[[Changed weeks to terms because they are pretty freakin' long weeks, ain't they? ;D]]

Ikuto sat in a tree, eyes closed and leaning back, his long tail swishing slightly as he enjoyed the sun filtering through the branches. He was about to cast out his senses for Tess - when he could sum up the courage to move from such a comfortable spot! He sighed, feeling the heat on his closed eyelids. Bliss..

Anna stood on the top step in front of the main entrance, her red eyes scanning the grounds - the grass was dying in spots, and there were still ghastly blood-red streaks on the wall from the battle. Despite this run-down appearance, the school was still stately and majestic, beautiful and majestic - it was about as large as Hero High, maybe a bit more in floors. Even the grounds looked pretty - with the early sun, the grass was sparkling, reflecting the light, and the trees scattered around the perimetere and at the forest looked ethereal and unearthly.
Anna smiled slyly - time to find her some new kids.