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                                                    B A S I C xx I N F O R M A T I O Nxxxxxx
                                                          x Inoru Yamanaka
                                                          x None
                                                          x Thirteen
                                                          x March 25th
                                                          x Genin
                                                          Team 2

                                                          x Fire and Wind
                                                          x He usually carries around a set of purple scrolls which contain poisonous ninja wolfbane flowers. He has a decent amount of kunai and shurikan. Also Inoru has a variety of ninja tools such as flash bombs, smoke bombs, explosive notes, and wire which is held inside scrolls to save space for his medical supplies.
                                                          x Konoha

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                                                          x BIOGRAPHY
                                                              Inoru is the youngest son of Inoru Yamanaka Shinobu Yamanska. When he was born he was rather small. As he grew older he started to resemble his mother due to his long blonde hair and thin body structure. When he was growing up he respected his older siblings and often watched them train and was amazed by their skills. When he was eight he was enrolled into the ninja academy learning the fundamentals of becoming a ninja. It was also the time where his oldest brother was enrolled to take part in the chuunin exams. The day that his brother told his family the news that he passed the two stages of the chuunin exams on his first try he felt a little jealous. The male watched as he trained for his upcoming match with their father and felt a bit left out. His mother sensed this and tried training him while his brother and father trained. While they trained he appeared to catch on rather quickly learning the mind transfer jutsu as well as learning to control his chakra better. After the month went by it was time for his brother’s match and he sat with his family and watched his brother. As he continued to watch he could not help but feel inferior to him and felt as if he was not able to compare to him. When the battle was over he congratulated his brother on his victory. When he heard the news that he was promoted to a chuunin he decided he had to work harder so he would not be left behind. Inoru devoted all of his time to training and his studies at the academy and when he came home he trained with his father often and intensely.

                                                              When he graduated the academy he was determined to use this chance to prove that he was not going to live in their shadow anymore. Even then people always told him his brother was going to become the next head of the Yamanaka clan and told him that he was lucky to have someone so great in his family. Inoru was going to prove to others that he is stronger than his brother. He remembered challenging his brother to a match and losing which only fueled his drive to become stronger.

                                                        T E C H N I Q U E xx L I S T xxxxxx

                                                              x Mind Transfer Jutsu

                                                              x Mystical Palm jutsu

                                                              x Chakra Scalpel Jutsu

                                                              x Healing Wave Tecnique
                                                              While the healing hand technique is the choice of most medical ninja, sometimes the patient simply can't be gotten to in time to be healed. In those instances, this technique is used to heal them from afar. This jutsu focuses chakra into the hands of the user and then projects it towards the patient. While this jutsu is just as efficient at healing as the healing hands technique, it does cost considerably more chakra.

                                                              x Thorned Death
                                                              This jutsu makes the opponent see throned vines wrapping around the lower half of thier body. This will prevent the opponent from moving as it would make them feel as if they moved the thorns would sink into their body.

                                                              x Wind Release: Wind Clone

                                                              x Delicate Illness Extraction Technique
                                                              x Rain of the Cherry blossom

                                                              This genjutsu affetcs both sight and smell. When it is cast the area around them changes into a area full of cherry bloossom trees. In this realm Inoru will throw three tagged kunais which will appear as if they are cherry blossoms being carried by the wind. When the tags detonate the genjutsu will be released.

                                                              x Ninja Wolf bane escape:
                                                              This genjutsu is used to create openings for an attack or a quick escape. When Cast a rain of ninja wolfbane petals will appear and cover Inoru and when the petals disperse Inoru will be gone as well.

                                                              x Chakra sensing Jutsu

                                                              x Mind Destruction Jutsu

                                                              x Chakra hair binding technique

                                                              x Body Flicker jutsu

                                                              x Fire style : Great fireball jutsu

                                                              x Poison Fog Jutsu
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                                                    B A S I C xx I N F O R M A T I O Nxxxxxx
                                                          x Vandaruhātsu [Uzumaki – This is unknown to him.]
                                                          x Van; The Forever Student
                                                          x Fifteen; 15
                                                          x October 31st
                                                          x Genin
                                                          x Team Four
                                                          x Earth (Doton)
                                                          x Kunai - Exploding Tags - Smoke Bombs - Blood's Edge
                                                          x Konohagakure

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                                                          x BIOGRAPHY
                                                              Vandaruhātsu, what can be said about this son of a b***h that isn’t completely boring or negative? Well for the sake of understanding just who he is and why we should start at the beginning, a strange beginning to sound the least and chances are he will never know the actual truth. Born on October 31st amidst a windy Halloween night it seemed like he was a bad omen right from the get-go but his parents were overjoyed none the less. Sadly his mother was ill and the birthing process had been all sorts of brutal on her, this night was bound to be her last. She was Mitsunari Sheiji, the daughter of a fisherman who became the head of the business upon the passing of her parents. She struggled early on to keep the business afloat; it seemed people of the port town Hourousha in the Land of Waves just weren’t ready to work for a woman. The business was crumbling and her depression grew until the day Vandaruhātsu’s father came on the scene disguised as a wayward traveler. The man came on a boat from Kirigakure and went by the name Matatabi, a simple travelling salesman but in reality he was so much more. He was a runaway from the Village Hidden in the Mist who was being hunted as a result of his knowledge concerning Fuinjutsu, something he had become notoriously skilled with. See, Matatabi’s descendents can be traced back to that of the ancient Uzumaki clan and he had travelled the world unraveling old techniques that had been long forgotten. Sadly this knowledge made him both coveted and feared and when he refused to live the life of a shinobi any longer he was ordered to be killed and so he fled. The two met in a chance meeting and soon after a relationship blossomed although with Matatabi’s past kept silent. Many years later the two were married and Mitsunari had become pregnant; secrets had not been kept between the two though, she knew of his past and he knew of her illness. Upon Vandaruhātsu’s birth and Mitsunari’s deathbed she made Matatabi promise to protect their son before she passed on.

                                                              To assure his son would not be used as a Shinobi tool like he had been he placed an uneven seal upon the boy’s right eye, locking away his naturally large chakra reserves and hindering his eyesight. This he hoped would keep his son from getting involved with the life of a ninja. Matatabi took on the fishing business in Hourousha in honor of his late wife and planned to groom his son to be a great fisherman as well. Much of the memories that Vandaruhātsu has as a child are those in a fishing boat or idolizing the many wandering warriors who came through the port town. He could never explain it but even as a young child he yearned for adventure and even though he loved the simple life of fishing all day with his old man he knew one day he would have to leave his home town, one way or another. The day came sooner than expected for the young boy who was only 7 at the time; after another day worth of fishing he was sitting around the port as per usual when an unusual looking group of travelers showed up, these ones seemed more officially and all sported the same headband with a peculiar design of 4 rippled lines. They were rigid and mean looking people who wasted no time in questioning for the whereabouts of a man known as Matatabi, the young boy was about to give them an answer before he caught a quick glimpse of the weapons adorned on their bodies. More frightened than intrigued he ran home to his father and told him about who had sailed in only moments earlier and Matatabi made his decisions almost instantly; they were to flee from Hourousha and head to Konohagakure, he would protect his son even if it meant running and run they did. They had managed to immigrate to the Leaf without many issues using the same papers that Matatabi had settled in Hourousha with.

                                                              Matatabi took a job as a carpenter and had planned to groom Vandaruhātsu to do the same now; at least in Konoha they could be safe and protected with much more reliability. It was here that the young lad was introduced to the life of a shinobi though, seeing them patrolling the villages and sporting their gear with pride. He was even jealous of the kids who were allowed to go to the Academy and learn such crazy techniques while he was stuck learning to build s**t. His father tried to keep him away but it proved to be futile at best and when Vandaruhātsu had gotten into a scuffle with one of the Academy kids who had been teasing him because of the eye patch, the surprising thing was that he actually won. He was punished but ever since that fight all he could think about was becoming a ninja and so pester his father he did; soon enough the man gave in and Vandaruhātsu was enrolled in the Ninja Academy of Konohagakure. Matatabi’s plan was to have son enter and eventually fail, after all the seal that was placed upon the boy’s eye so long ago would keep him from gaining any great amount of control over his own chakra and eventually he would just quit; this plan backfired. It was true the years in the Academy were difficult for the young lad but he was persistent and determined, he wasn’t afraid to the feed a knuckle-sandwich to anyone who was quick to tease him and he trained vigorously. His taijutsu was acceptable but he had little to no control of his chakra and eventually this would lead him to fail the Genin exams not just once but twice!

                                                              Throughout the school years his chakra control showed little improvement and he couldn’t even manage the basic clone or transformation techniques but his rigorous training and constant school yard fights had left him with bit of an advantage in taijutsu, that alone would not get him a pass though. Hell, he even showed his own brand of cunning when it came to learning; sure he wasn’t book smart or anything but he had his moment to shine! Determination didn't gain him many fans though, well maybe it was his attitude or the constant skirt chasing (which he also failed horribly at) but even so he was going to pass in spite of the other class-members. The first time he attempted the Genin exams was a complete disaster, he failed all tests and was left in the dust as his classmate passed and laughed at him. The next year he had managed to pass the taijutsu test but that was it and once again he was left behind looking like an idiot. Unlike Matatabi had hoped though it only provided fuel to keep Vandaruhātsu’s will in full-boar drive! Third time’s the charm as they say and the determined lad was determined to get this s**t done right! He passed the taijutsu with a nice average score and had managed to just barely pass the written test but it was the Clone Technique that would be the death of him, or see he thought! Attempt after attempt he failed and soon the giggled began to arise throughout the classroom, “Van the Forever Student” the chanted and yelled at him. What happened next shut everyone up though, Van the Forever Student had successfully preformed the Clone Technique, although it did not last long it had still be done and he was permitted to finally graduate! After receiving his Leaf headband he rushed home to tell the good news to his father and upon receiving it Matatabi was left dumbstruck and feeling both a sense of accomplishment and concern; his son had managed to overcome the seal that the old man himself had placed on the boy, if only momentarily, but now he was being thrust deeper into the dangerous life of a ninja.

                                                              After the Genin massacre that would come to be known as the 'Day of Tears' Van's training regiment exploded in it's ferocity. His craving for more power was not driven by some foolish ideology of vengeance or honor for those other Genin, if he was to be quite honest the boy didn't much care. They were ninja and death was their closest companion, this was something that Van felt he understood but the others hadn't. Instead his drive for more strength came from the power displayed by his two teammates, Tsubaki Uchiha and Daisuke Senju, both of whom were gradually leaving him behind and creating a large gap in their skill levels. Anger drove Van in search of a way of releasing his potential and two masters met his call, Corrin the Hokage and Van's own father Matatabi. Corrin was the first to approach Van with the offer of training under him in the art of Kenjutsu, something the boy accepted with overwhelming excitement. After receiving his Claymore known as the Blood's Edge Van felt an obvious improvement in his skill under the tutelage of Corrin but still his chakra seemed locked away by other mysterious means. Matatabi had never wanted his son to be involved in the dangerous life of a shinobi just as his wife had requested before she passed away but Van's increased drive was something that he could no longer ignore. After the Day of Tears Matatabi was left with a choice, pull his son forcefully from the Shinobi life or release the hindering seal he had placed on him fifteen years ago, the choice was simple. Van could never live a life without fighting and Matatabi knew this better than anyone, to try and force him to do anything was futile and so one night he had explained everything to his son; the seal, his mother's wish and Matatabi's own past as an S-Rank Criminal from Kirigakure. From there on to insure his wife's wish that her son never be in danger Matatabi took it upon himself to also train his son in controlling his naturally large reserves of chakra as well as to pass on his vast knowledge of Sealing Techniques and once the seal had been removed Van's growth exploded in the likes that are rarely seen. Seven months of grueling and intense training have passed, the Chuunin exams have come and Van is interested in showcasing his new skills and kicking some a**.

                                                        T E C H N I Q U E xx L I S T xxxxxx

                                                              x Street Fighting (Shigai Sen)
                                                              Through his constant schoolyard fights and rigorous training Van has partially developed a taijutsu style that is unique to himself, seeing as he couldn’t grasp any of those taught in the classes he was left with little choice otherwise. This style is exactly as the name implies, very loose and unrefined but that has also become one of its biggest strengths. Van’s fighting is highly adaptable and unpredictable to anyone who has been lucky enough to not face his fury. Instead relying solely on speed Van lights to get up close and person and stay there going shot for shot. It involves a well balanced assortment of punches, kicks and grappling skills that are combined to keep the pressure on the enemy and wear them down for a wicked finisher. Be warned, if Van manages to get up in yo’ grill he is going to knock your a** down.

                                                              x Vandal’s Assault (Ban Daru no Asaruto)
                                                              Primarily a punching combo that has much of a boxing style; Van keeps his guard up until the opponent slips up and an opening is creating. Utilizing this opening he begins the combo with a light right jab, followed by a strong left hook and finished with a heavy right hand uppercut before taking a step back and putting his guard back up.

                                                              x Vandal’s Onslaught (Ban Daru no Onsu Rōto)
                                                              A heavy combo utilizing both punching and kicking strikes to wear the opponent’s guard down until they slip up. Van will go in full-boar with fists flying if the opponent is guarding and once an opening is created he will monopolize on it and deliver a heavy blow to momentarily stun the opponent. With their guard broken Van will grapple them and begin launching heavy knee strikes to the gut and chest and once the fatigue begins to hit him he will head-butt the target and create some distance between them again.

                                                              x Vandal’s Arm-bar (Ban Daru no Amu Bā)
                                                              A basic arm-bar that Van utilizes on opponents he has knocked to the ground. It is useful for keeping them from performing hand seals and jutsu. Van secures an arm at the wrist of the opponent, trapping it by squeezing the knees together. His legs end up across the opponent's chest, with the arm held between the thighs, with the elbow pointing against the thigh or hips. By holding the opponent's wrist to Van’s chest with the pinky finger on the sternum and the thumb facing up the practitioner can easily extend the opponent's arm and hyperextend the opponent's elbow. The attacker can further increase the pressure on the elbow joint by arching their hips against the elbow. Van has also, although rarely, been seen performing a flying arm-bar but this is much more difficult and risky.

                                                              x Vandal’s Suplex (Ban Daru no Sūpurekkusu)
                                                              If the opponent is fatigued enough Van will stun them with a quick jab before locking them in a grapple. Forcing their head down and locking his arm around it Van will then plant his free hand on the opponent’s and lift them into the air using both his lower and upper body strength. Once in the air Van will utilize his strength to get them straight over his head and vertical with his body after which the weight of the opponent’s body with send them downwards and slam them to the ground, the whole time Van’s body follows through. If Van isn’t fatigued by this point it sets him up well for a ground and pound game or a submission hold.

                                                              x Sword Technique: Vandal’s Rocket (Kenjutsu: Ban Daru no Roketto)
                                                              Using the Earth Release Added-Rock Weight technique in combination with his Kinetic Drive seal on the Blood’s Edge Van is able to turn his blade into what is essentially an incredibly fast and heavy flying sword. This trick requires precise time or the blade will be flung too early without the added weight or the added weight will make the blade too heavy to hurl. When done correctly the momentum and added weight of the blade create an explosion like impact upon hitting anything; known to shatter both trees and stone.

                                                              x Sealing Technique: Kinetic Thrust (Fuinjutsu: Kinetikku Surasuto )
                                                              A Fuinjutsu that Van created on his own by studying kinetic energy and movement. The seal takes the form of a large black arrow and within this seal is pure kinetic energy. The seal is triggered upon contact and instantly sends whatever has activated it rocketing at high speeds in the direction the arrow was facing. This is useful for giving Van a boost in speed as well as messing with an opponent. The seals could even be placed in an intricate design which the first seal could potentially send the object touching the seal on a roller coaster ride through multiple seals.

                                                              x Sealing Technique: Kinetic Burst (Fuinjutsu: Kinetikku Bāsuto)
                                                              Using a tattooed seal on his palms Van is able to convert his chakra into kinetic energy and seal it within the markings on his palms, when he desires he is able to release this energy into a short rang but powerful burst of pure kinetic energy.

                                                              x Sealing Technique: Kinetic Drive (Fuinjutsu: Kinetikku Doraibu)
                                                              Van places a smaller seal on his forearms and so when he makes contact with an opponent through punching he will activate the seal and release the kinetic energy. The surge of energy will increase the force of the punch greatly and could possibly even prove to be fatal for unsuspecting punks. Can also be used in combination with swinging his large blade at incredible and otherwise unattainable speeds.

                                                              x Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock Technique (Doton: Kajūgan no Jutsu)
                                                              This technique simply allows the user to increase the weight of whatever they are touching. When used on living organisms they exhibit petrification and then begin to crumble.

                                                              x Earth Release: Light-Weight Rock Technique (Doton: Keijūgan no Jutsu)
                                                              Contrary to its counterpart the Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock Technique, instead of making the target heavier, this technique makes it much lighter. This allows freer manipulation of the affected objects, which would normally carry considerably more weight and as such, require a greater amount of exertion to move. The technique can be used on the user or other shinobi to increase their speed, but as a consequence of using it this way, it results in the decrease of the physical force of their blows.
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                                                    B A S I C xx I N F O R M A T I O Nxxxxxx

                                                          x Kazemaru, Kazuki
                                                          x Mugendai Ken no Kazuki [Kazuki of the Infinity (Infinite) Blade]
                                                          x June13
                                                          x Jounin
                                                          x Team Seven
                                                          xLightning, Wind, Water
                                                          x PairedKazemaru Clan Crafted Chakra Bladed Katana w/ matching Paired Tanto;Five Standard Chakra Bladed Katana, Kunai, Senbon, Explosive Tags, Steel Wire, Weapon Storage Scrolls
                                                          x Konoha

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                                                          x BIOGRAPHY
                                                              One of Konoha's younger Jounin, Kazuki is recognized as a rare elite within the Kazemaru Clan and potentially one of Konoha's future famed individuals. A naturally gifted Shinobi, he was able to pass through his generations Chuunin exams rather easily, making his way to the rank of Jounin with similar speed. He is fairly well respected despite his age, though it is impossible to deny that there isn't some doubt about his abilities amongst his fellow Jounin and even some Chuunin he surpassed. Such scrutiny has put pressures on the young Jounin to excel and prove himself worthy of his title, rank, and support, a form of stress the young man has yet to admit even to himself.

                                                              Being young the council avoided assigning him with the task of leading a team on his own, instead leaving Kazuki to perform solo or small cell missions often of higher importance. His ambitions and dedication to his work lead him to be seen as a workaholic, constantly taking on missions and tasks with little time for rest in between. His work ethic lead him to take on a role within the Anbu Black Ops and Hunter Nin, operating amongst the nameless elite for eight months before he was eventually reassignedand returned to the ranks of the unmasked Konoha Jounin. As the Kazemaru clan is descendant of a long line of Samurai, most of their techniques involve Taijutsu and Kenjutsu, while their Shinobi techniques are constantly being developed. Most of Kazuki's focus is rooted within his clans specialities, however during his time at the academy and as a Chuunin he displayed a good sense for NinjaTechniques and training, picking things up quickly and adapting them for his own specialized use. Possessing a gift for situational analysis he is able to break down techniques and how they work quickly, even demonstrating a capacity to utilize the skill during actual combat with great success. As a little known fact, most of his acquired techniques are simply his mimickery of other techniques his witnessed with his own personal preferences added in.

                                                              Due to his excellent performance, he has unintentionally evoked the hopes and been entrusted with the burden of proving the rather young Kazemaru clan as an asset to Konoha. Originating as a migrated clan from the Land of Iron during the last war, the clan has seen some political and social turmoil, many clans believing the Kazemaru to be a clan unfit for the task of being Shinobi. For the most part they are widely viewed as Samurai attempting to cling to their old ways and struggling to stay afloat in the fast paced world of the Ninja. Over the years few members of the small clan have excelled beyond the ranks of Chuunin. With Kazuki being a rare and gifted exception, the clan has a chance at displaying it's potential, though at no small cost to the young prodigy.

                                                              Like most Samurai, Kazuki considers the Hokage, Corrin, something akin to a Samurai War Lord. By his code of honor he lives to serve both Corrin and uphold Konoha's 'Will of Fire'. While outdated, Kazuki does often refer to Corrin as Hokage-Dono, using the honorific to signify his tie to Lordship in Kazuki's eyes. For the most part of Kazuki' upbringing as a Ninja, his career was quite similar to that of the Hokage's prior to his new rank. A fast ascension through the ranks, no apparent ties to the major familes typically associated with the hierarchy of Konoha. Upon Corrin's rise to the Hokage title, Kazuki worked on a specialized technique utilizing both his own special talents and the Kazemaru Elemental Blade styles. As such the blade often resembles that of Corrin's minus the chain though he would never dare show it off for him.

                                                              Now, Kazuki prepares to embark on his next stepping stone as he has accepted the duty as the Leader of Konoha's Squad 7.

                                                        T E C H N I Q U E xx L I S Txxxxxx

                                                              x Shadow Sparrow
                                                              A shadow clone projection of a small sparrow is created. Unlike a full sized Shadow clone of the user this clone is purely useful for surveillance and information gathering with zero to no real applicable uses in combat besides a distraction. Independent for the most part the shadow sparrow is created with a goal in mind dispersing only when damaged or the goal has been met.

                                                              x Body Flicker
                                                              a standard Shinobi technique where the user charges their body with chakra for a moment gaining incredible movement speed that is nigh untraceable.

                                                              x Sword of the Four Winds
                                                              This technique uses a large amount of chakra in order to create a Katana of the Wind Element. Light weight and able to cut through almost anything, it is a secret technique of the Kazemaru clan reserved for only the very best of it's Kenjutsu users.

                                                              x Hurricane Burst
                                                              A powerful wide area Ninjutsu, the user creates a powerful and destructive torrent of wind with the user at the eye of the storm. The attack lasts only a moment, however the damage caused often resembles that of a hurricane raging for days.

                                                              x Gale Strike
                                                              Concentrating the pocket of wind natured chakra in the palm of their hand, the user deals an enhanced open palm strike, capable of landing hits over a short distance (10 meters maximum). The power typically depends on the user, Kazuki has demonstrated an ability to utilize this technique with enough force to crush stone and leave lasting impressions on heavy armored fortifications.

                                                              x Razor Shot
                                                              Wind Nature chakra is suddenly turned into a torrent of razor winds and thrown towards the intended target(s) at high speed. While not particularly lethal it can be used in quick succession and is very useful in capturing and subduing targets. Dealing out light, whip-like strikes or lashes, targets caught in it's effects often find themselves suddenly weakened and others after a long torrent slip into shock from the pain and lacerations a full barrage is capable of inducing.

                                                              x Deflecting Winds
                                                              Gathering powerful winds around the user (and those in close proximity) to create a barrier deflecting projectiles and neutral or weaker techniques away.

                                                              x Air Walk
                                                              Creating a burst of wind chakra from either/or their palms or feet, the user is able to change directions in mid air, and even ascend during a fall. Directional changes use up varied amounts of chakra, however, utilizing the technique to “fly” or ascend uses up a great deal more, thus such use of the technique is typically regarded as useless or wasteful, however useful in changing the pace in a fight.

                                                              x Laser Shot
                                                              Concentrating Lightning into a beam the user is able to fire a single shot capable of small directional changes (arcs, not sudden turns). The attack is typically incredibly fast, accurate, and useful for silent killing. While small in size, unlike senbon, the beam is fairly penetrating and can pierce through many physical defences.

                                                              x Shockwave
                                                              Using a sudden burst of electricity the user is able to send a stunning jolt of energy in a small radius producing a shocking effect, disorienting and subduing those too weak to handle the burst, and slowing or halting others, numbing muscles and nerves even if momentarily. A good disruption technique if anything. It is often used to catch opponents off guard when fully parrying an attack is difficult or to gain an opening in an attack. Particularly useful against Taijutsu users.

                                                              x Lightning Clone
                                                              A clone which uses up considerable amount of chakra, however, when damaged, upon dispersing sends out a Shockwave as well as a Lightning Bolt directly to whatever took it down.

                                                              x Lightning Chain
                                                              Using a string of Lightning Element chakra, the user attempts to snare either a limb or a weapon of a target, sending out a burst of electricity to stun or outright electrocute them.

                                                              x Lightning Fist
                                                              A technique similar to the Chidori in appearance and delivery, however different with regards to function. While he Chidori would serve to deal a single killing blow, the Lightning Fist aims to do it through repeated, sustained strikes. Hand charged with Lightning Elemental Chakra, Kazuki delivers extremely fast and pinpoint strikes at a close range. Like the Gentle Fist striking certain parts of the body produce different effects, and while not aiming for the tenketsu, the eletrical chrges of the open palm strikes numb and render the target unable to control their body. While it is a technique often used to subdue targets (one he empoyed persistently as an ANBU black ops member) several well placed strikes arounds a targets heart can cause their heart to stop (specifically full attacks over the heart from the back and then the front of the target).

                                                              x Lightning Blossom
                                                              A mid ranged technique which involves the user charging an extreme amount of chakra into their hands. Once close enough to a target they unleash a clustered stream of elextricity. Usually centric and effective on one target alone, however should two people be within close proximity (a meter or so) it will strike out at both. It was named due to the nature of it's outward appearance, that of an orb of bursting electricity arcing towards a single target.

                                                              x Hidden Spring
                                                              A technique which allows users to convert their chakra into water. The more water the more chakra required. Most users are unable to go beyond something the size of a small bathtub without some effort.

                                                              x Pressure Shot
                                                              Using a source of water nearby the user causes it to shoot forward at a high speed, often knocking down unprepared targets, othertimes striking down weapons from he sky. Each hit is releative to something of a punch, though the technique is quite clearly unfit for dealing killing blows.

                                                              x Glass Cutter
                                                              A source of water is highly pressurized and shot out in a small stream capable of piercing through boulders, trees and other similar materials with relative ease. Unlike a sword the water is used to pierce through things rather than cut, and as such is best suited for pinpoint strikes.

                                                              x Frozen Mist
                                                              Combining his abilities with Wind natured chakra, Kazuki calls forth a cold mist made up on crystalized water rather than droplets. Different than a fog, sound and visibility carries differently, and even vibrations in the air are stiffled by the ice formed.

                                                              x Charge Stream
                                                              Using his water style as a conductor, Kazuki extends the range of attacks such as his Laser Shot and Lightning Blossom using a stream of water to direct and control them as an extension of himself.

                                                              x Imperious Edge
                                                              A special technique Kazuki created out of inspiration of Corrin being named Hokage. Kazuki generates and maintains a sword formed from Water Elemental Chakra, frozen by his Wind Element, and finally, charged and enhanced by his Lightning Element. While being created the jutsu consumes a large amount of chakra, and though not as taxing, maintaining the blade and lightning steadily consumes chakra as well.

                                                              x Elemental Blade
                                                              Using Nature Manipulation the user channels their Chakra into their weapon(s) and uses them during battle. For Kazuki the technique enables him to send out blades of wind towards his target(s). He is able to use his Lightning Element with the technique, however it only adds the Lightning element to the blade(s).

                                                              x Twin Fang
                                                              A style using two Katana rather than one. Rather than focusing on Iaido (Quick Drawing), the user utilizes two swords in a defensive manner, often keeping opponents away with mid ranged attacks, waiting for openings for a vicious and often fatal strike. Often used in conjunction with the Elemental Blade technique.

                                                              x Seven Sword Strike
                                                              Using a combination of Iaido and Twin Fangs, Kazuki rushes towards the enemy, slicing at them with tight and precise strikes, often discarding or sheathing a sword in order to grab another to attack from calculatedly different angle. Throwing the swords is not unheard of either. The style/form is incredibly aggressive and aims to attack relentlessly. Users adapt to this form with their own unique perceptions of it. Some holding more than one sword in a hand, utilization of chakra strings, and many other methods.

                                                              x Kazemaru Sword Form: Asura Form
                                                              This form involves the users actively wielding Six Swords at once through the use of chakra strings and their own body. the form is a very aggressive style, attack oriented with the goal of pressuring opponents through continual and unrelenting attacks from any and all angles.

                                                              x Mirage Flicker
                                                              A special technique that Kazuki has perfected on his own. effectively an improved Body Flicker, the user moves at such speeds that they're capable of leaving a mirror image in their wake. Partially caused due to a chakra phenomenon the technique creates, it is an extremely high speed movement technique likely only achievable through the use and manipulation of Lightning and Air based chakra natures.

                                                              x Hundred Swords
                                                              Best considered a finishing combo move. Using the Mirage Flicker and a storage scroll filled with a combination of real Katana and brittle fakes, Kazuki covers the battlefield in these swords. Picking up and discarding swords on the fly he uses them to relentlessly attack from every conceivable direction.

Jeering Genius

9,075 Points
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                                                    B A S I C xx I N F O R M A T I O Nxxxxxx
                                                          x Yurika Sayu
                                                          x Panda Hero
                                                          x Nineteen
                                                          x September 7th
                                                          x Jōnin
                                                          x Team Six Sensei
                                                          x Water and Sound
                                                          x Kunai, Bell Kunai, Jōhyō, 2 Kubutons, HyourouGan, and exploding sacks.
                                                          x Kirigakue --- In the process of re-locating to Konoha

User Image

                                                          x BIOGRAPHY
                                                              Sayu grew up in the lands of Water in the hidden Mist village, a star student in her class and and studied and created prototype weapons in her free time. With them failing almost 100% of the time her classmates began to doubt her, but when one failed catastrophicly and tripped up a criminal without meaning to she was seen as a hero by her peers for a short while, later shotened to Panda Hero because of her infatuation with the cute characters. While she grew up and learned more, one subject interested her more than anything. The information of how Orochimaru created the "Hidden Sound" for his experiments and targeting Sasuke Uchiha. Using sound as a weapon sounded extremely attractive to her, and she always loved singing since she was a small child. So why not use her voice in some way? Songs even! So she started experimenting with it, developing bells she could pulse with her chakra at different frequencies for different levels once attached to kunai. This spurred her to experiment with it further, using her chakra to fuse the soprano and bass tones in her voice for a drug-free type of truth serum. And that was only the start! She went on to add three songs to her Jutsu Arsenol. Eiyuu no Shi - Song of Hero, Serenade of dreams, Melody of Nightmares. During the Chuunin Exams this came in handy, sneaking around and robbing sleep from other genin as they slept, wearing down their stamina and endurance. And she passed without too much trouble. Now that she was a Jonin she wants to become an Anbu, but the chaos that has engulfed the earth so suddenly is putting those plans on hold, and she agreed to teach Genin in Konoha. With provisions and supplies, she sets off to Konohagakure to see if the situation is any better or worse there and to take the young ones under her wing to try and make a difference.

                                                        T E C H N I Q U E xx L I S T xxxxxx

                                                              x Shaking Sound
                                                              Sayu will throw multiple bell Kunai, surrounding her opponent. They'll most likely be confoused as to why she didn't hit them, allowing her to use her Chakra to start pulsing the bells to a higher and higher frequencies, sometimes making her opponent's ears bleed.

                                                              x Water Style: Water Dragon
                                                              A huge rushing water projectile in the shape of a dragon that can level anything in its path.

                                                              x Water Style: Water Dragon Whip
                                                              This jutsu creates an orb of water from which several sharp whips of water emerge that can be directed towards and impale a target or multiple targets.

                                                              x Water Style: Water Snakes Mouth

                                                              This jutsu allows the user to summon a large amount of water. The water then transforms itself into the shape of a snake and crashes down on their enemy, literally swallowing them. After it has swallowed them it turns into a river.

                                                              x Water Style: Waterfall Basin
                                                              This jutsu summons a large amount of water.

                                                              x Hidden Mist Jutsu
                                                              The user creates a thick, dense mist that covers the surrounding area.

                                                              x Hidden Mist Eye Sight Deprevation
                                                              Using the hidden mist jutsu the user reflects the natural light an a way that it blinds there opponent temporarily as long as the opponent is in the mist.

                                                              x Water Style: Syrup Capture Field
                                                              The user projects a stream of sticky, syrupy liquid which can be spit onto a surface to form an adhesive trap or onto a person to inhibit their mobility.

                                                              x Water Style: Water Clone
                                                              A clone of ones self made of water.

                                                              x Water Style: Water Encampment Wall
                                                              This defensive jutsu creates a wall of water around the user. This wall of water is especially effective at stopping fire techniques. The wall can be formed from a preexisting water source or by spitting a protective stream of water from the mouth.

                                                              x Water Style: Hard Water Spike
                                                              The user generates a huge, highly condensed spike of water around their arm that drills opponents into the ground.

                                                              x Eiyuu no Shi (Song of the Hero)
                                                              Infusing her Chakra into her voice and mixing certain tones of her voice together, it causes her target to gain more courage and rid them of any fears and hesitation, the outcome being that that person's power will increase during her song.

                                                              x Serenade of Dreams
                                                              Infusing her Chakra into her voice and mixing certain tones of her voice together, it's a beautiful song she sings, helping anyone who hears it have a restful slumber so that they will be refreshed and rejuvinated during the duration of the song.

                                                              x Melody of Nightmares
                                                              Infusing her Chakra into her voice and mixing certain tones of her voice together, it's a song that only sounds nice to the person in the waking world. To anyone asleep, their fears will come o life by way of their dreams and they will have horrible nightmares, reversing the effects of Serenade of Dreams.

                                                              x Frequency Strike
                                                              Using the same trick as in Shaking Sound, she uses her chakra to enhance her voice so the sound waves travel farther to imrove the distance and possibly the fatality of her wepons.

                                                              x Mesmur
                                                              Uses chakra to fuse the soprano and bass tones in her voice for a hypnotizing effect.
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                                                    B A S I C xx I N F O R M A T I O Nxxxxxx
                                                          x Zak Roshi
                                                          x Slothful Child Prodigy
                                                          x 13
                                                          x JUNE29
                                                          x Chunin
                                                          x Hokage's Secret Apprentice Team Five| Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai Initiate
                                                          x Doton - Earth, Raiton - Lightning
                                                          x Old Katana, with weighted spike chain ball attached. Shuriken, and Kunai
                                                          x Kohonagakure

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

                                                          x BIOGRAPHY
                                                              Zak was born to a fairly new clan to Kohonagakure, the Roshi clan. Roshi clan migrated to the village only three years before Zak was born. As Zak came to age to enter the academy, he was seen as the prospect of the Roshi clan. How ever.. Zak had other ideas, his attitude being quite slothful, due to his over confidence in his intelligence. Zak's IQ being his sharpest weapon, he found that without an intelligent challenge, the academy was quite boring. Although pushed to do his best, Zak showed little ethusasim during those days.

                                                              Zak's mental ability was far surpass his age, but his maturity was not. Using his mental edge, Zak caused much strife amongst the instructors with pranks. Although most were innocent Zak spent alot of his time being disciplined for being either a rebel or just being lazy. His skill during practical application sessions in class showed a well-developed expertise in each field, his abilities being rounded. Zak was not prodominant in any one field, but was equally as good all around. Not being the greatest in any one particular thing.
                                                              With finally graduating the academy, Zak still holds the engima of having to bringing honor to his clan name, but this will be quite the challenge due to his attention only being given to things that would be a challenge for the child prodigy.

                                                              Although graduating from the academy Zak was not placed on a team, he was placed underneath the study of Corrin. The secrecy behind it perplexed the child genius, but with his training came to a great interest to him reigniting the flame to become a shinobi for the once uninterested nin. Zak entering the Chunin Exans with Team Five, his partners Hisana and Ren felt the cold sting of the shinobi world with his first killing of an opponent while in the Forest of Death. Then, his second shortly after during the final tournament against a Genin named Jun. Zak defeated all opponents during the tournament, and was offered several positions in different organizations including the Fuedal Lord's 12 Guardian Ninja. Zak feeling a tight pull of his village accepted the invitation to become a member of the ANBU.

                                                              Zak's shinobi career blossoming, whilst as his childish antics began to dissolve due to the pressures of political issues within his clan, and the village.

                                                        T E C H N I Q U E xx L I S T xxxxxx

                                                              x Gansetsukon - Rock Spear
                                                              Doton • Gansetsukon is a Ninjutsu utilzing the Earth Element. This jutsu allows Zak to break up nearby stone and shape it into rock spears. These spears can then be launched at Zak's opponent.

                                                              x Hiraishin - Sparking Electric Needle
                                                              Raiton • Hiraishin is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Lightning Element. After coming into physical contact with his opponent, Zak will raise his arm into the air. He will then generate a bolt of electricity which will travel through his body into the body of his opponent

                                                              x Raiton no Yoroi - Lightning Armor
                                                              Raiton no Yoroi in a Ninjutsu which utilizes the Lightning Element. After surrounding and infusing his body with the Lightning Element, Zak will greatly increase his speed, power and reaction time. This Lightning chakra will also act as a defensive shield, being able to greatly decrease the strength of incoming attacks. The increase in speed will also grant him reflexes on par with a high level nin. These abilities will also be used in conjunction with his already powerful Taijutsu to create even deadlier attacks

                                                              x Gouken Ryuu - Strong Fist Style
                                                              The Gouken form focuses on injuring the body and breaking bones, dealing primary damage to the outer body

                                                              x Raiton Kage Bunshin no Jutsu - Lightning Shadow Clone
                                                              Raiton Kage Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu that utilizes lightning to create a Kage Bunshin clone. Because it is a Kage Bunshin, the Raiton version shares the ability to interact with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out limited attacks on its target. If the Raiton Kage Bunshin is injured, the clone will revert into its natural lightning state. Like in other Lightning Element attacks, should the target come into contact with the electricity, they will be momentarily stunned.

                                                              x Rairyuu no Tatsumaki - Lightning Dragon Tornado
                                                              This technique is used in conjunction with his sword. Drawing his sword, Zak will raise it into the air and draw lightning down upon his body. The current will be contained within and around Zak's form. He will then begin to spin in place forming a whirling vortex of wind and electricity. The vortex will take on the form of a dragon and strike out against his opponent. Even if the attack doesn't directly connect with his foe, the lightning can jump from the vortex to hit a nearby target

                                                              x Dainamikku Akushon-Dynamic Action
                                                              He will launch himself at his opponent and then use a barrage of strikes and kicks.

Distinct Prophet

7,800 Points
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                                                    B A S I C xx I N F O R M A T I O Nxxxxxx 
                                                          x Inuzuka Kyra
                                                          x Wolf-girl.
                                                          x Thirteen
                                                          x September 9th
                                                          x Chunin
                                                          x Team Seven
                                                          x Wind, Earth
                                                          x Extendable Bo Staff, chain and weight, kunai, shuriken, explosive tags, storage scrolls.
                                                          x Konohagakure
                                                          x Ninken Partner

User Image

                                                          x BIOGRAPHY
                                                              Inuzuka Kyra, a oddball for an clan of oddballs, as she likes to call it. Unlike the rest of her clan, Kyra doesn't possess the signature facial markings of a typical Inuzuka, instead, her white colored hair is disturbed by streaks of red, one on the front, one in the back, and another streak on the left side. Her father believed that she would be the first Inuzuka to not become a shinobi, due to the lack of markings, a statement that earned him a thorough beat down from her mother. Luckily for her, the beating was well justified years later when, at the age of eight, just before entering the academy, Kyra was partnered with a Ninken, but, to the surprise of the clan heads, her Ninken wasn't from the litters within the clan! Instead, her senses led her to an area behind the Inuzuka complex. While there, Kyra discovered nothing, and no reason for her to be there, until she heard whimpering. After scouring the area she was in, she was rewarded by finding a small, apparently runt of a wolf pup! Her father and the clan heads were... Unsettled, to say the least. Having a purebred wolf as a ninken was as common to the Inuzuka clan as the Rinnegan was to the world. Another feature that set the clan heads on edge was the pup's pure white coat, giving it the appearance of, not a regular wolf, but one of the large, incredibly dangerous direwolves that have been stalking the winter storms.
                                                              Needless to say, Kyra, and her new found partner, Yepa, began training from that day on, their bond with each other taking off at rapid pace, her father calling it 'making up for lost time'. This statement was justified, since he and her mother had found their ninken when they were five and six years old. Kyra paid this no mind, but when it came to learning the clan's techniques, it was a bit of a problem. No matter what method they tried, she and Yepa couldn't perform the Man and Beast Clone technique! They tried everything in the clan scrolls, but nothing seemed to make their progress any easier, so, for the time being, they have given up learning the technique, instead focusing on the other clan techniques.
                                                              The placements for the Genin teams were a bit rough; she hated both of her teammates, and her sensei seemed to want nothing to do with her. Luckily, or unfortunately, however you want to see it, a mishap during a training routine has sidelined both of her teammates, and her sensei placed on leave as Corrin and the council determine his punishment. Thankfully, lightning strikes twice, sometimes. A girl by the last name of Mitarashi was recently injured and sidelined during a training accident with her own jutsu, so Corrin fast tracked her onto the roster for Team Seven!
                                                              To say that Kyra was excited was a bit of an understatement.

                                                        T E C H N I Q U E xx L I S T xxxxxx 

                                                              x Dynamic Marking

                                                              x Fang Passing Fang
                                                              The user and their ninken partner spin at a ferocious speed and deliver many powerful beast-like attacks when contact is made with the target. The force of this attack is strong enough to drill through stone. This technique seems to be stronger while using the Man and Beast Clone technique.

                                                              x Four Legs Technique
                                                              This technique grants animal-like accelerated fighting instinct and reflexes to the user. By enveloping their entire body in chakra and moving on all fours, they can obtain high speed movement and reflexes like that of a wild animal.

                                                              x Clone Technique

                                                              x Passing Fang
                                                              The user spins at a ferocious speed and delivers many powerful beast-like attacks when contact is made with the target. The damage it can inflict on a human target can be extremely damaging, as it can readily tear through thick tree branches and chakra reinforced earth wall; all of which with a radius thicker than the user itself.

                                                              x Wind Release: Wind Cutter
                                                              This technique creates a blade of wind which will cut through the enemy with ease. Kyra uses two hands to form the blade while Yepa distracts the opponent, giving Kyra enough time to aim for a finishing blow.

                                                              x Wind Release: Razor Shot
                                                              Wind Nature chakra is suddenly turned into a torrent of razor winds and thrown towards the intended target(s) at high speed. While not particularly lethal it can be used in quick succession and is very useful in capturing and subduing targets. Dealing out light, whip-like strikes or lashes, targets caught in it's effects often find themselves suddenly weakened and others after a long torrent slip into shock from the pain and lacerations a full barrage is capable of inducing..

                                                              x Wind Release: Peacock Whirlwind Palm
                                                              Kyra surrounds her hands and forearms in swiftly rotating wind chakra, allowing her to deflect objects with her hands that would otherwise cut her, or send an opponent flying.

                                                              x Man and Beast Transformation Technique
                                                              This jutsu works both ways, but usually Yepa takes on the appearance of Kyra, but Kyra can also taken on the appearance of Yepa.

                                                              x Double Headed Demon Hound Technique
                                                              A Combination Transformation where Kyra and Yepa become a single entity. They combine into a twin headed, crimson red wolf, thus drastically increasing their power. In their direct attacks, they demonstrate great efficiency. Furthermore, using techniques in addition to this gives birth to an extraordinary power of destruction. The problem is that they cannot hold this form for more than two minutes.

Fashionable Teenager

7,375 Points
  • Little Bunny Foo Foo 100
  • Happy 13th, Gaia Online! 50
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                                                    B A S I C xx I N F O R M A T I O Nxxxxxx
                                                          x ***Raiku Yoshi****
                                                          x ***Rai****
                                                          x ***Fourteen***
                                                          x ***December 18th****
                                                          x ***gennin****
                                                          x **TEAM SEVEN****
                                                          x ***wind***
                                                          x ***wind demon shuriken***
                                                          x ***Konoha*****

User Image

                                                          x BIOGRAPHY
                                                              Raiku was born into a small but well-known clan. The Yoshi-clan wasn't known for much but their loyalty. Though they had not been with Konoha for long their goal was to produce ninja raised not only to know right from wrong, but to be quick on their feet and with jutsu. When Rai was young he enrolled in the academy and struggled to be the top of his class. He knew all the jutsu a skills by heart, but executing them wasn't the easiest thing. However, eventually after harsh training from he father he passed.

                                                              Raiku was always a quiet child, but never liked to be alone. When he would go out to play with his ninja friends he would try to have fun but at the same time he didn't want himself or others to get hurt. That's when he created his ninja way. His goal in life was to make sure no one close to him did anything stupid to get themselves in trouble. To this day that is still his nindo.

                                                              After not being able to protect his teammates on a mission Raiku decided he needed extra training. For this he went to his father. Together they studied jutsu from the past and Raiku learned how to perfectly execute Dynamic entry and with help created his own taijutsu combo.

                                                        T E C H N I Q U E xx L I S T xxxxxx

                                                              x ****Shadow Clone Jutsu****

                                                              x ****Wind Release: Great Breakthrough****
                                                              ****A gust of wind Raiku blows out of his mouth. Since he has yet to master it all it can really do is blow his opponent back leaving an opening for another attack.

                                                              x ****Wind Release: Group Breakthrough****
                                                              ****Raiku uses shadow clone jutsu and then uses Great Breakthrough as all his clones, this is his strongest jutsu.

                                                              x ****Dynamic Entry****

                                                              x ****Blade of Wind****
                                                              ****Raiku emits chakra around his hands to take a blade like form. It allows him to make gashes in his enemies using wind chakra.

                                                              x ****Yoshi Takedown****
                                                              ****A combo based on Naruto Uzumaki's Uzumaki Barrage. Raiku creates three clones and dashes around his opponent using wind to create a funnel that will spin and confuse his opponent. Finally the two clones toss him at the opponent allowing him to tackle them down.

Fashionable Teenager

7,375 Points
  • Little Bunny Foo Foo 100
  • Happy 13th, Gaia Online! 50
  • Cat Fancier 100
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                                                    B A S I C xx I N F O R M A T I O Nxxxxxx
                                                          x ***Giyo Hyuuga****
                                                          x ***Gi****
                                                          x ***14***
                                                          x ***May 6th****
                                                          x ***gennin****
                                                          x **TEAM TWO****
                                                          x ***Fire***
                                                          x ***Dual Katana***
                                                          x ***Konoha*****
                                                          x ***Byakugan ***

User Image

                                                          x BIOGRAPHY
                                                              Giyo never liked the fact that his family was one of the oldest clans in the village. It meant that his life was all about respect, training to be a ninja, and to top it off with a disgusting cherry: tradition. As he grew up he was constantly being trained in the art of gentle fist. As much as the boy loved fighting there were other things he'd rather do. One of them was playing with fire.

                                                              One day when he was nine Gi was playing with a lighter he had found on the ground. Some days his father and uncle ceased his training and allowed him to walk around the village for fun. He was amazed by it's "magical power" to produce fire. So amazed he put it too close to his face. He burnt the skin around his eye. Some of the best ninja in Konoha tried to heal him but the scar stayed afterwards. His father called it a moral, but to this day Gi still calls is a "Tattoo of my Adventures".

                                                              Gi came to the academy later than most, for extra training. He enjoyed being older than everyone else. It made him kind of an automatic leader. It made him smile all the time when he bossed kids around and made them do things they didn't want to. Even now Giyo is still a total jerk to everyone around him, except adults he has to respect them or bring shame to his clan "yada yada yada..."

                                                              After a while of being with his team, Giyo learned the error of his ways. He learned to be more tolerant and less arrogant. With this slight change he could devote less time to showing off and more time to learning new things. He created some of his own taijutsu and also learned summoning jutsu from one of the teachers at the academy.

                                                        T E C H N I Q U E xx L I S T xxxxxx

                                                              x ****Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists****
                                                              **** Giyo forms two large lion-shaped shrouds of chakra around his hands, then attacks the opponent with them.

                                                              x ****Gentle Fist****

                                                              x ****Dragon's Strike****
                                                              **** A form of gentle fist created by Giyo. Giyo Ignites his palms with fire and hit's his foes chakra points, stunning and burning them.

                                                              x ****Fire Ball no Jutsu****

                                                              x ****Gentle Fist: Final Dance****
                                                              ****Giyo jabs his opponent reptitively with great speed and ends with a kick to the face.

                                                              x ****Gentle Fist: Heart Stopper****
                                                              ****Giyo's own version of 8 trigrams: 64 palms. He does pretty much all of the same things except his last palm hits one of his opponent's chakra points.

                                                              x ****Summoning Jutsu****
                                                              ****Giyo summons a giant Spider. Her name is Koko

Fashionable Friend

10,050 Points
  • Friendly 100
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  • Conversationalist 100
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                                                    B A S I C xx I N F O R M A T I O Nxxxxxx
                                                          x Sarutobi Hisana
                                                          x Hisa, Hisana
                                                          x Twelve
                                                          x February 14th
                                                          x Genin
                                                          x Five
                                                          x Earth and Water
                                                          x Puppets (2) (Information and statistics to be released upon reveal)
                                                          x Konohagakure (Returning from Suna for training under the Kazekage)

User Image
                                                          x BIOGRAPHY
                                                              Born from a family that strived to be the best in Konoha, Hisana can't help but feel that her family indirectly puts
                                                              pressure on her. Since her birth, she's heard of her clan constantly being invited to the finest parties and the
                                                              most important meetings. They say the Sarutobi is the life of Konoha, the villages true Will of Fire. However,
                                                              her shy personality has her parents worried for her sake- whether or not she'd be able to bear a son that will be
                                                              able to carry on this Will of Fire. Her parents encourage her to try and meet new people, especially boys,
                                                              so they'd be able to have some sort of reassurance about her future. In her academy days, Hisana graduated
                                                              earlier compared to the other students.. not because she was a genius, but because she wasn't strong enough.
                                                              Her chakra control was an obstacle that kept her from becoming a ninja, she found no interest in becoming a Ku-
                                                              noichi. Her father couldn't find it in himself to allow his daughter to become a drop-out, so he persuaded the
                                                              Hokage to allow her to graduate early and find a better teacher to help her become a better shinobi. He bec-
                                                              ame convinced after hours of talking, quickly assigning her to a jounin instructor that he felt would encourage
                                                              her will to become a ninja. For a couple of years, she was taught by him, making little progress with each day.
                                                              Even if it wasn't much progress, it was still progress nontheless (or at least that's how her parents saw it).

                                                              One day, the Kazekage came to visit; finding her father erupting his stress on the young girl, shouting about
                                                              her imperfections. Hisana had her head face the floor, eyes tightly shut with tears in them. The grip around her
                                                              wrists were tight, her shoulder elevated close to her cheeks as she tried to keep herself from sobbing. Not
                                                              that he ever laid a hand on her, of course, but the situation.. the stress of the moment made her feel unwanted.
                                                              Her father took a deep sigh and apologized, telling her he didn't know what to do with her now. The progress
                                                              she was making was like that of an academy student, yet the time it took to train her in secrecy seems to sug-
                                                              gest that she should've been at least near chunnin level. None of this was what he imagined, none. He patted
                                                              her head and embraced in her a hug, a worried face of concern for her well-being. The faces quickly turned
                                                              to the sound of their names being called out, the Kazekage walking towards them with his hat tilted up as a
                                                              hello. He explains that he overheard everything on accident and would be more than willing to train her since
                                                              he's never failed with his own teams. Believing in his trusted friend, her father agreed to lend Hisana to the
                                                              man in hopes of fixing her view of the ninja life. Her parents are determined to find a male companion for
                                                              her, a proper one. One who would surely help her bear a son that would represent the Sarutobi clan well. His-
                                                              ana returns to the Leaf for the Chunnin Exams, the Kazekage almost certain of her passing in them.

                                                        T E C H N I Q U E xx L I S T xxxxxx

                                                              x Hiding in Mist Technique
                                                              x Water Clone Technique
                                                              x Water Prison Technique
                                                              x Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique
                                                              x Earth Release: Underground Projection Fish Technique
                                                              x Earth Release: Tearing Earth Turning Palm

Conservative Sex Symbol

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                                                    B A S I C xx I N F O R M A T I O Nxxxxxx
                                                          x Ren Sato
                                                          x Onion-chan, Oni
                                                          x Fifteen
                                                          x August 28th
                                                          x Genin
                                                          x Team Five
                                                          x ----
                                                          x Kunai, Shurikin, Bones, and Chakra chains,
                                                          x Konohagakure
                                                          x Shikotsumyaku

User Image

                                                          x BIOGRAPHY
                                                              Centuries ago, there was a clan by the name of Kaguya, who bared the blood line of the Shikotsumyak. The clan seemed to be extinct, until slowly banished members of the clan began to appear. Though all of the clan members with the ability to use the blood line had died off, there were a few members of the clan who still were carriers of the bloodline. Fearful for the lives of their children, the family fled Kirigakure, seeking refugee in Konohagakure. Centuries went by, and the Sato clan is a very small clan in Konoha that has the kekkei genkei. The clan is very supportive of the Hokage as well as the Senju clan. The clan does have some of its barbaric tendencies, but they mostly keep to themselves.

                                                              Fifteen years ago, a child by the name of Ren was born. Like several other children, she was born with the ability to wield the Shikotsumyak. She started training at a young age. Pulling bones from her skin and tearing her flesh open has made her strong. She's a bit on the brash side, but is able to act better then some of her other clan members. Ren is a bit of a flirt, and is well known throughout genin squads to dress in an inappropriate manner. Her technique in fight males is to distract, though once the male figures that out, they have a whole different thing to deal with. She was born with very high chakra levels, but on the other hand, the girl is very simple minded, and isn't at all good at her studies. She came in dead last in the academy.

                                                              The girl was put on a team with her two best friends. Their sensei didn't see them as being ready for the chunin exams just yet, rather having them build up their strength. They began taking higher level missions as genins though and were chunin ranked. The three genins, as well as their female jonin were all very close. Ren, Ryuu and Shuuhei were all ready this year to take the exams. A horrific event occurred though. The Day of Tears. The lost of their sensei distracted the team, a giant eight foot tall bear had attacked her. They were able to get away from the monster when the Ren was attacked by a dire wolf. A whole pack descendant upon them. The ANBU members got there too late to save Ryuu. Shuuhei's legs were mauled, her best friend wouldn't be able to walk again, and he later died in the hospital. Ren's throat had been ripped opened, but due to her healing factor, she survived long enough to get to the hospital and be healed. She's a lot more quiet now, though her words still back a punch. She has a scar across her neck, and memories of her team mates that haunt her. Ren knew she lived for a reason though, taking the chunin exams in order to pass for both her team mates.

                                                        T E C H N I Q U E xx L I S T xxxxxx

                                                              Jutsu's will be finished in a bit ; D

                                                              x ****JUTSU NAME HERE****
                                                              ****if this jutsu is an original one or a high leveled one, put a description

                                                              x ****JUTSU NAME HERE****
                                                              ****if this jutsu is an original one or a high leveled one, put a description

                                                              x ****JUTSU NAME HERE****
                                                              ****if this jutsu is an original one or a high leveled one, put a description

                                                              x ****JUTSU NAME HERE****
                                                              ****if this jutsu is an original one or a high leveled one, put a description

                                                              x ****JUTSU NAME HERE****
                                                              ****if this jutsu is an original one or a high leveled one, put a description

                                                              x ****JUTSU NAME HERE****
                                                              ****if this jutsu is an original one or a high leveled one, put a description

                                                              x ****JUTSU NAME HERE****
                                                              ****if this jutsu is an original one or a high leveled one, put a description

                                                              x ****JUTSU NAME HERE****
                                                              ****if this jutsu is an original one or a high leveled one, put a description

                                                              x ****JUTSU NAME HERE****
                                                              ****if this jutsu is an original one or a high leveled one, put a description

                                                              x ****JUTSU NAME HERE****
                                                              ****if this jutsu is an original one or a high leveled one, put a description

                                                              x ****JUTSU NAME HERE****
                                                              ****if this jutsu is an original one or a high leveled one, put a description

                                                              x ****JUTSU NAME HERE****
                                                              ****if this jutsu is an original one or a high leveled one, put a description

                                                              x ****JUTSU NAME HERE****
                                                              ****if this jutsu is an original one or a high leveled one, put a description

                                                              x ****JUTSU NAME HERE****
                                                              ****if this jutsu is an original one or a high leveled one, put a description

                                                              x ****JUTSU NAME HERE****
                                                              ****if this jutsu is an original one or a high leveled one, put a description

Anxious Autobiographer

4,300 Points
  • Frozen Sleuth 100
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  • Grunny Grabber 50
                                                    B A S I C xx I N F O R M A T I O Nxxxxxx
                                                          x ***Ayaka Ito****
                                                          x ***Aya****
                                                          x ***13***
                                                          x ***August 2nd****
                                                          x ***Genin****
                                                          x **Team 6****
                                                          x ***Water ; Earth***
                                                          x ***Kunai, Shuriken, Weapon Summoning Scrolls***
                                                          x ***Konoha ; Originally Iwagakure*****
                                                          x ***None, but the Ito family is noted for their medical jutsu and mastery of weapons.

User Image

                                                          x BIOGRAPHY
                                                              Ayaka was born and raised in Iwagakure, the birthplace of the small but notable Ito clan. She began at the academy at age 7, then became a genin at age 11. She wasn’t immediately placed in a ninja squad because her parents were preparing to move to Konoha. After a year of refresher courses at Konoha’s Academy, she has been confirmed as a Konoha genin. She still often wears her Iwa headband though. Aya is more of a lover than a fighter, but knows that in order to become a successful medic nin or weapons instructor she must fight to rise through the ranks. She has a mild personality, and isn’t one to seek out a fight or an argument. She can get along with most anyone.

                                                        T E C H N I Q U E xx L I S T xxxxxx

                                                              x **** Basic Healing Jutsu****
                                                              ****For minor wounds

                                                              x ****Advanced Healing Jutsu****
                                                              ****For moderate to major wounds; can also help with broken bones, fractures, etc.

                                                              x ****Poison Extraction Technique****
                                                              ****A healing jutsu used to negate/remove poisons from the blood system.

                                                              x ****Weapon Summoning Scroll****
                                                              ****Scroll that summons virtually any weapon

                                                              x ****Water Clone****
                                                              x ****Kirigakure no Jutsu****
                                                              ****Summons a dense fog

                                                              x ****Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu****
                                                              ****Makes replicas of a weapon (i.e. thrown shuriken) that cause actual damage, then vanish.

                                                              x ****Suirou no Jutsu****
                                                              ****Traps the target in a sphere of water

                                                              x **** Suiton Suijinheki ****
                                                              ****Sends a wave of water from the user’s mouth

                                                              x ****Cancel****
                                                              ****Negates genjutsu aimed at the user

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