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Ever After 0.6 60.0% [ 3 ]
Never After 0 0.0% [ 0 ]
Sadly 0.4 40.0% [ 2 ]
Total Votes:[ 5 ]

The Committee Staff Member

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                                                              CREDITS !
                                                                          little red dragons

                                                                          paragraph palaces



                                                              INFORMATION !



The Committee Staff Member

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                                                              STORY !
                                                                      There was a time when I was alone... Nowhere to go and no place to call home
                                                                      My only friend was the man in the moon... even sometimes he would go away, too
                                                                      Then one night, as I closed my eyes... I saw a shadow flying high
                                                                      He came to me with the sweetest smile... Told me he wanted to talk for awhile
                                                                      He said, "Peter Pan, that's what they call me... I promise that you'll never be lonely,

                                                                      and ever since that day

                                                                      I am a lost boy from Neverland... Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
                                                                      And when we're bored we play in the woods... Always on the run from Captain Hook
                                                                      "Run, run, lost boy, " they say to me... Away from all of reality
                                                                      Neverland is home to lost boys like me... And lost boys like me are free
                                                                      He sprinkled me in pixie dust, told me to believe... Believe in him and believe in me
                                                                      Together we will fly away in a cloud of green... To your beautiful destiny
                                                                      As we soared above the town that never loved me... I realized I finally had a family
                                                                      Soon enough we reached Neverland... Peacefully my feet hit the sand

                                                                      'Lost Boy' by Ruth B

                                                                      tab When stories end with 'happily ever after,' that is how we expect things to stay. Happy, forever after. But not every fairy tale works out. Not every ending is happy. For those who have tales that took a foul turn, there is a place they can go to escape and start over. The town of Crystal Cove, in Neverland. The home of Peter Pan and all of his lost boys and girls. Come to Crystal Cove and begin anew. No one has to know where you came from or where you've been. Simply sprinkle a little pixie dust and believe...

                                                                      tab No matter if you were born in Crystal Cove, or if you came with Peter Pan and his band of pirates, there is a place for everyone in Neverland. Peter Pan travels across timelines and universes to find those whose happily ever after have crumbled away. He offers them a fresh start, all they have to do is board his ship and fly away. Those who have lived in Crystal Cove their whole lives have a special agreement with the pirates of Pan's crew. Newcomers are welcomed and given a home -no questions asked- as long as the pirates continue to provide supplies and protection for the town. For several decades Peter and his pirates have been guarding Crystal Cove against Captain Hook and other villains who wish to bring misery to the town. Peter Pan fights to protect the second chance at a happily ever after that Crystal Cove provides, while Hook and his malicious crew are determined to make sure every story ends with 'happily never after'...

The Committee Staff Member

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                                                              GENERAL !
                                                                          Follow the Gaia ToS, and just use your manners and better judgement. I will allow one warning before removing someone due to: rudeness, inappropriate comments, god modding, or being unwilling to collaborate.

                                                                          Please keep things PG-16 on site and in the discord. Fade to black, time skip, keep it vague, ect. Out of character conversation should also be kept PG-16. Just because you're comfortable with it, doesn't mean everyone is.

                                                                          If you are upset or uncomfortable with a conversation, someone's actions, or a situation please let me know immediately. These issues will be handled promptly and discreetly.

                                                                    owner's rights
                                                                          I have the right to accept and remove people as I see fit. I have the right to change/add rules or make accommodations as I see fit.

                                                              IC POSTING !
                                                                          The rules that are 'post every X number of days' never seem to work out that way? So post as often as you are able, ideally once a week per character. If you are not posting at the same rate as the group or are repeatedly holding someone else back from being able to post, you will be asked to reduce the number of characters you have or you will be removed from the group. The more active we are, the more likely this is to stay alive. Holidays are exempt from this rule, as holidays are a time for family and family comes first.

                                                                          All layouts must include: a picture, the full name, the role, their location, and company. All text should be sized between 9 and 12, and it should be an easy to read color. Layouts do not need to be fancy. If you need help with a layout, please ask and I will make you one for free.

                                                                          Since this is a literate group, I do expect people to use spell check and to use proper grammar. A few mistakes are no big deal, just proof read! As for length, please aim for 700+ words. I understand some scenarios will get longer or shorter posts, but please try to give enough for people to work with in each post. If it repeatedly is an issue of not having workable posts, you will be given one warning to make a change. After that, if it is still an issue you will be removed from the group.

                                                                          This is one rule that will be enforced without exception. In every single post, your character should be interacting with at least one other character. Do not just throw your character out there and say 'come to me.' That does not fly here. Plot and discuss with people in the discord so you can place your character with someone else's and keep events moving forward.

                                                              DISCORD !
                                                                          Feel free to join the chat once your application has been accepted. I don't expect you to be on the discord chat every day, but please check in with us to say hi when you can. There will be a lot of random chattering, so please check the important channels for plotting and events when you're online. Everything important will be marked and easy to find.

                                                                          you may plot outside of discord, but there will be a designated channel for plotting with each other. You have to plot with people, since this is a character driven roleplay it is important to plan how your character will interact with the others! There will be optional journals to add to your profiles to make keeping track of plots easier. There are larger plots and nefarious plans in place, those will be revealed at a later date.

                                                                          We will not have an ooc thread other than our recruiting thread. All ooc chatter will be on discord. So, having discord is required. Discord is available in your browser, as an app on your phone, and as an app on your computer. It's free and incredibly helpful.

                                                              SETTING !
                                                                    time period
                                                                          Our town is located in Neverland, so time passes differently here. The seasons are thirty one days long, and people age slowly. Every four years in our town is equal to a single year in the real world. There is no electricity, only gas, steam, and magical power. Gas lights, wood stoves, steam and magically run factories. There are no cars, only horse and buggies and bicycles. The telegraph machine is used in place of phones, and there is only basic radio to listen to. For a more exact reference, please look at the years 1865-1880 in American history.

                                                                          There is limited magic here. While the world is full of it, our characters can only harness a small amount. The most obvious and impressive signs of magic are the flying pirate ships that can go anywhere in our world or another in only a single day, and the magical humanoid beings who live in the town. Mermaids who can walk on land or live underwater, fairies, and humans with some animal traits -ears, tails, ect.

                                                                          The people who live here were either born here, or came here with Peter Pan to escape their previous lives. Most of the people in town just want to be allowed to live peacefully. Its a slower way of life here. Neighbors know each other, and the town bonds during festivals and other big events. Even the various pirate crews are integral to the community. There are nefarious plots in the works, and there will be tragic events. The town as whole will come together to face these tragedies and villains though.

                                                              CHARACTERS !
                                                                          If you choose to make a character inspired by a disney/pixar/studio ghibli character, please ensure that you give the character an original twist. You do not need to coordinate your character with anyone else's, even if they come from the same story. You can, if you want! But since Neverland is a different world and alternate timeline, we can have characters from the same story but from different worlds or time periods. You can make a modern day Cinderella who came to the town to escape her story, or you can make a Cinderella who was born and raised in Crystal Cove. These characters can be a regular towns-person or a pirate. There is a list of taken characters on the apps page.

                                                                          You can also make a totally original character. They can be born and raised in Crystal Cove, or they can travel to the town with Peter Pan to escape their life in another world/time. Please make sure your character is original and has something that makes them unique. These characters can be a regular towns-person or a pirate.

                                                                          You may have two characters to begin with. If you can show you are able to handle more, you may take on a third. Everyone is limited to a single pirate, though you are not required to make a pirate. All characters are adults, at least eighteen years old.

                                                                          In each business/location description there is a list of occupations. You may select any of these jobs for your characters. A list will be on the apps page with taken jobs crossed out, and not every job will taken by a character. Extra jobs will be filled with NPCs. Pirates do not have to have a set occupation, but they can if you want them to work in town. If you choose not to give them a job in town, you may select anything listed in the pirate cove. They may be a part of Peter Pan's crew, or a crew of your own creation, or they can be something else like a fortune teller or a treasure hunter, or a smuggler.

                                                              OTHER !
                                                                          Please fill out an application and post it in the apps thread. Only applications that are completely and correctly filled out will be considered. Your writing style, past activity, as well as your overall character will be taken into consideration. Most applications will be responded to within one or two days. Once your application is accepted, you will have one week to complete a profile. You may join the discord once your application is accepted. If you have questions prior to submitting your application please post them in the recruitment thread.

                                                                          You have seven days to complete the profile in a thread of its own. You may use a thread with other profiles in it, as long as the profiles for this roleplay have their own pages. Please fill it out completely and correctly. Only change the coloring where it asks you to, and please do not add or remove any sections without permission. If you have multiple characters, you may put them in the same profile thread but please give them their own pages.

                                                                          just in case I need to add something

The Committee Staff Member

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The Committee Staff Member

The Committee Staff Member

The Committee Staff Member

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                                                              CRYSTAL COVE !
                                                                          Sweet window planters, gas lit street lamps, and cheerful greetings can be found on every corner in Crystal Cove. There is no friendlier place to be. The townsfolk here lead a simple and pleasant life. They work and tend to their homes, and they congregate to celebrate the seasons and their lives together. From festivals and parades, to the seasonal birthday fair they hold for everyone, there is always something fun to do. The town is split into four main streets and two main areas on the edges of town.

                                                                          Main Street is the deepest into town and the farthest from the docks. The buildings on Main Street are closer together and are known for the creeping ivy and overflowing planter boxes on every window. In front of the Chamber of Commerce is a large cobblestone plaza where all the festivals are held.

                                                                          A bit closer to the water is Crystal Avenue, where the only school is located next to a beautiful field and playground. The buildings here are known for their ornate molding and architecture, and it is considered the artsy part of town.

                                                                          A few blocks down, a stone’s throw from the pathway to the docks is Starlight Road. The popular diner and grocer are on this street, and the businesses here have a simple but larger structure to them. The market is a stretch of the road with carts and stalls scattered around where the residents of Crystal Cove sell their home grown or home made goods. At the very end of the road is Stella Luna Tavern, the hotspot for pirates and the rougher residents of Crystal Cove. From there, follow the cobblestone path to Pirate Cove and the outskirts

                                                              PIRATE COVE !
                                                                          The quaint town of Crystal Cove is located on the curve of Crystal Bay in Neverland. The docks of Crystal Cove are home to the majority of the ships that fly in and out of Neverland, and it is known for its pirates and traders. They can be found at Pirate Cove, the largest dock on the bay. Ships of pirates from Peter’s crew as well as smugglers and treasure hunters can be found here. On the cobble stone walkways the lead up to the docks there are often pirates selling stolen goods, or their fortune tellers reading cards or crystal balls.

                                                                          The most famous of these pirates is Peter Pan, who commands his crew of lost boys. They scour multiple worlds to find those who are unhappy with their lives, people who need a second chance at a happily ever after. Peter and his pirates bring these poor souls back to Crystal Cove to forge a new story for themselves. In exchange for giving these lost souls a home and a job, the townsfolk trust Peter Pan to protect them from the notorious Captain Hook.

                                                                          The older, evil pirate still plagues Neverland and has set his sights on Crystal Cove. As Captain Hook ages, he grows more and more bitter at the lack of happiness and love in his life. Whenever Peter leaves to fetch new lost souls, Hook descends on Crystal Cove to siphon the happiness from the people who live there.

                                                              THE OUTSKIRTS !
                                                                          Follow the road out of town, either toward the water or away from it. Heading away from the sea, the road leads to Felicity Farmlands. The largest and most important farm in Crystal Cove. All of the meat, vegetables, fruit, and grains are harvested from this farm and sold at the grocers. Smaller farms or residents with backyard gardens sell their produce at the market, but nothing compares to the size of the Felicity Farmlands.

                                                                          In the opposite direction, situated along the curve of the bay, is Leroy’s Rentals and Slateport Yard. Leroy’s books boating tours for fishing or exploring, and also rents boats for private trips without a guide. As a special treat, there are hot air balloon trips available as well. Down the path a bit further, closer to the docks and the ships is Slateport Yard. Here is where all the hard working carpenters, blacksmiths, and shipwrights can be found. They cater to the whole town, but set up shop by Pirate Cove for the extra space and the frequent business from the pirates.

The Committee Staff Member

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                                                              CHAMBER OF COMMERCE !
                                                                          mayor, secretary, mail carrier, sheriff, firefighter

                                                                          M-F: 8am-1pm

                                                                          the sheriff and firefighter have office hours, but are always on call for emergencies

                                                                          the fire station is big enough for two trucks and is attached to the chamber of commerce building

                                                                          only letters are delivered by the carrier and packages must be picked up from the secretary

                                                                          the mayor is available by appointment only

                                                              HONEYSUCKLE WELLNESS CENTER !
                                                                          doctor, nurse, pharmacist, therapist

                                                                          M-F: 10am-4pm

                                                                          appointments only unless it is an emergency

                                                                          the doctor must be on call for emergencies at all times

                                                              BLOSSOM BOOKSHOP !
                                                                          owner, storekeeper, author, newspaper editor, paper boy/girl

                                                                          owner ━ M,W,F: 10am-5pm
                                                                          storekeeper ━ T,Th,S: 10am-5pm
                                                                          news paper editor ━ Daily: 5am-11am
                                                                          paper boy/girl ━ Daily: 11am-1pm
                                                                          author ━ hours vary

                                                                          books are sold new and used

                                                                          the store will publish local authors

                                                                          the newspaper for the town is written and published here

                                                              LAVENDER SPRINGS SPA !
                                                                          masseuse, beautician, barber, yoga instructor

                                                                          beautician, barber ━ M-F: 9am-3pm
                                                                          masseuse, yoga instructor ━ M,W,F: 10am-3pm

                                                                          the spa hosts a variety of services like facials, massages, an indoor hot spring, and a sauna

                                                                          the masseuse, beautician, and barber are by usually only appointment but will accept walk-ins

The Committee Staff Member

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                                                              DIAMOND DUST INN !
                                                                          innkeeper, assistant, housekeeper, gardener


                                                                          assistant ━ Daily 10am-4pm
                                                                          innkeeper ━Daily 4pm-10pm
                                                                          housekeeper, gardener ━ Daily 11am-2pm

                                                                          the innkeeper and the assistant work the front desk to keep the Inn open 10am-10pm

                                                                          pirates and other ruffians are not allowed at the inn

                                                                          the inn is high class, a bit expensive, and has a reputation in town for being snobby

                                                              CRYSTAL COVE SCHOOL !
                                                                          principal, lower teacher, upper teacher

                                                                          M-F: 8am-2pm

                                                                          class sizes are small, and it is the only school

                                                                          there is an office for the principal

                                                            SAPPHIRE SPRINKLES BAKERY !
                                                                        baker, decorator, barista, barista, storekeeper, storekeeper

                                                                        baker, decorator ━ M-S: 7am-11am
                                                                        barista, storekeeper ━ M,W,F: 8am-4pm
                                                                        barista, storekeeper ━ T,Th,S: 8am-4pm

                                                                        the baker and decorator are partners, and share ownership of the bakery

                                                                        all ingredients for the baked good are locally sourced, but all teas are imported

                                                            EMERALD CITY FINERY !
                                                                        tailor, seamstress, jeweler, cobbler, storekeeper, storekeeper

                                                                        tailor, cobbler, storekeeper ━ M,W,F: 10am-4pm
                                                                        seamstress, jeweler, storekeeper ━ T,Th,S: 10am-4pm

                                                                        not all services are available daily

                                                                        the two storekeepers work alternating days to maintain the front of the shop

                                                                        every summer the designers host a fashion show to unveil their new outfits, jewelry, and shoes

The Committee Staff Member

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                                                              LIL DIPPER'S DINER !
                                                                          cook, cook, waitstaff, waitstaff, busser, busser


                                                                          cook, waitstaff, busser ━ M,W,F: 10am-10pm
                                                                          cook, waitstaff, busser ━ T,Th,S: 10am-10pm

                                                                          due to the long shifts, all staff may sit down and take breaks as needed

                                                                          the diner has good food, and has a very chill atmosphere

                                                              METEOR MEATS AND GROCERIES !
                                                                          butcher, general manager, clerk, inventory stocker

                                                                          butcher, clerk ━ Daily: 10am-5pm
                                                                          general manager ━ Daily: 8am-3pm
                                                                          inventory stocker ━ Daily: 6pm-8pm

                                                                          the general manager comes in early to handle paper work and place shipment orders

                                                                          the store sells everything from hardware to fresh produce and meat, its a large building with multiple departments

                                                              MAKERS MARKET !
                                                                          florist stand, apothecary cart, produce stand, honey cart, magic peddler, import trader

                                                                          Daily: 8am-2pm

                                                                          the market is an open air bazaar that allows people to sell their goods from carts or stands

                                                                          pirates will sell stolen goods here, and other legitimate importers will too

                                                              STELLA LUNA TAVERN !
                                                                          bartender, barmaid/barman, musician

                                                                          Daily: 7pm-2am

                                                                          this a rowdy, dirty, and loud place that is mostly visited by pirates and travelers

                                                                          there is a not-so-friendly rivalry between the tavern and the inn, as one is high class and the other is rough around the edges

The Committee Staff Member

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                                                              FELICITY FARMLANDS !
                                                                          farmer, farm hand, rancher, horse trainer, veterinarian

                                                                          farmer, horse trainer ━ Daily: 5am-1pm
                                                                          farm hand, rancher ━ Daily: 5am-11am
                                                                          veterinarian ━ on call, no set hours

                                                                          the veterinarian and horse trainer live on the farm in exchange for helping care for the livestock

                                                                          the farm is the main source of meat and produce for the town, though there are some smaller farms and fruit orchards

                                                              LEROY'S RENTALS AND EXCURSIONS !
                                                                          boat tour guide, hot air balloon operator, rental clerk

                                                                          TH,F,S,SU: 1pm-8pm

                                                                          leroy's is only open on the weekend, but arrangements can be made to go on excursions during the week

                                                                          when the tour guide and balloon operator aren't on an excursion, they are in the office with the rental clerk

                                                              SLATEPORT YARD !
                                                                          blacksmith, carpenter, shipwright, engineer

                                                                          M-F: 10am-4pm

                                                                          each of these laborers have their own workshop in the yard, which overlooks the bay

                                                                          these occupations helped build the entire town and all of the pirates' ships

                                                              THE PIRATE COVE !
                                                                          fortune tellers, pick-pockets, treasure hunters, peter pan's crew, smuggler crew

                                                                          no set hours

                                                                          pirates are rebellious and free spirited, they live on their ships so they can come and go as they please

                                                                          some pirates are part of a crew and others are freelance, hopping from ship to ship to ship

The Committee Staff Member

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                                                              PIRATE COVE !
                                                                    peter pan's ship
                                                                          cabin one ━ name
                                                                          cabin two ━ name
                                                                          cabin three ━ name

                                                                    smuggler's ship
                                                                          cabin one ━ name
                                                                          cabin two ━ name
                                                                          cabin three ━ name

                                                                    treasure hunter's ship
                                                                          cabin one ━ name
                                                                          cabin two ━ Annabelle Oxford
                                                                          cabin three ━ name

                                                                    their own ship
                                                                          ship name━ name

                                                              MAIN STREET !
                                                                          apt one ━ name
                                                                          apt two ━ name
                                                                          apt three ━ name

                                                                          home one ━ name
                                                                          home two ━ name

                                                              CRYSTAL AVENUE !
                                                                          apt one ━ name
                                                                          apt two ━ name
                                                                          apt three ━ name

                                                                          home one ━ name
                                                                          home two ━ name
                                                                          home three ━ name

                                                              STARLIGHT ROAD !
                                                                          apt one ━ name
                                                                          apt two ━ name

                                                                          home one ━ name
                                                                          home two ━ name
                                                                          home three ━ name

                                                              THE OUTSKIRTS !
                                                                          room one ━ name
                                                                          room two ━ name
                                                                          room three ━ name

                                                                          home one ━ name
                                                                          home two ━ name
                                                                          home three ━ name

The Committee Staff Member

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                                                              RUMORS !
                                                                          person a → person b
                                                                          person a ⇆ person b

                                                                          person a → person b
                                                                          person a ⇆ person b

                                                                    dirty secrets
                                                                          person rumor
                                                                          person rumor

                                                              CONFIRMED !
                                                                          person a → person b
                                                                          person a ⇆ person b

                                                                          person a → person b
                                                                          person a ⇆ person b

                                                                    dirty secrets
                                                                          person rumor
                                                                          person rumor

The Committee Staff Member

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                                                              CURRENT !

                                                              SPRING !






                                                              SUMMER !






                                                              AUTUMN !






                                                              WINTER !






                                                              PAST !

The Committee Staff Member


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