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Once upon a time, there lived a girl. Young and small she was, and she loved her grandmother very much. One day her grandmother gave her a small creamed color bunny holding a tiny carrot in its paws as a gift. And the girl loved the bunny and named him Bunny Wunny. However, a few months later the little girl's grandmother died from a terrible illness.

The little girl was devasted, but held on to the bunny her grandmother gave her for the longest time. He was her closest friend.

That was until one day she had to move and Bunny Wunny didn't go with her, the girl didn't know until it was too late.

The girl was even more devasted, the loss of her bunny was great. She started to grow ill as she wished even more and more for her bunny to come back. Her parents where unsure of what to do. It wasn't until one day her mother found a funny colored carrot and brought it home to the girl. The girl clung to the carrot wishing it would bring her Bunny Wunny back.

A few days later the carrot disappeared and in its place was a cream colored wabbit. The girl was overjoyed to find her stuffed bunny turned into a Wabbit.

When the girl grew older she decided to make it her life long dream, to find all these oddly colored carrots, and give them to people who would care for and wish on them, for Wabbits to come true.

This is the guild for the B/C shop. It can be used to roleplay, talk about Wabbits, describe your dream Wabbit, and all sorts of things. There will be special items released for the Wabbits of guild members only as well.

What are you waiting for?

So go on, Wish Upon a Wabbit! ^^

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