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The Ziz Prince's Princess

King Nerd

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                                            XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Which sin dominates your soul?

                                                      Created by: Ultima Oblivion And My Mods : Apparition of a Troll and JETFURY
                                                      Hon Mods: Little Miss Opinionated and Khristmas_Ninjah

                                                      Pictures from: Google, Photobucket

                                                      Inspiration: Boredom, Seven Deadly Sins, The last Role play of this.

                                                      Literacy: Semi- Lit. To Lit

                                                      Currently: Open!

                                                      Links / Profiles: Pride Envy Gluttony Greed Wrath LustSloth


                                                      The Dead

The Ziz Prince's Princess

King Nerd

User Image

                                            XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Our Story? Well, This year...

                                                      "Dear Parent/Guardian of ___________________

                                                      We are pleased to tell you your child has been accepted into Seventh Sanctum High, a school specifically created to train the next generation in the Art of Sin. Your child was either scouted for showing an exceptional skill in a sin, or the application they sent in was accepted. In SSH, we hope that your child will learn the ways of their specific sin, will learn to control their powers for the greater evil, and acquire a taste for a bit of healthy competition.

                                                      School starts in a few months, so please, use this time to equip your child with everything they will need. Dorm numbers and class schedulers are enclosed with this letter.

                                                      Seventh Sanctum awaits

                                                      The Dean

                                                      It's with this letter that you find yourself at your new school... whether you want to or not. SSH isn't known for it's high graduation numbers, but those who do graduate go off to become legends among the dark races. No one is quite sure how this school was started, or who its was started by, but The rumor is that It was started to Train the Original Seven Deadly Sins, But then, as the human population grew, the Sins realized that they couldn't spread enough Sin. So the created what are now called Agents of Sin, Creatures who's sole purpose is to spread Sin and crush what light they can. However, You will learn not to put much stock in rumors.

                                                      It's not a pretty place, dark and radiates a dark aura that would send lesser people packing and running for the hills. But you? This was your home now, and would be until either one of three things happened.

                                                      You were kicked out because you weren't good enough.

                                                      You graduated to become an Agent of Sin, spreading your chosen sin and creating chaos wherever you go.

                                                      Or you die.

                                                      Or at least... that was how it has been for hundreds of years. However, there is something changing. Something that not only threatens the order of SSH, but the very structure of Sin itself.

                                                      Through the help of One traitor in high places, Spy from the rival school of the virtues have infiltrated SSH. Their mission is simple. Weaken SSH, the future of sin. No one knows about them, as they have been cleverly hidden inside the school as students. This year, The students will have more to worry about then simply graduating.

Mitzy-nyan's Senpai

Astounding Worker

User Image

                                            XXXXXXXXXXXXXX You catch that? this is what you need to know.

                                                      » To clarify: This is a school for any race... EXCEPT: Angels, humans, and any creature considered "Light". It just doesn't make sense ya know?

                                                      «There are 7 "houses". One for each sin. Choose which Sin best suits your character, cause you can't switch around.

                                                      » In each house there are two figures in charge. One is the Head teacher, the "Master Of" your Sin. They teach more then just your Sin, but you are to respond to them if you have any concerns. The second is the head student, The "Apprentice". They, if the Master of your house is unable to, will take charge.

                                                      « The Apprentice of the house CAN change. The only way to take the spot is to make them surrender the spot. By this, I mean they can do one of two things. A, they hand over the position, or B, you best them in battle. In the beginning however, It's first come first serve.

                                                      » Aside from the clear demonic factor, Seventh Sanctum is essentially just a normal school for the supernatural. Their goal, besides training you for spreading Chaos, Is to help you control your powers

                                                      « Death is very, very real. In my roleplay, if you don't reply in five days, then your character. Will. Die. As in, Me, or one of my mods, will kill them off. Now, once a character is dead, they are DEAD. there is no coming back. It won't matter to me of you come back, you will NOT be able bring back your dead character. You can make a new one, but that is it.

                                                      » As for the spy. I will message you. Now, before I hear anything: IF I MESSAGE YOU, YOU ARE A SPY. You cannot refuse.

                                                      « Now, if you are a spy, realize that you are in the middle of enemy territory. If you go around telling everyone that your a spy, we cannot guaranteeing your character will be alive for very long. (meaning we will kill you.)

                                                      »You will be Given orders via PM. You are not to tell anyone, and must complete it.

                                                      « Dorms are Co-ed. That means a boy and a girl can have one room. YOU CANNOT REQUEST DORMS. That said, the only people who have a different dorm are The Apprentices. They have a single dorm to themselves.

                                                      » The Teachers all live in one Building, with their own living quarters. They basically have their own apartments on campus. Students are allowed in there, but don't go often.

                                                      « NOTE! The way to tell who is the Apprentice is that they will have a Extra Symbol on their armband: This one. It will be layered under The Sin's symbol.

                                                      »Bonuses! I will award Battle bonuses to people I see working hard. Meaning if I see you working hard, I may give you a plus one or two.

                                                      « Each house is represented by a symbol that is to be shown on an armband given to each student and staff member. All students and staff must have the armband worn in a fashion that displays it's symbol at all times.

The Ziz Prince's Princess

King Nerd

User Image

                                            XXXXXXX I know I know... the dreaded rules. But Even a place Built for creating Chaos must have some structure.

                                                      - Please be at least semi-literate. I don't want to have to spend a while trying to figure out what what your saying. That means NO txt tlk. At least 5 Sentances (a paragraph). that Isn't A lot. I understand the OCCASIONAL writers block, but not every frickin post. -

                                                      - Romance is encouraged, but no cybering! Clothes come off? and there are sexual intentions? LEAVE MY THREAD. I DO NOT WANNA SEE. (meaning s**t like Skinny dipping are okay, but when it gets all hot and heated, leave)
                                                      Any kind of Romance is encouraged here! So have at it Guys! -

                                                      - DRAMA!!! I want drama! Love triangles, ect.! Drama is exciting, and I want it! -

                                                      - Cursing is allowed, Because why the ******** not?. -

                                                      - Violence is also allowed, very, very much allowed. However, I realize that no one wants to lose, and then we'd just have crazy stupid battles that have no point or ending, SO! When you get into a fight, both battle participants will generate a random number between ONE and TEN. Highest number wins the battle. There are a few things to note though:
                                                      When Fighting a Apprentice, add THREE. (Reason: Because I want it to be difficult to win this spot)
                                                      When fighting a Master, add FIVE. (Reason: Because It a TEACHER)
                                                      Wanna fight the Dean? Add Ten. (Go ahead and try.) -

                                                      - Only create as many characters as you can handle. -

                                                      -Make your posts Pretty! -

                                                      - Me and My mods are GODS. You will obey them as you would me. They have all rights to kick you out, and are in charge during my absence. -

                                                      - If you don't post for 5+ days, then We will kill off your character. There is no coming back from that. -

                                                      - Please post in third person. Actions are like this, dialogue is like "this", thoughts are like 'this' or this (or both), and OOC is like ((this)), [[this]], or OOC: this.

                                                      - Okay, this might be a TAD difficult to understand, so I'll be as clear as possible.
                                                      If your character's sin is : Wrath, Pride, Or Greed, Send the PM to Ultima Oblivion.
                                                      If Their Sin is : Sloth or Lust, Send PM To Apparition of a Troll.
                                                      If their Sin is : Envy or Gluttony, Send PM to Jetfury.

                                                      -Post least one paragraph.

                                                      - I, and my mods, have EVERY right to reject you, for any reason I so choose. Deal with it. -

                                                      - If One of us can't decide if we want to accept or reject, we will discuss it. In the end, one of us will message you with the answer -

                                                      - DO NOT BOTHER US IF YOU GET REJECTED. -

                                                      - This is more a warning the a Rule. I. AM. A. b***h. I have a nasty temper and can be a total b***h for what seems to be no reason. You have been warned.

                                                      More might be added later

User Image

                                            XXXXXXXXXXXXXX The Profile Skeletons

                                                      The Profile Skeletons

                                                      [imgright]Symbol here[/imgright]
                                                      [size=15][align=center]"Awesome Quote is awesome."[/align][/size]
                                                      [size=13][align=center]Student? Teacher? Master Or Apprentice? [/align][/size]

                                                      [imgleft]pic here[/imgleft]
                                                      [color=postcolor][b] Name:[/b][/color]
                                                      [color=postcolor][b] Age:[/b][/color]
                                                      [color=postcolor][b] Year:[/b][/color]
                                                      [color=postcolor][b] Orientation:[/b][/color] Gay? Straight
                                                      [color=postcolor][b] Sin/House:[/b][/color]
                                                      [color=postcolor][b] Creature Type:[/b][/color]
                                                      [color=postcolor][b] Power(s):[/b][/color]
                                                      [color=postcolor][b] Weapon(s):[/b][/color]
                                                      [color=postcolor][b] Personality:[/b][/color]
                                                      [color=postcolor][b] Appearence:[/b][/color][list][list][list][list][list][size=9][color=postcolor][b] Height:[/b][/color]
                                                      [color=postcolor][b] Weight:[/b][/color]
                                                      [color=postcolor][b] Prominent features:[/b][/color] Tattoos? Scars? Piercings?
                                                      [color=postcolor][b] History:[/b][/color]
                                                      [color=postcolor][b]Likes and Dislikes?:[/b][/color]
                                                      [color=postcolor][b] Crush:[/b][/color]
                                                      [color=postcolor][b] Other:[/b][/color]

                                                      The Symbols








The Ziz Prince's Princess

King Nerd

User Image

                                            XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Our dorms. One for each house.

                                            User Image
                                            The House Of Lust

                                                                                    Master of the House: Vriska Vels
                                                                                    Apprentice: Jaelle Castven
                                                                                    L1 _________________ & _________________
                                                                                    L2 _________________ & Alastair Rayne
                                                                                    L3 Avery Rayne & _________________
                                                                                    L4______________& _________________
                                                                                    L5 ______________& _________________
                                                                                    L6 ______________& _________________
                                                                                    L7______________& _________________

                                            User Image
                                            The House Of Gluttony

                                                                                    Master of the House: Miguel De' Fuerza
                                                                                    GL1 Andreah & Andre Leona
                                                                                    GL2 Alice Aurora Lillim & _________________
                                                                                    GL3 ______________& _________________
                                                                                    GL4______________& _________________
                                                                                    GL5 ______________& _________________
                                                                                    GL6 ______________& _________________
                                                                                    GL7______________& _________________

                                            User Image
                                            The House Of Greed

                                                                                    Master of the House:
                                                                                    Apprentice: Natalia Benswick
                                                                                    GR1 Kadan Jadrien Snare & _________________
                                                                                    GR2______________ & _________________
                                                                                    GR3 ______________& _________________
                                                                                    GR4______________& _________________
                                                                                    GR5 ______________& _________________
                                                                                    GR6 ______________& _________________
                                                                                    GR7______________& _________________

                                            User Image
                                            The House Of Sloth

                                                                                    Master of the House: Klaus Virulence
                                                                                    S1 Lloyd "Grin" Grennich & Cait Jamiah
                                                                                    S2 _________________ & _________________
                                                                                    S3 ______________& _________________
                                                                                    S4______________& _________________
                                                                                    S5 ______________& _________________
                                                                                    S6 ______________& _________________
                                                                                    S7______________& _________________

                                            User Image
                                            The House Of Envy

                                                                                    Master of the House:
                                                                                    Apprentice: Lake Nethers
                                                                                    E1 Eloise ‘Flaky’ Addams & Katie
                                                                                    E2______________& _________________
                                                                                    E3 ______________& _________________
                                                                                    E4______________& _________________
                                                                                    E5 ______________& _________________
                                                                                    E6 ______________& _________________
                                                                                    E7______________& _________________

                                            User Image
                                            The House Of Wrath

                                                                                    Master of the House: Romaro Alvaon
                                                                                    Apprentice: Avanna Dragomir
                                                                                    W1 Kai Naraka & Lilith Raine
                                                                                    W2 Kai Rorek & Lucykriest
                                                                                    W3 Sven & _________________
                                                                                    W4 Wilhelm Hofmann & Thea Cascon
                                                                                    W5 ______________& _________________
                                                                                    W6 ______________& _________________
                                                                                    W7______________& _________________

                                            User Image
                                            The House Of Pride

                                                                                    Master of the House: Ezio Miles
                                                                                    Apprentice: Draco Jamiah
                                                                                    P1 Zion Dirconi & Askel Castven
                                                                                    P2 Kamden & Leon Celsius
                                                                                    P3 Devilyn Wraithe & Arthas
                                                                                    P4 Christopher "Chris" Knight & _________________
                                                                                    P5 ______________& _________________
                                                                                    P6 ______________& _________________
                                                                                    P7______________& _________________

The Ziz Prince's Princess

King Nerd

User Image

                                            XXXXXXXXXXXXXX The Headmaster and Ultimate Power in the school.

"Seventh Sanctum awaits! ."

The Dean

User Image

                                                                      Username: Ultima Oblivion
                                                                      Name: It's unknown. He's just Called The Dean.
                                                                      Age: Unknown, appears twenty something
                                                                      Orientation: Unknown
                                                                      Creature Type: Unknown
                                                                      Power(s): Again unknown, But what is known is that he is extremely powerful.
                                                                      Weapon(s): No one has fought him seriously enough for him to bring out a weapon.
                                                                      The Dean is a powerful man who is the complete embodiment of all sin, and shrouded in mystery. He's an enigma to all.
                                                                                Height: 6'1
                                                                                Weight: 165
                                                                                Prominent features: He has ancient markings markings on his chest and right arm. No one knows what they are for. He had a scar across his face, and blood red eyes and black hair. His ears are pierced, twice.

                                                                      History: The history of the dean is as shrouded in mystery as pretty much everything else about him is. All that is known about him is that he his the master of this school, and is extraordinarily powerful.
                                                                      Likes and Dislikes?: Once again... unknown.
                                                                      Crush: None
                                                                      Other: He's.... not sure why he has to replace so many doors.

The Ziz Prince's Princess

King Nerd

User Image

                                            XXXXXXXXXXXXXX It all began on a seemingly normal day at Seventh Sanctum...

                                                      Previously, At Seventh Sanctum...

                                                      It all began with one simple mistake.

                                                      It was moving day at Seventh sanctum, and the school was alive with old and new students alike, moving around and trying to fit their life into a dorm that they would be sharing with another person who was trying to do the exact same thing. Returning students wasted no time in starting up the chaos.

                                                      As students from the sloth dorms could tell you, as they dodged raining furniture.

                                                      However, this really started to heat up in the cafeteria. Two students got into a small fight, which caught the attention of The teacher of Gluttony. Not paying attention to just who she was swinging a sword at, one of the students, a half demon girl by the name of Lilah, ended up attacking The teacher, Miguel. Needless to say, it did not end well.

                                                      Lilah end up losing the fight, which was only to be expected. However, the fight reached the ears of the Teacher of wrath, who happened to the the head of the Sin in which Lilah resided. Pissed off as all hell, The teacher, Romaro, sought out the one person who he could take out his anger on. His apprentice, Ava Dragomir.

                                                      He caught her in a deserted hallway. He attacked her, brutally, but before he could do any fatal harm, she was taken from his grasp by her friend, Cait. Cait gallantry tried to stand up to Romaro, but only met the same fate as Ava.

                                                      Unhappy, but now with something else tainting his blood rage, Romaro left them.

                                                      The next day, Grin, enraged by the fact that his two friends, Ava and Cait, were so brutally beaten up, went and sought out The teacher of Wrath. In confronting him, Grin was backed by Lilah, and a very reluctant Ava.

                                                      All three soon discovered just why he was the teacher of Wrath.

                                                      In a bloody fight that left Roamro's class room in ruins, The end of it saw Grin nearly dead, Lilah, screaming in pain as blood gushed from her eyes, ears and mouth, and Ava with blood pooling around her from yet another head wound. Romaro, in a strange kind action, took them all to the nurses office.

                                                      Classes that day were canceled, and students are now milling about.

                                                      And Now....

                                                      Word gets around the school quick, as Ava and Grin so discovered, and what with the dance coming up, people are scrambling for date. Many find a date, but many do not.

                                                      The dance has come and gone, and with it went all sense of normalcy. Not only did a fight break out in the middle of the dance floor (Twice infact, but whose counting?) but there now seems to be a strange air about the school.

                                                      Little do most of the students know, dance night was also a night of violence and murder.

                                                      That night, many students and a few teachers were slaughtered, but for what? Who could have done this and why? That's what The Dean wants to know.

                                                      And now, the Dean had declared some sort of contest, grouping the students together for no other disclosed reason except that he can!

The Ziz Prince's Princess

King Nerd

User Image

                                            XXXXXXXXXXXXXX This is where I'll be putting Bonuses for your characters.

                                                      A Battle Bonuses Is a Number you will add to your generated number for your battle, making it easier to win. I reward bonuses for special things, hard work, and for people I, or my mods feel deserve it.

                                                      I AM THE FINAL SAY IN ALL BONUSES, AND WHAT I GIVE. I CAN TAKE AWAY.

                                                      Also, You can Stack Bonuses. Like say your an Apprentice, and I give you a +2. that means you have a +6.

                                                      Masters have a +6
                                                      Apprentices have a +4
                                                      Dean has + 10

                                                      Anyone else - Find your name Here:

                                                      Ava - + 2
                                                      Grin - + 1
                                                      Cait - + 1
                                                      Netty - + 2
                                                      Eloise ‘Flaky’ - + 1
                                                      Christopher Knight - + 1

The Ziz Prince's Princess

King Nerd

User Image

                                            XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Our school is always active Our Events this year...

                                                      This is where I'll be putting events that are happening in the school:

                                                      Welcome back dance - Is over!

                                                      Alright! HEY! People!
                                                      You all gotta start wrapping s**t up cause I'm about to Time skip.
                                                      Now I'll be time skipping to two hours before the dance, then I will announce when the dance is open. Cool? Good.

                                                      Dance has started! Grab your date and get to partying!
                                                      Dance is over!

                                                      Team Contest - Happening now!

                                                      The Dean has declared a Team Test! So grab your teammates and let the challenges begin!

The Ziz Prince's Princess

King Nerd

The Ziz Prince's Princess

King Nerd

The Ziz Prince's Princess

King Nerd

The Ziz Prince's Princess

King Nerd

The Ziz Prince's Princess

King Nerd

OPEN! Start out Where ever! Classes are canceled for the day!

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