
Pokémon: Legend of the Seven Islands is a new Pokemon adventure taking place in an all new region, dubbed as the "Suimin Region". The idea of this guild focuses on creating an all new, interesting kind of story, instead of the same old "start your adventure and become Champion in a day" stories. Having two evil teams instead of one, those two teams being Team Awakening and Team Carbo. Team Awakening is, as their name would suggest, focused on that which is said to slumber beneath each of the seven islands, and eventually capture both the Legendary Cresselia and Mythical Darkrai, to create a dream utopia all their own, trapping the world in eternal slumber. Team Carbo is more focused on certain gems and jewels, such as the Red and Blue Orbs (of Groudon and Kyogre, respectively), but their main goal is to obtain the Jewel of Life, to control Arceus and dominate the entire world, so all the gems will be theirs. It's up to the multitude of Trainers to figure out the secrets of the Seven Islands, protect the Jewel of Life, and protect the world from total destruction at the hands of these two teams! Though, the role you wish to take is up to you, of course.


"Sorry to keep you waiting! Welcome to the world of Pokémon! My name is... well just refer to me as The Professor! Before we go any further, I'd like to tell you a few things you should know about this world! This world is widely inhabited by creatures known as Pokémon. We humans live alongside Pokémon as friends. At times we play together, and at other times we work together. Some people use their Pokémon to battle and develop closer bonds with them. Are you ready? Your very own tale of grand adventure is about to unfold. Fun experiences, difficult experiences, there's so much waiting for you! Dreams! Adventure! Let's go to the world of Pokémon! I'll see you later!"

The Story

The Suimin Region: a group of islands that were once abundant and flourishing in the world. Thousands of years ago, both Cresselia and Darkrai were worshipped and celebrated as the founders and deities of the islands themselves, bringing peace and tranquility to all that were blessed to be under their protection. Although this all ended when two groups that were deeply dedicated to these two decided to battle each other, resulting in the first bloodshed the Suimin Region had ever known, before evolving into a full war. Many years passed, and more lives were lost as more blood was shed during this war, dubbed "The Great Moon War". The reason for the name being that the moon had either disappeared, or appeared only as a crescent (in reference to Darkrai and Cresselia, respectively). The two "Guardian Deities", abhorrent at this sight, decided to put all those that were on the islands into a deep sleep, never to be woken again, and burying what were once great towns, shrines and even castles beneath the islands themselves, never to be revealed again. Before doing so, the Deities chose seven islands to serve as "triggers" for the destruction of the islands as a whole, should these dangerous people and Pokemon be woken again.

Oneiro Island, the Island of Dreams.
Mardröm Island, the Island of Nightmares.
Nemuke Island, the Island of Drowsiness.
Adranés Island, the Island of Dormancy.
Konsui Island, the Island of Deep Sleep.
Requies Island, the Island of Repose.
Champion's Respite, the Island of Relief.

These were the seven islands that they chose, placing a fragment of themselves their, purposely weakening themselves in the process, in the hopes they would never have to witness such an event again, nor be fully awakened once more, resulting in the complete destruction of the Suimin Region.

Many years passed, and new travelers founded the Suimin Region, seeming to be completely sparse of any other human life. They decided to build their new homes here, and came across all sorts of history of what may have happened to the old civilization. These findings went down into both history and legend, eventually becoming the "Legend of the Seven Islands". And although no one ever realized it, both Darkrai and Cresselia both had a fragment of themselves awoken once more, Darkrai having been tarnished by the bloodthirsty nightmares of the old civilization and Cresselia having been purified by the pleasant dreams of those who wished an end to the war. With their return, Cresselia has been praised as the "True Guardian Deity" and Darkrai has been seen as a demonic being, and is no longer revered as he once was. As such, Darkrai has been possessing Humans for the past hundred years to find and battle Cresselia, who had also possessed humans in order to stop Darkrai's bloodthirty ramapge.

But with these two having been "Awakened", the Legend of the Seven Islands has come true, and now the Suimin Region is faced with possible destruction at the immense power of both Cresselia and Darkrai. With Team Awakening working to find a way to access these ruins and use the fragments these Pokemon left behind in order to control them, it may be only a matter of time before the entire Region, and soon enough the entire world, is put into a slumber so powerful, they may never wake up again.

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Join Request

If you've decided to join this guild, don't click that "Join Guild" button just yet! First, please fill out the following application to be checked out by one of the Crew before your acceptance.

1. How active are you on Gaia?
2. How much do you know about Pokemon?
3. What's your literacy level (one-liner, semi-lit, literate, etc. [all are welcome])?
4. How did you find this guild?
5. Please provide a quick sample of your role-play capabilities (a link to a post of yours is fine).