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Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 2:35 pm
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Welcome to the wedding of the year! Arkani, Thain of the Suzat, has finally chosen a mate. He's been a bachelor all of his life and it's the general consensus that it's about time he settled down and thought about getting an heir to be trained up before he gets much older. The pride has been abuzz for weeks in preparation of the celebration. It's not every day your Thain is married, after all, and the Suzat pride themselves on throwing the best parties.

Fallohides have been sent far and wide to spread the news of the party so all are welcome to come. Members of other prides - allied or otherwise - and rogues of all species will be treated with the famous hospitality of the Hobbits, special flavors of Brew have been prepared, there's food aplenty and more than enough Iboga to go around. This is a time to let loose, have fun, and make some new friends.

But what would a party be without some unexpected guests showing up? Hm...I wonder who they could be...  
PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 2:36 pm
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One | Two | Three | Four | Five

What would a party be without some party favors? Every post you make gets you entered into a raffle to win one of these lovely ladies, daughters to a long-time mated pair who finally had their first litter after a very long time of waiting for the right moment. These ladies already have their adol stage so you'll get both images if you win. Please post a preference list in your first post so once I wrap the ORP up I can hand them out in a timely fashion. General rules as usual, no mules, they can take any rank that isn't already full, and they don't have to stay in the pride (though mom and dad would love it if they did!)

Ndoto - The father of the cubs, Ndoto lives life to the fullest every day. His strong voice can usually be heard singing as he goes about his daily routines, and thankfully he's quite talented so normally it's not annoying. He is very go with the flow and has a carefree nature, but at the same time he's full of energy and must always be moving. He can be a bit silly at times, joking with others and teasing them, but he knows when he needs to be serious and always follows through. He is a Seer but doesn't have visions very often, generally only when he's in a state of high emotion, good or bad. (SilverLutz)

Nantale - The mother of the cubs, Nantale is the former leader of the Nchi pride. She always felt overwhelmed while leading - probably due to her past trauma being swept away in a flood and assumed dead for quite some time - and eventually passed the burden to her friend and slowly moved out of the spotlight. She is a quiet, reserved lioness who has a hard time relaxing and letting her guard down among those she doesn't know. Ndoto is one of the few lions that can make her smile, but her cubs certainly can do so, too. She is a silent worrier and always expects the worst to happen but will keep her concerns to herself and put on a brave face for everyone else. (SilverLutz)

Jahi - The lone brother of the sisters, Jahi takes after Nantale in that he is a reserved and cautious young lion. He does love to sing and has a talent for it, just like his father, but he's extremely shy and rarely sings in front of anyone. (SilverLutz)  


Offensive Hero


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 2:38 pm
Raffle List and Preferences

1. Avid_RPer18 ( 4, 1, 2, 5, 3 )
2. Avid_RPer18
3. AstoriaFallen ( 3, 2, 1 )
4. Jovi of Shadows ( 2, 4, 5, 1, 3 )
5. Juliette06 ( 4, 1, 5, 3, 2 )
6. Jovi of Shadows
7. Juliette06
8. Jovi of Shadows
9. Juliette06
10. Jovi of Shadows
11. Jovi of Shadows
PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 3:10 pm
User ImageThe pride was bustling with activity as the last few details were put into place. Decorations had been made and strewn about the large meeting area in the middle of the dens where the ceremony would take place, food was piled high and ready to be eaten, Brew sat waiting in hollowed out gourds for the merrymakers to indulge in, and a few of the older Hobbits were already chewing the stalks of Iboga that had been put out for everyone to enjoy. Arkani - despite being the lion of the hour - was checking to ensure everyone was having a good time and that nothing last-minute needed to be done.

He'd been shooed away enough times now that he finally got the hint and heaved a sigh before heading away, pacing the space where the wedding would take place shortly. Normally a wedding was less organized than this, the two lions in question usually joined mid-feast with only a handful of lions paying attention, but since he was the Thain his party planners had insisted there be a whole portion dedicated to the moment he and Ukufana were officially joined together as a married couple. Thankfully the whole 'formal' bit wasn't long - no formal bit was when it came to Hobbits, but a bit of ceremony was nice from time to time - because even though Arkani was very comfortable speaking in front of his pride, something about being married in front of them was nerve-wracking.

Maybe it was because most of them had known his father, the previous Thain, and had watched him grow up. It was like standing trial in front of countless uncles and aunties, all eyes on him and his wife-to-be.

He hoped someone would come chat with him to distract him.  


Offensive Hero


Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 1:57 am
User ImageWith all the buzz and excitement leading up to the wedding had done well to set the tone for the big day. The party atmosphere was infectious and Yehuda was really enjoying himself simply drifting around and checking out how things were being set up, listening in to the chatter bubbling up from groups of excited planners, helpers, and celebrants. The middle aged lion had been curious what a 'formal' Hobbit wedding would entail and found himself in a nostalgic mood, thinking back to his own wedding when he was a younger fellow. The ceremony had been attended by friends, family, and other members of his then pride. There had been much singing and dancing for them after his own little wedding. Ah, what a time it had been. So much love and joy in the air. He smiled and sighed. It was a bit bittersweet now, but it was a memory he deeply treasured.

Shaking himself from his reminiscing, Yehuda blinked and looked around to reground himself to the here and now. Lo and behold to husband-to-be was off on his own. No doubt the Thain was a busy fellow, so it surprised him to not see him swept up with set up or getting ready for the impending ceremony. Granted, again because he'd never witnessed a formal Hobbit wedding before, he didn't know what all needed to be done before hand. The farmer drew nearer to the Thain and hailed him with a pleasant greeting. "A fine, joyous day to you, Arkani! You're as though you're looking for something. How are you feeling?"


User ImageRuqayqa was so looking forward to seeing how the day unfolded! It had been so long since she had last attended a wedding, much less such a big, important royal one! She wanted to make sure she took the time to make sure she was thoroughly groomed and looking nice. Word had been going out about the wedding so there was no telling who all would be dropping by and from where. Besides, she also just wanted to put her best foot forward to support and celebrate the couple on their special day! Heading out from her den to go to where everything was being held, a neighbor briefly stopped her to tuck a flower into her hair tuft before laughing and hurrying her along. Off the hobbit went to see where she could help out, or find someone, or some folks, to chat with before the official ceremony, maybe find someone to sit with. There was so much activity in the meeting area already! She'd try to keep out of the planners way, but still wanted to check everything out.

(( Cub pref list: 4, 1, 2, 5, 3 ))


Ru is open for interaction!
PostPosted: Sat Jul 10, 2021 4:47 pm
Arkani was relieved when someone called out to him and he turned, a wide smile on his face as was his usual when interacting with the members of the pride.

"Ah, Yehuda! It's good to see you. I suppose I'm looking for a way to keep busy until the ceremony begins. Everyone keeps insisting I don't need to help and I should 'enjoy the day', but it's hard when I'm shooed away," he said with a little chuckle. He understood what the Hobbits were trying to do but he was so used to overseeing everything and helping where it was needed that having nothing to do simply made him worry.

"A bit nervous," he admitted. "Though I'm sure anyone would be if they were in my pawprints today." It wasn't every day you got married, after all, and he knew the pressure would be on to produce an heir sooner rather than later. His mane was pale to being with but he'd spotted a few white hairs peeking through here and there. He couldn't be Thain forever and he'd have to teach the heir how to be a proper Thain before he officially retired.

"Are you enjoying the day so far? I know the party hasn't really kicked off yet but the past few days have been rather exciting, trying to get everything done."



Offensive Hero


Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 10:51 pm
Yehuda chuckled, bowing his head to Arkani's greeting. "Well, I'd be delighted to help occupy you for a time before you're drawn elsewhere or needed for something. I'm sure there are many who'd love to have a chance to chat with you before and after your nuptials." He couldn't help but laugh at the other's mention of repeated running off. "I do understand," He started with a nod. "I kept getting gotten after before my wedding too. I was antsy, wanting to help. My bride, infinitely more knowing than I was, told me to think of it like this: those helping with prep, getting things ready and finalized, and so forth are doing it all as a gift for us. She then asked me 'wouldn't it be strange to have the recipient helping wrap their own present?' That helped settle me down a bit, maybe it'll help you too. I know it can be hard to let completely go of the goings on though."

Arkani's admission brought a slight sentimental smile to his face, his tone softened too. "That's pretty much how it goes, I've found. You'll see though, before you know it everything will breeze by and then you'll be standing side by side with your wife for whatever else may come. It's a big, exciting day. Nerves are perfectly acceptable. Anyone who says they weren't at least a little nervously giddy about something on their wedding day is not being entirely honest."

Yehuda perked back up from his sentimentality with an easy grin. "I've been having a blast so far, Arkani, watching everyone set up, getting the lay of the land. I can tell just how much everyone wants this to beautifully and well for you and Ukufana. Besides, I figure if I'm here early enough I can find a good place to sit, watch and take everything in." Of which there was a lot, really. "Everyone's been buzzing with excitement, for your wedding, for the celebrations after, for who all may be coming to join us today. I haven't heard bets being made, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were a couple guessing games going. It's hard not to get caught up in spirit of things. I'm sure I'll get wrapped up in something sooner or later."


Finding the hub where all the action was took her no time. Ru made a point to step lightly around a trio of hobbits, hauling some extra food to be added to the stockpile available for the wedding. Since there was some time before the official ceremony, with how decorated and busy everyone seemed it wasn't too likely that that would cause any delay, she mused who all the fallohides may have reached with tell of the wedding today. A small gaggle of halflings scampered by in the opposite direction, laughing and chattering together, which caused the lioness to jump up onto a rock to get out of the way with a laugh. Everyone seemed in such high spirits!  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 7:01 pm
Arkani's smile was grateful as Yehuda imparted the wisdom he'd received at his own wedding, finding that it did settle him just a bit. He was so used to helping that it was very strange to sit back and simply wait.

"I'm sure I'll appreciate it when I look back on this day but for now it's certainly strange," he admitted with a little chuckle. "But I will take that to heart. I'm glad it's been entertaining thus far at least." He knew weddings were always stressful for those directly involved but quite a blast for everyone that was there to have fun, and while many of his beloved pride members were helping set everything up today he knew nothing brought them more joy than throwing a massive, amazing party.

"Oh, I'm sure we'll see lots of faces that we don't normally see," Arkani agreed. Fallohides had been sent out far and wide to announce the news and he was sure there would be some random rogues joining just for the food, but that was why the ceremony was short and the party would last long into the night.

"Do make sure you get something to eat and try some of the Brew, at the very least before you get too caught up." They had lots to spare and while a Hobbit would never turn their nose up to a good set of leftovers, Arkani would much prefer to see everyone stuffed and happy tonight.

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Ukufana was doing her best to stay away from the gathering space where she knew Arkani would be waiting. She was supposed to head that way soon, but the lion running the ceremony would make an announcement and until then she was supposed to keep away. She was a bit nervous to say the least and she looked around for someone to talk to to hopefully take her mind off the impending marriage.

She spotted Ruqayqa off by herself, watching the hustle and bustle and decided she'd be the perfect distraction. Making her way over - and thanking the lions that passed by as they congratulated her preemptively - Ukufana approached the brown lioness with a hesitant smile.

"This spot taken?" she asked, motioning to the side of the rock Ru had just jumped up on that still had a bit of space for one more lion. Then they'd both be out of the way.



Offensive Hero



Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 10:05 am
User ImageUser Image

If you want to bring his mate in? (Pref: 3, 2, 1)

Joyous tidings all around! Faramir and his lady love were going to "tie the knot" and young Sayrip and Yepa had been married not too long ago and NOW their Thain had found his love and were about to be married now. So many couples and cubs in the pride now. It was as if the Suzat was meant to thrive and it made Faramirs heart happy. The young blue male from the Iknimaya was walking along side the silver male as they mingled in the crowd. It appeared Arkani was currently occupied so he didn't want to interrupt. "How are you enjoying you new life here?" He turned and looked over at the young male who had moved so far from home. Sayrip turned and looked over at the older male and gave a smile. "I am enjoying it very much. While I do miss my home, it's not like I can't visit every now and again." That was probably the one assurance he had since having moved here. He could always visit and that gave him some small comfort.  
PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 11:13 am
User Image Siyo'Jini was definitely out of his comfort zone with this one. The mercenary leader wasn't really the type to socialize, unless sparring was involved, but his counterpart and the more social of the two Tani'Ajiri leaders was busy and unable to attend himself. After receiving news of the party from a passing fallohide, Thunzi had suggested Siyo go instead, and in his words, 'to have some fun for once'. Siyo had groused at the idea, but reluctantly agreed.

Now that he was here, the large lion realized, or perhaps he had known all along, that he had no idea how to behave at a party. Despite his every effort not to be so, he was indeed the perfect picture of awkward. There was just so much smiling and laughing and running about, that it was all he could do to simply stand out of the way and observe. Sometimes, when someone came too close or chatted merrily towards him, Siyo would sheepishly stumble through a "and good day to you!" or some other sort of pleasantry that made him feel even more silly. Was this what Thunzi had planned for all along? He wouldn't put it past the mischievous leopard.

Another group of giggling hobbits scurried past him and Siyo'Jini awkwardly sidestepped out of the way, his emerald eyes falling on some of the food that had been piled for the occasion. Maybe if he stuffed his face, he could get away with not having to socialize? It was a desperate hope for a desperately awkward guest.

((Prefs: 2, 4, 5, 1, 3))

Jovi of Shadows

Dangerous Werewolf

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Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 6:20 am
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Yepa huffed softly as she slowed her run to a trot, finally having made it to the center of the pride where the wedding was going to take place. She'd had a few last minute things to take care of and had told Sayrip to go ahead without her so at least one of them had their face among the crowd in a respectable amount of time. Their den needed tidying in case they entertained after the party, she had to groom a bit after to make sure she looked presentable, and she'd been working on a gift for Ukufana and wanted to finish it so she could give it to her after the ceremony.

Reaching Sayrip who was with Faramir, Yepa breathed as sigh of relief as she bumped fondly against her mate's side. As he'd grown older Yepa found herself more comfortable showing him affection, the more time they spent together forming a true bond between them rather than marriage for an alliance's sake.

"Made it before it began," she said with a relieved grin to the two males. "Though it looks like only just." There was some hustle and bustle where Arkani stood, lions moving around to start truly prepping for the ceremony. Flowers were being laid on the ground where the Thain and his bride would stand, everything was being organized...yes, it was almost time.


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Bilbo moved carefully through the crowds of bustling creatures, pausing now and then to say hello to a friendly face. While he was over his days of excitement and adventure, Bilbo was still a hobbit and the call to party was hard to ignore. Besides, this was the wedding of his Thain and his mate. He had to come!

There were many new faces, those that had come just for the party, and Bilbo made a point to make them feel welcome. There was a dark lion who was looking a bit lost and overwhelmed - easy to be if you'd never been to a Suzat party before - so he made his way over to the other male with a friendly but understanding look on his face.

"It's a lot, isn't it?" he asked with a little chuckle. "Once the ceremony begins you'll get a little lull in the excitement, but afterwards...well." He sat down beside the much larger male, shaking his head in amusement. "Is this your first time celebrating with us? My name is Bilbo," he added, not wanting to be rude.

Jovi of Shadows
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 10:43 am
Lihras had never been invited to a party before. He'd stumbled pon parties and pretended like he belonged before, but he'd never been actually invited. So naturally when the scout had invited him, he'd been a little suspicious - maybe it was a trick, or a trap to lure lions that definitely were not lonely to their doom.

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Well, if that was the case, Lihras decided it was his duty to check it out. Just to make sure no other lion who definitely was not lonely got trapped or hurt. He had to. Just to make sure that it was safe, of course.

He followed the directions the scout had given him, and when the directions failed him, he just followed the noises. It sounded like the party was in full swing, and as Lihras approached and took a cautious look around, he suddenly realized that while he'd been invited, he didn't actually know anyone at the party.

But he definitely wasn't nervous about that. So he gave his long brown mane a shake, rolled his shoulders back, and wandered in like he didn't have a care in the world.

The scout had told him that someone was getting married - the leader of the pride. He should probably pay his respects...but Lihras had no idea who the leader of the pride actually even was, so he decided to play it cool and wait it out and explore the edges of the party, figuring that sooner or later, someone would either tell him where to go, or he'd find out on his own.

Raffle prefs: 4, 1, 5, 3, 2 please! <3


Wheezing Hoarder

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Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 2:14 pm
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Moving through those gathered with calls of greeting and well-wishes, Waikura made herself available to those who needed help. She lent a paw to the lions tidying up the feast area and then to those cleaning and dusting the space where the pride and those called to the celebration would stand during the marriage ceremony, then began to greet unfamiliar faces and thank them for coming.

A brown lion stood out among the smaller Hobbits, his face unknown and his demeanor confident but cautious. She jogged lightly towards him with a broad grin on her face, tail bobbing behind her in a jaunty way.

"Welcome to the Suzat, traveler," she said as she approached him. "Never seen you here before, we're glad to have you! I'm Waikura and I'd be more than happy to show you around and get you settled in before the party really gets going." She found others could celebrate more freely if they were comfortable of the area, the customs, and what they could expect if they'd never been to a Suzat party before. Usually they'd become frequent guests at celebrations and events like this once they'd come to one.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:37 pm
Siyo’Jini was weighing his options, but the more he thought about it the more appealing shoving his face into the food pile became. He didn’t want to take any of the fun out of the occasion, but the large male honestly had no idea what he was suppose to do at this sort of thing. Maybe it would have been better if he’d known someone? As he pondered this fire dilemma, he didn’t notice one particular party goer sidling up next to him until the other male spoke. It took all of Siyo’s self-control to not jump or visibly flinch, but he had been caught off guard.

An uneasy smile slipped onto his maw as he dipped his head respectfully to the other male in greeting. ”It is a bit… much,” the mercenary leader admitted quietly, before his smile turned more natural and less hesitant. ”I’m sure I’ll get use to it, eventually, but I’ll be the first to admit I’ve never been very good at these sort of things,” he told Bilbo with a nod of his heavy head. ”I’m Siyo’Jini. it’s nice to meet you, Bilbo.”

The dark male took a moment to look around them and take in the scenes around them, and he could feel the tension in his muscles that he didn’t realize he had been holding relax somewhat. He decided it wasn’t so bad now that he had someone not overly enthusiastic to talk with. ”This is indeed my first visit to the Suzat. Is it always so bustling, or is all of the excitement only for the-“ he stumbled for a moment, trying to remember the correct term that the messenger had used. ”The Thain’s wedding?” Yeeash, he hoped he wasn’t making an a** out of himself, but this was honestly his best attempt at small talk.


Jovi of Shadows

Dangerous Werewolf

7,950 Points
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Partygoer 500
  • Team Jacob 100


Wheezing Hoarder

10,550 Points
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  • Tycoon 200
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 6:58 pm
Lihras was still a little bit on edge, and he felt it when someone's gaze landed him, but he didn't see who it was until she began to speak.

Man. The Suzat, if that's what this place was called, had some real pretty lionesses for members.

And what's more, she was nice, offering to show him around. A distant voice in the back of his head warned him that somehow this could still be a trap, but that voice was easily silenced by...well, he'd call it his instincts that Waikuta meant him no harm, but it was probably more that Waikuta was very pretty.

"Thank you," Lihras said. "I'd like that." Lihras smiled, trying to keep from seeming too nervous - because he totally wasn't, really. "Do you live here?" Lihras asked as they began to walk, him keeping a half-step behind her so she could lead him...well, wherever it was that she was going to take him. "Or are you just...a frequent visitor, too?"

Lihras paused. "Oh, and my name's Lihras," he said, too quickly to be casual - because he'd just realized he'd forgotten to actually introduce himself.


[IC] Sûzat Lands

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