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Welcome to Gaia's First and Official Tackey & Tsubasa guild!
Tackey & Tsubasa are a Japanese idol duo from their agency,
Johnny's Entertainment, and debuted in 2002.

We do not have an "Update/News/Announcements" announcement.
Why, you ask?
Because I stink horribly when it comes to knowing things about groups and their music releases and such...
And keeping a log of the updates made in the guild.
Instead, there will be announcements that occur sometimes about guild updates, and then removed.
I can't post updates about T&T's singles or announcements because it'd probably be extremely late and all.
Hope you're not too confused or anything. ^^;


1. Follow the ToS (Which means no Flaming/Cybering/etc. Any breaking of ToS will be banned from the guild and reported to a mod =X Don't make that happen.)
2. Spamming and such is not permitted, except for in the (Hopefully I'll make one...) guild's Chatterbox subforum.
3. Bashing is not allowed. Remember that.
4. If you're posting images, please do not stretch the petch horizontally (That's left to right for those who don't know). Just post the link if it ends up stretching the page.
5. Please try to be literate and/or semi-literate. Normal everyday terms like "rofl", "lol", "omg" and others are allowed, just don't go all "h4xx0r|) 5p33kz0rz 0n m3" or "nOBo tlkA nd stf laik dat" and the related type. But don't be too literate, that makes it scary ._. And by too literate, I mean like "I apologize, but when I had been born, I had acquired amazing literate abilities" and things that are more... "sophisticated".
6. One thread for one topic is enough. We don't need 564789326589 threads going "OMGOMGOMGOMG ITZ TAKKI N TSUBASA I LUV DEM.!!11one!"
7. We/I do not appreciate fangirlism... or fanboyism if you're a boy. That means no claiming that they are yours, no declaring your love for them the same way in a different post and topic/thread (Like saying "___ is so cool! I love him sooo much!" 5 times in one thread, or 10 times in 5 threads.
8. If/when you join this guild, please try to stay active. It's not nice when you join and just ditch us for months without making a single post, or saying why you're not gonna be there for a while...

Rules of a Mod

1. Unneeded threads go in the "Recycle Bin" subforum.
2. If you see a join request, you can accept them.
3. I'd like it if you asked me before making an announcement and/or sticky.
4. If someone posted an image that stretches the page, please turn it into a link =3

A Big Thanks To...
Kattea and TeiraSanders
For Donating to the Guild! <3

Join naow plox. Form Here!
♪ Where you heard of this guild
♪ Why you want to join
♪ Your favourite T&T Member

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