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Welcome to |[ α ļιτεŗατε's ∂ŗεαм ]| a place where active literate role players can write with other literates.

Congratulations! Your search for a good literate role play has come to an end! There is no need to keep writing with those "one liner" role players! This is a comfortable guild with endless possibilities. Literates from all around are waiting. Waiting for you to join in on the fun, exciting roller coaster ride! Create your own role play, or join an already existing one. Check out our current events, and take advantage of their occasional prizes. There is no reason to be shy. |[ α ļιτεŗατε's ∂ŗεαм ]| is full of neighborly writers who are here for their love of writing. What could be a better reason then that?

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When sending a request to join, or after you've accepted your
invitation, it is important that you send us the name of the guild
member who recruited you. We allow braging rights for the person
who branches out guild out the most, and would like you to help us
keep tally. If you don't tell us who brought you to the guild, there
are going to be some sad people who don't get to brag. So hop
to it! Thank you for reading and participating.

when ever you can
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every sunday night
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