Hello and welcome to The Teen Sex, Pregnancy and Puberty Guild! mrgreen

In case you're wondering why there are so many subforums in the guild, it's because I've learned over the years that many topics are related, whether directly or indirectly, to the 3 "core topics" of sex, puberty and pregnancy. So I wanted to include extra information in case guild members had questions that were not directly related to sex, pregnancy or puberty.

As for why there are so many stickies, it's because I've been collecting pamphlets and brochures, literally, since I started this guild 5 years ago. Many of the older stickies are being combined and updated into newer ones though, with more posts, so the overall number might shrink a bit by the end of my updates.


Here are some things you should read BEFORE you start posting in the guild:

- First and foremost, please read and follow the guild's rules.

Once you've done that:

- To read what topics are discussed in this guild, click here.

- To read a list of all of the guild's stickies and subforums, click here.

- To see what I've updated most recently in the guild, click here.

- If there's something you'd like to see added or changed in the guild, please use the Feedback Sticky here.

- And last but not least, if you would like to introduce yourself, you can do so here.

I hope you enjoy your stay in the guild, whether you're posting or just lurking. heart If you have any questions, please feel free to use the Feedback Sticky, or you can PM me. If you've been in the guild awhile and this guild has had a positive effect on your life, I encourage you to share your comments here.
