In-Thread rp log between:

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(Kiri/Lady Ourania) and (Soul-Lexis/ Nyhility)


Soul: [Hunts some fish with his spaded tail.] >3


Kiri: *Eyes the Kalona's technique, debating whether or not to offer him some tips* No bites, huh? *Peers into the water, tracking the silver flash of darting schools* Slippery little things.


Soul: [Gives an owlish glare and obnoxious pout at the mare.]
You grace me with your genius! Please, do tell me oh wise one how you would do it. >c


Kiri: *Gives a quick grin despite the other's reaction, not riled in the slightest* I'm not claiming to be any kinda expert, mind, but growing up near the ocean does have its advantages. *Steps slightly nearer to the Kalona and the water both, her tattooed face a mask of concentration. One hoof suddenly lashes out, sending a black-spined fish flying onto the bank. She observes it flopping around before looking to the stallion expectantly* Just gotta know when to strike. Now, eat it or send it back, but don't let it get cold, huh? *Winks*


Soul: [Silently mimics the mare's lips as she speaks, rolling his eyes before watching her fish.] ono'......Bu
Fine, your just a fancy sportsman rather than a genius. Feel better with that title? [Almost sneers at being gifted a meal from a normal female] Oh nonono, your work, your prize. A lovely lass shouldn't go hungry, now should she? [And he swings his tail around, stubbornly attempting to fish again, while subtly remembering her previous instructions.] >c


Kiri: Oh, definitely. *She chuckles a little under her breath, still not put off by his evident displeasure. Her burnished shoulders lift in a shrug when he rejects the captured fish outright, using the same hoof to gently roll its struggling body back into the water. It straightens itself out and darts away, rejoining its fellows* Tempting as it is, I'm not much for meat. Only learned to fish to pass the time, really. *Watches his modified stance silently, though mirth dances in her pale eyes*


Soul: [Makes his mark, takes aim, and spears into the water only to scuff the unsuspecting fish and have it dance in the air before vanishing under the tide.]
Motherf....[scowls and shakes his head, pointedly avoiding eye contact with the mare.] No matter, I hardly have a taste for aquatic meat anyways. [slides his eyes instead to the mare's scenty necklace.]


Kiri: *Her mouth twitches at the edges as the fish drops back into the water with an emphatic plunk, but the mare manages to keep her laughter from bubbling forth* Close. Little to the left and you would've had him. *She doesn't badger the Kalona further, but her own mild gaze remains on him, more intrigued than wary. A grass-colored brow quirks up at his sullen statement, not exactly surprised by the reaction* Ah, well, fish fall into that category, sure as anything. Might want to try the jungle if you like your meat red.


Soul: [Gives a half-hearted shrug, since he never was one to devote himself to stern training and survival skills. If anything, he'd applaud the fish for being as slippery and evasive as himself. A glance is sent to the mare for another snarky remark, before he truly bothers looking at her appearance. And upwards at her hair.] Meat is....definitely preferred...r...ugh I'm sorry. But what is up with your do? [He saunters over, believing it to be a massive headdress of grass.] Did I miss a memo, or something, regarding a seasonal fashion?


Kiri: *His approach is met with faintly pursed lips, wondering at the multiple hesitations that mar his comeback. It's the comment about her hair that earns a genuine laugh, and she shakes her head so that the strands sway back and forth, stubbornly maintaining their mohawk-like configuration* Lot of 'up" to it, I'll admit that. And what, haven't you heard it's all the rage? *Her eyelids flutter girlishly, but the mare's apparent amusement undermines the joke. She gives a brief shake of her short tail to illustrate that her mane is not alone in its skyward reach, hardly bothered by his interest* Grows in that way, believe it or not. Useful for when you're sneaking about in tall grass, but that's about it. *A gesture with her chin meant to encompass her entire body, and she adds* I'm not made for stealth. I'm sure you've noticed.


Soul: [The Kalona flinches back with quite a splash, as if expecting an omen of wasps to emerge from the mare's scalp. But the fluid motion and soft sounds prove that they are indeed her true mane, and not tattered grass.] All the rage, eh? And just what coconut milk have you and your friends been drinking? [Snirks and shakes his own mane, his vain ego boosting with an edged smile. Last he heard, tall dark and fabulous was the preferred appearance.] Haha, I could see that being a useful technique. Though frankly a shuffling patch of grass would scare the cr-p out of me. Unfortunate that your flesh reveals you against such a talent!


Kiri: *The Kalona's reaction takes her off guard, not sure what train of thought would lead him to backpedal from something as harmless as her unruly mane. Perhaps he assumed the pointed ends would spear him? She keeps the perplexity from her features with some effort, snorting a second later at his accusation of drunken beauty tips. Although sorely tempted, she refrains from calling him out on his own dusk-frosted forelock, if only because nature's ways are often difficult to decipher.* I'll keep that in mind the next time I see you hoofing it in some elephant grass. And it's not so bad. Worse things than being born with a bright coat, yeah?