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Tipsy Tycoon

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                                          ❦ ` LITERACY
                                            semi-lit., see the rules for more.

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                                          ❦ ` OOC THREAD

                                          ❦ ` INFO THREAD

Tipsy Tycoon

7,250 Points
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xxxxxxxxxxxxx"There is no good or evil : only power and those too weak to seek it."

                                        the wizarding world has been in antebellum for many years now. witches and wizards live bravely, without fear. but in tall tales such as these, there is always a 'but'.

                                        the second war is over, and the dark lord era has left many damages in the wizard community. hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry had nearly closed for an entire year, perhaps more. a few towers here and there were utterly in ruins, while courts and classes were coated in dust and ashes. however, a few doubts were stated after the reconstruction of the castle, menacing to shut down the school completely. some believed that hogwarts had given young tom riddle the tools and knowledge needed to take up the role of the dark lord. nonetheless, public protests have risen up to keep the school alive, and, thank merlin, open. the new headmistress and staff has worked utterly hard to clear those dark shadows and return to its magnificent reputation. now the curriculum attempts a greater focus on the defense against the dark arts, teaching young students how they can defend themselves and more. such an emphasis was heavily considered by the parents, but parents and staff felt it was necessary for the safety of the children. what was once thought of as one of the safest places in the wizarding world has been invaded twice in the past two years. however, there is more.

                                        of course, the reason that resonates in every single parent's head is, "what to expect?", because hogwarts has been known for having a little sugar-coated surprise every year for our darling students. and indeed, something unique has been snaking for the past three years. the retired death eaters have been revolting, and a new alliance was born to replace the long lost. they are called mortem comedentis, which is latin for 'death eater'. and, without a doubt, some of them are parents to the students attending hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. teachers expect some rebellious behavior, but are ready to handle it without stirring up some trouble between the parents and ministry of magic. traditions at hogwarts altered, too. for example, every 30th of may since 1997, a ceremony is held by dumbledore's grave to remember one of the grandest wizards of all times. on the 2nd of may, students and staff gather for a ceremony at the great hall to honor those who have fallen during the second wizarding war and purse their lips for a minute of silence.

                                        the new year has just begun, and there is a distant promise of some massive events this year. come hither, dear witches and wizards!

Tipsy Tycoon

7,250 Points
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xxxxxxxxxxxxx"Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain."

                                        oo1. simply put, follow the tos, or risk expulsion. it's simple, but i'll explain because i love you all. all's fair in love and war, and we encourage a charming balance between both loving and loathing. between characters, that is. hate between you guys are big no-no's. also, this is a school. we don't expect the english court, but don't swear like a sailor.

                                        oo2. this is an semi-literate roleplay, but keep in mind, quality over quantity. if it happens that you rack your brain to complete your post, just write what you can. not that we discourage long posts - just write as much as you feel joyous with. don't fuss too much about it. just make sure you have at least two paragraphs. also remember that the less you write, the more you have to make your fellow comrade think, since he/she'll have to think of something to reply with.

                                        oo3. now, to the funner part ! application. send your reserve to me, under the title 'run away like a prodigal'. yes, it is a long title, but bear with it! after my approval, you'll be allowed to post.

                                        oo4. everyone has a life - well, i hope - and no one is obliged to be online 24 / 7. but if you want to apply, you should post at least once a week. if you cannot do so, then warn me in advance so i can tell the other roleplayers. but please, do remember us fondly. i'd like to see this roleplay alive and well. missing roleplayers may easily fall off trees. did
                                        that make sense? no? okay.

                                        oo5. as for your characters, remember! no mary sues or gary stus! your characters are human, teenagers. no perfection, but no abomination, either. not every witch and wizard is a parselmouth, or metamorphmagus, or vampire, or werewolf, or yadda yadda. those abilities are available, but let's talk about it first. pm me, and we'll see. also, no cannons here. some of you might be very, very distantly related, but very. also, try to be a wee bit creative with your names. try something latin, or gaelic. avoid 'john' and 'annie', you know? and for post layouts, too! we all love charming, beautiful posts. but no blinding colors or stretched, immense pictures. i make post layouts, and i'll be more than happy to give you a hand. so yes, remember, nice and pretty. oh.

                                        oo6. one last thing. do i sound like a b***h? ha, hope not! if you have an issue with any roleplayer, or have some difficulty understanding something, don't be frightened! just ask away, i don't bite! i'll do my best, i promise. well, that's about it. phew! that was an awful lot to write. well, shoo off and fill in your reserves now! oh, and, one last thing. enjoy!

Tipsy Tycoon

7,250 Points
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xxxxxxxxxxxxx"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."

                                        reserve time! whoo-hoo! so, you know what to do. you've read the rules, haven't you? well, if you haven't... i dunno. fill them in anyway, and then read the rules. also, make your own separate thread for the profile, and i'll add a link to it on your reserve picture.


                                        all i need for this reserve is a picture of your character, size 1O6 x 187, with an inner frame of 1 and an outer one of 1 as well, but tainted with your posting color. yay!

                                        the following information will not be posted, but just so i know. fill this out, please!
                                        name of character :
                                        house :
                                        year :
                                        special position : ( prefect, head girl/boy, quidditch position, etc. if none, delete this. )

                                        [size=15][b][color=color1]❦[/color][color=2]┊[/color][color=color3] what the magical quill wrote that day[/color][/b][/size].[/align][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][imgleft]picture one[/imgleft][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list]

                                        [size=11][color=color3][color=white]dobby[/color][color=2]→[/color][b]it wrote me down as[/b] ;
                                        [color=white]dobbyatesocks[/color]first, middle, last names here.

                                        [color=white]dobby[/color][color=2]→[/color][b]but my parents just call me[/b] ;
                                        [color=white]dobbyatesocks[/color]nickname here.

                                        [color=white]dobby[/color][color=2]→[/color][b]it marked me down on the[/b] ;
                                        [color=white]dobbyatesocks[/color]date of birth typed here - year not included.

                                        [color=white]dobby[/color][color=2]→[/color][b]and ever since i was a child, i knew i was[/b] ;
                                        [color=white]dobbyatesocks[/color]sexuality here, please.

                                        { new post }

                                        [size=15][b][color=color1]❦[/color][color=2]┊[/color][color=color3] and then i turned eleven[/color][/b][/size].[/align][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][imgleft]picture two[/imgleft][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list]

                                        [size=11][color=color3][color=white]dobby[/color][color=2]→[/color][b]well, i was born a[/b] ;
                                        [color=white]dobbyatesocks[/color]muggle-born, half-blood, pure-blood, you name it.

                                        [color=white]dobby[/color][color=2]→[/color][b]and ollivanders said my wand was a[/b] ;
                                        [color=white]dobbyatesocks[/color]wand here : wood, core and length.

                                        [color=white]dobby[/color][color=2]→[/color][b]i was put in[/b] ;

                                        [color=white]dobby[/color][color=2]→[/color][b]but it was a while ago, i'm a[/b] ;
                                        [color=white]dobbyatesocks[/color]first,second,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh + year.

                                        { new post }

                                        [size=15][b][color=color1]❦[/color][color=2]┊[/color][color=color3] yeah, well, school was okay[/color][/b][/size].[/align][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][imgleft]picture three[/imgleft][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list]

                                        [size=11][color=color3][color=white]dobby[/color][color=2]→[/color][b]i succeeded in[/b] ;
                                        [color=white]dobbyatesocks[/color]three classes your character is good at.

                                        [color=white]dobby[/color][color=2]→[/color][b]but i kind of failed in[/b] ;
                                        [color=white]dobbyatesocks[/color]three classes your character is bad at.

                                        [color=white]dobby[/color][color=2]→[/color][b]i befriended a few blokes, like[/b] ;
                                        [color=white]dobbyatesocks[/color]three friends here. message the person beforehand.

                                        [color=white]dobby[/color][color=2]→[/color][b]and i'm known as the[/b] ;
                                        [color=white]dobbyatesocks[/color]special position ( prefect,head girl/boy,quidditch player,own personal title )

                                        { new post }

                                        [size=15][b][color=color1]❦[/color][color=2]┊[/color][color=color3] of course, everyone knows me well now[/color][/b][/size].[/align][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][imgleft]picture four[/imgleft][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list]

                                        [size=11][color=color3][color=white]dobby[/color][color=2]→[/color][b]they know that i like[/b] ;
                                        [color=white]dobbyatesocks[/color]five likes.

                                        [color=white]dobby[/color][color=2]→[/color][b]but merlin! i hate[/b] ;
                                        [color=white]dobbyatesocks[/color]five dislikes.

                                        [color=white]dobby[/color][color=2]→[/color][b]i hate boggarts, but 'riddikulus' is fun when[/b] ;
                                        [color=white]dobbyatesocks[/color]my boggart - INSERTBOGGARTHERE - RESULTOFTHECURSEHERE

                                        [color=white]dobby[/color][color=2]→[/color][b]but nobody knows my secret, which is[/b] ;
                                        [color=white]dobbyatesocks[/color]secret here

                                        { new post }

                                        [size=15][b][color=color1]❦[/color][color=2]┊[/color][color=color3] everybody loves me for who i am...or not[/color][/b][/size].[/align][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][imgleft]picture five[/imgleft][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list]

                                        [size=11][color=color3][color=white]dobby[/color][color=2]→[/color][b]well, i'm quite know for being[/b] ;
                                        [color=white]dobbyatesocks[/color]three most notable personality traits here.

                                        [color=white]dobby[/color][color=2]→[/color][b]my mates think i'm[/b] ;
                                        [color=white]dobbyatesocks[/color]three positive personality traits.

                                        [color=white]dobby[/color][color=2]→[/color][b]but they hate it when i'm[/b] ;
                                        [color=white]dobbyatesocks[/color]three negative personality traits.

                                        [color=white]dobby[/color][color=2]→[/color][b]i'll just go away now and listen to[/b] ;
                                        [color=white]dobbyatesocks[/color]character's song here ( include link )

Tipsy Tycoon

7,250 Points
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xxxxxxxxxxxxx"The House of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizarding world for nearly ten centuries."

                                        GRYFFINDOR ( O / 4 boys, 1 / 4 girls )

                                        blankiesrighthere ↳ bravery chivalry courage daring

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Tipsy Tycoon

7,250 Points
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xxxxxxxxxxxxx"There's not a single witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin."

                                        SLYTHERIN ( O / 4 boys, 1 / 4 girls )

                                        blankiesrighthere ↳ determination ambition shrewdness intelligence

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Tipsy Tycoon

7,250 Points
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xxxxxxxxxxxxx"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure."

                                        RAVENCLAW ( O / 4 boys, 1 / 4 girls )

                                        blankiesrighthere ↳ wit creativity wisdom individuality

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Tipsy Tycoon

7,250 Points
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xxxxxxxxxxxxx"Those patient Hufflepuffs are true, and unafraid of toil."

                                        HUFFLEPUFF ( O / 4 boys, O / 4 girls )

                                        blankiesrighthere ↳ loyalty dedication patience fairness

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Tipsy Tycoon

7,250 Points
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xxxxxxxxxxxxx"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

                                        good morning, sunshines ! we are the first of september, and we, witches and wizards,
                                        all know what this means! indeed, ladies and gentlemen, it is the first day of school for
                                        our charming little buggers. no, joking, of course ! but, you'd better hurry, for you might
                                        miss the eleven o'clock train to hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry ! who knows
                                        what awaits us this year ? we never know what to expect ! we do hope you've enjoyed
                                        your summer, and have a lovely start-of-year ! also, take a look at the weather forecast
                                        on the following page. the sky does seem slightly grey, doesn't it?

                                            weather forecast

                                            month │ january february march april may june july august september october november december

                                            date │ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

                                            day │ monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday

                                            time │ 10.37 a.m.

                                            weather │ stormy windy rainy cloudy breezy warm cool cold freezing snowy

Tipsy Tycoon

7,250 Points
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xxxxxxxxxxxxx"To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."

                                        july 2o12 ;; opening of 'o death' !

Tipsy Tycoon

7,250 Points
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xxxxxxxxxxxxx"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."

                                        here are some useful links for the roleplay. take a look !

                                              harry potter wiki, [x] - this is a brilliant one. it is extremely helpful, but if you decide
                                              to take a look at it, do read it with care! some people have a tendency to neglect the
                                              few important facts of hogwarts, such as students attending being from british isles,
                                              and not from bulgaria and such. so read carefully !

                                              harry potter lexicon, [x] - quite similar to harry potter wiki, but the two websites do
                                              have differences nonetheless. this one has more details about the wizarding world
                                              and such. enjoy!

                                              if you've got a suggestion, feel free to pm me!

Tipsy Tycoon

7,250 Points
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xxxxxxxxxxxxx"Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself."

                                        drumroll... banners!

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Tipsy Tycoon

7,250 Points
  • Dressed Up 200
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  • Survivor 150

Tipsy Tycoon

7,250 Points
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  • Survivor 150

Sparkly Capitalist

6,500 Points
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  • Signature Look 250
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"There's not one person, who went bad that wasn't from Slytherin."

| ƒℓεuя says
[ Fleur had been awoken by her family's "alarm owl", as her father Edward had called it, bright and early on the morning of September 1st. Fleur woke up, know what the day was! Excitement ran through her like it was her first year back at Hogwarts. She had spent the last two week packing and unpacking her many, many trunks over and over again making sure she did forget a single thing for her fifth year back. She had spent countless hours making list after list of essentials she had to remember to pick up every trip to London. Fortunately for Fleur, her very wealth parents were willing to dish out any amount of money to buy her the needed school implements. Sometimes she secretly didn't tell her parents that certain items weren't necessarily "required" for school. She just wanted tools and trinkets no one else in her classes had.
Fleur got out of her lovely ivory and gold adorned bed and slid her feet into luxurious sheep wool slippers. She made her way excitedly towards her bathroom door. She put her hand on the Mother of Pearl doorknob and just as she was about to twist it she heard a loud crash coming from down stairs of her manor. She said aloud, "Mother must be experimenting again!". She giggled and open her bathroom door. She had always hated mornings because she struggled to find the light switch just upon waking up. She scaled her hand up and down the wall until she found the second switch over. Upon flipping it up lights started to turn on, starting at the far end of her bathroom by her bathtub making their way to the front and all the way around her mirror. She found it hard to believe that another summer had already passed and she wouldn't be back in her own bathroom until Christmas break. She made her way across her bathroom sliding her slippers on the marble tile. She threw open the curtain of her shower and turn the hot water knob to the left, two rounds and the cold water knob right for one round. She giggled again thinking of how she had such a process at her house and knew she would miss it, being that the showers at Hogwarts were so touch with the knob. Just the slightest bit too far on the cold knob could make the difference between and boiling hot shower and a freezing ice bath!
After Fleur was finished showering she grabbed her bath rob and walked over to her vanity. She took a seat at the willow wood desk that was crafted for her mother when she was 13 by her grandfather. She slide out the drawer and started to apply her make-up. Her father had always hated that her mother taught her the joys of applying make-up. Fleur knew her father disapproved from hearing him say, "Flea, you are just so much more beautiful without it!". She smiled in the mirror please with the results. She hoped it would last all day until after the Grand Feast of Hogwarts was over and she could start unpacking. She started to unravel the cord to her curling iron when she heard the doorknob turn. She swiftly jerked her head to see who was entering. It was just her favorite little house elf, Fletcher! She welcomed him in softly and said, "Come on in, Fletch" with a smile. She slowly pulled in a trolly with her breakfast of pancakes, eggs, bacon, toast, and a wide assortment of fruit. Fleur was always kind to her house elves, asking if they would like any of the food for a snack, because she alone could never finish all of it! Fletcher said, "No madam. Fletch thanks you for your kind offer, but Fletcher must finish his morning chores before eating." She giggled and said, "Fletch! You're off today! You know that you never have chores the day I leave for schooling!". Fletcher's eyes grew large and began to tear up. He softly whispered, "Yes madam, Fletcher knows. Fletcher has just been telling himself that Miss. Fleur does not leave for school for much longer to prevent the heartache and tears." At that moment Fletcher started to cry and Fleur made her way over to him. She picked him up and sat him down on the marble counter top and hugged him, giving him words of encouragement and ensured him that she would send him letters with pictures and little toys from Hogmeade...

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