During my college years, I was influenced too much by liberal professors and developed a liberal mindset. I voted for Clinton in 92, and began regretting my choice within months. At first mainly because he simply failed to follow up on any of his campaign promises. But soon he would give me greater casue to question him. The Hillary Health plan being a major factor. How was it that someone who wasn't even elected could hold secret meetings where she and other like-minded people could possibly decide for the reast of us how health care would be managed?! That scared me.

Then I took a job as a security officer driving patrol. 10 Hours a night 4 nights a week. With only an AM radio for distraction on a beat that typically put almost 200 miles on the truck a night. No music available, so I listened to talk radio out of boredom. This was in the San Francisco Bay area, and while they had liberal talk show hosts locally, there was this one new show that was being played on delay. A new national show - Rush Limbaugh. At first I listened out of nothing better to do and thinking "well, intellectually speaking, it's a good idea to know the workings of the other side."

But he really started making sense after awhile. He wasn't always perfectly accurate, and he was overly bombastic sometimes. But he made _sense_ more often than not. Rush was the first to make me truly question my liberalism.

He may have made me question, but I did the rest on my own. I became something of a political junkie (at least compared previously) and devoured essays and writings from all quarters.

In 1996, I was undecided enough that I didn't know who to vote for. So I stayed out of it.

By 2000, though, I had fully come to the realization that I was a conservative. I voted for Bush, and I will vote for him this year.

I am a fiscal conservative. Something of a reactionary hawk on the War on Terror, and on how we should deal with terrorists in general. Socially, I still have some sympathy with certain select liberal viewpoints. So in that sense, I'm like Razak, with a libertarian bent to my conservatism.

So - guess that's all that's relevent for this guild. The rest falls under "ask me more, maybe I'll remember more".  

Logan Darklighter


PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 2:04 pm

alias's-pimpkilla/kill-you quick


reason for being conservative-common sense

location-atlanta(i am in the minorty, one of the few bush supporters)

project-new guild(its a secret, but your welcome to join once i get it up and going, and no i wont except donations, this is out of my won pocket)

real name-thomas walker

myspace account-http://profiles.myspace.com/users/5821305


other than that you can PM me with any questions  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 6:34 pm
Name: Formic
Other Accounts: Ununtrium
Age: 17 (Until the 19th...)
IRL name: Robert (I answer to Formic as well, actually)
Location: Washington
Education: AAS, half through BA.
Occupation: Co-founder and Product Manager of Absolute Multimedia (see web page in my sig)
Background: From a Conservative family, I follow the same tradition, though I find that I'm even more right wing than some of my family. I became heavily involved in Politics following reading The Making of America by W. Cleon Skousen and some other various political books.

Favorite Talk Show Hosts:
Limbaugh, Savage, and Medved. Depends on the Mood. Limbaugh - When I want to bash the left. Medved when I'm wanting to listen to reasonable argument, and Savage when I'm ticked off about soemthing.

Stance on Issues:
War on Terror- Yep. Bush's hands are kinda tied by trying to get re-elected, but hopefully he'll up the war again on Nov. 3rd. We need to force the issues with both Iran and North Korea, Diplomatically if possible, Militarily if not.
Battle in Iraq- Going fine, but needs more troops.
UN- Depose it. International Governing parties cannot work. Let the US figure out it's own destiny, instead of having to kowtow to the UN's policies.
Abortion- Pro-choice is an ambiguous term. People have the choice before they hit the sack. Once they have made that choice, they should not have the coice to do what, in my opinion, is murder.
Gay Marriage- Sorry, no. Marriage is for Man and woman, in order to create a stable place to raise children.
Economy- Fine, getting better.
Kerry in Nam- He did get exra medals, though I don't care much about that. The Baby Killers argument is what I don't like.
Bush in National Guard- He served fine, logging extra hours, no matter if he wasn't there for 4 months or not. It makes no difference.  



PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 9:14 pm
Hello, I'm Jen_Renee. This post should help y'all learn a little more about me:

Name: Jen_Renee
IRL Name: Jenn (Renee is my middle name)
Age: 18
Location: Corsicana, Tx (Navarro College)
Education: HS Grad; Freshman in College
Major: Medicine/Nursing
Background: I'm from a very Conservative family and I wouldn't see it any other way. My father is a former private ('84-'86) and my mother (now deceased) was a former drill sargeant ('84-'86) in the army. My father now works at the VA Hospital of Dallas as an RN; this is why I decided what my major would be. For awhile I wanted to have a major in military history because I found it fascinating and easy.

Another interesting fact is that my mother's younger brother married the great-great-granddaughter of Colonol Sanders (KFC). Her family are very close friends to the Bush family, so she is a personal friend of our President.

I strongly support the war and Bush's policies. In two weeks, I will vote for anther term for our Conservative president.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 1:17 am
I guess it's about time I posted in here.

Name: Bolthorman
Real name: Bryan
Political Affiliation: none
Location: Bay Area, California (San Jose)
Age: 19
Education: Second year in college as an animation major.

Being a centrist doesn't mean I don't have radically left or right opinions on things, don't expect me to be neutral on every issue.

The main reason I am a Centrist is because I believe polarization hurts the world. I am out to change the political process from having parties work against eachother to having them work with eachother (oh wow, this is one hard goal.)

I used to lean pretty far left, then I came to Gaia and saw informed posts by Liz, dubyamn, Kid Nasty, Kazuma, and mirrorimage (the only conservative regulars at the time). After seeing that their reasons for believing in things weren't flawed, I decided to look at my stance on things again. When I looked again, I saw that I was only left on SOME social issues, and outright didn't have an opinion on most economic policy.

So here I am, crazy nutjob trying to spread respectful discourse between the two parties.

I got your back!
Thanks man.  


Wheezing Streaker


PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 5:53 pm
I guess it's about time I posted in here.

Name: Bolthorman
Real name: Bryan
Political Affiliation: none
Location: Bay Area, California (San Jose)
Age: 19
Education: Second year in college as an animation major.

Being a centrist doesn't mean I don't have radically left or right opinions on things, don't expect me to be neutral on every issue.

The main reason I am a Centrist is because I believe polarization hurts the world. I am out to change the political process from having parties work against eachother to having them work with eachother (oh wow, this is one hard goal.)

I used to lean pretty far left, then I came to Gaia and saw informed posts by Liz, dubyamn, Kid Nasty, Kazuma, and mirrorimage (the only conservative regulars at the time). After seeing that their reasons for believing in things weren't flawed, I decided to look at my stance on things again. When I looked again, I saw that I was only left on SOME social issues, and outright didn't have an opinion on most economic policy.

So here I am, crazy nutjob trying to spread respectful discourse between the two parties.
i got your back!  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:32 pm
Howdy all! Thanks for inviting me to the guild!

Real Name: Robbie Soliz

Political Alignment: Republican

Age: 24 (25 in Dec. Wohoo for cheaper insurance!)

Place of Birth: Alice, Texas

Place of Residence: Currently Fort Meade, Maryland

Hobbies: Politics, Video Games, Role-Playing

Stances on Presidential Candidates:

President George W. Bush: I believe he is a man of conviction, moral values, and faith. A faith that I share with him, and I am glad to have him in the White House. I am absolutely shocked that this election won't be a cakewalk for President Bush.

Senator John F. Kerry: Hey, the man lives up to his title. He is an absolute flip-flopping, pandering politician. He will do absolutely anything to win, including straight out lying.

Stances on issues:

War on Saddam Hussein's Regime: Completely justified. Saddam supported terrorist and contrary to popular belief, did have ties/relationships with Al Queada. The man was a murderer that used WMDs on his own people! The world is better off now that this dictator is out of power!

will update more later!  



PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 4:12 pm
Real Name: Matthew Reinhardt
Politcal Leanings: Conservative Republican
Age: 18
Hometown: San Jose, CA
College Plans: University of Chicago, majoring in law or political science
Hobbies (besides politics): Music (Classic Rock, Jazz, Classical), Anime (Inuyasha, Rave Master, Hellsing, etc)
Religion: Roman Catholic

1. I believe Kerry didn't deserve the medals he got in Vietnam.
2. Kerry's foriegn policy will put America in danger by playing defense in the war on terror.
3. Iraq was justified even with no WMD's.
4. No abortion even in thoses rare cases liberals often cite.
5. No gay marriage; civil unions maybe.
6. Support flat tax of 19% over current income tax.
7. Current gun law are good as is. Should allow concealed weapons in the hands of law abiding citizens.
8. Social Secruity will go bankrupt unless it is privitized.
9. Tariffs on foriegn goods are bad. Free trade benefits everybody.
10. Bush's farm subsidy bill, Medicare bill, and Education bills were bad pieces of Legislation.
11. Support voucers. Public education after elementary school is terrible and one needs at least private schooling (homeschool is opitimal) to fully maximize one's intellelectual potential.
12. Abstitence only sex education. Pre-martial sex is morally wrong and can be easily be avoided by those with control over their bodies.
13. Mandatory drug rehab for small time drug users; large jail time for big time dealers.
14. Bush, although not fully a conservative, is the right leader at the right time at the right place.
15. Embroyonic stem cell research is totally unproven and the unborn shouldn't be sacrificed to find possible cures.
16. Isreal has the right to exist and should take their land back from the Palestians.  
PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 4:28 am

Age: Older than Logan Darklighter

Place of Residence: Northern California

Occupation: Government employee

Interests: My family, firearms, and the preservation of the USA

Like some of the older members, I ended up on Gaia because my kids convinced me to. I find it interesting to see how the younger generation thinks, and what I see from some of you gives me hope for the future of this country. I also find tweaking liberals with facts seems to be a good source of stress relief. Unfortunately, sometimes my job keeps me away for long periods of time, especially since 9/11.

I was raised in a conservative democratic household back when the democrats believed in a strong defense and some sense of personal responsibility. When Reagan came along, I realized that the democratic party no longer fit my beliefs and I became a Republican.

Just a little explanation. If I seem to get a little short with people, it is because of my life experience. After 24+ years of serving my country, and seeing the evil that exist in this world, I no longer seem to have the patience to put up with some of the outright lies or ignorance that I see in some of the more liberal post. I have survived people trying to shoot, knife, and club me along with a bout with cancer. I will not be intimidated by some young kid, or even a bias mod.


Gun control-- I have carried a gun for years. It has never gone off by itself or shot anyone that I didn't want it to. If you want to own one, more power to you. All I ask is that you learn how to use it.

Abortion--For the health of the mother or rape or incest.

War on terror--Lets finish them off so I can stay home more.

Iraq--Finish the job that we started. The best long term protection for this country is a democratic middle east.

Welfare--Should be a limited help up, not hand out.  


Beowulf X

PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 10:54 am
Name: Beowulf X

Real Name: Kevin Anderson

Age: 19

Hometown: Wauwatosa, WI

Currently residing in: Eau Claire, WI

College: University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire

Major: Management Information Systems

Year: Sophomore

Job: Best Buy Product Processing

Political Party/Ideology: Independent Conservative (Reagan Era)

Personal Hero: Theodore Roosevelt  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 1:58 pm
I'm new! Thanks for inviting me Game Phreak!

Real name: Pete Carpinona

Alias: Loki

Age: 17 (18 in 4 months)

Location: Levittown, Pa

Occupation: Umemployed, High School Senior.

Plans: Want 2 yearsd at my community college for History and Politics. Then 2 years at Penn State for more extensive studies.

Secondary plans: Army Rangers

Party: Moderate. I tend to look more into policies and the person themselves rather than follow the party.

Misc: I enjoy video games, arguments, women ;D, and long walks on the beach 3nodding  



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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 2:22 pm
Name: Kyoushi_HaraHara

Real Name: Michelle

Sex: Female

Age: 18

Birth Day: July 8th 1986

Place of Residence: Fair Oaks, California

Political Affiliation: I'ma right wingah

Summary of Issues:

CA politics (Arnie etc..)
illegal immigration
the "draft" stare (yelling at people how there wont be one)
pro-life (newspapers now call it anti-abortion rights stare )

Background: I was a Young Republican through high school and am now a College Republican. I worked on a local campaign for county supervisor and spent my summer working at the state capitol. I'm gonna be a gov't major.  
PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 9:20 pm
im back hommies  



PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 10:53 am
Good to know.  
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