Welcome to Gaia! ::

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xxxxxxxxxx↙ ↙ All the s m a l l Things

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx---- ( ))

                                      Welcome, welcome!
                                      I see you happened to stumble upon this little tale.
                                      Care to listen in a little more?
                                      Before that, please, leave your ungrammatical self outside.
                                      We wouldn't want to stain our young minds would we?
                                      Oh and spell correctly.
                                      It's been rumored that the school beats you senseless if you don't.
                                      Come along now, we have no time to dilly dally.

                                      This place has died.
                                      Cause of death : lack of posters, little activity, and the plot and characters' uncreativity. C:
                                      Goodbye ~
                                      v.2's gonna come your way baby ~
                                      > 3< 9

              storyline --- caramel bits
              thread creation --- caramel bits & xx_cyanide_soul_xx
              coding --- caramel bits & xx_cyanide_soul_xx
              graphics --- iHideru
              inspiration --- movies, books, real life, and our little imaginations~

ic ll ooc ll ptxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxx↙ ↙ Once upon a s t o r y line

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              "Oi! Get back to class!" is what you always hear around Caddwood High, school for the rebels, outcasts, and misfits of New York. Don't worry! Most of the students aren't that dangerous, just out of place ( though there was this student that killed someone before . . . ). Aside from that, it's just your ordinary highschool full of cliques, gossip, and drama; to a higher extent of course. Most of these students don't get along with one another, keeping to themselves or a small group of friends. Others cause trouble in ways you couldn't possibly imagine! Not your ordinary chalkboard-eraser-stuck-inbetween-the-door trick. It's more like the lock-your-english-teacher-in-the-girl's-bathroom-with-only-their-under-garments-on kind of trick. They came to this school because they didn't fit in with the others. Whether they were too violent, too mute, or too crazy, they all were transfered to Caddwood to feel 'normal'. But the thing is, they became more out of place here. All these differences in ideas, personality, and even clothing made their social skills even worse. Oh, how ever will they survive in the real world now?

              A few years later, a new student came into Caddwood High. Just another mistfit right? Nothing special about her . . . Or so they thought. This student was going to change things around. On her first day here she made a promise to herself that she was going to bring the school together by the end of the year. Now how the heck is she gonna do that? They can't just get along with everybody at the school. They couldn't even get along with one kid in their previous school! And more importantly, how is one girl going to change the minds of over a thousand students and make them befriend eachother?!

              It's all in your fingers.

xxxxxxxxxx↙ ↙ So many r u l e s to follow

User Image

              use the brains that god gave you and talk correctly!
              This thread is Semi-Lit to Lit. Each post should be at least 1-2 paragraphs. If you have writer's block, it's fine, but try to put in at least a few sentences so we can respond to it. Please know that grammar and spelling do count. We will dismiss minor spelling and grammar mistakes if they don't occur often, but if you cannot put periods and commas, or remember i before e except after c, then we will address you immediately, either in the thread or in a PM. Just at the least, read over your post before submitting. If you don't know how to spell a word, google it. Works everytime.

              no violence whatsoever!
              Do not kill or hurt another character without the consult of them and us. We would like no killing at all. If you are going to beat them to a pulp, please contact them and send the agreement to Xx_Cyanide_Soul_xX.

              don't skip classes!
              Read everything! There are some important details that you might miss if you just skim over this. We won't put a secret code for you to find or anything. We are going to trust you guys on this. Let's just hope you don't disappoint us.

              be a good rolemodel to lowerclassmen!
              Please don't make Mary Sues or Johnny whats-his-faces mmkay? We want believable characters that have flaws and good points. Don't make their past a sob story. Seriously, how many people do you know are orphans with and ultra crappy lifestyles and is beat up everyday? Not much. And remember that they are supposed to be misfits. They have to have a reason they're in Caddwood High.

              be in school on time!
              Please be dedicated to the RP. We wouldn't want it to die easily, now would we? Just post at least once per week, but even better if you could do more. Just wait until some others post before you do. Find the right timing. If you are going to go on a long trip or are going to be away for awhile, tell us either in PM or in the OOC.

              wear appropriate clothing to school!
              [Request of CB] Make your posts pretty! Even if it's only changing the size, color and alignment, every detail counts. Also, do not make text smaller than size 9 and no bigger than size 13 ( size 15-20 can only be used for big titles ie : character's role or name etc ). No blinding colors. Try using different shades instead. Just don't clash the colors mmkay? Make them go together nicely. At the least, include an image of you character, their role, and name. Also, be original with your words! It'll make your posts more fun to read! Your posts should be typed in third person.

              anything that is stolen will be found!
              Do not steal our story or concept. We will chop your head off and feed your body to wild boar and then hang your head in your mother's cellar. Do not steal our graphics, kindly made by iHideru, our posts, or codings. Try thinking up of something yourselves you lazy bums! If you would like to borrow something then ask. Credit us too. We don't bite. Well Caramel doesn't, but Soul might.

xxxxxxxxxx↙ ↙ The f a c e s to remember

User Image

              The h o p e f u l New Girl
              -- female
              -- 15-17
              -- confident : optimistic : stubborn
              -- Hey you! Aren't you the new girl? I guess you don't fit into any group since you have such an open-mind on things. But that's not gonna stop you from fitting in. No sir! You're a person that never gives up, even when there's no hope. Always smiling, you can make even the most darkest of places shine with hope! And when you start something, you'll finish it no matter what. Ever since you were young, you've been left out and lonely. Does it have something to do with The Courteous Gentleman? Wait, why's he at this school anyway?! Who knows, but you guys seem to know eachother prettty well. Anyways, now that you're able to start over again, you plan to not let others to feel what you have felt before and bringing this school together is what you'll do, whether they like it or not!
              -- taken by iAlyBear

              The c a r e f r e e Blockhead
              -- male
              -- 16-17
              -- dense : easy-going : lazy
              -- Get up you lazy bum! Always sleeping in class aren't you? You always leave things for the last minute and slack off. That doesn't mean you're a bad person though. You're pretty nice, it's just that you're too thick-headed to understand anything. But now this tingly feeling for The Hopeful New Girl is stirring up inside you. You feel like picking your act up to help her complete her goal ( and maybe impress her ). Wait, help?! You never help! Maybe trying to find out what this feeling is will make you work your brain a bit. Or you can just ask your best friend The Curious Oddball to give you a clue to what this feeling might be, if you can pull him away from his experiments that is.
              -- open

              The o u t s po k e n Outcast
              -- female
              -- 16-18
              -- direct : independent : realistic
              -- Jeez girl! Can you talk any louder? Always speaking your mind, you don't care what others say which often leaves you out of place. But you don't care. You were always a solo kind of gal anyway! But ever since The Hopeful New Girl came, you start to doubt that being by yourself is a good thing. Seeing her try so hard to bring everyone together touched you a little. You want to help, but you just can't. It's just too hard for you to work with others. Maybe you can talk to your friend The Solitary Drifter about this. He does know what kind of hell you've been through to make you so socially akward afterall. Though for some reason, he gets mad everytime you mention your crush The Comical Boarder.
              -- taken by Xx_Cyanide_Soul_xX

              The c u r i o u s Oddball
              -- male
              -- 15-17
              -- eccentric : disorganized : open-minded
              -- 'Ewww!' is what everyone says when they pass by you. Just cause you're a bit weird, doesn't mean you're gross! You're just very experimental with things. Trying out new ways to do the most simplest of tasks is your hobby! At least your best friend The Carefree Blockhead understands this . . . kinda. He is a bit dense. But anyway, you kind of have a little crush on The Superstitious Spirit. Everything that she does just catches your eye, whether she's trying to avoid black cats or throwing salt over her back, you just can't keep your eyes off. You wonder if spending a lot of time with The Rambling Chatterbox will get her the wrong idea. Let's hope not.
              -- taken by Rawring Taters

              The b u d d i n g Wallflower
              -- female
              -- 16-18
              -- timid : selfless : considerate
              -- Wait, who are you again? Oh yeah, you're the girl that always stands in the corner, away from others. Being so bashful isn't going to get you anywhere. Though you may be withdrawn, you're very polite to everyone. You are often soft spoken and have always been pushed around, but the problem is, you don’t seem to mind. As long as you can help someone, it doesn't matter right? But you really need to stand up for yourself, especially now, since The Inferior Sweetie seems nicer and nicer by the second. You seem to get a thousand butterflies in your stomache every time he walks by. Maybe you can ask The Hopeful New Girl for advice. She seems nice enough. Now let's see if you have the guts to even approach her.
              -- taken by Iyric

              The c l u m s y Genius
              -- male
              -- 17-18
              -- graceless : indecisive : intelligent
              -- Ouch. That must've hurt. You should be more careful when you walk. Stumbling and stuttering like a fool won't get you a date with The Fiery Hothead. Yes, you heard me. We all know you like her, you just don't want to admit it. You admire her ambitious attitude towards everything she does. You wish you can be like her instead of being uncertain about which way would be best to do a math problem or which type of coffee would suit your tastebuds. Let's just hope that The Courteous Gentleman doesn't scold you for being late to the student council meetings all the time. He does complain about that quite a bit.
              -- taken by Bananners

              The s u p e r s t i t i o u s Spirit
              -- female
              -- 15-17
              -- gullible : sensitive : enthusiastic
              -- My god, is that a UFO I see? Wait, that's just the neon sign across the street. My bad. You're too gullible for your own good! If they said that Paris Hilton was about to jump over a cliff because she broke her nail then you'd believe it. Maybe you'd even make a sign that says 'JUMP!' to go along with it. But putting that aside, you are very superstitious and spiritual. You believe in magic, ghosts, and most of all, karma. That's why you try to do good things when you can, though it's hard to help out The Concieted Princess when you hate her so much. Did something happen between you guys? But that doesn't matter now! Your best friend The Fiery Hothead supports and helps you all the way and you like her for that. But why is The Curious Oddball looking at you so much?
              -- taken by Caramel Bits

              The c o m i c a l Boarder
              -- male
              -- 16-18
              -- humorous : immature : overconfident
              -- Laughter roars in the halls as you pass by, telling jokes to everyone and making them giggle. You can't stop your humor streak, it's just in your nature. Though your jokes may be mean at times, you don't mean it ( usually ). When you're not joking around, you're riding around the block with your skate board. You're pretty confident in your skills and is up for a challenge; anytime, anyplace. You win most of the time, but when you don't, you sure act like a brat. Such bad sportsmanship you have there. Maybe your friend The Cocky Jock can give you some pointers, he is one of the best in outdoor activity. But everytime you see him with The Concieted Princess you get a little jealous inside. You know how lonely she really is. Plus, she's pretty hot don't you think?
              -- taken by Devious Nut

              The c o n c i e t e d Princess
              -- female
              -- 17-18
              -- self-centered : vain : forsaken
              -- Well, well, well. Look who we have here. It's the self proclaimed princess of Caddwood High. Surrounded by a huge percentage of the school's population, you get a lot of attention and you like that. It makes you feel good about yourself, even though you know they're only doing it to get on your good side and become part of the populars. Your only real companion and friend is The Loyal Follower. You're glad that she sticks by her side, no matter how mean you are to her because deep inside, you're actually really lonely. On top of that, it's hard for you to be nice. Maybe if you were, you could've gotten the attention of The Courteous Gentleman. But it seems that he has his eyes only on The Hopeful New Girl. A bit angry, you bribe The Rambling Chatterbox to get some dirt on her and her relationship with your 'prince charming'.
              -- taken by iLadyUchiha

              The c o c k y Jock
              -- male
              -- 17-18
              -- social : simple-minded : arrogant
              -- Oh ho ho! Who's the big man around campus? It's you of course! With arms like yours you can crush even The Fiery Hothead to a pile of ash. Speaking of crush, don't you have one on her? Don't lie. Your face says it all. Calling her weak wasn't such a good idea to get her to like you you know. Really nice cover up, man. But under your tough appearance and adittude, you can be a really good listener. That's why The Concieted Princess comes up to you to talk once in awhile. Don't get the wrong idea, you guys are just friends though The Loyal Follower tends to blush around you a lot. And your friend The Comical Boarder has been avoiding you lately. Wonder what's that about.
              -- taken by Miix3d_Punk

              The l o y a l Follower
              -- female
              -- 15-17
              -- faithful : insecure : caring
              -- Still hanging around The Concieted Princess I see. Though she may treat you bad, you still stick with her no matter what. You know that she's lonely inside and that she needs a friend. But you don't know why she goes to The Cocky Jock to lean on. She has you doesn't she? And suprisingly, you're a bit jealous. Of all the people that she could've gone to ( including you ) she had to choose the guy that you liked. That's why you start talking with The Comical Boarder to get your mind off of him. He sure does know how to erase your worries huh? Wait, why are you blushing? Does that mean that you like him too?!
              -- taken by Altoids

              The c o u r t e o u s Gentleman
              -- male
              -- 17-18
              -- civilized : polite : perfectionist
              -- Excuse me, I believe you are the young gentleman I presume? You are very refined, debonair, and urbane. You tend to put aside other 'humans' and perfect only your tasks and duties as president. Unlike other teens, your locker and room are tidy and every little mistake you make is like a two ton burden for you to carry around. You obsess over the littlest things such as if your nails are even and if a lock of hair's out of place. Everyone in the student council believes you should loosen up, and you try hard to, but later decides that you're above that and can resist a good time. You think you are too good for love and will not suit any of these imbeciles. But when The Hopeful New Girl came in, you felt a tinge of guilt. Did you do something to her in the past to make you so guilty? As the gentleman you are you feel like doing something to make it up to her, but with The Carefree Blockhead always with her, you start to back out and sometimes get angry. You can't have feelings for her, can you?
              -- open

              The r a m b l i n g Chatterbox
              -- female
              -- 15-17
              -- selfish : sly : attentive
              -- Hey you. Heard you got the latest scoop on who's with who, who just broke up, and who just got a nose job. You always seem to know what’s happening around the school. You are willy, furtive and will do whatever it takes to get the newest info, for a price that is. You work for yourself and your reputation and solely that. But now, The Curious Oddball is looking yummy and he’s your best inside source. He’s also very nice to you about it. Do you have competition for him? It’s your job to find out! Though first, you have to get some info on The Hopeful New Girl for The Concieted Princess. Hey, it's not that you like her, she just pays well.
              -- taken by Dainty Devotchka

              The i n f e r i o r Sweetie
              -- male
              -- 16-17
              -- friendly : naïve : weak
              -- Sigh. You sure are every girl's dream guy aren't you? Sweet, cute, and nice all up in a bundle. Let's make sure we don't forget to throw in dependent too. You rely on others to help you get through hard times. You don't show that infront of the girls of course. You'd be kicked out of the populars if they knew you were so weak, no matter how good you look. But there's a certain girl you have to keep your eye on though. The Rambling Chatterbox. She could find out that you're just a big wuss within a few days. That's when you start talking to The Budding Wallflower. She's almost invisible to most of the school so you thought if you hung out with her, maybe you can start being unnoticeable too.
              -- open

              The f i e r y Hothead
              -- female
              -- 15-17
              -- fierce : wild : hard-working
              -- Whoa! Calm down girl! At this rate, you'll be caught on fire if you keep working so hard! You can always take a break every once in awhile. Wanting to prove to The Cocky Jock that you can be better than him is your main goal in life. You aren't going to give up 'til you've won. You believe that hard work prevails over natural talent and is thankful that you have a great friend like The Superstitious Spirit to guide you. Her lucky charms sure help a lot! Maybe she has a love charm that you can use on The Solitary Drifter too. Something about him makes you blush like a school girl ( though you just say that you just ran 5 laps around the school ).
              -- taken by Rawring Taters

              The s o l i t a r y Drifter
              -- male
              -- 17-18
              -- serious : respectful : unsociable
              -- Still having that oh-so-serious face on huh? C'mon! Lighten up will ya? You don't want The Outspoken Outcast to worry about you. As the good friend you are, you always listen to her problems and respecting her choices. That is, until she told you that she likes The Comical Boarder. After all those years you guys have been friends, she doesn't feel a thing for you. Sad eh? That's when you start going to the Tunnel and competing in AXE. Maybe you can prove to her that you're better than that idiot of a skater. Of course, you're not going to tell her what you think of him.
              -- taken by Pixel Cancer

xxxxxxxxxx↙ ↙ Fill those a p p l i c a t i o n s carefully

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              How to fill out your reservation form!
              Please read carefully, as you might miss something. First you fill out the little form, with your username (no nicknames)! Remember to title the PM Sugar Cuppycakes so we know you read this. Then scroll up to the characters' post and pick your favorite person who is OPEN. Then send the guys to Xx_Cyanide_Soul_xX and the girls to Caramel Bits. Remember if it's not titled correctly, we will ignore you.

              [size=18][align=center]R e s e r v e [b]A[/b] T a b l e ?[/align][/size]
              [b][size=10]Username --
              Role --
              Date --[/b][/size]

              profile layout

              How to fill out your profile layout!
              After we've accepted the first form, go ahead and copy the code in the link, and fill it out in a seprate test forum. Fill in what the hint says to fill in and meet our demands or higher and you are sure to get in. The one we've provided is just the basic form. Go ahead and have fun with it. Make it fancy, colorful, and eyecatching. Change some text, add pictures, but keep it in the same order. If it said to put it into a paragraph, DO IT. Don't get too detailed, but don't put too little. Remember, we are looking for quality, not quantity. For pictures, make sure your nerd doesn't look like a jock and make sure it matches with your description. You have a choice of writing it in first, third, or a mix of both. You can use celebrities, but not super famous ones like Miley Cyrus or Jennifer Aniston. Spelling and grammar do count as well. Remember to complete the profile in a different test forum and send the link to us! If you have any questions, just ask!

              "If the stuff isn't written good, it's going down the drain." -- CB.

              Title this PM any color you want Umbrella. Guys go to Xx_Cyanide_Soul_xX and girls to Caramel Bits.

xxxxxxxxxx↙ ↙ Oh the p l a c e s we will go

User Image

              Echo Shopping Centre
              Your top of the line mall. Shops, food courts and planned activities are all found here, though these teens just loiter in the food courts and the populars are taking over the tables, even if they only go shopping. The other locals who go to the mall tend to know what hours the teen arrive and avoid them at all costs. There is also many teens who go to work here in the mall. They usually work in a clothing store, food stand or as an intern or assistant. Many of they are lucky if the get a job because there's lots of competition.

              link to image of location ( if there's one )

              Hareval Park
              Hareval park was a splendid place, but when the groundskeeper died, everything just lost it's life. Even so, the other teens who don't go to the mall because of the populars, stay in the park. To many, including the teens, the park is a second home. They hang out with friends and joke around, escaping from all the stress and problems they have. Unfortunately, the city is planning to demolish the park, and the locals aren't happy. They are distressed and plan to start a strike.

              link to image of location ( if there's one )

              Caddwood High
              The Caddwood High is anything and everything a school could be. To some, it's a wonder-filled holy place of education, to enrich the lives and minds of those so young. The others it's a cottpickin' damn hell hole. Either way, the Caddwood school is strict...in it's hours that is. Students are free to do as they wish on their breaks, but when it's school time, it's school time. Rumors have it that Caddwood school has gotten parents' signatures so that they have permission to beat the hell out of students if they misbehave. Overall, it's an okay school. Just your normal, highstrung highschool.

              link to image of location ( if there's one )

              Iceé Café
              A wonderful sophisticated café that is very classy. Most of the time, only the populars could hang here. There was no loitering, so a drink at the least had to be purchased. Even though the populars usually hang around here, they recently moved to the mall, and some others moved into the café instead. The employees thought the newcomers were nice, so nothing had to be pruchased, but they did often buy drinks as a favor and refreshment to themselves and the employees.

              link to image of location ( if there's one )

              The Tunnel
              The Tunnel is actually just an abandoned underground subway. Though it may look dirty and uninhabitted, plenty of teenagers go there to fight or make deals that they can't do in public. No one knows of this place except for some of the students so it's a pretty good place to do anything that'd cause you trouble in school. There's rumors going 'round that there's going to be a huge tornament called AXE to see who's the best of the best. Let's just hope word doesn't get out to the cops. Who knows what kind of trouble they can get into?

              link to image of location ( if there's one )

xxxxxxxxxx↙ ↙ It's t o d a y already?!

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              Tuesday -- o9/o8/o9 -- Early Fall

              Partly Cloudy and High Winds
              -- The leaves are changing, summer's going away and making room for fall. What a wonderful transformation! The sky's a bit cloudy though don't you think? And man is it cold! The high winds are making me chilly! Remember to put on your coats and jackets everyone!

              Morning -- 7:45 AM
              -- Your average Tuesday morning. Crisp and stingy winds filling the town and clouds floating lazily by. Too bad it's a school day!

              -- First day of school's always the worst, don't you think? The tension of coming back from a long vacation always sends chills down my spine! Remember students! Check in with the office for your locker combination and schedule!

              o9/o8 -- Back to School
              -- Ah, the dread and gloom that follows the students as the walk into a nightmare, aching and waiting until the day is brand new again. Oh how we long for a Saturday afternoon in the park or the mall.

              DATE -- OCCASION
              -- small description

              DATE -- OCCASION
              -- small description

              DATE -- OCCASION
              -- small description

              Year 4 -- Mrs. Hawkeye --Room 13
              -- The worst teacher that you can ever get. Like her name states, she has the eyes of a hawk. You pass notes, she'd swipe them from your fingers before you can even finish writing. What an old hag, am I right? You can hear her high heels clicking across the hallway. Her wardrobe usually consists of tight suits that makes her skinny body even skinnier. With her gray hair in a neat bun, she's the strict teacher that you love to hate.

              Students : Outspoken Outcast, Budding Wallflower, Clumsy Genius, Comical Boarder, Concieted Princess, Cocky Jock, Courteous Gentleman, Inferior Sweetie, Solitary Drifter

              Year 3 -- Mr. William --Room 5
              -- An old bald guy that has a horrible life. With a boring voice and a i-don't-really-care-just-do-what-you-want attitude, plenty of people mess around in his class. He usually wears dull colored vests, big ties, and small rimmed glasses on the top of his nose.

              Students : Hopeful New Girl, Careefree Blockhead, Curious Oddball, Superstitous Spirit, Loyal Follower, Rambling Chatterbox, & Fiery Hothead

xxxxxxxxxx↙ ↙ Sweet s o n g s of simplicity

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              opening theme
              All the Small Things --Blink 182
              All the, s m a l l things
              ---T r u e
              care, t r u t h brings
              ----I'll take, one l i f t
              -----Your r i d e, best t r i p

              The h o p e f u l New Girl
              Thunder -- Boys Like Girls
              I tried to read b e t w e e n the lines
              --- I tried to l o o k in your e y e s
              ---- I want a s i m p l e explanation
              ----- For w h a t I'm feeling i n s i d e

              The c a r e f r e e Blockhead
              TITLE -- ARTIST
              line 1
              --- line 2
              ---- line 3
              ----- line 4

              The o u t s po k e n Outcast
              TITLE -- ARTIST
              line 1
              --- line 2
              ---- line 3
              ----- line 4

              The c u r i o u s Oddball
              TITLE -- ARTIST
              line 1
              --- line 2
              ---- line 3
              ----- line 4

              The b u d d i n g Wallflower
              TITLE -- ARTIST
              line 1
              --- line 2
              ---- line 3
              ----- line 4

              The c l u m s y Genius
              TITLE -- ARTIST
              line 1
              --- line 2
              ---- line 3
              ----- line 4

              The s u p e r s t i t i o u s Spirit
              TITLE -- ARTIST
              line 1
              --- line 2
              ---- line 3
              ----- line 4

              The c o m i c a l Boarder
              TITLE -- ARTIST
              line 1
              --- line 2
              ---- line 3
              ----- line 4

              The c o n c i e t e d Princess
              TITLE -- ARTIST
              line 1
              --- line 2
              ---- line 3
              ----- line 4

              The c o c k y Jock
              The Second Coming -- Just Blaze and Juelz Santana
              The t r u t h is s p e a k i n g
              --- You should l i s t e n
              ---- S o glorious
              ----- V i c t o r i o u s

              The l o y a l Follower
              Looking Glass -- The Birthday Massacre
              W a i t i n g, as I'm w a n t i n g to
              --- S p e a k i n g as I'm s p o k e n to
              ---- C h a n g i n g to your point of v i e w
              ----- F a d i n g as I f o l l o w you

              The c o u r t e o u s Gentleman
              TITLE -- ARTIST
              line 1
              --- line 2
              ---- line 3
              ----- line 4

              The r a m b l i n g Chatterbox
              TITLE -- ARTIST
              line 1
              --- line 2
              ---- line 3
              ----- line 4

              The i n f e r i o r Sweetie
              TITLE -- ARTIST
              line 1
              --- line 2
              ---- line 3
              ----- line 4

              The f i e r y Hothead
              TITLE -- ARTIST
              line 1
              --- line 2
              ---- line 3
              ----- line 4

              The s o l i t a r y Drifter
              TITLE -- ARTIST
              line 1
              --- line 2
              ---- line 3
              ----- line 4

              closing theme
              TITLE -- ARTIST
              line 1
              --- line 2
              ---- line 3
              ----- line 4
xxxxxxxxxx↙ ↙ The latest a n n o u n c e m e n t s are here!

User Image

              extra extra!

              o5/18 -- IC made!
              -- We have made the IC and will start on the OOC and PT soon so send in those reservations! Please, DO NOT post in here until stated in the OOC.

              05/19/09 -- OOC and PT Created!
              -- We've created the OOC and PT. :3 Feel free to post in the OOC and send us those profiles so we can add it to the PT~

              o6/22 -- Profiles are due July 1st.
              -- Talk to CB or Soul if this is troublesome to you. Have one reason prepared.

              o6/22 -- PT open!
              -- Once you fget your pm, feel free to post if you have the requirements.

xxxxxxxxxx↙ ↙ The m o r e the merrier!

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              Grapics Shop -- •|[• K ii SS u •]|•
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xxxxxxxxxx↙ ↙ Let's r e s e r v e this, shall we?

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xxxxxxxxxx↙ ↙ Let's r e s e r v e this, shall we?

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xxxxxxxxxx↙ ↙ Let's r e s e r v e this, shall we?

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xxxxxxxxxx↙ ↙ Time to o p e n this!

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Aмэя†нєя§τ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTHE ONE
xxxxxxxxxxxxxTHE ONLY...

xxxxxxxxO u t s p o k e n Outcast!!

Talk is cheap but love is real, still...

LISTEN UP! YOU HEAR?;Hayden awoke to the bring bring! of an alarm clock. She groaned as she knew that today, a day of dread, was already here. Today, she had to go back to...school. "Ugh...," she mumbled as she rolled off to the bed and caught herself before falling. She griped again and walked into her showerroom. She stripped her clothes off and walked into the cold shower, but soon after, it became warm. "A summer wasted, that's great," she whispered quietly. She took a bottle of shampoo and squeezed some into her hand. While she was lathering and rinsing, she remembered, she forgot to ask her mom for lunch money. She made a note to ask later. So she finshed her shower with a quick bar of soap, rinsed off and stepped outside of the shower and closed her bedroom door. She was so lucky to have a bathroom on her own room. That's one thing about being an only child, you get the everything to myself perks. She chuckled and began drying her hair. She twisted it into a turban and put her clothes on. A red plaid skirt, and a dress shirt. Now what was wrong with that? Well, actually nothing. She had colored stockings on, and her dress shirt was ripped to be in a punk-ish style. Her black boots went with this outfit, so on they go.n Then to the makeup table. Heavily appiled, just like the masters.

She sorta tripped under the weight of her backpack, a black bag embroderied stuffed to the brim with those stupid books. She literally fell down the stairs as she came down. She set the heavy, cursed bag on the kitchen floor and started eating her pancakes, doused in syrup. "Put that down, you've have enough. You don't want a repeat of the aquarium incident, do you?" Hayden put the bottle down and moaned at her mother. She noticed it was 7:50am. And school starts at 8:15. " Mom can I have 5 bucks for lunch?" Hayden hurried. Her mom nodded toward her purse and then she was off. Hayden didn't just walk to school today, she ran. By the time she got there, it was packed. She sat on a bench and noticed the gates weren't open yet. She took out she ipod and listened for awhile, until they finally opened up the gates. She quickly concealed the music player in her locker and went to her homeroom. Thirteen was it?
Hayden texted Gale with a " Hey dude, morning, if you grt this before you wake up, you're so late for school. By the way, what room didya get? I got 13, with hawk eye. Lucky she ain't here right now, uh oh, I see here gtg. ttfl, Hayden."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSO LIKE...WHATEVER!

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