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[NS] Partnered Personality Contest - winners!!!

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Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 8:58 am
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Opens: 5 July 2019 12:01AM EST
Closes: 9 July 2019 11:59PM EST
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gaia_sakura Important gaia_sakura


  1. All event rules posted in the main hub apply.
  2. Be polite and respectful to everyone.
  3. You may only win one free and one paid Soquili/Familiar per month! (If you're uncertain if you've reached the quota please check here)
  4. You may co-own a Soquili prize, but the prize will count as both your and your co-owner’s Soquili freebie for the event.
  5. You may gift a specific person your prize, but the prize will count as both your and the other person’s Soquili or Familiar freebie for the event.
  6. You may NOT proxy for anyone.
  7. Please be aware that those running the game might have to make a call on something they didn't go over in the rules. Please respect the host's ruling.
  8. Late entries will not be accepted. No exceptions!
  9. All other usual Soquili rules apply.
  10. Feel free to PM me if there are any questions!

Like humans, giant pandas have two sets of teeth in their lifetime.
There is only one species of pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca or “black-and-white cat foot”).
Wild pandas live only in small pockets of land in southwestern China.
The panda spends 14-16 hours a day eating bamboo

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 6:10 pm
The Rules!

  • The rules of this are simple. You will team up with another shop goer and tell me about these two walkers. Best entry wins!

The Code
[b]Female Owner:[/b]
[b]Female Personality[/b]
[b]Male Personality[/b]
[b]Interaction between them:[/b] this is completely optional

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[b]THEN! As they are NOT CHARMED you must fill out this form below. Once you win them you are free to charm them as you wish, but as they are not I need to know you understand how they operate. [/b]

[size=9]It is required to answer these questions to have a chance. We WILL work with you so you can understand where you got it wrong if you do get it wrong so you can fix it.[/size]

[spoiler][b]Question:[i] If someone you wish to breed your skinwalker with [u]insists[/u] on all breedings being together, how would you explain this in story canon? And How should this be handled in breeding forms?[/i]

[b]Question:[i] Do skinwalkers form family units or care what their family thinks?[/i]

[b]Question:[i] If you have a hard time RPing a skinwalker in character, what can you do?.[/i]

[b]Question:[i] Can skinwalkers be entered into Wishing Stars and if so what type?[/i]

[b]Question:[i] Skinwalkers can, on rare occasions, form packs/herds to organize an attack, but they always break apart shortly afterwards or sometimes even before they manage to stage the raid. What do you think happens to cause these breakups? [/i]

[b]Question:[i] In your own words, please explain the nature of skinwalkers.[/i]




Winter Wolf




Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 6:11 pm
List of entries here!  
PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 9:21 pm
Female Owner: Mewsings of An Angel
Male Owner: Inari Miko
Female Personality What do you get when you roll insanity and love together in the form of a giant furball of a bear? You would get Zhen - who embodies the "mama bear" stereotype oh so very well. Her victims, those lost to the forest, tend to be consoled to death, mainly by the usage of very.... vigorous hugs. She takes great pride in "caring" for those unfortunate souls, leading them to the shrine that lays in the middle of the shared realm of tall bamboo. Stress makes meat tough after all... While Zhen doesn't "care" for her close neighbor Shan, his presence has its usefulness at times.

Male Personality Shan finds usefulness in posing as a "guide" to those lost within the forest, leading them ever deeper into the labyrinth of bamboo stalks that make up his territory, only to stand by and watch after they've fallen victim to one of the many pitfall traps he has concealed along the forest paths. Ever the patient panda, he would prefer to observe as his victims suffer and cry out their pain before they die.

Interaction between them:

Her breath came in small bursts of whiteness in the chill air as she stared out from the outcrop of rocks. Around her was the ever-constant, ever-present soothing creak and snapping of the bamboo stalks that stretch eternally above her. But this was not what she had her focus on. Not too far from her, wandering aimlessly among the stalks, was her quarry. A lost soul, lost in the green maze of lively snapping. Zhen found herself already licking her maw in delight at the future moment where she would wet her lips with blood. It was not at all uncommon that a lost soul would find their way here, into the lair of shadows and greenery, unaware that they would never leave....

Soundlessly she padded forward, her steps muted by years of dropped leaves and the thick carpet of dark grass. It was time to play.

Off in the distance she noted the presence of a familiar shadow. Shan. He was always close, but never encroached into her territory. Just as she showed him enough respect to keep out of his. They had an agreement, Shan and herself. Their prey was their own unless they agreed to impartial assistance to take down whatever creature had the unpleasant luck of falling into the giant panda's home.

Lumbering through the dappled shadows, Shan caught movement out of the corner of his eye and turned to spy Zhen not too far off. Damn. He'd wandered too close to her borders. Such a pain, but that's how it was if he wished to sire more of his kind to go out and spread death in the land. Turning to the side, he plodded along the forest path, dried leaves and grass turning to powder beneath his massive paws. It was time to check upon the pits again. One quarry was proving to be elusive, and time was running out. The full moon was approaching, and he needed this last victim to bring to the temple. Or rather, their skull. The body was too massive to drag along. Perhaps... he hesitated, glancing behind him at the familiar form stalking something not too far off. Would she accept..? Or see it as a sign of weakness? Best phrase it as something enticing that she must see for herself. He'd even vouch for her safety this one time. After all, this type of prey was a rare sight indeed...

Zhen snorted as she noted Shan move a bit closer toward the wounded Angeni, one wing badly injured laying limply against their bloodied hide. She breathed in, nostrils flaring to the fresh smell of blood. It was.... delightful. Her dark eyes slid from the creature toward the silent figure of Shan. Their eyes met. She bared her white teeth and then slowly... inclined her head in affirmation. This prey might be hard to outsmart.

Shan spared a brief cold glance at the broken and bloodied form of the Angeni. "As strange as it may sound, I have come across a target that is even more unique than this one. More cunning. Stronger, even." Casually examining his claws, he glanced once more at the Angeni. "Best watch it. Never know if it's carrying one of those cursed stones. I do so hate to rush you and your fun, but time is short and the beast is even more elusive than that thing. Should you care to join me..." He paused. "I could, this one time, permit you entry into my lands, unharmed, for the duration of the hunt."

Zhen felt the chill anger flash her insides before she allowed an equally chilled smile to touch her lips. There was no point in killing him, she told herself. He was useful to her at times. But she did feel the ache in her claws to rake them across that arrogant maw of his. "Does that beautiful smell not call to you?" She licked her lips and turned away from to look at the Angeni who had stopped its movements, its sides heaving painfully. She longed to hug the creature. To feel it calm for a moment before she crushed its soft form against hers, allowing its life to slip away. She looked once more at Shan, never allowing her attention to stagger far from the knowledge he was too close, an enemy who was very near her mirror image. She liked to think her fur was just a bit more lustrous and beautiful.... "Has your prey slipped away from you that you come so near to my line? Blood calls me too close to yours and I don't find enjoyment in that..."

Shan huffed. "It dances between your lands and mine. I think it's toying with us. Shall we let it get away with such audacity?" The blood, while such a wonderful scent, belonged to the hateful creatures who dared to enslave his kind with those vile creations, the Charms... Shaking his head, he made as if to leave her behind. "Not much fun in hunting something already half-dead. I only thought you'd enjoy the challenge. Seems I was mistaken."

She growled at him then, a low noise that rolled through her. A normal creature would know that this was immediately a bad thing - but Shan just stared coolly at her as he goaded her. "An Angeni is as delicious as a fattened pig would be. Is Shan so worried over those stones? Pah." She rolled her eyes. "Those take time for the creatures to make... and from those beautiful streaks of crimson, this one does not have long. It really is a pity. I know you so adore playing with them as much as I do." She growled, the rumble not leaving her voice. Her claws sank deeply into the ground, ripping grass as a shudder of delight rolled over her. Her love was of crunching pain and hearing that final sigh of life slip from her prey. This one was close, and she longed to feel them crushed in her grasp.

Shan chuckled. To the ignorant, it would seem harmless. But he knew that she knew better. It was a dark, dangerous laugh. "Only a fool would let their guard down around those beasts. They have an annoying tendency to conceal a stone or two upon them. But I am keeping you from your fun. If you desire to join in the hunt, follow me at your leasure. I shall not delay you any further." Shifting his gaze upon the prone form, his nostrils flared as he picked up the scent of death looming over it. A pity it hadn't fallen into one of his pits. Sharp spikes concealed in some, it would have been a delight to watch from afar without the risk of those things trying to taint him with their ways. Huffing to get the distracting scent out of his nose, he padded back into his territory, not bothering to look to see if Zhen was following. She would either take the invitation, or not.

Zhen watched the form of Shan pad away from her and licked her lips. While easy prey enticed little effort, the thought of more fierce prey thrilled her. She enjoyed a good hunt, a bloodbath to soak her paws in. But where was she? ...oh yes. She turned her attention back to the downed Angeni. She silently stalked forward, her form shifting seamlessly into her bear form as she came upon the weak creature. Before it could react, her large form was upon it and her thick arms and paws wrapping around it and with a squeal of horror and a shuddering wet crunch the Angeni went very still. Zhen licked her paws as she released the Angeni to fall silently to the forest floor. She breathed in, her nose flared to take in the scent. Her gaze shifted to where Shan had lumbered off. Her curiosity was very much piqued. With another sound lick of her paw to wipe her muzzle, she stood and padded off to where the other bearwalker had disappeared, leaving the mangled corpse behind. She would return to bring the trophy to add to the shrine, generously aware how beautiful it would look on the altar in the moonlight.

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THEN! As they are NOT CHARMED you must fill out this form below. Once you win them you are free to charm them as you wish, but as they are not I need to know you understand how they operate.

It is required to answer these questions to have a chance. We WILL work with you so you can understand where you got it wrong if you do get it wrong so you can fix it.

Question: If someone you wish to breed your skinwalker with insists on all breedings being together, how would you explain this in story canon? And How should this be handled in breeding forms?
If there was to be an arrangement where they would be breeding exclusively it could be done as or seen as an alliance of sorts to create offspring to bring more terror and whatnot and raise more killers and extend their own reach, bringing more murderous little terrors into the world. As far as the form goes, it would just need to updated after they won.

Question: Do skinwalkers form family units or care what their family thinks?

Question: If you have a hard time RPing a skinwalker in character, what can you do?.
The most practical options are to not roleplay the walker or have the walker charmed, unless one is willing to learn how to roleplay such characters.

Question: Can skinwalkers be entered into Wishing Stars and if so what type?
They cannot be entered unless they are charmed.

Question: Skinwalkers can, on rare occasions, form packs/herds to organize an attack, but they always break apart shortly afterwards or sometimes even before they manage to stage the raid. What do you think happens to cause these breakups?
Infighting among the members of the group. Other walkers are not spared from each others violent, bloodthirsty natures; therefore, it is only natural that disagreements and fights arise among members.

Question: In your own words, please explain the nature of skinwalkers.
Malicious, savage, sinister - evil to the core. Though evil may manifest itself in many forms, that is all a walker brings to this world.

Mewsings of An Angel

Excitable Anubutt

16,725 Points
  • Cool Cat 500
  • Cats vs Dogs 100
  • Magical Girl 50


Loyal Shapeshifter

44,390 Points
  • Alchemy Level 10 100
  • Luminary Melee Champion 200
  • Winged 100
PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 10:09 pm
Female Owner: Fayt_of_Redemption
MaleOwner: magnadearel
Female Personality Mianzi is hot-headed and quick to react without thinking things through. Though perhaps this isn't so strange...for a Walker... This tendency toward reacting without thinking often leads to trouble. But being a walker, this doesn't really seem to phase her. Even if things end up badly... She just doesn't learn her lesson. But is that really all that surprising, considering what she is?
Male Personality Poaceae likes to do things his way, and others had better do it his way too. If not, he’s likely to teach you a lesson, then make you do it his way anyway. This stallion is always looking for a fight. It doesn’t matter who. Not only does he like to fight, he likes to win. If he does lose, Poaceae will keep coming back until he does win. Bear walkers are obviously the best. Anything else is a toy or food. If he’s hungry enough though, he will turn on his own kind.
Interaction between them:

Being haughty, aggressive, and entirely self-centered, what could go wrong when you stumble upon another walker that looks exactly like you?

Upon seeing each other, in a rage they both charged. They wrestled, fought, argued between them which one was greater...stronger. And how dare they look like the other. They even had basically the same name! (both meaning "Bamboo." )

The pair fought and fought, coming back each day to start the fight anew. A nearby village, disturbed by the fighting, called upon the services of an angeni to help quell the fighting. The angeni came at the request and observed the pair from a distance. That night he set up a plan to put the fighting to a stop.

The next day, the pair returned to begin the fight again. Distracted by each other, neither saw the Angeni as he swooped down upon them.

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THEN! As they are NOT CHARMED you must fill out this form below. Once you win them you are free to charm them as you wish, but as they are not I need to know you understand how they operate.

It is required to answer these questions to have a chance. We WILL work with you so you can understand where you got it wrong if you do get it wrong so you can fix it.

Question: If someone you wish to breed your skinwalker with insists on all three breedings being together, how would you explain this in story canon? And How should this be handled in breeding forms?
They do not lifemate or fall in love. So any breeding is merely a fling, a matter of pure opportunity, with no attachments whatsoever.

Question: Do skinwalkers form family units or care what their family thinks?
No; they have no loyalty to anyone.

Question: If you have a hard time RPing a skinwalker in character, what can you do?.
Charm it

Question: Can skinwalkers be entered into Wishing Stars and if so what type?
No, only charmed walkers may enter.

Question: Skinwalkers can, on rare occasions, form packs/herds to organize an attack, but they always break apart shortly afterwards or sometimes even before they manage to stage the raid. What do you think happens to cause these breakups?
They're evil and solitary, only caring about themselves. This understandably creates problems even if they're trying to accomplish a common goal.

Question: In your own words, please explain the nature of skinwalkers.
They are completely cold, cruel, and care for no one.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 10:17 pm
void - mythi can't enter

Female Owner: Mythi Red Panda
MaleOwner: Fatal Irony

Female Personality

Bai Yun, while smaller than Shi Shi, shouldn't be taken lightly. She's also unpredictability in a fluffy cute visage! While seemingly lazy and laid back, she enjoys her sunbaths, sleep and a good hearty meal. If EITHER of them are to be disturbed, she's absolutely vicious and will gladly add another death count (and a potential meal) to her side if she's angered enough. On the move, she's absolutely the pinnacle of seriousness. Eyes always darting about, analyzing if she's willing to exert her energy for a fight or if she should pass it by -- though... if one speaks wrongly or just speaks at all, there will definitely be some bloodshed! She won't hesitate at all to show why she's a feared creature. The only "soft side" she seems to have herself, is either when she's asleep or when she's sharing a space with Shi Shi (which can only be so peaceful, considering she's a big ol' fluffy killing machine!).

Male Personality

Shi Shi is comprised of an explosive duality of nature. He is a lumbering giant, slow and loud as he barrels through the forests. He is almost always chewing on something – meat, bones, whatever leftovers from his last kill. He’s almost harmless to passersby, so long as he has food in front of him (as he almost usually does). However I wouldn’t recommend getting too close anyway – as he may decide on seconds! The other side of the coin as it were, is the frightful nature of his rage. When he is out of food or otherwise angered, he is suddenly lightning on his feet, navigating the forest with terrifying agility and grace. His claws are swords, his teeth daggers searching for the heart of anything living nearby. He delights in the warmth of blood as it splatters around him. He is a tornado of wrath, blindly murdering everything in his path. Then, just as suddenly, he will plop back down and begin his feasting once more.

We see them as begrudging partners and occasional lovers who tolerate each other so long as food is plentiful and will occasionally cooperate if necessary. While not "affectionate" in any sense they will occasionally sleep near each other, as body warmth is pleasurable for even the most sadistic of creatures.

Interaction between them: this is completely optional

Shi Shi: It wasn't a particularly hidden den area. what with corpses and carrion of varying degrees of decomposition strewn about haphazardly. The stench alone would tip off any passersby to their location, yet none have dared to draw nearer. This was a pity to Shi Shi because that meant leaving the comfort of his bed to actually for something. This in itself was enough to sour the walker's mood but lo and behold there was Bai Yun sprawled out in a spot of sunshine that filtered through the trees. Just seeing her there being lazy when they were out of infuriated him. "Get up and hunt" he growled at her, taking a swipe at her with his paw, "or I'll eat YOU."

Bai Yun: In a way, it was their home and their paradise. The death and decay were almost too familiar, though sometimes she wishes that they either moved spots or decided to clean up. However she knew that she'd probably be the only one that would do such a thing. Before she could process what her 'better' half was saying, Bai Yun felt the swipe and instantly shot up, bristling her fur in defense. "What is wrong with you!" She snarled back, snorting loudly. "Too lazy and fat to hunt so now you want to chew on me?"

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THEN! As they are NOT CHARMED you must fill out this form below. Once you win them you are free to charm them as you wish, but as they are not I need to know you understand how they operate.

It is required to answer these questions to have a chance. We WILL work with you so you can understand where you got it wrong if you do get it wrong so you can fix it.

Question: If someone you wish to breed your skinwalker with insists on all three breedings being together, how would you explain this in story canon? And How should this be handled in breeding forms?
They can not be lifemated. They may breed with the same soquili over and over if they perhaps reside near the skinwalker's territory. Breeding of convenience only.

Question: Do skinwalkers form family units or care what their family thinks?
Absolutely not.

Question: If you have a hard time RPing a skinwalker in character, what can you do?.
Go to staff and ask for tips and suggestions. Or get them charmed I guess XD

Question: Can skinwalkers be entered into Wishing Stars and if so what type?
Nope. Except charmed walkers which can be treated differently.

Question: Skinwalkers can, on rare occasions, form packs/herds to organize an attack, but they always break apart shortly afterwards or sometimes even before they manage to stage the raid. What do you think happens to cause these breakups?
Usually their chaotic and brutal nature takes over and once there is no longer a common enemy they have no reason to cooperate and would reasonably want to compete for control of any new territory that might have been gained.

Question: In your own words, please explain the nature of skinwalkers.
they're evil, though there are many ways that can present in them. There is no love or compassion within them, no sentimentality or mercy. They are creatures of pure malice, engines of chaos and despair.

Fatal Irony

Friendly Gawker

12,500 Points
  • Peoplewatcher 100
  • Flatterer 200
  • Brandisher 100

Fatal Irony

Friendly Gawker

12,500 Points
  • Peoplewatcher 100
  • Flatterer 200
  • Brandisher 100
PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 11:41 am
Female Owner: IvoryRyu.20
MaleOwner: Fatal Irony

Female Personality

She was always different from her brother. Where he was lazy and indifferent she was active and curious. Soufflé had a near-maddening obsession with the concept of "family" to the point she often stalked entire groups of creatures with little regard to her own safety. On one such expedition she came upon a family of angeni and through a harrowing adventure and no small amount of blood, she found herself charmed. Surprisingly, she was not upset by this. In fact, her mind became clearer and her understanding of "family" began to blossom. While not "good" in any sense (much to the despair of the angeni that had charmed her) she did feel a new, unfamiliar, affection for her murderous brother. He is a bit difficult to deal with, however and she seeks out another charmedwalker to help teach her about her newfound feelings and desires. She returns to her brother often, keeping her territory near him. She enjoys hunting with him, as the two had honed their skills as a pair growing up.

Male Personality

Shi Shi is comprised of an explosive duality of nature. He is a lumbering giant, slow and loud as he barrels through the forests. He is almost always chewing on something – meat, bones, whatever leftovers from his last kill. He’s almost harmless to passersby, so long as he has food in front of him (as he almost usually does). However I wouldn’t recommend getting too close anyway – as he may decide on seconds! The other side of the coin as it were, is the frightful nature of his rage. When he is out of food or otherwise angered, he is suddenly lightning on his feet, navigating the forest with terrifying agility and grace. His claws are swords, his teeth daggers searching for the heart of anything living nearby. He delights in the warmth of blood as it splatters around him. He is a tornado of wrath, blindly murdering everything in his path. Then, just as suddenly, he will plop back down and begin his feasting once more.

The two will have territories near each other and so long as she brings an offering of food Shi Shi will allow his sister near him for a time. He'll even hunt with her if the mood strikes him, though his nature tends to force the visits to be brief and infrequent.

Interaction between them: this is completely optional

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THEN! As they are NOT CHARMED you must fill out this form below. Once you win them you are free to charm them as you wish, but as they are not I need to know you understand how they operate.

It is required to answer these questions to have a chance. We WILL work with you so you can understand where you got it wrong if you do get it wrong so you can fix it.

Question: If someone you wish to breed your skinwalker with insists on all three breedings being together, how would you explain this in story canon? And How should this be handled in breeding forms?
They can not be lifemated. They may breed with the same soquili over and over if they perhaps reside near the skinwalker's territory. Breeding of convenience only.

Question: Do skinwalkers form family units or care what their family thinks?
Absolutely not.

Question: If you have a hard time RPing a skinwalker in character, what can you do?.
Go to staff and ask for tips and suggestions. Or get them charmed I guess XD

Question: Can skinwalkers be entered into Wishing Stars and if so what type?
Nope. Except charmed walkers which can be treated differently.

Question: Skinwalkers can, on rare occasions, form packs/herds to organize an attack, but they always break apart shortly afterwards or sometimes even before they manage to stage the raid. What do you think happens to cause these breakups?
Usually their chaotic and brutal nature takes over and once there is no longer a common enemy they have no reason to cooperate and would reasonably want to compete for control of any new territory that might have been gained.

Question: In your own words, please explain the nature of skinwalkers.
they're evil, though there are many ways that can present in them. There is no love or compassion within them, no sentimentality or mercy. They are creatures of pure malice, engines of chaos and despair.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 12:51 pm
Female Owner:
xxxxx ► techabyte
xxxxx ► XxXPandamoniumXxX
Female Personality
xxxxx ► The smarter of the two, Zhìnéng is as cunning as they come. She is smart, and wicked. Smaller than an average Purewalker, and with very little muscle, she finds it hard to take down most of her prey. So she manipulates them into thinking she is a wounded animal and lures them into traps; usually her brother waiting in the trees or caves to ambush and kill. They fight over food, and she usually loses, and has lost, since she was a cub, resulting in her smaller size. Often times Zhìnéng can be seen stalking around in her animal form, and only comes out of it in order to produce offspring that she thinks will give her strong children. She normally talks in growls and snarls, though she is fluent in the common tongue. She is a sly killer, and derives pleasure from it in a way that no one really understands. She is quit death, and all should fear her.
Male Personality
xxxxx ► Li Qiang is quiet, reserved, and strong. While his sister is more intelligent then him, he makes up for it in his brute strength. He doesn't do much talking. Like none unless it's his sister and even then it's like three word sentences. He is a killer. A heartless beast and works with his sister because of the arrangement they have. Nothing more. Nothing less. He doesn't really believe in keeping anyone alive. He is evil in every sense of the word and if it wasn't for needing his sister, he probably would have killed her a long time ago. He is headstrong and will go bulldozing into a situation before really thinking it through. It's not that he isn't smart about things, he just figures in the time your thinking about it you could be acting and doing something that actually mattered. The outcome was always death. If he wasn't digging his fangs in something as the outcome he didn't want any part of it. He was a natural born killer. It's what he was meant to be and who he was always going to be.
Interaction between them:
xxxxx ► Though they usually stick within the same hunting ground, and for the most part can tolerate each other, they don't like each other. The female knows that she can use her brother for food, and so she stays near him, even if it drives her up the trees. The male knows that she brings in good food, and will back off if he threatens her enough to where he gets to eat first. It's a symbiotic relationship that has a lot of aggression and violence.

xxxxx ► A rarity in the land; pure Panda's in the wild. None knew much about the species of creature, and as the days ticked by, the Purewalkers decided that it would be best to produce more offspring before they expired. It resulted in twin baskets, two small, yet ferocious children locked away for days on end. Abandoned by their parents as the two elders began to fight once more.
xxxxx The first to emerge was a huge foal, larger than most and with the pelt of a bear on his back. His black and white coat was clean; his mind twisted with the evil that was Purewalkers. He didn't notice his twin sister, not for hours. He hunted, taking down his first game quickly and devouring the small rodent. When he did notice the other wicker, now torn to shreds, he went on the prowl. Li Qiang wanted to kill her, to figure out just what he could do in order to eat more. And as he went to attack, he was caught within a trap she had laid.
xxxxx Even as a foal, Zhìnéng was smart. She had heard her brother coming, and had laid a trap of vines to get the other Purewalker cub to trip up and be stuck within the grasses. Their game of cat and mouse continued well into their lives. That was until Zhìnéng realized she could trap rodents and other small game for her to eat. But the bigger prey was too much for her smaller body to take down alone. Her brother on the other hand, took them down with ease. The relationship between the two developed rather quickly, to both of their surprise.
xxxxx A symbiotic one. Neither liked one another, neither even wanted to be in the same hunting ground. But Li Qiang couldn't catch the smarter, larger beasts without being injured or tiring himself out. And Zhìnéng could only catch smaller creatures, ones that couldn't keep her hunger and blood lust sated. She tested it out first, luring something larger within their territory, and set vine traps. And when its guard was down, Li Qiang swooped in, taking down the prey. They fought over portions, and often times Li Qiang won, eating his fill first before letting Zhìnéng approach to get her own. Though it stunted her growth, it worked out for the two Purewalkers.
xxxxx They may hate one another, but if they could survive within each other's presence, without killing each other, than that was what they were going to do.

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THEN! As they are NOT CHARMED you must fill out this form below. Once you win them you are free to charm them as you wish, but as they are not I need to know you understand how they operate.

It is required to answer these questions to have a chance. We WILL work with you so you can understand where you got it wrong if you do get it wrong so you can fix it.

Question: If someone you wish to breed your skinwalker with insists on all three breedings being together, how would you explain this in story canon? And How should this be handled in breeding forms?
It would be numerous flings. Skinwalkers do not lifemate, as they can't form romantic bonds. It could be that the Skinwalkers find that breeding partner to produce the strongest, or best offspring.

Question: Do skinwalkers form family units or care what their family thinks?
They do not. They only linger with other Skinwalkers for short periods of time for their own benefit.

Question: If you have a hard time RPing a skinwalker in character, what can you do?.
You can ask staff members for assistance and what they think may help. Seeking help from others that own Skinwalkers is another option. You could also just not role-play them, but where's the fun in that?

Question: Can skinwalkers be entered into Wishing Stars and if so what type?
Skinwalkers don't have a need to wish for anything. So no.

Question: Skinwalkers can, on rare occasions, form packs/herds to organize an attack, but they always break apart shortly afterwards or sometimes even before they manage to stage the raid. What do you think happens to cause these breakups?
A dominance of power is most likely the cause. Sometimes one feels like they have more rights to the kill or that they are more powerful so they deserve more. Bumping heads/personalities is another way that could happen.

Question: In your own words, please explain the nature of skinwalkers.
Skinwalkers are pure evil; the devil incarnate if you will. They need no one, want no one, and will kill everyone. They're the darkest of species, and feared among most, if not all.


Inquisitive Gawker

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 7:10 pm
Female Owner: SylverStar
MaleOwner: AislingJuno
Female Personality Bai Yun's name means white cloud though she is not as fluffy as she looks. She has a thirst that drives her and she wants to create others to help balance the natural world she sees. Though others talk of a world being destroyed. She sees a world full of overabundance that needs to be controlled. Bai Yun likes to rally others to her cause whenever she can, no matter how tenuous that may go. She is passionate and expressive and others can often be caught in a daze at her allure. She wants everyone to know how dangerous she is and she will use her feral form to show others that side. Anyone mentioning the word cute in her presence will never say it again if she has her way.
Bai Yun is proud of being a twin and thinks there's a secret power in it. She is obsessed with her brother but can't stand to be around him too long. She secretly looks up to him but hopes one day the roles will be reversed and he will see she is superior. She will stalk him when he doesn't notice and is looking for ways to outdo him. She seeks to surpass him and be the better half. She is constantly looking for ways to undermine his work to prove she is better.
Male PersonalityTai Shan's name means peaceful mountain however he doesn't have a peaceful bone in his body. A hunger always gnaws at him and fills him with the desire to kill. His strong nail mark both his territory and his kills. Tai Shan acts aloof and sees himself as a superior being(pompous much). He rarely expends the effort to talk or to visibly shows any sort of emotion. However, behind his bland facial mask is a cunning mind. He will often use his feral form to trick other soq into thinking he is a harmless panda. He uses the misconception that pandas just eat bamboo and when soq are lured by his cuteness he attacks.
Tai Shan is indignant that his sister shares his beautiful looks. To prove his superiority he tries to surpass his sister in regards to strength and by competing for resources.

Interaction between them:

We are mirrored images of each other and if this story was a fairytale one of us would be good and the other evil. However, only villains exist in this tale. We are the embodiment of predators and are why other soq fear the dark

--Competition between siblings --

Tai Shan retained his feral form as he gazed at a nearby herd of pronghorns. The wind was in his favor and his purewalker scent was kept hidden. If any of the pronghorns looked up they would perceive him as a harmless herbivore. However, even Pandas ate meat and eggs on occasion. Purewalkers, on the other hand, are the embodiment of predators and are why other soq fear the dark. It was fortunate that his marking caused others to underestimate him.
Tai Shan felt his muscles become taut as they prepared to spring and run. However just as he was about to attack his ears swiveled from side to side. Something was stealthily approaching him he let a low growl as he felt a swipe to his leg. A slight cut appeared on his leg, before his opponent a black and white female had run off now that she accomplished her goal of preventing his hunt.
Tai Shan fumed the pronghorn herd had run away and a cloud of anger fill his mind. His sister had gone too far today in preventing him from capturing his meal. Today they would settle this once and for all and prove which of them was the strongest.

Bai Yun was in a playful and daring spirit today. She laughed as she managed to sneak up on her brother and dart off after the pronghorn he was salivating for. She new he wouldn't be able to get one, but she had a running start. She managed to pounce on a straggling fawn with ease. She looked up after to see he was still in the distance huffing and puffing in his anger. Soon he would catch the scent of blood. She hurried with her lunch, leaving only scraps by the time her brother made it over to her. She stated gleefully to her brother, "I left you some".

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
THEN! As they are NOT CHARMED you must fill out this form below. Once you win them you are free to charm them as you wish, but as they are not I need to know you understand how they operate.
It is required to answer these questions to have a chance. We WILL work with you so you can understand where you got it wrong if you do get it wrong so you can fix it.

Question: If someone you wish to breed your skinwalker with insists on all breedings being together, how would you explain this in story canon? And How should this be handled in breeding forms?
In regards to un-charmed walkers
Skinwalker do not form lifemate bonds and don't fall in love. A walker could have flings and on a breeding form, I would just do selective permission to have multiple filings.
In regards to rp generally, walkers don't have breeding with the same soq since they don't have romantic affection towards other soq. However, I could see a walker having multiple flings with the same soq because that soq is her/his tool/pet. Or they deem the other soq able to have strong progeny, there might be multiple ways to handle it. Personally, I would probably say no if a user wanted several breedings with a walker I owned since I don't think it fits well with the standard Walker personality.

Question: Do skinwalkers form family units or care what their family thinks?
No skinwalkers don't form attachments and are evil. If their offspring had a use for them for an evil plot they might think of them as a tool or weapons. Generally, Walkers tend to abandon their baskets or drive the foals away. Some walkers will even hunt down their offspring since they see them as competition or an insult to their blood. However, we were thinking that the pair could be rivals that are always seeking to outperform the other sibling. To prove that they are the superior walker. In this contexts, it's not necessarily that care what their family thinks of them, it's more specific of wanting to prove their worth by outfighting, outkilling, and outsmarting their sibling.

Question: If you have a hard time RPing a skinwalker in character, what can you do?.
You can charm them or just not rp them.

Question: Can skinwalkers be entered into Wishing Stars and if so what type?
Charmed walkers can enter. Uncharmed walkers cannot enter.

Question: Skinwalkers can, on rare occasions, form packs/herds to organize an attack, but they always break apart shortly afterwards or sometimes even before they manage to stage the raid. What do you think happens to cause these breakups?
Walkers are solitary creatures and they are evil incarnate. Jealousy, trying to outperform another walker, not working well with each other and blaming it on the other team members. However, I would say the biggest factor is they would be they would be paranoid of the other walkers. When your evil you'd fully expect any companion to try to do you harm. After all, I'm sure every walker is thinking of how to prove themselves the strongest and most evil of the bunch. Working with each other would be like getting a tattoo -the longer your sitting there the more irritating it becomes.

Question: In your own words, please explain the nature of skinwalkers.
Beings of cunning and hatred. They are always planning and always craving blood and vengeance. They can never trust, relax and enjoy peaceful moments in their life. They are the dark side of the Kawani lands and have every right to be here too, as where there is light there is dark. Skinwalkers are the most evil of all the creatures and usually quite proud of it.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 7:35 pm
Female Owner: medigel
Male Owner: Shi Berry
Female Personality

    The sister seems benign at first blush, her guise of a traveling ursine masseuse (bear claws make for some strong pressure point digging) allowing her to come close to potential prey with a smile. Her knowledge of most (read: non-mutant) anatomy combined with a Chinese-based belief in acupuncture, herbal remedies, and more make her the intelligent predator when it comes to picking what and how to prepare a meal. After all, certain species grant certain benefits: a snake opens the third eye, a wind gives speed, a cerynei the ability to walk even more silent, and so forth.

    Cross breeds get exempt from this meat lover’s diet, though the punishment of diluting the blood is still death. It just happens to be a more violent one.

Male Personality

    Like his sister, he is incredibly superstitious. He takes the meanings of the omens he reads and the outcomes of his rituals literally. He believes that the state in which prey is killed determines how well fortune favors him. Healthy, happy prey is preferred to the sick and morose.

    His rituals revolve around the result of the slaughter and consumption of flesh. He surmises that different organs offer him different benefits: the heart yields increased strength and vitality, the lungs aid endurance, the liver promotes digestion, the eyes enhance the foresight of his readings, et cetera. He also believes he can divine his future in the viscera of his prey, reading their anatomy posthumously.

    In his feral form, he approaches prey, seemingly benign and genial. He will make pleasant conversation, often telling them an old fable. He believes it is the ones who have the sparks of wondering in their eyes as he tells them his stories that are the most auspicious victims.

    He avoids consumption of sick or otherwise defective victims, and often realizes their deficiencies during his dissections. These victims are ill omens, and he will cremate them in hopes of purging misfortune from his life.

Interaction between them:

    'The folly of one is the fortune of another,' in this case, the fortune of two - or so they believed.

    The siblings normally gave each other a wide berth, but not this day. There was something so tantalizing about this particular victim that neither could resist. Perhaps it was the gold in which she was clad, or the luster of her cascading mane, or the grace in her stride, or intensity of her gaze. She further captivated them with the strength of her heart, apparent as she fled the male once he had revealed his true form to her. He would not have been able to catch her on his own, so he led her to his sister, lying in wait to intercept this fine specimen.

    And so she did, charging out from the thicket and knocking the victim down while the brother arrived not moments later. Any happiness she may have felt while he beguiled her with legend and security had faded, replaced not by fear, but by wrath.

    "So this is what you are," she began, her fury palpable in her biting words. "Release me now, and be at peace."

    They did not heed her warning, enthralled by what secrets lay in her flesh. They began their ceremonies, eager claws and teeth advancing into her. With her last breath, she threw back her head and screamed to the heavens, "I condemn you, harbingers of misfortune, to suffer the same fate as I!"

    With that, her body went limp as her soul departed. It was unlike them to share, but surely a victim such as this one held enough fortune for two. Their excitement had not waned, and they opened her like a chest of fabled treasure. Immediately, their brows furrowed, exhilaration morphing into concern. They expected her to contain favorable omens and indications of prosperity, but, instead, she told of death.


    "That which was robbed must be repaid."

    "A life for a life."

    "The end will come in a flash of white."

    Though they hoped the fire would purge the curse along with the corpse, they were obviously shaken. Between the two of them, their combined rituals and readings all repeated the same fate. They turned towards each other, their eyes both filled with the same ferocity.

    There was obscurity in the prophecy: a flash of white could be many things, a bolt of lightning, for one, or the fur of a walker, for another. However, there was a conclusion each was able to deduce.

    One must die.

    They were equally matched, reaching a stalemate for their first battle. Evident that each needed to prepare for their next confrontation, their rituals were now performed with a level of fanaticism unseen before their curse. Unlike before, they now had a goal in mind as they sought predictions of their futures in the flesh of the fallen as well as strength to execute the other.

    So they prepare to take fate into their paws, each weaving it in their own favor such that one kills the other, the debt repaid in a flash of white and the prophecy fulfilled.

    Or so they believed...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
THEN! As they are NOT CHARMED you must fill out this form below. Once you win them you are free to charm them as you wish, but as they are not I need to know you understand how they operate.

It is required to answer these questions to have a chance. We WILL work with you so you can understand where you got it wrong if you do get it wrong so you can fix it.

Question: If someone you wish to breed your skinwalker with insists on all breedings being together, how would you explain this in story canon? And How should this be handled in breeding forms?
Perhaps the partner produces offspring that suit the walker's desires in some way. Perhaps the partner is being tormented by being unable to see the multiple children which have been birthed. Perhaps the walker is simply reproducing with its current fancy multiple times but discards the children. No reason for love, connection, family, or the like is truly the reason such a creature would mate multiple times with another - the purpose for such strange behavior can only be explained by sinister motives.

Question: Do skinwalkers form family units or care what their family thinks?
They do neither.

Question: If you have a hard time RPing a skinwalker in character, what can you do?.
The most practical options are to not roleplay the walker or have the walker charmed, unless one is willing to learn how to roleplay such characters.

Question: Can skinwalkers be entered into Wishing Stars and if so what type?
They cannot.

Question: Skinwalkers can, on rare occasions, form packs/herds to organize an attack, but they always break apart shortly afterwards or sometimes even before they manage to stage the raid. What do you think happens to cause these breakups?
Infighting amongst the members of the group. Other walkers are not spared from each others violent, bloodthirsty natures; therefore, it is only natural that disagreements and fights arise amongst members.

Question: In your own words, please explain the nature of skinwalkers.
Malicious, savage, sinister - evil to the core. Though evil may manifest itself in many forms, that is all a walker brings to this world.

Shi Berry

Dapper Lunatic




Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 6:00 am
After some reading, discussing and reading some more a decision has been made! Congratulations Shi and medi! We really enjoyed the spiritual twist you put on the pair and we are super excited to see what you have in store for the future with them!

They can be taken to general certing! I'll be editing in their other versions when I'm not mobile.

Shi Berry

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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Female Owner: medigel
Male Owner: Shi Berry
Female Personality

    The sister seems benign at first blush, her guise of a traveling ursine masseuse (bear claws make for some strong pressure point digging) allowing her to come close to potential prey with a smile. Her knowledge of most (read: non-mutant) anatomy combined with a Chinese-based belief in acupuncture, herbal remedies, and more make her the intelligent predator when it comes to picking what and how to prepare a meal. After all, certain species grant certain benefits: a snake opens the third eye, a wind gives speed, a cerynei the ability to walk even more silent, and so forth.

    Cross breeds get exempt from this meat lover’s diet, though the punishment of diluting the blood is still death. It just happens to be a more violent one.

Male Personality

    Like his sister, he is incredibly superstitious. He takes the meanings of the omens he reads and the outcomes of his rituals literally. He believes that the state in which prey is killed determines how well fortune favors him. Healthy, happy prey is preferred to the sick and morose.

    His rituals revolve around the result of the slaughter and consumption of flesh. He surmises that different organs offer him different benefits: the heart yields increased strength and vitality, the lungs aid endurance, the liver promotes digestion, the eyes enhance the foresight of his readings, et cetera. He also believes he can divine his future in the viscera of his prey, reading their anatomy posthumously.

    In his feral form, he approaches prey, seemingly benign and genial. He will make pleasant conversation, often telling them an old fable. He believes it is the ones who have the sparks of wondering in their eyes as he tells them his stories that are the most auspicious victims.

    He avoids consumption of sick or otherwise defective victims, and often realizes their deficiencies during his dissections. These victims are ill omens, and he will cremate them in hopes of purging misfortune from his life.

Interaction between them:

    'The folly of one is the fortune of another,' in this case, the fortune of two - or so they believed.

    The siblings normally gave each other a wide berth, but not this day. There was something so tantalizing about this particular victim that neither could resist. Perhaps it was the gold in which she was clad, or the luster of her cascading mane, or the grace in her stride, or intensity of her gaze. She further captivated them with the strength of her heart, apparent as she fled the male once he had revealed his true form to her. He would not have been able to catch her on his own, so he led her to his sister, lying in wait to intercept this fine specimen.

    And so she did, charging out from the thicket and knocking the victim down while the brother arrived not moments later. Any happiness she may have felt while he beguiled her with legend and security had faded, replaced not by fear, but by wrath.

    "So this is what you are," she began, her fury palpable in her biting words. "Release me now, and be at peace."

    They did not heed her warning, enthralled by what secrets lay in her flesh. They began their ceremonies, eager claws and teeth advancing into her. With her last breath, she threw back her head and screamed to the heavens, "I condemn you, harbingers of misfortune, to suffer the same fate as I!"

    With that, her body went limp as her soul departed. It was unlike them to share, but surely a victim such as this one held enough fortune for two. Their excitement had not waned, and they opened her like a chest of fabled treasure. Immediately, their brows furrowed, exhilaration morphing into concern. They expected her to contain favorable omens and indications of prosperity, but, instead, she told of death.


    "That which was robbed must be repaid."

    "A life for a life."

    "The end will come in a flash of white."

    Though they hoped the fire would purge the curse along with the corpse, they were obviously shaken. Between the two of them, their combined rituals and readings all repeated the same fate. They turned towards each other, their eyes both filled with the same ferocity.

    There was obscurity in the prophecy: a flash of white could be many things, a bolt of lightning, for one, or the fur of a walker, for another. However, there was a conclusion each was able to deduce.

    One must die.

    They were equally matched, reaching a stalemate for their first battle. Evident that each needed to prepare for their next confrontation, their rituals were now performed with a level of fanaticism unseen before their curse. Unlike before, they now had a goal in mind as they sought predictions of their futures in the flesh of the fallen as well as strength to execute the other.

    So they prepare to take fate into their paws, each weaving it in their own favor such that one kills the other, the debt repaid in a flash of white and the prophecy fulfilled.

    Or so they believed...

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