Aura sighed as she managed the booth listlessly. It seems most people had left after the incident. That would have been a slight to see!

Why did she have to arrive just as the adventure was dying down?

Well, at least she had the small make-shift shop to keep her mind off of missing the excitement, if only for a bit. Only one person visited in the whole of an hour.

Her parents were busy, at least. There was still the top of the tent to repair as a creature appeared to have taken a bite out of it as it had flown by. Perhaps that meant that one of the beasts was still around the festival somewhere?

Having no customers, Aura left the booth and searched the area with the wide eyes of a hunter. Surely, at least one bat would be left.

Unfortunately or, perhaps, fortunately, the brave girl found no creatures of the night. Just booths of shiny trinkets, good food and the fall night air. Her sister would have loved the treasures she found at each stall. She bought a few to bring home for her twin's collection. She would have loved the plants too. Finding anything for her brother was a bit harder. You couldn't bottle the atmosphere or the festival itself, after all. He was way too sentimental like that. She settled on a candle that smelled like incense. He would probably have been helping someone right now, if he were here, and not browsing the stalls.

Or searching for animals that had clearly flown away, for that matter.

It was becoming increasingly evident that she would see no animal or otherwise that night.

The girl must have hunted around the festival grounds for a long time for the night was almost over by the time she returned to pack up the game shop's supplies and head back to the place that was both her home and the family business. At least, she had souvenirs for everyone now.

Oh, no. She had been so intent on finding a real, live animal that she had forgotten to buy anything for herself. Aura sighed again and went on her way.


The Space Cauldron