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I know, I know, right now you're thinking, "wait, does that say arranged marriage? oh god, not another
one!" and while I personally find no problem with the abundance of arranged marriage roleplays on gaia,
I know more still find the genre trite and dull. That being said, this is not an arranged marriage roleplay
in the sense you're probably thinking of; this is much darker, and much less kind. I have tried, (perhaps
without success), to do something a little different within the genre -- and that is how Dominion came to
be. I hope you'll take a look, even if the genre doesn't necessarily appeal, and perhaps the game will
appeal to you anyway. And even if you're not inclined to join, you're welcome to hang around the ooc
and chat with us. That being said, I present to you Dominion, a fantasy roleplay about war, revenge, and
maybe - just maybe - amidst the bloodshed and strife, romance blooming in the ruins of a kingdom.

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                                                      The realm of Albionoria was a realm full of colorful, interesting people and cultures, of natural wonders and incredible landscapes. It was unlike the continents to the south and west of it, incredibly diverse and successful in every corner. But like any realm full of different people, there was conflict. Sometimes it was small, minor conflict, easily solved with a little temperance and mediation.

                                                      And sometimes, well... sometimes it was war.

                                                      The story begins thirteen years ago, in a time when there was tension but no conflict; a time when the Kingdom of Wolfmere was merely the Northern Kingdom, a country full of feral, "uncivilized" folk who just wanted to be allowed to thrive as the other kingdoms had. The people of Wolfmere were notoriously strong and hardy, able to recover from illness and injury at record time, and so accustomed to hardship that they seemed near inhuman in stamina. The strength and hardiness of the Northern Folk was legendary -- the southern kingdoms called them wolfmen or the wolves of the North. There was respect there, and perhaps a little fear, but mostly a calm acceptance. Wolfmere didn't seem particularly hostile, so there was no great threat.

                                                      Except to Kyrness. That is, the Kingdom of Kyrness, a large, militant nation situated to the southeast. What Kyrness lacked in other areas, it made up for in might; its military was unmatched, its citizens mighty. To these warriors, the strength of the Northerners was a challenge, a threat to their security. To the King of Kyrness, a man who was more than a little drunk on his own might and power, any challenge was unacceptable and had to be wiped out -- but he had no justification to send his armies against Wolfmere, and besides that, several other kingdoms lay between Kyrness and Wolfmere, kingdoms who would not accept sudden warfare.

                                                      So the King, with assistance from his counsel, developed a plan. He offered a hand of friendship to Wolfmere, inviting their royal family to his palace; he would show them his world, and begin talks of comradeship and trade. The King of Wolfmere, seeing an opportunity to better the lives of his people, gladly accepted. His wife, the queen, was too far along in her pregnancy to travel, so he left her to take care of the kingdom in his place, instead bringing his four sons and single daughter along with him. Wolfmere's king wanted his children to learn and see the world, see what they could turn Wolfmere into with work.

                                                      It was, unfortunately, all a trap. Having arrived at Kyrness's castle, the Wolfmere nobility was shown into a parlor.. and then laid upon by dozens of royal guards. For all the Northern King's strength, the numbers were against him, and he soon fell. Battered and bloody, forced to the floor by swords, the fallen king glared up at the king of Kyrness, who stood over him with a sword in hand. "Beasts wearing the skin of men do not belong in Albionoria; I am doing the realm a favor." And there, in the halls of his own castle, he beheaded the king of Wolfmere, in clear view of his horrified children. The children, huddled in a corner, had been beaten into submission as well, and the king rounded on them with a sword as well -- but felt a small bit of mercy for them. They were only children, and there was even a little girl among them. He sheathed his sword and snarled at his guards to find a carriage to bring the hellions back to their own lands.

                                                      "I will give you a boon, younglings," Kyrness's king said easily, and lifted their father's severed head by his hair, "take this back to your kingdom, the only piece of the traitor king that remains."

                                                      "Traitor?!" One of the elder children managed, choking back grief, "you are the traitor!"

                                                      The king of Kyrness laughed, a cruel sound, "I wonder who the realm will believe, a bunch of wolf cubs, or a king?" And as the Wolfmere princes and princess traveled back home in a carriage, they caught wind of the rumors that followed them. The Wolfmere king had openly attacked the king of Kyrness, intent on murder. Wolfmere meant to start a war. The king of Kyrness was being merciful, even kind, returning the children rather than executing them with their father -- and because no one would believe a savage from the North, soon enough the rumors became the "truth", and Wolfmere became not just the Northern Kingdom, but the Accursed Kingdom, the hateful kingdom that spawned a traitor. The other kingdoms of the realm were quick to believe Kyrness, and soon the entirety of Albionoria was against the North.

                                                      For twelve long years, Wolfmere was spurned and scorned, its people chased out of the other kingdoms and treated as less than human no matter where they went. And then, tired of the hate, tired of the seething injustice, Wolfmere decided to do exactly what Kyrness had implied they planned to do.

                                                      Lead by the eldest son of the late king, now a king himself, Wolfmere started an all-out war.

                                                      And just as Kyrness had feared, there wasn't a force in Albionoria that had the strength to stop them. The Kingdom of Glassmallow, the only nation to share a border with Wolfmere, had no military to speak of and had no desire to risk their citizens lives for a conflict they knew they could not win; they surrendered without a fight, allowing Wolfmere's armies passage through their lands unbarred. The Kingdom of Esterwyn, deeply religious and incredibly peaceful, refused to fight, and surrendered shortly thereafter as well. Wolfmere's armies rode on. The Kingdom of Stonewynne, known for their innovations and resources, would've potentially been able to stop Wolfmere... if they hadn't been the frontlines. But they were, and they fell after just a few weeks of fighting. Claiming Stonewynne and all its resources for Wolfmere, the vengeful march continued. The peninsula and archipelago of islands that made up the Kingdom of Corarce was the first kingdom that posed any true threat to Wolfmere; the North was mountainous, giving the soldiers of Wolfmere little practice with naval warfare.

                                                      The raw, animalistic might of Wolfmere persevered.

                                                      Four out of five kingdoms had fallen, now claimed and occupied by Wolfmere. It had only been a few months; the Northerners were seemingly possessed by beasts, or perhaps devils. Their strength was unreal, no average man a match for them. And all their might, and all their fury finally rounded on the truest source of their rage, the target of their vengeance -- the Kingdom of Kyrness was the only kingdom left standing. The war dragged on for months, the massive, skilled military of Kyrness seemingly holding their own against Wolfmere... and then the princes and princess of Wolfmere spearheaded an assault on the castle of Kyrness.

                                                      The next morning, the head of the king of Kyrness was found mounted on a spike above the gates.

                                                      Kyrness too had fallen, and in a single year, Wolfmere had claimed the entirety of the realm of Albionoria for its own. Soonafter, the announcements and proclamations began to spread. Wolfmere claims all of Albionoria for its own, the announcements said, and this realm shall henceforth be known as the Wolfmere Empire. The imperial decrees, passed on by the Wolfmere nobles, sons and daughter of the wronged king, declared that Glassmallow and Esterwyn, for their cooperation, would be allowed to continue as they had, with an oath of protection from Wolfmere. Stonewynne and Corarce's militaries would stripped and de-armed, and they would pay regular reparations of supplies and wealth to Wolfmere. As for Kyrness's fate... well, it was the worst of all.

                                                      'The Kingdom of Kyrness, from this day forth, no longer exists.'

                                                      Wolfmere was, for all intents and purposes, removing Kyrness from the map, literally absorbing it as a separate region of Wolfmere. The King and Queen had been ruthlessly executed, and Kyrness's only prince and eldest princess were now hostages, prisoners of war. And just when the other four kingdoms, shocked and rattled by Kyrness's fate, thought they were out of harms way, one more proclamation was made. The royal family of Wolfmere is henceforth appointed, a single noble to each province, as governors and rulers of each conquered land. The outcry was prominent -- what did these Northerners know about ruling their kingdoms? What happened to the promises that the lives of the average citizen would continue as is? The answer came in the second part of the proclamation.

                                                      'As a final payment for your injustices and crimes, Wolfmere demands one more payment of Glassmallow, Esterwyn, Stonewynne, and Corarce. These lands, now provinces of Wolfmere, will send their eldest princesses to what was once Kyrness, now Southern Wolfmere, to be wed to the royal family of Wolfmere.'

                                                      This was how Wolfmere intended to rule their newly conquered lands; by subjugating and absorbing the standing royal families. And it was Wolfmere's final, crippling blow to the pride of lands they had conquered as well: taking the jewels of each kingdom, their beloved princesses -- as brides claimed as spoils of war.

                                                      ━━ SEE I'VE COME TO BURN YOUR KINGDOM DOWNx
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                                                      tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ━━━━ FIRST
                                                      tab tab tab I DON'T CARE HOW MUCH YOU WRITE, AS LONG AS YOU WRITE PRETTY WELL.
                                                                          I'M SERIOUS. I DON'T CARE. AS LONG AS IT'S ENGLISH, THIRD PERSON, PARAGRAPH STYLE... GO FOR IT.
                                                                          ACTUALLY WAIT LET ME REPHRASE THAT: IF BIG POSTS ARE YOUR EXCUSE FOR ONLY POSTING ONCE EVERY TWO WEEKS
                                                                          DON'T WRITE HUGE POSTS. DON'T DO IT.
                                                                          SHORT, TO THE POINT, FAST. POSTING AT LEAST THREE TIMES A WEEK. THAT'S WHAT I WANT.
                                                                          IF YOU'RE WHINING ABOUT NOT HAVING TIME AND YOUR POSTS ARE BLOODY WAR AND PEACE MINUS PLOT
                                                                          AND PLUS PURPLE PROSE -- I'M NOT GOING TO HAVE ANY SYMPATHY AND STILL EXPECT POSTS.

                                                      tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ━━━━ SECOND
                                                      tab tab tab IF YOU'RE BUSY OR NEED TO DROP, JUST TELL ME.
                                                                          SERIOUSLY, IF YOU'RE LEGITIMATELY BUSY (AND I DON'T SEE YOU POSTING IN A MILLION OTHER OOCS CONSTANTLY...)
                                                                          I'M GOING TO BE TOTALLY COOL WITH IT AND WE'LL WORK SOMETHING OUT.
                                                                          JUST GIVE ME ADVANCE WARNING: NO WARNING, NO SPOT SAFETY.
                                                                          ON THE SAME PAGE, IF YOU NEED TO DROP THE ROLEPLAY, I'M NOT GONNA FLIP OUT.
                                                                          I TOTALLY RESPECT THAT... AS LONG AS YOU LET ME KNOW. DON'T JUST DISAPPEAR.
                                                                          COMMON COURTESY FOR ME AND THE OTHER ROLEPLAYERS, PLEASE.

                                                      tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ━━━━ THIRD
                                                      tab tab tab CREATIVE, UNIQUE CHARACTERS ARE PRETTY AWESOME.
                                                                          SO HOW ABOUT WE MAKE SOME, YEAH?
                                                                          I'M NOT SAYING NO CLICHES - CLICHES CAN BE HELLA FUN IF DONE RIGHT
                                                                          BUT IF I GET ONE MORE SOBBING, DOE-EYED PRINCESS WHO ADAMANTLY HATES THE ARRANGEMENT
                                                                          BUT MAGICALLY FALLS IN LOVE WITH HER FIANCE IN ONE DAY, I'M GONNA SCREAM.
                                                                          MAKE A CHARACTER YOU'LL WANT TO PLAY LONG TERM AND HAVE FUN DOING SO
                                                                          BONUS POINTS FOR MAKING THEM UNIQUE BUT NOT SO UNIQUE THEY VENTURE INTO SUE TERRITORY.
                                                                          YOU CAN HAVE ONE NOBLE CHARACTER AND AS MANY EXTRAS ( "THE HELP" ) AS YOU LIKE.

                                                      tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ━━━━ FOURTH
                                                      tab tab tab AND WHILE WE'RE AT IT, LET'S FOLLOW SOME GENERAL RULES.
                                                                          LIKE, YOU KNOW, OBEYING THE GAIA TERMS OF SERVICE.
                                                                          TIMESKIP OVER THE SEX, PEOPLE.
                                                                          OH, AND RESPECT OTHER PLAYERS AT ALL TIMES.
                                                                          YOU KNOW WHAT, JUST BE GENERALLY RESPECTFUL.
                                                                          ON A DARKER NOTE: THIS IS POST WAR, SO VIOLENCE AND RAPE PROBABLY HAPPENED. VAGUELY ALLUDE TO IT IF SO
                                                                          I WILL DELETE THE HELL OUT OF YOUR POST, NO EXCEPTIONS, IF YOU GET GRAPHIC.

                                                      tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ━━━━ FIFTH
                                                      tab tab tab ON JOINING AND SUCH - IF I HAVEN'T SCARED YOU OFF.
                                                                          SO YOU'LL FIND A RESERVE AND A PROFILE A FEW POSTS DOWN IN THE FORMS POST
                                                                          YOU'LL NEED TO PM THE RESERVE TO ME TITLED 'DOMINION RESERVE'
                                                                          YOU'VE GOT 72 HOURS FROM ME REPLYING BACK TO YOUR RESERVE TO FINISH THE PROFILE.
                                                                          WHICH YOU WILL THEN PM TO ME TITLED 'DOMINION PROFILE'.
                                                                          THAT'S REALLY IT. SIMPLE AND TO THE POINT.
                                                                          OH, IF YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT SOMEONE GETTING A RESERVE IN BEFORE
                                                                          YOU FINISH FILLING YOURS OUT, JUST DROP IN THE OOC AND BE ALL
                                                                          "HEY, I'M RESERVING [WHATEVER CHARACTER] BUT I'M TAKING MY TIME ON MY RESERVE" OR SOMETHING

                                                      tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ━━━━ SIXTH
                                                      tab tab tab LASTLY, THE THINGS I DON'T KNOW WHERE TO PUT.
                                                                          HI, I'M TENROU, CALL ME TEN, AND I'M ACTUALLY REALLY EASY-GOING.
                                                                          I KNOW I COME ACROSS LIKE AN a** BUT I'M REALLY NOT OFTEN.
                                                                          IF YOU'VE GOT A QUESTION, PM ME OR POST IN THE OOC!
                                                                          OH, USE ANIME STYLE ART AND PICTURES - NO PHOTOS OR PHOTOREALISM.
                                                                          PRETTY FORMATS ARE NICE, BUT I DON'T REQUIRE THEM
                                                                          I'M HAPPY TO MAKE YOU ONE IF YOU WANT, THOUGH: JUST ASK.
                                                                          I CAN AND PROBABLY WILL CHANGE AND ADD TO THESE RULES.

                                                      ━━ SEE I'VE COME TO BURN YOUR KINGDOM DOWNx
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                                                      tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ━━━━ WOLFMERE
                                                      Situated to the far north of the continent of Albionoria, the Kingdom of Wolfmere is without a doubt the most unforgiving country of the realm. Mountainous and full of ravines - and covered in taiga elsewhere - the land is excessively difficult to inhabit and traverse, and very little beyond the rugged native flora grows in the rocky soil, making agriculture difficult. The weather is mild for a good part of the year, with a mild, comfortable summer, but Wolfmere's winters are nothing short of murderous, freezing, windy, and often capable of burying entire cities in snow. It is no surprise the people of Wolfmere are as harsh as the land, one and all gifted with physical prowess beyond that of most -- a gift needed merely to survive in their homeland. However, despite the merciless landscapes - which can be deadly to anyone not accustomed to it, even in the 'safe' seasons - there is a feral, untamed beauty to Wolfmere, and its mountain ranges are grand and majestic in scale -- second to none. The people of Wolfmere are much like their home, feral, wild, a little uncivilized. They are, however, deeply spritiual people who believe nature in itself is a living thing, and have a very peaceful, symbiotic relationship with the lands they live on. Due to their connection with nature and their physical prowess, they are often unkindly likened to beasts. They are dark of hair and often have caramel or bronze skintones; their eyes can be dark, like their hair, or vivid shades of gold and amber. The ruling family of Wolfmere is currently the Ruane family, consisting of: the Queen Mother Ailbhe, widow of the late King Piaras; her five sons, of which the eldest is the current king; and her single daughter.

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                                                      tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ━━━━ KYRNESS
                                                      Situated to the far south - the southernmost nation in Albionoria - lies the militant kingdom of Kyrness. Up until very recently, Kyrness was widely regarded as the most powerful nation in the realm, well-known for its vast, skilled military and strict laws. Despite the seemingly cold nature of its people, Kyrness is a flowering, lush subtropical nation with balmy winters and hot summers. Kyrness is mostly plains and open expanses of land covered in sparse forests and flowers, but has one well known geographic feature in the gates that lead to its capital: the Guardians, four sets of opposing pairs of massive stone dragons that arc high above the path to the castle. The people of Kyrness can be warm and kind, but are raised as a culture to be disciplined and calm, and so are not prone to showing strong emotions. They are not spiritual nor religious in anyway. A nation-wide emphasis on independence exists, and everyone, including women and children, is expected to know how to defend themselves and their home. Despite this, Kyrness is a definite patriarchy, and women are not allowed to serve in the military. While traditionally tan-skinned with fair hair, there is no longer a surefire physical trait that identifies a Kyrness descent, and even the royal family has varied coloration. The ruling family of Kyrness is currently the Villaverde family; once consisting of King Horacio, his wife Queen Camilla, his only son and several daughters, since Wolfmere's conquest, the king and queen have been executed, the prince and eldest princess have been taken as prisoners, and the fate of the younger daughters is unclear. Kyrness, as of Wolfmere's conquering, has been formally dissolved and claimed as "Southern Wolfmere".

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                                                      tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ━━━━ GLASSMALLOW
                                                      Situated northwards, sharing a northern border with the Kingdom of Wolfmere, lays the Kingdom of Glassmallow. Fairly small in population, Glassmallow lies north enough that it is prone to frigid winters, but south enough that the summers can still be quite warm. This gives rise to the most abundant collection of flora in Albionoria; where Glassmallow isn't covered in thick, lush forests, it's overgrown with greenery off all types and sizes. There is something near-mystic about Glassmallow's abundant vegetation, and greenery and produce from the small kingdom is twice, sometimes thrice, as valuable as the same produce grown elsewhere. Because of the variety of greenery, the best herbalists and healers hail from Glassmallow, and any brave enough to venture outside their homeland can make a tidy profit in the other kingdoms. Most however do not travel, due to the fact the people of Glassmallow are, much like Wolfmere, deeply spiritual and feel a connection to the land they live on. Yet, despite their reputation as healers and their standing as one of the most peaceful people in the realm, the people of Glassmallow are often unjustly compared to Wolfmere. This is likely due to proximity and similar features (a common ancestor has lead to similar dark hair and dark or golden eyes), as well as spirituality, and the people of Glassmallow are sometimes cruelly associated with the "savages" moniker. As previous mentioned, the people of Glassmallow tend to have dark hair and dark eyes, but variation in coloration is far more common than in the far north. The ruling family of Glassmallow is currently the Albescu family, consisting of King Dragos, Queen Adela, and their only child, a daughter.

                                                      tab tab tab tab tab tab User Image xxxxxxxxxxx User Image
                                                      tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ━━━━ ESTERWYN
                                                      Falling (quite appropriately) at the heart of Albionoria lies the Kingdom of Esterwyn. Deeply, profoundly religious (find more on the religion here), Esterwyn's king is not nearly as much of a monarch as the other kings and is much rather seen as a speaker for the gods. Esterwyn's pantheon consists of nine gods - reflected in the nine-pointed star on their flag - and each god is deeply revered. Esterwyn's religion is, however, both extremely peaceful and extremely accepting, leading to a humble, gentle people. They are taught to be accepting, open and kind, and treat all, believers and not, alike. Because of this, and the general state of the kingdom, Esterwyn is widely regarded as one of the greatest places in Albionoria to hail from. Esterwyn's location, not too far north or south, leads to a mild climate with all four seasons very pronounced -- warm summers and cold winters, but with no extremes either way. Esterwyn is a rich, vibrantly green land, with torrential rivers that run through most of the land. The cities of Esterwyn are known throughout the realm for their unique design: more often than not, they are carved into cliffsides, buildings and paths alike made from stone. The people of Esterwyn are usually fair haired and fair-skinned, often with vibrant blue or green eyes. The ruling family of Esterwyn is currently the Reis family, consisting of the widower King Irving, his two sons and three daughters. The late Queen Perle was much loved and adored, and is remembered fondly. It is worth noting the Reis family are priests and priestess one and all -- it is traditional for the ruling family to be raised as such.

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                                                      tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ━━━━ STONEWYNNE
                                                      Situated westward, the Kingdom of Stonewynne is the economic hub of Albionoria. The only kingdom to share a border with four nations, Stonewynne's prime location has made it the center trading hub for both goods and knowledge. The people of Stonewynne are often clever and highly intelligent, and Stonewynne is the forerunner in technology and advancements in lifestyle. Even their latest developments in medicine are nearly as promising as the healing methods of Glassmallow. Once of similar climate with Esterwyn, green and riddled with rivers, much of Stonewynne's natural resources have been stripped and used for the sake of its people. Stonewynne feels no great connection to the land and has no qualms about taking from the land, leading to a long-standing rivalry with Glassmallow (and ultimately, a lack of mercy from Wolfmere). Being such a central hub of people and commerce, Stonewynne has the most wildly varying physical features of any kingdom, and there is essentially nothing that is particularly unusual or strange in terms of coloration. The monarchy of Stonewynne is unique in that while it is ultimately patriarchal, it is no simple matter for a prince to ascend the throne: he must be thoroughly tested and prove himself intellectually capable of ruling a kingdom of scholars and inventors. The ruling family of Stonewynne is currently the Bonheur family, consisting of King Aldric, Queen Jeanine, their three sons and single daughter.

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                                                      tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ━━━━ CORARCE
                                                      Located far west, the Kingdom of Corarce is the most geographically unique nation in Albionoria; the entire kingdom is situated on a single, jutting peninsula and a stretching archipelago consisting of well over a hundred islands of varying sizes. It has a warm, humid climate due to the proximity to the sea, but due to sandy, salty soil, has a very, very limited selection of flora, mostly consisting of palm trees and tall grasses. The culture of Corarce is vibrant and colorful, full of musicians and artists and everything in between. It is a nation that has come from the sea, reveres the sea, and knows full well the sea could claim their lives at any time -- so they celebrate life grandiosely every day. They are notoriously lighthearted and carefree on land, but are the most stern, reliable sailors in the realm. Deeply respectful of the sea - and any body of water - they are quick to shun and punish those who disregard the power of the sea. Despite this, they are a vivacious, wild people, as untamed as the sea and not seeking anyone's approval. Historically the Corarce people have fair hair, fair skin (which ultimately darkens in the sun) and jewel-colored eyes, but the variety of coloration in Stonewynne has began to show in the population of Corarce as well. Beyond that, a recent cosmetic trend has the fair-haired citizens coloring their hair with paints and dyes, resulting in blinding, vibrant colors. The ruling family of Corarce is currently the Landvik family, consisting of King Halstein - who is also the high admiral of the navy - and his wife, Queen Therese, as well as their three sons and four daughters.

                                                      ━━ SEE I'VE COME TO BURN YOUR KINGDOM DOWNx
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                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab tab tab WARLORD KING
                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab 2 8 xxxx 6 ' 7 " xxxx 2 6 9 L B S xxxx # D 8 7 A 6 0 xxxx x T E N R O U

                                                                        ELDEST SON OF THE PREVIOUS KING OF WOLFMERE, WHEN HIS FATHER WAS EXECUTED THE THRONE FELL TO HIM.
                                                                        HE WAS A TEENAGER AT THE TIME, SO HE REMEMBERS HIS FATHER MOST CLEARLY; BY EXTENSION, HIS NEED FOR
                                                                        REVENGE IS THE GREATEST. HE IS MERCILESS IN HIS CONQUERING, BUT A KIND, LOVED KING TO HIS OWN PEOPLE.

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                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab tab tab CROWN PRINCE
                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab 2 4 xxxx 6 ' 2 " xxxx 1 9 0 L B S xxxx # 2 C A 7 E A xxxx a x l i t t l e x h u m m i n g b i r d

                                                                        SECOND SON OF THE EXECUTED KING, HE IS CROWN PRINCE BY WAY OF HIS ELDER BROTHER'S RULE. HE, MUCH LIKE
                                                                        THE ELDEST, WAS OLD ENOUGH TO REMEMBER HIS FATHER CLEARLY, AND AS SUCH WANTS REVENGE NEARLY AS MUCH.
                                                                        HE SUPPORTS THE CONQUERING OF THE OTHER KINGDOMS IN FULL, AND IS ECSTATIC DUE TO WOLFMERE'S SUCCESS.

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                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab tab tab THIRD PRINCE
                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab 2 2 xxxx 6 ' 4 " xxxx 2 5 6 L B S xxxx C O L O R xxxx f a t a l x r e b e l l i o n

                                                                        THIRD SON OF THE EXECUTED KING, AND THE SLIGHTLY ELDER TWIN OF THE FOURTH SON, HE WAS A CHILD WHEN HIS
                                                                        FATHER WAS EXECUTED, AND CAN ONLY REMEMBER SMALL BITS AND PIECES OF HIM. MOST OF WHAT HE RECALLS
                                                                        IS PASSED OF TO HIM FROM HIS ELDER BROTHERS. DESPITE THIS, HE BELIEVES IN WOLFMERE'S CONQUEST FULLY.

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                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab tab tab FOURTH PRINCE
                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab 2 2 xxxx 6 ' 1 " xxxx 1 8 5 L B S xxxx # A A 9 9 8 8 xxxx R y e o j i

                                                                        FOURTH SON OF THE EXECUTED KING, AND THE SLIGHTLY YOUNGER TWIN OF THE THIRD SON, HE WAS TOO A CHILD
                                                                        WHEN HIS FATHER WAS EXECUTED, AND ONLY REMEMBERS SMALL BITS AND PIECES OF HIM. MOST OF WHAT HE RECALLS
                                                                        IS PASSED OF TO HIM FROM HIS ELDER BROTHERS. HE IS MORE DOUBTING OF WOLFMERE'S CONQUEST THAN HIS TWIN.

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                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ONLY PRINCESS
                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab 2 3 xxxx 5 ' 7 " xxxx 1 2 8 L B S xxxx # A 4 5 D 4 5 xxxx d a d x s e n p a i

                                                                        THE ONLY DAUGHTER OF THE EXECUTED KING OF WOLFMERE, THIS STRONG SPIRITED WOMAN WAS NEARLY OF
                                                                        AGE WITH HER TWIN BROTHERS WHEN HER FATHER WAS EXECUTED, BUT REMEMBERS IT FAR MORE CLEARLY THAN
                                                                        THEY DO. DESPITE BEING A WOMAN, SHE IS AS VENGEFUL AS HER SIBLINGS, AND IS EVERY INCH A WOLFMERE NOBLE.

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                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab tab tab YOUNGEST PRINCE
                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab 1 4 xxxx 5 ' 7 " xxxx 1 4 0 L B S xxxx # D D 6 6 7 7 xxxx l o s e r x c o m p a n y m a c h i n e

                                                                        YOUNGEST SON OF THE EXECUTED KING, THIS YOUNG PRINCE NEVER HAD THE CHANCE TO MEET HIS OWN FATHER.
                                                                        THE QUEEN MOTHER WAS PREGNANT WHEN THE KING WAS EXECUTED, AND SO HE WAS BORN WITHOUT HIS FATHER.
                                                                        BECAUSE OF THIS, HE IS THE LEAST DRIVEN FOR REVENGE AND THE LEAST HOSTILE TOWARDS THE OTHER KINGDOMS.

                                                      ━━ SEE I'VE COME TO BURN YOUR KINGDOM DOWNx
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                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab tab tab KYRNESS PRINCE
                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab 2 6 xxxx 6 ' 1 " xxxx 1 9 0 L B S xxxx G O L D E N R O D xxxx K n i g h t s G u a r d i a n

                                                                        ONLY PRINCE AND HEIR APPARENT OF THE PATRIARCHAL KINGDOM OF KYRNESS, HE SUFFERS FOR THE CRIMES OF
                                                                        HIS FATHER: WOLFMERE CLAIMED HIM SPECIFICALLY TO MAKE SURE KYRNESS HAS NO MALE HEIR. A HOSTAGE
                                                                        NOW, WOLFMERE WILL NOT ALLOW HIM TO ASCEND THE THRONE OR SAVE HIS KINGDOM FROM DISSOLUTION.

                                                                    User Image

                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab tab tab KYRNESS PRINCESS
                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab 2 3 xxxx 5 ' 6 " xxxx 1 2 8 L B S xxxx # B 6 D 9 A C xxxx l i k e x a x w a r r i o r

                                                                        SPIRITED PRINCESS OF THE KINGDOM OF KYRNESS, SHE IS VERY CLOSE IN AGE TO HER BROTHER, AND
                                                                        FEARS FOR HIS LIFE AT THE HANDS OF WOLFMERE. DUE TO BEING A NOBLE OF THE KINGDOM THAT TOOK
                                                                        THE PREVIOUS WOLFMERE'S KING'S LIFE, HER SAFETY IS NOT ASSURED EITHER. A HOSTAGE AS WELL.

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                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab tab tab GLASSMALLOW PRINCESS
                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab 2 0 xxxx 5 ' 5 " xxxx 1 2 0 L B S xxxx # 5 F 7 5 5 E xxxx E l i n o i

                                                                        BELOVED PRINCESS OF THE KINGDOM OF GLASSMALLOW; SHE, LIKE THE OTHER PRINCESSES, HAS BEEN SENT
                                                                        (ALBEIT RELUCTANTLY) BY HER OWN PARENTS AS SOMETHING BETWEEN A POTENTIAL BRIDE AND A HOSTAGE
                                                                        TO THE WOLFMERE PRINCES. DUE TO GLASSMALLOW'S LACK OF RESISTANCE, SHE IS THE SAFEST PRINCESS.

                                                                    User Image

                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ESTERWYN PRINCESS
                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab 1 8 xxxx 4 ' 1 1 " xxxx 9 3 L B S xxxx # F 8 7 1 7 1 xxxx t r e n t e x t r o i s

                                                                        PIOUS PRINCESS OF THE KINGDOM OF ESTERWYN; SHE, LIKE THE OTHER PRINCESSES, HAS BEEN SENT (ALBEIT
                                                                        RELUCTANTLY) BY HER OWN PARENTS AS SOMETHING BETWEEN A POTENTIAL BRIDE AND A HOSTAGE TO THE
                                                                        WOLFMERE PRINCES. DUE TO ESTERWYN'S VERY PASSIVE NATURE, SHE IS ALSO SAFE IN HER POSITION.

                                                                    User Image

                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab tab tab STONEWYNNE PRINCESS
                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab 2 2 xxxx 5 ' 1 0 " xxxx 1 3 0 L B S xxxx # C 2 1 A 0 1 xxxx A k a i x P a p i l l o n

                                                                        INGENIOUS PRINCESS OF THE KINGDOM OF STONEWYNNE; SHE, LIKE THE OTHER PRINCESSES, HAS BEEN SENT
                                                                        (ALBEIT RELUCTANTLY) BY HER OWN PARENTS AS SOMETHING BETWEEN A POTENTIAL BRIDE AND A HOSTAGE
                                                                        TO THE WOLFMERE PRINCES. STONEWYNNE'S DISREGARD FOR NATURE HAS PUT HER IN A DANGEROUS SPOT.

                                                                    User Image

                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab tab tab CORARCE PRINCESS
                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab 2 4 xxxx 5 ' 7 " xxxx 1 3 0 L B S xxxx # C 2 0 9 5 5 xxxx w e a t h e r e d x l a w

                                                                        INDEPENDENT PRINCESS OF THE KINGDOM OF CORARCE; SHE, LIKE THE OTHER PRINCESSES, HAS BEEN SENT
                                                                        (ALBEIT RELUCTANTLY) BY HER OWN PARENTS AS SOMETHING BETWEEN A POTENTIAL BRIDE AND A HOSTAGE
                                                                        TO THE WOLFMERE PRINCES. CORARCE'S RESISTANCE HAS PLACED HER IN A GREAT DEAL OF DANGER.

                                                      ━━ SEE I'VE COME TO BURN YOUR KINGDOM DOWNx
                                                    User Image

                        User Image

                                                      YOU ARE FREE TO MAKE THESE SLOTS AS YOU SEE FIT, BUT IF I END UP WITH TOO MANY OF ONE THING, I WILL STOP

                                                                    User Image

                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab tab tab SEA PRINCESS
                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab 2 3 xxxx 6 ' 0 " xxxx 1 7 3 L B S xxxx # 2 1 5 1 8 2 xxxx k u m a h i m e s

                                                                        ONCE THE LOVED AND SPIRITED SECOND PRINCESS OF CORARCE, SHE HAS FORSAKEN TITLE AND FAMILY
                                                                        FOR THE FREEDOM AND ADVENTURE OF THE OPEN SEA. BELIEVED DEAD BY THE ENTIRETY OF CORARCE
                                                                        SHE RETURNED TO HER HOME JUST IN TIME TO LEARN OF HER SISTER'S FATE, AND TO FOLLOW AFTER.

                                                                    User Image

                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab tab tab WOLFMERE SOLDIER
                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab 2 3 xxxx 6 ' 0 " xxxx 1 7 2 L B S xxxx D A R K G R E E N xxxx S i i D E W A L K x c x h x a x l x k

                                                                        LOYAL SOLDIER AND SON OF A WOLFMEREAN NOBLE, HE IS A WOLF THROUGH AND THROUGH
                                                                        YOUNGEST OF SEVEN BROTHERS, ALL OF WHOM WOULD LIVE AND DIE FOR THEIR KINGDOM, HE
                                                                        TOO CARVED A BLOODY PATH - WITH GLEE - THROUGH ALBIONORIA IN THE NAME OF HIS KING

                                                                    User Image

                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab tab tab WOLFMERE SOLDIER
                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab 2 3 xxxx 5 ' 10 " xxxx 1 5 6 L B S xxxx # 6 2 0 E 0 6 xxxx I I x R a t i o n a l x I n s a n i t y x I I

                                                                        ONLY LIVING MEMBER OF AN ESTEEMED AND RESPECTED WOLFMEREAN CLAN, HE WAS RAISED FROM
                                                                        YOUTH ALONGSIDE THE RUANE FAMILY AND WORKED AS THE CROWN PRINCE'S BODY DOUBLE UNTIL
                                                                        HE WAS OLDER. DEVOUT AND LOYAL TO THE CORE, HIS CAUSE IS JUST AND HIS DEDICATION TRUE.

                                                                    User Image

                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab tab tab GLASSMALLOW HERBALIST
                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab 2 4 xxxx 5 ' 0 " xxxx 1 3 0 L B S xxxx # F 1 C A C 6 xxxx x xT E N R O U

                                                                        DESCRIPTION PENDING PROFILE.

                                                                    User Image

                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab tab tab REIKI MASTER
                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab 2 2 xxxx 5 ' 2 " xxxx 1 9 0 L B S xxxx M E D I U M S E A G R E E N xxxx J e s s i e x B e a n s s

                                                                        DESCRIPTION PENDING PROFILE.

                                                                    User Image

                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab tab tab FALSE SOLDIER
                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab 2 5 xxxx 5 ' 7 " xxxx 1 5 8 L B S xxxx D E E P P I N K xxxx S u z u k i x M i n e

                                                                        DESCRIPTION PENDING PROFILE.

                                                                    User Image

                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab tab tab STONEWYNNE SERVANT
                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab 2 1 xxxx 5 ' 8 " xxxx 1 3 5 L B S xxxx # 5 4 6 0 5 E xxxx l a c e d x d e l u s i o n

                                                                        DESCRIPTION PENDING PROFILE.

                                                                    User Image

                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab tab tab WOLFMERE SERVANT
                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab 1 4 xxxx 6 ' 1 " xxxx 1 6 7 L B S xxxx # E 0 8 A 2 1 xxxx t r e n t e x t r o i s

                                                                        DESCRIPTION PENDING PROFILE.

                                                                    User Image

                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab tab tab CHARACTER ROLE
                                                                    tab tab tab tab tab A G E xxxx H E I G H T xxxx W E I G H T xxxx C O L O U R xxxx U S E R N A M E

                                                                        DESCRIPTION PENDING PROFILE.

                                                      ━━ SEE I'VE COME TO BURN YOUR KINGDOM DOWNx
                                                    User Image

                        User Image

                                                      ━━━━ RESERVE

                                                                          CHARACTER xx role you're reserving.
                                                                          IMAGE xx the picture you want to use.
                                                                          INFO xx height, weight, age. posting/speaking color, if you've decided on one.
                                                                          USERNAME xx your username! and maybe a nickname or what you'd like to be called.
                                                                          EXTRA xx questions? comments? anything else goes here~

                                                      [size=7][b][color=#a1d6f1]CHARACTER[/color][/b][/size] [color=white]xx[/color] [size=10][color=#3b2e39]role you're reserving.[/color][/size]
                                                      [size=7][b][color=#a1d6f1]IMAGE[/color][/b][/size] [color=white]xx[/color] [size=10][color=#3b2e39]the picture you want to use.[/color][/size]
                                                      [size=7][b][color=#a1d6f1]INFO[/color][/b][/size] [color=white]xx[/color] [size=10][color=#3b2e39]height, weight, age. posting/speaking color, if you've decided on one.[/color][/size]
                                                      [size=7][b][color=#a1d6f1]USERNAME[/color][/b][/size] [color=white]xx[/color] [size=10][color=#3b2e39]your username! and maybe a nickname or what you'd like to be called.[/color][/size]
                                                      [size=7][b][color=#a1d6f1]EXTRA[/color][/b][/size] [color=white]xx[/color] [size=10][color=#3b2e39]questions? comments? anything else goes here~[/color][/size]

                                                      ━━━━ PROFILE
                                                      I'M AWARE THIS CODE WILL BREAK IN PRIVATE MESSAGES - THAT'S FINE, PM IT ANYWAY.

                                                      [size=22][color=white]x[/color] [color=COLOUR1]████[/color] [color=white]x[/color][color=COLOUR2]━━[/color] [color=COLOUR3]♛[/color] [color=COLOUR1]◞[/color][b][color=COLOUR4]FULL CHARACTER NAME[/color][/b] [color=white]x[/color] [color=COLOUR1]█[/color][color=COLOUR2]█[/color][color=COLOUR3]▌[/color][/size]
                                                      [size=7][color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][color=COLOUR3][b]AGE [color=white]xxx[/color] HEIGHT [color=white]xxx[/color] WEIGHT [color=white]xxx[/color] HOME KINGDOM [color=white]xxx[/color] RANK/OCCUPATION [color=white]xxx[/color] POSTING/SPEAKING COLOR[/b][/color][/size][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list]

                                                      [size=10][color=COLOUR1]┆[/color] [color=COLOUR3]♛[/color] [color=COLOUR1]┆[/color] [color=white]x[/color][/size] [color=COLOUR4][size=7][b]PERSONALITY[/b][/size][/color] [size=10][color=black]your characters personality. what they're like. also, leave the black color for this text alone.[/color][/size]

                                                      [size=10][color=COLOUR1]┆[/color] [color=COLOUR3]♛[/color] [color=COLOUR1]┆[/color] [color=white]x[/color][/size] [color=COLOUR4][size=7][b]BIOGRAPHY[/b][/size][/color] [size=10][color=black]Your characters history. You don't need to detail everything; mystery is good! again, leave the black color for this text alone.[/color][/size]

                                                      [size=10][color=COLOUR1]┆[/color] [color=COLOUR3]♛[/color] [color=COLOUR1]┆[/color] [color=white]x[/color][/size] [color=COLOUR4][size=7][b]TRIVIA[/b][/size][/color] [size=10][color=black]This is trivia! Likes, dislikes, talents, skills. Anything that's not personality or bio that you want to talk about. black stays once again.[/color][/size]

                                                      [list][list][list][list][list][list][list][size=22][color=white]x[/color] [color=COLOUR1]████[/color] [color=white]x[/color][color=COLOUR2]━━[/color] [color=COLOUR3]♛[/color] [color=COLOUR1]◞[/color][b][color=COLOUR4]USERNAME[/color][/b] [color=white]x[/color] [color=COLOUR1]█[/color][color=COLOUR2]█[/color][color=COLOUR3]▌[/color][/size]

                                                      ━━ SEE I'VE COME TO BURN YOUR KINGDOM DOWNx
                                                    User Image

                        User Image
                                                      tab tab tab ━━ 01 x WHY DO YOU NEED A PICTURE FOR THE RESERVE?
                                                      There's no real way to say this without sounding like an a**... basically, I need to make sure the image you've picked isn't wildly unsuitable. The Wolfmere princes aren't going to be blonde-haired, scrawny girly-men. The Glassmallow princess isn't going to be a shehulk warrior, etc. I'm really, really flexible, so there's a good chance whatever you pick is fine, but I need to be sure of this. Sorry!

                                                      tab tab tab ━━ 02 x DOES ANYONE HAVE SPECIAL POWERS?
                                                      Like, supernatural skills or something? No, nothing like that. The Wolfmere nobles are strong and hardy, but they're definitely human. There's no spellcasting or magic or anything, but there's a hazy line with stuff like herbalism, spiritualism, etc.

                                                      tab tab tab ━━ 03 x WHAT ARE THE ANIMALS LIKE?
                                                      Essentially exactly the same as the real world. You could add some variants on stuff that exists, like a rare songbird with unique coloring, or a strange deer, etc, but no dragons or monsters or anything. Probably.

                                                      tab tab tab ━━ 04 x DO THE CHARACTERS HAVE TO BE "TYPICAL" FOR THEIR KINGDOM?
                                                      For the most part, no. The Stonewynne princess could be less bookish and more confrontational, for example. A character from Corarce could be serious and stoic. For the most part, you an do whatever you want with your characters. I ask that the Esterwyn princess stay fairly humble and religious, however. That's the only thing set in stone.

                                                      tab tab tab ━━ 05 x ARE ALL THE KINGDOMS PATRIARCHAL?
                                                      Pretty much. Corarce, you could probably get away with if the eldest princess is an incredibly talented sailor and could make a fantastic Admiral, she might become queen instead... Esterwyn, if their gods deem the princess a more suitable ruler, than she too would likely be queen. Wolfmere, Glassmallow, Stonewynne and Kyrness are all definitely patriarchal though.

                                                      tab tab tab ━━ 06 x COULD I PLAY ONE OF THE YOUNGER PRINCES/PRINCESSES?
                                                      Normally I'd say no, but that would probably be interesting to see, so if you can come up with a good reason for them to be there... go for it!

                                                      tab tab tab ━━ 07 x IS THERE A PARTICULAR THEME FOR NAMES?
                                                      I sort of had a theme going (Wolfmere's surname is Irish, Kyrness's is Spanish, Corarce is Norwegian, etc), but really, pick whatever name you want! I'm not that picky about it. Just try to avoid heavy, obviously Japanese names, because there really isn't a Japanese-equivalent culture in Albionoria.

                                                      tab tab tab ━━ 08 x WHAT AGES ARE THE CHARACTERS?
                                                      Late teens to early twenties, generally. The youngest Wolfmere prince is the only exception, as he should be 12 - 14. Realistically speaking, the older Wolfmere brothers are probably the oldest nobles in the roleplay, but the extra characters could be much younger or much older as well.

                                                      ━━ SEE I'VE COME TO BURN YOUR KINGDOM DOWNx
                                                    User Image

                        User Image

                                                      tab tab tab tab tab tab User Image xxxxxxxxxxx
                                                      tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ━━━━ ESTERWYN'S RELIGION
                                                      Graciously and amazingly created, compiled, and written by our own trente trois. Any and all credit for this religion goes exclusively to her.
                                                      while there are technically ten gods that influence them, the people esterwyn only acknowledge nine of them. they believe that to live contently, kindly, generously and humbly, devotees must maintain a balance between each of the gods influences (for instance, allowing too much of soemur's influences in one's life - such as research, knowledge - can cause one to become arrogant and even dishonest so they can maintain their arrogance). they believe that most injuries, diseases, and negative feelings are caused by some sort of imbalance in the person's life.

                                                      due to the tenth god's myth, it's become a common belief that if one kills another living thing, or allows others to be killed without even making an effort to prevent it (this and the kingdom's quick surrender has caused one of esterwyn's first civil unrest in years - though it's nothing more than a few rumblings about how maybe the gods no longer speak to the current king) - their soul will be refused eternal rest and left to wander the land. these souls are thought of with pity and called the Exhausted or the Stained.

                                                      there are three large religious festivals every year - there are quite a few smaller ones, but these three are typically seen as mandatory for the good of the soul - one is where you give others papers with what you're thankful to them for written on them. the papers are burned at the end of the day to prevent the pure, positive meaning from being twisted as some sort of blackmail or source of arrogance and the smoke is symbolic of everyone thanking the gods as well. ( Mercendi ) The second is less a festival and more a day of reflection to be spent in complete silence though what the person does during the day is up to them. ( Penjour ) And the third is a day spent repenting, for your own sins and for the Exhausted in hopes they will be able to rest one day. The day is typically spent doing something unpleasant, from physical pain to emotional. ( Gissentir )

                                                      daily wise, most people either leave quick prayers or a small offering at a home shrine ( such as burning a sweet smelling herb ) or they'll leave an offering at a temple at the end of a week, month, etc. It's typically seen as enough to just maintain personal balance and help your neighbor or even nonbelievers main their own - no one wants to see another human be rejected peace.


                                                      soemur - knowledge, truth, patience, speech; arrogance, dishonesty. most philosophers and teachers wear her symbols. elder sister of boutéger and guette. she is the one who passed on cierem's wishes of peace to mortals and to the other gods. a common story told to fighting sisters is that soemur rests against cierem's belly so she can read and tell stories to her trapped brother.

                                                      boutéger - protection, defense, fortitude, strength; impatience, stubbornness - the first prayers from a new home are always given to him; he is tasked with not only the protection of the living, but also the exhausted. he is also the one to look at for guidance when doubts form. he's seen as favoring any territorial animals or those with protective covers like turtles, many children's toys are named for him to keep monsters away.

                                                      mèreut - life, growth, fertility, the beginning; fear, ignorance. all souls are born from the mother before foreor carries them to their earthly womb. married to foreor. she is the one who convinced foreor to feed guette and keeps cierem distracted while soemur reads to guette.

                                                      foreor - decay, the harvest, travel, death; nervousness, possessiveness. once the body ends all souls go to foreor where he tucks them in for their final rest. he's married to mèreut. soon to be mothers are often told to pray to him diligently since he is the one that ferries the unborn child to the womb. if one wanted to win a race, he is the one prayers would be given to. he is also the one who must deliver food to guette (due to being the harvest and being the quickest) however it rots in his hands by the time he reaches cierem's depths - leaving guette with little energy and mounting fury.

                                                      fleurir - healing, animals, nature , the sun and moon; intensity, instability. fleurir and mèreut are the parents of all life while fleurir and foreor are parents of death. fleurir is also the only dual gendered god, when she is helping mèreut raise life, bestowing a healing rain, and a warm sun, she is female but as she stands next to foreor when vegetables are pulled from the ground, fires get out of hand, or a deer is killed, she is male. due to her dual nature, fleurir is the moodiest of all the gods allowing her to place a plant that can kill and a plant that can heal right next to each other with only a slight shade of difference between them.

                                                      cierem - peace, wealth, storms, serenity; apathy, gluttony. the most important of the gods that ate guette whole in return for peace. the story of their conflict passes on the nonviolence teachings to new generations since even guette was spared from nothingness. despite being the most important of the gods, he is also the most distant and the one esterwynian people feel is the least concerned with mortals.

                                                      remettrin - history, time, fate, old age, memory; bitterness, inflexiblity. remettrin is said to be able to bestow the gift of prophecy, but he never has due to be wise enough not to. remettrin and soemur do not get along despite their similiar wisdom because soemur's is a young person's "wisdom" while remettrin's is the type one can only get after living for eternity. historians and those seeking insight turn to him. it is said when guette fragmented, remettrin took most of his good memories with him.

                                                      aimreté - purity, childhood, familial love, naivety; rage, cruelty. aimreté is the youngest of all the gods. parents blame aimreté for particularly mischievous children and children that die young are said to keep her company. despite being part of guette, she views him as father like only a child can and is the one that inspires familial bonds and forgiveness. she is also responsible for most impulses and intense emotions as she is child who will never grow to control or hide them.

                                                      rêvlat - creativity, beauty, inspiration, love; shallowness, immorality. every time a moment leaves you speechless and in awe, that is rêvlat's work. he is in each brush stroke, sung note, and enraptured gaze. he is the one that allows you to catch sight of a doe through the foliage, he convinced fleurir and mèreut to create flowers and make some foods vivid and bright. he soothe's guette's most violent moods with songs and inspires the stories soemur reads to him.

                                                      guette - strife, war, violent impulses, jealousy; ambition, passion. guette was once the embodiment of all the gods, but he was struck by the lightning that birthed cierem and it tore him to eight other pieces. at first he was only war, strife and impulsiveness, but as he saw man worship his fragments more and himself less, he became the embodiment of jealousy and greed as well. due to sitting whole in cierem's belly, he is still able to influence mortals indirectly through their emotions - especially those that aren't devout.

                                                      tab tab tab tab tab tab User Image
                                                      tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ━━━━ KYRNESS'S DRAGONS
                                                      To be compiled and written at a later date.

                                                      ━━ SEE I'VE COME TO BURN YOUR KINGDOM DOWNx

                                                                            xxxxxxxESTERWYN'S RELIGION
                                                                            xxxxxxxxxxxCREATED AND COMPILED BY TRENTE TROIS WHO IS AMAZING, ALL CREDIT GOES TO HER

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