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..::☆ [ 若いもの ] :: a Johnny Junior fanguild ☆::..

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We all love NewS, Kanjani8, KAT-TUN, TOKIO, ect. But they weren't always as famous as they are currently. No, they practiced their talents and trained to be where they are now. They were Johnny Juniors... This guild was created to celebrate the talented children who will become the future stars of Johnny Jimusho.

RULES ☆::..
♪. Follow Gaia ToS.
♪. Try to remain active.
♪. No Spamming/Bumping/Flaming.
♪. No Bashing of any JE member.
♪. Don't create multiple threads of the same topic.
♪. Don't stretch the width of the page if you're pic spamming. Just re size the picture or post the link.
♪. Don't use chat speak. Things like 'lol' and 'rofl' are allowed, but be semi-literate.

♪. Tell us your username.
♪. Tell us your favourite Johnny Junior.
♪. If you don't have a favourite Junior tell us your favourite Junior group.
♪. Please be semi-literate.


Asian Media Lovers

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**If you'd like to be an affiliate with our guild PM myself or any of the crew (and hopefully they'll tell me so I'll add your link here).

♪. We'd like to say thank you to a few people:

~Kie, for donating so much gold
~Mint Neko, for helping make the guild (I mean you donated a tun of gold to get this guild up and running and it's really appreciated)
~Members, for being amazing and actively posting!

We'll add you here if your user name here if you make a contribution to our guild.

So thank you~

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