Why was he doing this... in his room? His father would surely notice the ink stains on the floor once this was all said and done. But, his father could be inattentive at times, and he was certain that Ezeoha would not check under his bed for a summoning circle. Soah couldn't imagine doing this kind of thing anywhere else. His home was his safety zone, where he felt most comfortable and safe. No one would come in on him - his dad was at work. Soah had pushed the bed to the other side of the room, and had cleared the space where he would pour the black ink to make a circle and a Solomon inside of it. Once he was done, he would cover the space up once again with his bed, and then proceed to stuff a profound amount of clothes and old items underneath it to thoroughly cover the circle. It had been awkward acquiring the amount of ink he needed, and then shopping for candles with a bunch of old women had been even more awkward. But really, this was all he had to do, so he wasn't going to complain about it. All he needed to do was mentally prepare himself for what was to come.

Because, for some reason... he suspected that this was going to work, and that he was going to be facing an Incubus. How many kids in the world his age had actually done this? He expected that he was the only one.

He grabbed a paint brush, the kind an artist would use, and carefully dipped it into the ink. The circle he drew on the floor was large, but certainly not perfect. He had done his best, and it actually looked like a circle (instead of an octagon or a pentagon). Inside of the circle he carefully inked in the six-pointed star. Needless to say, he was much better with the straight lines then he was with the curved line of the circle. What he had drawn was certainly passable. Now it was time to place the candles, and he did so at each point of the star, where it connected briefly to the circle. His courage held out through the lighting of five of the six candles... but when he came to the last one, he froze.

His eyes grew wide, and he stared in shock at the nearly completed summoning circle. Was he really doing this? Was he really ready to sacrifice what needed to be sacrificed? All of this for a friend? Was friendship worth this much?

Oh... god.

Soah reeled back and away from the circle, a hand flying to cover his mouth to keep in the horrified sound. He couldn't believe he was doing this! He was... scared. Wasn't it okay to be scared? He sat at the edge of the circle shaking, desperately trying to gather up his confidence once again. He didn't really know how much time had passed, but it was a considerable amount before Soah could take the lighter to the final candle and light it. The other candles had already had much of the wax melted... but as long as they were all lit, it didn't matter, right?


The candles flickered, and he could feel the energy gathering in his small room. It made his skin crawl, made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. Soah was certain that he was shaking uncontrollably. His lip had been caught by his teeth, and he was chewing on it nervously as the energy grew and continued to build.


The voice shocked him, and he could bring his gaze up to as far as the Incubus's lip, because seeing the curl of distaste on it made him really not want to look into the creature's eyes. There was definitely a seductive tone to the voice, but it was tinted with irritation and annoyance. He willed his voice to work, and when it finally did, his words were hesitant and uncertain. He had rehearsed them, too, but now he was finding it difficult to actually speak them. "I-I... want you... t-to leave alone a-anyone who is unwilling t-to have sex with y-you. I-if they say 'no', or if they're body language p-portrays fear.. then y-you have to leave t-them alone..."

"And?" The voice seemed to grow darker, the Incubus clearly irritated with the thought that a human could begin to think that they could control who he fed off of. If anything, he would have flat out refused to speak further to the boy, but the thing was trembling, and fear was always so enticing. He would hear the kid out, though his patience clearly wasn't designed for it.

"I-in re-return you-you-you'll..."

"Come on, now, we're running out of daylight, and the candles are low. You won't be keeping me here much longer."

"You'll get... my b-body to feed off of, so long as it is ca-capable of it."

The Incubus laughed, because it was just far too amusing. He wasn't particularly fond of men, but food was food, and it would be entertaining to watch how the child would cope with the new lifestyle. Besides, once the boy was dead, he could go back to feeding off of whomever he wanted. It would... be like a game, and some times he really did enjoy games.

"Well, I do dare think that I accept these terms."