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Kasan0da's Partner

Benevolent Genius

18,325 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Grunny Harvester 150
xxxxxxEyra Gondranxxxxxx

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      ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Basic Identification ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀

                          Eyra Gondran

                      [Titles and Nickname(s)]
                          People call me fool, klutz and airhead because I don't exactly have what it takes to run the farm all by myself. But that's okay, because I'll get better at it every day!

                          Oh, well, um...twenty-four I believe.

                          I'm definitely a girl.

                          I don't have time to think about men! I'm busy with the farm~

                          I am a farm owner and a jack-of-all (but only one at a time)-trades for anything farm related. Some days I am a farmer, some I am a rancher and some I am a maid. It all depends.

                          Definitely human.

                      [Powers and Abilities]
                          ◈ Strong Belief:
                              Eyra is unwavering in her beliefs, especially when other people are involved. Her faith in her friends and allies abilities is intense to the point it boosts their morale and battle capabilities, giving them minor increases to strength and swiftness.

                          ◈ Nuturing:
                              Years of caring for plants and animals have given her a certain finesse. When treating others wounds, raising livestock or growing produce, the effects are sped up by small amounts (usually only a few days).

                          ◈ Role Change / Single State Of Mind:
                              Each day, Eyra awakens with a set goal and that goal is likely the only thing she'll be able to accomplish that day in an efficient manner. The inability to shift her mental focus from her waking hours means she often stumbles along and utterly fails the tasks outside her designated focus until the focus resets the next day.

                          ◈ Cooking:
                              After years of caring for herself, Eyra has learned to provide sustenance for both people and animals. Even if her focus is set to something else that day, she'll be able to prepare an edible meal that tastes like an omelette. If her focus is set to cooking, Eyra is capable of preparing large meals with spectacular flavors.

                          ◈ Barrier (Latent):
                              Unbeknownst to her, Eyra has some magical abilities. Most of her magic was absorbed through the plants and animals she cared for lovingly, making it earthen in quality. These latent magical abilities give her the power to summon a barrier to protect herself and those in a small radius around her. The idea of the farm being a defensible stronghold has always been important to Eyra, so to be able to expand and migrate that stronghold is a natural manifestation of the magic she has.

                          ◈ Materialization (Latent):
                              In continuation with her strong beliefs and her hidden magical ability, Eyra is capable of materializing one object from her imagination for a period of time. Her willingness to believe the object she imagines and desires is real summons forth her magical power to fulfill her belief and desire.


Kasan0da's Partner

Benevolent Genius

18,325 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Grunny Harvester 150

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                  ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Background ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀

                      Born to a simple family of commoners, Eyra was raised lovingly on her father's farm. Like most commoners, her life was rather uneventful, filled with the mundane routines that plagued the life of those without riches. Perhaps the highlight of events in her childhood years was the harvest season when a group of knights came to impose upon the village while they sought out a thief who had robbed the royal coffers. Knights didn't normally pass through their small farming and fishing village, so they were received with the greatest of honors in hopes that recommendation would be made to have crops ordered from their village the next year by nobility. Of course, such is the hope of commoners, only to be dashed by the fact direct orders were never made. Goods would still have to be brought by the caravan to the capital market each season.

                      This apparent shame on the village didn't have much effect on Eyra. Life seemed as plentiful and exciting as ever to the young toddler. When she neared the age of five, boys started going to school in the day, greatly lessening the excitement of the typical playgroups that gathered in the village. Many sons had been born in Eyra's birth year and the other daughter that had been born was the glove maker's daughter. The glove maker had fell into some popularity in the capital and soon thought himself better than the rest of the village, forbidding his daughter to play with Eyra, the daughter of a mere farmer.

                      Turning her attention to home in such changed times, Eyra found herself fascinated by her father's ability to sit down for extended periods of time and finish a single task. Milking a cow had always seemed to take ages, but her papa did it without batting an eye. Expressing the fascination with this focus to her mother, her mom simply told her that adults sit down and get things done because they have to. Dissatisfied with such an average answer, Eyra began working on her focus. She persisted daily at completing at least one task she hadn't appreciated much before. One day she'd scrub the wash basin and the next she brush a whole foal. More than feeling like she accomplished work, she made games of the tasks, making them immensely enjoyable.

                      By the time she was eight, her problem with focus began to develop. She'd grown so fond of some of the farms mundane tasks, that she woke up thinking of certain ones, leaving her distracted and un-resourceful until she got around to the chore she'd been most looking forward to. The problem only deepened with time. As she got older, more farm chores opened up as possibilities. Her father had been adamant about keeping her away from large animals when she was small, but as she neared adult size, a shove from a cow posed much less threat. Having looked forward to trying out milking for years, she immediately took to loving the task and the animals, only strengthening her lack of focus when she woke up with animals on the mind.

                      Ever older still, it became clear that Eyra's mother was not going to bare a son. Resigning himself to his only offspring, her father began to teach her how to raise crops, something he'd been reluctant to do in fear of the sun damaging her skin and thus her value should a family be interested in her marrying their son. The new endeavor only became another category of work for her to look forward to. It added a more frequent change of focus for her beyond the normal shift between cleaning house and caring for the animals.

                      Upon turning eighteen, Eyra's father injured his back, forcing him into early retirement. Eyra, confident in her abilities, reassured her parents that she could handle the farm and convinced them to move out to her aunt's house up in the mountains. The spring waters there were ideal for her father's injuries. Unfortunately, Eyra had bitten off far more than she could chew. With her daily shifts in focus, she found herself struggling to complete the tasks that hadn't fit under that day's umbrellas. Crops began to wilt from lack of attention. Wolves got the family sheep since she hadn't been able to properly fix the fence. After three years she was left with a wilted farmland and was forced to sell off the remaining animals for food.

                      Confidence battered, she lived meagerly on the money that she'd earned from the sale of her animals. Forced to cook creatively, she poured her energy into the task, adding cooking to her roster of daily focuses. When money began to dwindle, a miracle happened. As if by fate, a man stumbled onto her porch one rainy evening, injured and bleeding. Tends to his injuries, she nurtured him back to health using all of her remaining funds. If it was to be her last good deed before starving to death, she was going to do everything she good.

                      Recuperating fairly quickly, the stranger seemed baffled by her. Humbled by her kindness and owing her his life, he willing chose to stay behind and help her return the farm to its former glory. With a farm hand to fulfill the tasks outside her daily focus, the farm began to improve with her work and guidance. Before long, she had half her fields full and a few animals again. Indebted to the stranger for restoring her livelihood, Eyra foots any bills he creates and continues to allow him to stay with her until she can conquer her issues with focus.

                      Eyra has many of the qualities you'd find in a good-hearted person. She is kind, patient, dependable and hardworking. However her mental capacity is far lacking. Determined and passionate, she finds her head caught up in the first thought she had each day, meaning she is unable to shift focus from one of the farm's numerous tasks to another. The inability to only attend to one umbrella of jobs a day in an acceptable manner led her to fail at taking care of the farm for years. Repeated failure and taunting from other villagers damaged her confidence. In turn, she holds little belief in herself, even though her belief in others is quite strong. Even though she feels she is fighting an uphill battle against the highest standards (those she set for herself), she never stops trying, laughing through her mistakes and aiming to improve a little bit each day until she can take care of the farm on her own.

▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Additional Details ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀

                          ◈ Building
                          ◈ Cooking
                          ◈ Farm Animals
                          ◈ Farming
                          ◈ Myths

                          ◈ Death
                          ◈ Drought
                          ◈ Liars & Con Men
                          ◈ Slaughter
                          ◈ Wolves

                      [Side Notes]

                          ◈ Weapons:
                              There are a few pitchforks, a butcher knife and a cattle prod on the farm.

                          ◈ Relationships:
                              Eyra has a farm hand, Aegar, who has been around for two years. She doesn't question his whereabouts, but after she treated his injuries when he passed out on her doorstep covered in blood, he decided to stay behind and help her to repay his debts. The farm began to thrive again with his help and Eyra enjoys his company.

                          ◈ Theme Song:

                          ◈ Other:
                              •Eyra has four cows, three chickens and a sheep.
                              •She sings to the animals often, but is really bad at it.
                              •Eyra fully believes she is indebted to those around her for her continued success, even though they know that without her knowledge and guidance, the farm would still be in shambles. When the farm began its restoration, the life energy from the crops and the love of the animals for Eyra's care, began to gather within her. That earthen and natural energy is the magic that slumbers within her, unable to be accessed due to her lack of self-confidence.


Kasan0da's Partner

Benevolent Genius

18,325 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Grunny Harvester 150
User Image

                                                    Eyra Gondran
                                                    The Farmer

                                                    ~ • ~

                                                    Location: Marketplace
                                                    With: Aegar
                                                    Mood: Happy

                                                    ~ • ~

                                                    Ever a bundle of absurdity, Eyra had been ousted into the wagon's passenger seat. Having woken up with a thrill and a mind full of the atmosphere of the marketplace, she was in no state to be driving on the crowded city road. Aegar had been quick to take over after her first incident of deviating from the pathway. It wasn't as if the amount had been significant though. As they pulled into the bustling marketplace, their pace slowed. The rattling of the milk jugs ceased and Eyra dared to snag a tomato from the back of the truck. It was a very round and red tomato, the kind that made a good dinner. The farm girl was most surprised by the harvest. If all went well and they fetched a good price, she'd be able to afford some good meat for dinner for a while and maybe a new chicken.

                                                    "Aegar, let's do well today!" Finding an empty spot to set up shop, she hopped out of the wagon and undid the hitch on the side panel. She'd never been able to afford an actual stand. Instead, she used the wagon as her display table. Holding up the tomato, she beamed. "FRESH PRODUCE FOR SALE!" It was the normal fanfare for when a shop opened up, a shout of promises to attract those interested nearby. "WE HAVE MILK AND EGGS TOO!" Those daily sorts of items always sold best. For the most part, Eyra usually sold them locally, but she took a weeks worth of eggs and two days worth of milk to the city market every month. It was the perfect strategy to lure in customers so she could peddle her crops.

                                                    After making a few sales, she looked towards Aegar who'd stationed himself within the cart to hand down items. "See, see, I'm doing well~" Aegar made a habit of chiding her for her usual errors, so she'd made it a point to have some fun by pointing out when she was doing all right. While there was little pride behind the words, it was just fun to see the man's reaction. With a sneer, he commented about her talking when she actually sold out and followed up by calling her a novice.

                                                    Laughing heartedly, she returned her attention to passing customers. Neither the people or the haggling were particularly out of the ordinary. She always started by asking for a hundred fifty percent of her intended price and people usually got her down to the un-inflated value. The strategy worked wonders in making people feel better about their own haggling. Had she woke in another mindset, her skills in bartering would be a different story…a total disaster really. Fortune really was on her side.

                                                    Patting her longs skirts to get some tomato leaves off them, she hoisted herself onto the platform created by the undone wagon side. It had been a few hours and she'd felt both Aegar and her deserved one of the sandwiches she packed. Pulling two from the picnic basket, she handed one to her worm companion. "Eat up, it'll be a long day." Even after they finished selling goods, they had a length ride back to the farm a few towns over. At the very least, Eyra was blessed to have a farm so near a major city, many others traveled way further than she did. Their trips weren't as often, but twice a year there were caravans from the desert selling exotic fabrics and animals. She always dreamed of getting one of their silkworms one day, but the price was exorbitant and she'd always been far to worried about failing at raising such an unusual animal.

                                                    Hopping down, she took another bite of her sandwich. Lifting a wicker basket of fodder from the corner of the wagon, she placed it down in front of Bessie, their trusty tow cow. The poor girl had drug the wagon all the way to the market. She deserved her feed too. If only she had a proper horse, she could store it in the stables while she was at the market, but alas, Bessie had to suffer one day each month, strapped up to a cart and unable to roam.

                                                    First post. I'll be using this for ooc and quoting people. Hopefully it's all right that I post, since I was accepted. My profiles haven't been added to the front page yet though, so we'll see?Also, the image links to her profile.

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