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Feral Genius


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                            ██ FIRST &. LAST NAME 》Aurelia Van Horn
                            ██ PRONUNCIATION 》 aw-rAI-l-ee-uh vahn hORn
                            ██ NICKNAMES 》Aura
                            ██ GENDER 》Female
                            ██ AGE 》23
                            ██ D.O.B 》02/29/1992
                            ██ SEXUALITY 》Pansexual aromantic
                            ██ NATIONALITY 》Spanish
                            ██ CLASSIFICATION 》United Nations Elite

                                ▬▬ &. SPECIAL EXTRAS
                                ██ LOYALTIES 》Themselves
                                ██ ALIGNMENT 》LAWFUL NEUTRAL (ish?)
                                ██ MODEL 》 Yayoi Kunizuka - Psycho-Pass
                                ██ SPEECH COLOR#373472
                                ██ VOICEPenelope Cruz
                                ██ THEMESwrite here

Feral Genius


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                            ██ HEIGHT &. WEIGHT 》 5'11" & 157lbs.
                            ██ HAIR 》 Black
                            ██ EYES 》 Blue Green
                            ██ BODY TYPE 》Muscular
                            ██ BODY TYPE 》Straight
                            ██ MISCELLANEOUS 》write here
                                ▬▬ ∷ PIERCINGS ◢ Belly Button ring
                                ▬▬ ∷ PIERCINGS//TATTOOS ◢ write here

Feral Genius


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                                                            ▬▬ &. PERSONALITY
                                                                ██ POSITIVE TRAITS 》 Truthful | Strong | Loyal | Dutiful
                                                                ██ NEGATIVE TRAITS 》 Blunt | Cynical | Paranoid | Cold

                                                                ▬▬ &. THEIR HABITS
                                                                MANNERISM ▬▬▬ &. Furrowed Brows
                                                                    when confused or in deep thought.

                                                                MANNERISM ▬▬▬ &. Short Answers
                                                                    to avoid saying too much at the wrong time.

                                                                MANNERISM ▬▬▬ &. Folded Arms
                                                                    when she wants you to elaborate. Usually accompanied by a raised eye brow

                                                                MANNERISM ▬▬▬ &. Eye Twitch
                                                                    when something annoys her. Usually the first reaction to someone who has lied. Other reactions include but are not limited to crossing her arms and clenching her fist.

                                                                MANNERISM ▬▬▬ &. Suits
                                                                    wears them all the time. Almost never wears casual clothes. Also wears a pair of black gloves.

                                                                ▬▬ &. THEIR INTERESTS
                                                                    LIKE ▬▬ &. Motorcycles
                                                                    Fast cars also go here. She likes the speed and freedom that motorcycles give her.

                                                                    LIKE ▬▬ &. Solitude
                                                                    being on her own gives her the energy to deal with others. Especially with her distrusting nature, for her its better to be alone than to be around anyone else.

                                                                    LIKE ▬▬ &. Books
                                                                    Like the previous, books help her create a world on her own where nothing can bother her. Except for those stupid teenagers who don't know how communication works. Lying to each other and not expressing their feelings. She tends to stick to non-fiction.

                                                                    LIKE ▬▬ &. Suits
                                                                    She looks good in them and they make her feel better. She also likes to make a good first impression

                                                                    LIKE ▬▬ &. Coffee
                                                                    A delicious drink. Need there be more said?

                                                                ▬▬ &. THEIR TABOOS
                                                                    DISLIKE ▬▬ &. Liars
                                                                    This is not necessarily those who lie occasionally. No these are the people who make a living out of lying. Main politicians, spies, thieves and sales people.

                                                                    DISLIKE ▬▬ &. People
                                                                    She hates being put in a situation where she is surrounded by people. She would rather be by herself anyway.

                                                                    DISLIKE ▬▬ &. Being Touched
                                                                    Especially without permission. Anyone who wants to run up behind her and give her a hug is more than likely going to get punched in the face.

                                                                    DISLIKE ▬▬ &. Technology
                                                                    She can't tell if someone is lying by looking at text. So the internet is her nemesis. Phones are a little better but not by much. Its much easier to hide lies in phone calls. So she tries as much as possible to avoid using technology.

                                                                    DISLIKE ▬▬ &. Flying
                                                                    Not fun. She would rather have her feet firmly planted on the ground than to be in the air with a high risk of dying. Not on her list of things to do.

                                                                ▬▬ &. THEIR SKILLS
                                                                    SKILL ▬▬ &. Fluent in English and Spanish
                                                                    SKILL ▬▬ &. Drive any type of vehicle.
                                                                    SKILL ▬▬ &. Pistol Proficiency
                                                                    SKILL ▬▬ &. Baking & Cooking

                                                                ▬▬ &. THEIR GOALS
                                                                    GOAL ▬▬ &. Find someone she can trust
                                                                    GOAL ▬▬ &. write here
                                                                    GOAL ▬▬ &. write here

Feral Genius


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                                                                ▬▬ &. THEIR PHOBIAS
                                                                    FEAR ▬▬ &. Mythophobia
                                                                    Mythophobia is the fear of myths or untrue stories or false statements. People with this fear tend to disbelieve everything they are told. Manifests as a paranoia that she is being lied to constantly. Will check and recheck sources several times before she believes something is true.

                                                                ▬▬ &. MEDICAL INFORMATION
                                                                    ██ BLOOD TYPE 》 AB-
                                                                    ██ ALLERGIES

                                                                        ▬▬ ∷ ALLERGY ◢ mold

                                                                    ██ GENETIC CONDITION 》 Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD)
                                                                        An individual diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder needs to show at least 4 of the following criteria:

                                                                        ~Suspects, without sufficient basis, that others are exploiting, harming, or deceiving him or her.

                                                                        ~Is preoccupied with unjustified doubts about the loyalty or trustworthiness of friends or associates.

                                                                        ~Is reluctant to confide in others because of unwarranted fear that the information will be used maliciously against him or her.

                                                                        ~Reads hidden demeaning or threatening meanings into benign remarks or events.

                                                                        ~Persistently bears grudges, i.e., is unforgiving of insults, injuries, or slights.

                                                                        ~Perceives attacks on his or her character or reputation that are not apparent to others and is quick to react angrily or to counterattack.

                                                                        ~Has recurrent suspicions, without justification, regarding fidelity of spouse or sexual partner.

Feral Genius


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                                                            ▬▬ &. SPECIAL ABILITIES
                                                              STATIC EFFECTS
                                                              ▬▬ ∷ SIXTH SENSE
                                                                This is an ability that all Nameless and Fearless possess in which they can tell when something life-threatening is about to occur. A product of Natural Selection that gives the Homo Superior's an upper edge against humanity. Like animals, the Nameless and Fearless will have this urge to get out of a possible dangerous situation and will know that they have to get to safety and will know where that is... just not what it is that occurs. Think of it like this, Dogs and Cats getting to higher ground before a hurricane hits...

                                                              ▬▬ ∷ Lie Detection
                                                                The ability to know if someone is lying. Does not trigger if person believes they are telling the truth.

                                                              ▬▬ ∷ Truth Aura
                                                                Those around her feel the urge to tell the truth. Not very effective against those who have strong wills or those who have been exposed over and over again. Weak willed persons and those who have never encountered it before may find themselves just speaking their mind without realizing it.

                                                              ▬▬ ∷ Peak Human Senses
                                                                The user's natural five senses are pushed at the highest limits of human perfection; meaning that their sense of sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste are enhanced. An individual with this ability are capable of seeing further, acutely touching ink on a page, hear small sounds, have a smell capability similar to an animal and tasting more accurately than normal members of their species.

                                                              ▬▬ ∷ Illusions
                                                                Specifically an illusion of a person interacting with her. Illusions do not exhibit micro-expressions which are the basis for her lie detection.

                                                              ▬▬ ∷ Mental Manipulation
                                                                Aura is pretty aware of her own thoughts so it is harder for someone to manipulate her thinking.

                                                              ▬▬ ∷ Gullibility
                                                                Anyone who is stupid enough to believe everything they hear or read will usually believe that what they say is true, which is very likely to mislead Aura's lie detection.

                                                              ▬▬ ∷ Crowds
                                                                She can only really focus on one person at a time to detect if they are lying. Small groups are ok but large crowds are bad.

                                                              ▬▬ ∷ Deafness, headphones, etc
                                                                Things that disrupt others from hearing her orders.

                                                            ━━ Confession Inducement | type:: aggressive / passive
                                                              The user can cause others to admit to a secret and misdeeds, whether it is personal or non-personal. Those affected by the user's powers are often oblivious to the effects of this ability.

                                                            ━━ Truth Inducement | type:: aggressive / passive
                                                              The user can force/induce others to tell the truth, guaranteeing that the person is telling the truth to the best of their ability.

                                                            ━━ Persuasion | type:: aggressive / passive
                                                              The user can compel people by speaking, the victims are unable to disobey; the seemingly cogent commandment is far too compelling. At high level, user can even persuade people into hurting/killing themselves or even flip around sense of logic, but can never cause victims to achieve what they are not capable of.

                                                            ━━ Truth Manipulation | type:: passive
                                                              The user can manipulate what the target believes is true. It works mostly to cover up or obscure certain facts. Aura almost never uses this ability because it goes against her morals.

Feral Genius


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                                                        Unlike most HomoSuperior that Aurelia has met, she remembers her childhood with a certain fondness. Her parents were kind and loving and the three were a super team. Warned against lying to them since she was caught one time lying about going to town with a friend, she swore she would never do it again. This was the first incident in which her fear of lying started.

                                                        The second and most notable happened while visiting her grandparents in America. Waking up from sleep one night she stumbled upon her family talking about her and her birth mother. Learning she was adopted was hard on her and after a few days of fretting about it, she ran away from home. Confused and concerned that everything she'd ever been told was a lie, she began to doubt and become paranoid of others. Even after she'd met up with a group of runaways who were helping each other out, she found it hard to trust that things would be done correctly. Ever the perfectionist, she single-handedly made sure that things were running smoothly and others looked up to her. She made sure the younger members studied and learned so they could all do better and possibly get off the streets one day.

                                                        Aura herself wanted to be a police officer. Despite her status as an illegal, she had a sense of justice that she could not allow to waver. She hated when others lied to her, even going as far as to kick the a** of those who lied to her. She did what she could to prevent others from lying to her but she couldn't help the feeling that everyone around her was always lying to her. The younger kids in the group were too scared to lie to her, hearing from others that she always knew when she was being lied to with scary accuracy.

                                                        Sometime later after failing to get a job with the police, she met a lady at a cafe. They had been going to the same cafe for years and one day the lady decided to approach Aura and talk with her. Aura was of course suspicious but after a week of meeting at the cafe everyday, Aura still could not sense any ill intent. It was still a month later that they started to meet other places and hang out. And after a year they started dating. The female, Crystal, found out about Aura's 'homeless' problem and practically forced Aura to stay at her place. Their time together was hard because Aura was so suspicious of everything, but Crystal never once lied and they were able to work things out and keep things together.

                                                        It was Crystal's idea to get Aura an internship with the UN. With her knowledge of English and Spanish and how super smart she was, it seemed like the obvious choice. Aura agreed if only to stop Crystal's nagging. First she applied and was accepted into a college and then she sent off her application to the UN. And soon after she'd gotten an interview. Both Aura and Crystal went to New York for the interview and for the first time Aura felt like her life had a purpose.

                                                        Unfortunately, it was not the purpose that she'd had in mind. While doing the interview, it was discovered that about half of her application had misinformation on it. And as knowledge of her runaway and illegal status broke, they kept her until they could figure out what to do with her. It was also here during several interviews and interrogations that people began to piece together her abilities. So as a test they would send in someone who would straight out lie to her and boy did she lash out to them the instant the words left their mouth. Stranger still, they would send in someone who did not know what they were saying was a lie and while Aura was suspicious, she could not decipher if she was being lied to.

                                                        After a few days of this, she finally just convinced everyone to let her leave. Initially she had been unaware of this ability but as she finally just demanded to be let go, they let her go. She hurried back to Crystal and ran, but the two of them did not get too far before they were tracked down and brought back. Being locked away wasn't all bad but knowing that Crystal was not too far away and was suffering made it worse. She easily gave in to the UNE demands and stayed on as an asset. Two years. Then the Floods happened and more and more HomoSuperior were discovered left and right. Becoming an operative wasn't easy and to make it harder, they wanted her to cut all other emotional ties. They left her in a room with Crystal and a gun. Crystal, who knew how this would go did the one thing she said she'd never do. She lied and told Aura she didn't love her anymore. "Just go ahead and kill me. I hate you. I HATE YOU!" Aura was so distressed that she shot without thinking.

                                                        She doesn't trust those she works with and she most certainly hates those who command them around. But she feels like she has no choice. She has done nothing but throw herself at her work these past three years. And now with this new assignment, she is on edge. Timore is a place that Aura is wary of. She is pretty sure they just brainwash HomoSuperiors to make them think they like living there.

Feral Genius


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                                                        ▬▬ &. PLOT DEVICES
                                                          I WANT ▬▬▬ &. A Friend
                                                              Someone who is close or will get close as the rp goes on. Not necessarily someone she falls in love with, though that is an option. Preferably someone who can help her see that people can be trusted.

                                                          I WANT ▬▬▬ &. Stress Reliever
                                                              Be it a Sparing Partner or a Buddy with Benefits, someone (or multiple if possible) for her to take out her stress on.

                                                          I WANT ▬▬▬ &. desired relationship here
                                                              plot idea here

                                                          IT IS POSSIBLE ▬▬▬ &. Family
                                                              Aura does not know her real family. Her parents and any other children they could have had are possible for this rp. If you want to fill this/these roles, please pm me and we can discuss details.

                                                        ▬▬ &. PATIENT'S INNER CIRCLE

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Feral Genius


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                                                        ▬▬ &. THEIR PLOTS
                                                        RELATIONSHIP ▬▬▬ &. Minos
                                                            The closest that Aura can consider a friend. He doesn't lie to her so she knows she can trust him more than anyone else she is surrounded by.

                                                        RELATIONSHIP ▬▬▬ &. Dietrich
                                                            She hates his guts. Period.

                                                        RELATIONSHIP ▬▬▬ &. Elizabeth
                                                            Begrudging respect.

                                                        RELATIONSHIP ▬▬▬ &. Aislinn
                                                            Bed Buddies. Currently have only slept together a few times while Aislinn was off Island. Will pick up in the future. Aura has no real feelings for the female at this time. She happens to be a good stress reliever.

                                                        RELATIONSHIP ▬▬▬ &. Abraham
                                                            Immense distrust and hate. For starters he has just about the highest rank possible and she hates authority. Two he lies. He is nothing but lies. She is/will be determined to bring those lies to light.

                                                        RELATIONSHIP ▬▬▬ &. Crystal
                                                            The love of her life. Currently thought to be dead.

                                                        RELATIONSHIP ▬▬▬ &. Vanessa

                                                        RELATIONSHIP ▬▬▬ &. Daro

                                                        RELATIONSHIP ▬▬▬ &. Keme

                                                        RELATIONSHIP ▬▬▬ &. Francois

                                                        RELATIONSHIP ▬▬▬ &. Lyre

                                                        RELATIONSHIP ▬▬▬ &. name

                                                        RELATIONSHIP ▬▬▬ &. name

                                                        RELATIONSHIP ▬▬▬ &. name

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                                                        RELATIONSHIP ▬▬▬ &. name

Feral Genius

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                                    Aurelia Van Horn was a simple person to please. If you liked to be asked the same question three different times throughout the day and didn't mind being accused of lying when you hadn't said anything at all aaaaand having all your lies pointed out as they came out of your mouth. Just kind of leave her alone by herself and she was easy enough to get along with. However some people had to make those simple tasks much harder. For example, sending her and her team on a mission to Timore Island. Why the hell would she ever want to go to a place like that? A place that brainwashes everyone into thinking its a safe place for HomoSuperiors. Ha! As if a place like that could actually exist. Letting Aura have free roam of a place full of liars was dangerous. Its one reason she was rarely given missions to deal with politicians and government.

                                    The next problem was sitting her in a room full of... well every UNE agent they had. It made her uneasy to be in a room full of people, even if she had plenty of room. Not to mention she had to listen to not one but two high ranking officials talk. One of which she hated with a passion. (Not to say she didn't hate the Commander, but it was a less personal hate.) She wasn't quite sure why she had to sit through this briefing. It was as if they didn't mind everyone on the island knowing what they had planned. Aura was never one to lie and she didn't have a talent to avoid the truth either. So if anyone straight up asked her why the UNE were there... Well she was screwed. Apparently no one had heard of plausible deniability. Who the hell was in charge of this operation anyway?

                                    The final annoyance of the day was by far the worst of them all. After getting the chance to take a quick shower before going to the mansion for dinner, a thief stole all her clothes and left her with nothing but a dress to wear. It was pretty but she didn't wear dresses. However she was left with no choice but to wear it. It fit perfectly and Aura had the sneaking suspicion the culprit was a creep who found out her exact size. She was going to kick his a**. Heels were terrible but she was able to walk at least, this wasn't the first time she'd been forced to wear them. At least he'd left her gloves alone so she didn't have to worry about touching anyone, but she felt so open in the dress. It wasn't pleasant.

                                    After a car ride Aura would rather forget, they arrived at the mansion. Aura got out and stretched, doing her best to find the best way to move in this stupid contraption. Amongst all the people though she spotted the one she thought responsible and marched right up to him. "Dietrich you little ******** sleaze. I swear a Dios si no tengas mi ropa, I will kill you. I will make you march to el mar y drown yourself." A normal threat coming from her. Occasionally she'd just Persuade him to walk into a wall or something but these were her suits. They weren't necessarily super expensive and she probably could get them replaced easily, but they were hers and Eric took them. At least she was pretty positive it was him as no one else would have done it.

                                    Location: Cabsidia MansionXXXXX Company: Erich and other UNE membersXXXXX Mood: Pissed

Translations: a Dios si no tengas mi ropa: to God if you don't have my clothes
el mar: the sea

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