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Girl-Crazy Explorer

5,150 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Clambake 200
  • Full closet 200

Girl-Crazy Explorer

5,150 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Clambake 200
  • Full closet 200
        active membersss:
        Wendla Bergmann
        A Masochists Wet Dream


Girl-Crazy Explorer

5,150 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Clambake 200
  • Full closet 200
        saved characters
        ruruka: garrett, alice
        kanita: damien, chiara
        katt: tristan, theo, seth
        wendla: craig, zinnia
        ninja: ??

Girl-Crazy Explorer

5,150 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Clambake 200
  • Full closet 200
▅▅▅ ▅▅▅ ▅▅▅ ▅▅▅ ▅▅▅ ▅▅▅


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          ✩ ideas formed by ; Wendla Bergmann
          ✩ header picture taken by ; deviantArt's Bri-Chan
          ✩ based on ; all that is Disney ( which was already mostly based off of other things anyway )

Come to wonderland where never never finds you
Your one enchanted night of dreams disguised in swirling lights
Ten thousand friends to make an ecstasy of motion
You're floating, rolling, free to drown in possibility

ic thread. ooc thread. profile thread.

Girl-Crazy Explorer

5,150 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Clambake 200
  • Full closet 200
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                                Every child grew up knowing Disney. Every little kid, whether they be a 7o's baby, a 2o's baby, a 9o's baby, whatever, knows at least of Mickey Mouse. There were those who were alive when Snow White and the Seven Dwarves premiered, those who will be born when The Princess and the Frog is out in theatres, those who attended their first day of kindergarten with the songs of Hercules in their minds. Every little girl wanted to be a princess like Cinderella, a warrior like Mulan, an adventurer like Jane, or a faerie like Tinkerbell. Every little boy wanted to be strong like Hercules, live with gorillas like Tarzan, rule the land like Kuzco, or explore new worlds like Milo. No matter when you were born, if you have heard a story, any faerie tale in the world... Disney had something for you.

                                Now, there were the children who simply aspired to be like these characters, and there were the children who simply were. They might have known it since birth, or found out simply by chance, but this class of students quite plainly were the Disney films come to life. From the first Disney animated features canon to one produced in 2oo2, each child grew up with a favourite character, and their friends and family complemented that idea. Some of the kids didn't pick their animated counterparts: some were told they were Hercules-esque, or were simply considered to be like Bambi. Snow White had Dopey. Mulan had Shan Yu. Cinderella had Prince Charming. Captain Hook, Tinkerbell, Peter Pan, and Wendy had each other.

                                Chicago. Severely misinformed kids think it's the capital of Illinois. The largest city in the state and the midwestern united states, it was as beautiful as urban could get. The metropolitan area of the city was the destination of these families. An entire coincidence that Chicagoland was the place where these faces grew to be even more impossibly related? None of these kids really knew for sure. But the meaner streaks in some of the Chicagoan characters began to show over time. This particular group of students were all friends once, but like with all friends, rifts formed with time; these schisms the most obvious of any in the world. What was originally just playful banter for the sake of having frenemies became something much bigger.

                                We blink our eyes and find ourselves at Clemente High School, where these trials and tribulations take place. The students are advised to speak without trepidation or false moralities by means of the school rules. Taking part in sports or clubs is encouraged, and this group takes advantage of that. Well, the two groups. What happens there is up to chance.

Girl-Crazy Explorer

5,150 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Clambake 200
  • Full closet 200
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                                σ1 ✩ L i t e r a c y ; ; Sure, everyone has their own preference where literacy is involved. In case your school wasn't as clear as mine, a paragraph should be at least six good-sized sentences: that means no fragments. As this is a lit/adv.lit roleplay, I need everyone to have three paragraphs, at least, in every post. Three paragraph minimums aren't that ridiculous, and that's what we expect here. Be reasonable, use your judgement to realize if your post has enough upon which the next RPer can work. And know when enough is enough- we don't want to read a sentence, but we don't want a novel, either. And of course, good grammar is a must. Everybody makes mistakes now and then, but DoNt TyP lYk DiS.

                                σ2 ✩ P o s t s ; ; Post formats! They're necessary for the aesthetics of the roleplay. It makes it pretty. It doesn't need to be majourly decked-out, but at least make an effort. If you don't know how to make one, there are tons of people who do. Any pictures used should not eat up the entire post- please use common sense. The regular font colour should be black, and you should have a post colour that is individual for your character. Know how to use "bold for speaking" and italics for thought.

                                σ3 ✩ F r e q u e n c y ; ; It shouldn't be that difficult to write three paragraphs. I've found time in my week to roleplay about twelve characters, along with school, my social life, and family. You don't have to post every day, or even every other day- if you can find time once or twice a week to post in the IC, that's just what I'm looking for. If you cannot post for an extended period of time, make a note of it and just PM Wendla Bergmann. If you are absent without leave for nine days or more, a notification will be sent to you. In the case of which you don't post within a week of receiving the warning, your character will be let go and the character slot will be open again.

                                σ4 ✩ P r o f i l e s ; ; To reserve a spot, PM me the name of the character you want and an 1ooX1oo icon of the person you want to use for your character. No celebrities, no anime characters, no scene/emo kids. Send that along with samples of your roleplaying in links with any title you like. Once you've been accepted, you have one week to fill out the profile, a deadline upon which your reservation will be null and void if it happens that you don't send me the profile. Profiles should be PMed to Wendla Bergmann with the title "Andy Mientus Loves You." Nothing I can't read and nothing inappropriate. If a character is already taken, it goes without saying that I am not going to accept your profile. Use your head.

                                σ5 ✩ C o n t e n t ; ; You know the drill. You follow Gaia's rules, then you're following mine. I spent too much effort working on this thread to get it shut down by the mods. Keep everything PG-13 at best, and absolutely no cybering: not even in PM's. That is against the TOS. So, violence and gore. This really shouldn't be a problem, but I should hope you know where to limit yourself. Godmoding other people's characters isn't cool. Okay, cussing and profanity is allowed in this RP, but just don't go overboard. Sure, I swear now and then, but I don't spout it out every other word. Please, just use common sense. I'm a b***h to handle sometimes, especially when you don't do as I like, so you all need to watch yourselves.

Girl-Crazy Explorer

5,150 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Clambake 200
  • Full closet 200
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                                User Image___________ ZINNIA WEILAND
                                _________________ bambi
                                __ female x sixteen x heterosexual
                                __ wide-eyed and innocent
                                __ adopted child but a natural leader
                                __ valedictorian and a stickler for rules
                                __ Wendla Bergmann

                                User Image___________ CRAIG BONNAROO
                                _________________ mike yagoobian
                                __ male x eighteen x homosexual
                                __ self-deprecating; tries to do well but fails
                                __ narcoleptic; thus is always tired, except in baseball
                                __ holds grudges and is easily provoked into resenting others
                                __ Wendla Bergmann

                                User Image___________ ALICE CARROLL
                                _________________ alice
                                __ female x sixteenx heterosexual
                                __ inherently beautiful and extremely rich
                                __ a party girl; dating the mad hatter
                                __ overly curious about everything
                                __ Ruruka

                                User Image___________ GARRETT QUINN
                                _________________ hercules
                                __ male x eighteen x heterosexual
                                __ ridiculously strong; a soccer player
                                __ is in love with bambi
                                __ has a heroic streak and is stanford-bound
                                __ Ruruka

                                User Image___________ SETH O'REILLY
                                _________________ scar
                                __ male x eighteen x heterosexual
                                __ gang leader; king of the school
                                __ low, raspy voice to match his mind
                                __ chain-smoker of cigarettes
                                __ A Masochists Wet Dream

                                User Image___________ THEO RAWLINS
                                _________________ kevin
                                __ male x eighteen x bisexual
                                __ flashy and loud; an attention whore
                                __ protective and athletic
                                __ adhd-afflicted; addicted to chocolate
                                __ A Masochists Wet Dream

                                User Image___________ TRISTAN WINTERS
                                _________________ mad hatter
                                __ male x eighteenx heterosexual
                                __ apprehensive, i-don't-care attitude
                                __ lazy and sleeps often
                                __ a bit of a stoner; alice's boyfriend
                                __ A Masochists Wet Dream

                                User Image___________ CHIARA MANON
                                _________________ hyena
                                __ female x eighteen x heterosexual
                                __ persuasive, but a compulsive liar
                                __ unprincipled but loves politics and debating
                                __ seth's number-one fan; rather obsessive
                                __ KanitaDoyle

                                User Image___________ DAMIEN BUTLER
                                _________________ sid phillips
                                __ male x eighteen x heterosexual
                                __ a skater boy; hyperactive
                                __ kind of twisted and disturbed
                                __ likes tormenting the vulnerable and being downright vicious
                                __ KanitaDoyle

Girl-Crazy Explorer

5,150 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Clambake 200
  • Full closet 200
User Image

                                Copy it down, follow the instructions. For an example of what I expect, look at the character 'Zinnia' in the profile thread. Don't steal the codes for your own use. Fill out the profile in third person, and for God's sakes, don't change tenses. Use two colours, replace Yours1 and Yours2 with the names. Send me the 1OOx1OO avatar with your reservation so I know who you're using. USE REAL PEOPLE, NOT ANIME CHARACTERS, OR I WILL SHOOT YOU IN THE FACE. :'D

                                [size=15]on i [[color=Yours1] G O [/color]], to [[color=Yours2] W O N D E R [/color]] and to [[color=Yours1] L E A R N I N G [/color]] -- [color=Yours2]★★[/color][/size]

                                [color=white]xxxxxxxxxx[/color][size=24][b][u]first middle "main nickname, if any" last[/u][/b][/size]
                                [align=right][size=10]name [b]the[/b] [color=Yours1]s t a r s ,[/color] [i]and[/i] KNOW [strike]their[/strike] [color=Yours2]dark[/color] [u]returning[/u]://[/align]

                                [align=center][img]large photo of your character here[/img][/align]

                                [list][list][size=17][color=Yours1]Disney character name here.[/color][/size]

                                [align=center][img]disney icon in characters post[/img][color=white]xxxxxxxxxx[/color][img]your character's picture icon[/img]
                                [size=9]links to other pictures in a song lyric go here[/size][/align]

                                [align=right][size=17]i am ❝ [color=Yours1]playing[/color] ❞ me ⇐[/size][/align]

                                [size=11]what's the [ [color=Yours2]n a m e[/color] ] of the game?
                                [list][size=10]name of your character.[/size][/list]

                                i'm [ [color=Yours2]c a l l i n g[/color] ] to know the world's true yearning.
                                [list][size=10]any nicknames, followed by one-sentence explanation per nickname.[/size][/list]

                                one is the [ [color=Yours2]l o n e l i e s t[/color] ] number.
                                [list][size=10]character's age. spell it out. followed by birthday, month and day.[/size][/list]

                                why do you [ [color=Yours2]p r e s s[/color] ] your knees together?
                                [list][size=10]gender, followed by sign (♀ or ♂) .[/size][/list]

                                home is where the [ [color=Yours2]h e a r t[/color] ] is.
                                [list][size=10]birthplace (city and country, or city and state if in U.S.)[/size][/list]

                                but still, run it [ [color=Yours2]b a c k[/color] ] again.
                                [list][size=10]blood type, height (in feet/inches) and weight (in pounds).[/size][/list]

                                shoot up some [ [color=Yours2]y o u[/color] ] in the you of some song.


                                [align=right][size=17]dig a ❝ [color=Yours2]little[/color] ❞ deeper ⇐[/size][/align]

                                i'm starting with the [ [color=Yours1]m a n[/color] ] in the mirror.
                                [list][size=10]appearance. one paragraph minimum.[/size][/list]

                                you're so vain, you [ [color=Yours1]p r o l l y[/color] ] think this song is about you.
                                [list][size=10]personality. one to two paragraphs.[/size][/list]

                                history, little [ [color=Yours1]m i s s[/color] ] didn't do right.
                                [list][size=10]your character's past. two to three paragraphs.[/size][/list]

                                went and ruined [ [color=Yours1]a l l[/color] ] the true plans.
                                [list][size=10]at least one secret. one paragraph per secret.[/size][/list]


                                [align=right][size=17]nine people's ❝ [color=Yours1]favourite[/color] ❞ thing ⇐[/size][/align]

                                everything's coming up [ [color=Yours2]r o s e s[/color] ] for me and for you.
                                [list][size=10]likes, at least five with a sentence each explaining why.[/size][/list]

                                it was big and [ [color=Yours2]ugly[/color] ] and i don't think it liked me.
                                [list][size=10]dislikes, at least five with a sentence each explaining why.[/size][/list]

                                i solemnly [ [color=Yours2]s w e a r[/color] ] that i am up to no good.
                                [list][size=10]class schedule. see post below for class options.[/size][/list]

                                the secondary characters are [ [color=Yours2]c a l l i n g[/color] ] the shots.
                                [list][size=10]what makes them like their disney character? one to two paragraphs.[/size][/list]

                                [align=center][size=10]we've all [color=Yours1]got[/color] our junk, and my junk is [color=Yours2]you[/color][/size]

                                [size=15]........☆[/size]your username here[size=15]☆........[/size][/align]

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