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Clean Smoker

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Volt's Warrior


You won't cry for my absence, I know
xxAm I that unimportant?
You forgot me long ago
xxAm I so insignificant?

Takeo looked at Seishin, blinking. So, this was the fox spirit Seishin. He had never met him personally; he and a select group of soldiers were captured before Takeo was born and he never got to release them from Ankoko. Assuming, of course, they were still alive. The thunder angel bowed his head to Seishin. "I have no intent of killing Ankoko. I was sent back to aide you and to prevent Armageddon from being unleashed." He lifted his head, looking at the fox. "Is there a place we can get out of the dying storm, Seishin?" He had spotted an angel flying over them just then, but she disappeared with a burst of mana before he could get a good look at her. Takeo debated following her mana trail, but didn't. He was sent to aide Seishin, and he would remain by the spirit's side until he was no longer needed.

Did you know that the Tethe'allan Base is a fine place to be?
I didn't know Seishin would be here!
I'm feeling a bit focused right now.
Out Of Catastrophies:
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Liam Bane: Spirit Defender
Location: xOutskirts of Asgardxx
Company: xYutis and Verchellaxx
Physical Status: x75/100xx
Mana Status: x100/100xx
Mental Status: x100/100xx
Heart Condition: xFairxx


Liam's eyes opened as he felt his wound begin to heal, but he could feel it hadn't been healed all the way through. But, he was able to move and breathe, so he sat up slowly. He spotted the little girl and the angel. Was she perhaps a friend of the angel that was guarding the door of the Tower of Mana? Maybe she could get through the angel. Then again, she was probably going to prevent Liam from entering as well. Standing, he went over to her slowly. Had she used all her mana to save him? "...Thank you." The woman only smiled at him before she kind of fell back, unconsious. He panicked for a few moments before realizing she was just resting. Letting out a relieved sigh, he turned to Yutis and hugged her around her neck softly. "You're okay!" Hurting an animal probably wasn't in that man's best interest. Where did he go, anyway?

Out Of Cutties:
Liam's Announcements:


Daring Galaxy

10,625 Points
  • Unfortunate Abductee 175
  • Daring Investigator 50
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Rahl Jafar
►My Current Location: Temple of Ice◄
►Who I Am With: Dremis, Noire, Ari, Reix, Reaga, and Ventus◄
►What I Am Feeling Right Now: Sick, Worried◄
►Physical Status: Fairly Strong◄
►Mental Status: Fairly Strong◄
►Mana Status: Strong◄
►The Song I Love the Most: Change the World
►Title: Compassionate Soul-He's embarked on a journey that will lead to a battle for the world, but the boy hasn't forgotten his friend's grief. He is, what they call, a compassionate soul.◄

As Reaga stood, Dremis landed landed on the lake, the ice holding his weight. Rahl could feel Reaga walk over, and he was lifted onto Dremis' back. "...N-Noire, can--" "I already am, Rahl. Just a few more moments and I will be able to tell you what happened." Once Reaga was mounted, Dremis climbed up the icy wall and slipped through the large hole he'd created when running after Rahl. The dragon returned to the group. "I'm going on ahead to Flanior. Rahl must rest....Do not make him worry." Okay, anyone else would have missed it, but Rahl knew that was Dremis' way of telling them to be careful. The young half-elf smiled a bit as the dragon took off and headed straight to Flanior.
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[[ Out Of Cuteness: ]]
[[ Character Announcements: ]]

"That general stole my life..."

Morsmorde Five
Shiraku Naru

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Shiraku smirked as the General's sturdy blade was sliced like hot butter, but the smirk quickly faded as his mentors fists became clocked in white mana. He knew how much pain and damage it would inflict on him if he got hit dead on by one of those mana engulfed hands. Their long intense battle was finally reaching it's climax.

The wind assassin quickly jumped up into the air off the tree as he felt it moving violently beneath him. The only two sounds that could be heard at that very moment was a loud cracking sound and the tearing of human flesh. One of the branches ,unusally sharp, had caught up with the agile assassin and tore through the left side of his back. Shiraku clenched his teeth at the pain that was inflicted by the tree limb. Something warm and wet trickled down his back. Damn, I thought I had jumped away quick enough....guess not.

The man ignored his aching body as he landed gracefully on the hard ground. The wind manac backstepped to create a bit more distance between him and the incredibly strong and talented Major. At this point he was panting extreamly heavily, so he decided it would be best not to attack Briggs unless he attacked in order to attempt to regain some of his lost energy. Shiraku manipulated the air around the large, expanded shuriken and made it race back to him before making it spin defenisivly in front of him, so that Briggs couldn't attack him from the front.

"...He will suffer for his theft."
Major General Briggs

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Briggs braked his feet against the mud of the Ymir Forest's soil, making sure he didn't fall straight into the large weapon block his path to Shiraku. As he began to slow, he jumped up high before slamming his fist downward, to the ground. The mana made contact with the muck, and a shockwave decimated the area around the two. "Fang Field!" he called, the small earthquake shaking everything around him. "You're smarter than this, General! Show me your true potential! Expect the unexpected!" Briggs leaped, no, FLEW into the air, fists ready to slam down on the assassin. "Surprise me!"
"That general stole my life..."

Morsmorde Five
Shiraku Naru

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Shiraku protected his face with his arms as muck and soil flew into the tense atmosphere. He looked upwards towards Briggs. "You want a surprise? Well fine then, but your digging your own grave with those words!" The intelligent assassin replied with a smirk as he reached into his pocket and flung the specially modified chain at the Major. Shiraku had took the chain out of his wingpack earlier in the deadly fight. "Tear him to shreds!" He shouted as long razor-sharp blades extended from the miniature wingpacks embedded in the flexible weapon. The wind maniac wasn't worried at all about this weapon breaking. It would take a hell of a lot of power to snap it in two. Shiraku then followed up with a precise strike aiming at Brigg's side with the enlarged deadly,black star that had earlier been used as a defensive tool.

"...He will suffer for his theft."

900 Points
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Gaian 50
  • Happy Birthday! 100
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Camael "Cam" Brunel: Earthbound Angel

CamDo you feel cold and lost in desperation
CamAnd in the burst of light that blinded every angel

Camael just kind of stood by quietly, his face turning red when Verchella took his wrist and held his hand up to explain the Cruxis Crystal. When she left, he was confused, but he returned to his chair. "Don't mind me, 'Agent Ghost'. I'm just a pawn for Eos' disposal....And, you shouldn't piss off a girl. 'Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned'. I'd keep that in mind, because I'm pretty sure pissing of a girl with wings and holy power isn't in your best interest." As he spoke, there was a rippling behind him and his blue Seraphim wings appeared. "Ah. They're back."

Out Of Character:

Eosphorus, Drake, David, and Concept; Yvonne/Yohan is close by
3 apple gels : 4 orange gels : 1 life bottle : 2725 gald
Physical Status
100/100 : Ready to take on the world!
Mana Status
100/100 : Feeling great!
At the beginning of this journey I was just the chosen's little brother...

Vengeful Gum-Chewer
Ari Yang Wilder

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Where I'm At: The temple of Ice
Who I'm With: Reix
Emotional Status: Ecstatic
Physical Status: Strong (100%)
Mana Status: Strong (100%)
What I’m Thinking: Oh, Dear Martel! Yes! Yes! YES!
My Theme Song: N/A
Title: Vengeful Gum Chewer-You ate my gum! I'LL STRANGLE YOU!

Ari stopped dead in his tracks as Dremis flew back out of the icy cold temple. Well,damn that was fast! The teen thought to himself as he listened to the tenacious beast. He nodded solemnly. Even though he could understand why Dremis hadn't wasted anytime, Ari was a bit agitated that he just left them out in the middle of the freezing desert.

The teen sighed as he turned to Reix. "Well, we better get going..." Ari said, as he turned back around and saw the reheird Rahl had let him borrow and his face lit up like Christmas tree. "Yes! We have a way to get back to Flanoir without freezing our asses off!" The ecstatic teen blurted out suddenly. At this point the only thing Ari cared about was getting to Flanoir. They could deal with the reheird Reix jumped off of and crashed later.

But now...I think i'm starting to realize my own potential
This power I have is a curse...

The Soul Wielder
Nayru Combatir

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Where I'm At: Ozzette
Who I'm With: Kratos and Martel
Emotional Status: Intent
Physical Status: Strong (100%)
Mana Status: Strong (100%)
What I’m Thinking: Why doesn't he just take off his Cruxis crystal for the time being?
My Theme Song: N/A
Title: Soul Wielder- He wields the blade that eats souls. Can he complete his task as Soul Wielder?

He listened intently as the Seraphim spoke. "If his cruxis crystal is so unstable then why doesn't he remove it until he collects what he needs to help stabilize it? I know it would make him weaker then what he is, but that's one hell of a thing to have to worry about all the time.....and I could care less about where we decide to go I'll leave that up to Martel." Nayru replied before looking to the blonde, scythe girl.

....or maybe its something more then that

Daring Galaxy

10,625 Points
  • Unfortunate Abductee 175
  • Daring Investigator 50
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eix Åbend

Where I'm At: Temple of Ice
Who I'm With: Ari, Dremis, and Rahl
Title: Flame Monarch - A pyro user who holds a high position in government at a very young age. Will this be for the rest of his life?


Emotional Status: Shocked
Physical Status (HP): 60%
Mental Status: "They better be okay."
Mana Status (TP): 5% > 40%
This song would be playing now: SERIOUS.


Reix had been passed by Reaga and noticed Dremis charge right through the wall of the temple's enterance. Figuring that Rahl was going to pretty damn safe, he returned to Ari and waited in silence. He had half a mind to scold Rahl, but he wouldn't. When they returned, and Dremis took off with Rahl, Reaga, and Noire, he was a bit upset at first. That was until Ari let out a shout about the rhearid Rahl had lent them and he went over over him. "Will it carry both of us?"
At the beginning of this journey I was just the chosen's little brother...

Vengeful Gum-Chewer
Ari Yang Wilder

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Where I'm At:
Who I'm With: Reix
Emotional Status: Carefree and Ecstatic
Physical Status: Strong (100%)
Mana Status: Strong (100%)
What I’m Thinking: There's only one way to find out!
My Theme Song: N/A
Title: Vengeful Gum Chewer-You ate my gum! I'LL STRANGLE YOU!

Ari turned to look at his friend. "I don't know probably... there's only one way to find out!" he replied. He was usually more cautious then this, but at this point he could careless as long as there was a chance that it would get them back to the snowy city of Flanoir without having to walk back. Somewhere in the dark depths of his mind something told him that this was a bad idea, but he carelessly ignored the warning and jumped onto the reheird before gesturing for the 'Flame Monarch' to hop on.

But now...I think i'm starting to realize my own potential

( Ari gained the title Carefree Teen- Wait! What?! Ari is being careless! Who are you and what have you done with the real Ari!?)

Daring Galaxy

10,625 Points
  • Unfortunate Abductee 175
  • Daring Investigator 50
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Current Location: Ozette || Currently With: Kratos and Nayru
Martel Irving
Physical Status: 100/100 || Mental Status: 100/100 || Mana Status: 100/100
Theme Song: Karma || Title: Of Thorns and Roses

Martel listened to Kratos. So, he knew who Ankoko was? She'd have to be sure to get everything she could about him from the Seraphim. Turning to Nayru, she remembered back to the forest. "I didn't see a crest when he almost killed me in the Gaorrachia Forest. If it's unstable, I couldn't begin to imagine the damage it would cause to be removed. Probably far worse than having a normal, stabilized exsphere removed." She then thought about where they could go to talk. She wanted to go back to Iselia, but knew that Kratos was right. Altamira had a varity of different people, and the Lezerano Company would be willing to help them if they explained the situation. "I agree with Grandpa Kratos. I really don't think we should bring this up with the governments of Sylvarant and Tethe'alla yet. Not until we know enough details."

[[ Out of Craziness: I bet Kratos feels REALLY old right now. lol As if being called Dad doesn't make people feel old, he's being called Grandpa now. XD ]]
[[ Character Announcements: ]]
Major General Briggs

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Briggs jumped high into the air, the knives barely missing him. Well, that was unexpected. This was Shiraku's secret power, was it? It was perplexing yet ingenious—a chain embellished with wingpacks that held various weapons. It was good. Smart. Original. The Major General didn't have time to think about the chain, however. As the large star approached, he forced his foot forward, and kicked the shuriken away. Pain shot up his leg like needles, making Briggs growl in discomfort. He wouldn't last much longer doing this...but he had to finish this.

Gravity began to push him back towards the ground. He directed his fall closer to Shiraku, and held both fists above his head, preparing to slam with manic force. "Fang Field!"
“Life’s a big ocean…”

Eosphorus Yin Wilder

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Where I'm At: Flanoir Inn
Who I'm With: Camael, Drake, David, and Concept
Emotional Status: Concerned
Physical Status: Strong (100%)
Mana Status: Strong (100%)
What I’m Thinking: Damn.
My Theme Song: "Can't Stop, addicted to the shindig!"
Title: Overcomer - In the worst possible conditions, he'll still fight to save his friend.

Eos raised an eyebrow at what Camael said. A 'pawn for his disposal'? Damn, that was harsh. "Don't beat yourself up like that," the Chosen answered. "You're not a pawn. You saved my life, dude. Welcome to the Wilder family." Eosphorus showed a confident smile towards the angel, nodding. The Chosen was, after all, very grateful to this guy. Plus, he had a promise to Colette to keep Cam along with him.

...He began to sense something. It was...a presence he had not felt in a while. It was warm, powerful, and...grumpy? Eos stood up and looked out the window, the mana signature getting stronger.


The waiting game was over.

“…And I’m always ridin’ the big waves.”

Daring Galaxy

10,625 Points
  • Unfortunate Abductee 175
  • Daring Investigator 50
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eix Åbend

Where I'm At: Temple of Ice
Who I'm With: Ari
Title: Flame Monarch - A pyro user who holds a high position in government at a very young age. Will this be for the rest of his life?


Emotional Status: Concerned
Physical Status (HP): 60%
Mental Status: "What's going on here?"
Mana Status (TP): 40%
This song would be playing now: SERIOUS.


Reix looked at Ari with a look of concern. There was something wrong with him. "Something tells me this isn't going to end well." But, Reix didn't have any other choice, did he? It was either try out the rhearid or walk back to Flanior. And, he wasn't a fan of snow and ice. Sighing, he hopped onto the machine, scared for his and Ari's lives. If something happened, then they'd be alone in the Flanior fields.

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