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Fashionable Lunatic

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I solemly swear that I am up to no good
A Harry Potter based Semi-lit roleplay

Let's say Harry Potter wasn't born as the chosen one. What would happen then?
Well, for starters, Voldemort wouldn't have killed Lilly and James Potter to get to him... Nor would he have suffered as greatly as he did when he tried to get rid of Harry. And in the end Harry would still have his parents to raise him rather then being sent off to the Dursleys. His godfather wouldn't have been framed and locked away in Askaban, basically Harry would have the life that he always dreamed of having as a child.
But aside from all that happiness... There would be great troubles.
Voldemort wouldn't have been gone for all that time, meaning his progress would only further as the years went on. Imagine the terror that would have already been unleashed in Harrys fifth year at Hogwarts!
Wait... Imagine? Nah, we could do better. We could live through it. We could end it.

As the story states this roleplay takes place in Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts. The main storyline itself is obviously completely differnet because Harry, again, wasn't born as the chosen one. That being said Voldemort and the Death eaters have complete control of everything, unfortunatly Hogwarts is included in that.
Voldemort took over as headmaster for the school, shunning the previous one Albus Dumbledore away, and instantly made things take a turn for the worst. While some of the original professors were able to keep their class possitions their constantly watched by he-who-must-not-be-named's men, whom are seen on a regular bases patroling the halls for any sort of rebeliation.

If Harry isn't going to save us... Then who will?
The answer is simple...
We'll save ourselves.

Accepted characters
The Journals

Table of Contents

1. Story/Introduction
2. Links
3. Table of Contents

4. Rules of the Roleplay
5. Rules of Hogwarts
6. Profile Information
8. Calendar/Important news
9. Quidditch teams

Fashionable Lunatic


1. This roleplay is semi-literate. Meaning no msn talk or one liners. Your post must be at leased a paragraph long. I understand writers block but it shouldn't be that bad. However spelling isn't all that worried about. Just so long as we can understand what your trying to say it's all good.
2. You need to include a picture of your character in every post. With this being said, anime pictures are not allowed. I don't have anything against anime, in fact I love it, but last time I checked Naruto wasn't running around Hogwarts. ; )
3. No cybering please! Use the Timeth-Skipeth method if things begin to get a bit steamy. Romance is greatly encouraged, but that however is not.
4. If you even consider joining this roleplay then you must continue to post. I don't want you joining then randomly disapearing because that will not be tolerated. After three days of no communication then your profile(s) will be terminated. If your going to be away for any amount of time however then send me a pm stating that. Your name will appear on the absent list so things can resume normally until your return.
5. Violence is of course going to happen! THIS IS A WAR PEOPLE! But you can't just flat out kill someone because this is a SECRET WAR. Confusing, right? Well, basically, violence is encouraged but if you want to kill off someones character you have to ask their owners permission first : (
6. All profiles must be sent to me via pm. In the subject line put: "There going down!"-If your part of the good team, or: "I serve only one." If your part of the bad team! (Good team meaning against Voldemort and bad team meaning with)
7. Swearing is allowed but don't go too crazy with it!
8. Drama is a must in this roleplay but out of character bickering is a no-no! I will send my team of awesom ninjas to seperate whoevers involved in the out of character brawl! THEY WILL DESTROY YOU! (let's not let it lead to that, alright?)
9. You can play as more then one character, just so long as you can keep up with the work.
10.Any questions? I don't bite so feel free to pm me asking anything! For now, just have fun! I will add more rules when I think of them!


*Sheesh, who follows these thing's anyway?*

1. School uniform must be worn from 9am until school hours officially end (4pm) excluding weekends.
2. Bedtimes for first to fourth years is 10pm, each student must be in their common rooms at 8pm.
3. Bedtimes for fifth to seventh years is 12am, each student must be in their common rooms at 10pm.
4. Ever lesson must be done within the Mandatory Classes. Every student must take every Mandatory class, and one optional class (at least) Each student attends 6 classes each lesson in all 6 must be comleted. If failing to do so, they will result in failing and repeating the term.
5. Respectful Academic behaviour is to be followed at all times, if not you will be expelled.
6. No muggle electronics are permitted on the grounds. They won't work anyway. If you wish to play around with muggle equipment, there's a room on the seventh floor for this.
7. No drugs, alcohol, etc, is permitted on the grounds.
8. You must have all books/equipment for every lesson. No exceptions.
9. Only third years and over can visit Hogsmeade village. Also you need the form given to you to be signed by a parent or guardian. No exceptions.

Fashionable Lunatic


Availiable Characters
Note: The characters listed below are not the only ones that you can choose from, but are simply a few choices. If i've neglected to put down a characters name that you would like to roleplay as don't fret! Just send me the character information for him or her and it'll still be accepted! That being said, even if you do decide to choose an existing character you'll still need to write out a characters information. However, you may keep it brief. If you have any questions about the characters, I don't bite and would be more then happy to help.

Harry Potter//Availiable
Ron Weasley//Availiable
Hermione Granger//Taken
Ginny Weasley//Availiable
Fred&George Weasley//Availiable
Luna Lovegood//Availiable

Draco Malfoy//Taken

Availiable Classes
Note: Until a class has a teacher students must pretend that there is one.

Ancient Runes- No teacher
Arithmancy- No teacher
Astronomy- No teacher
Care of Magical Creatures- No teacher
Charms- No Teacher
Defense against the Dark Arts-No teacher
Divination-No teacher
Herbology- No teacher
History of Magic-No teacher
Muggle Studies-No teacher
Potions- No teacher
Transfiguration-No teacher

Character Skeleton (For Students)

Hey! What are you looking at?: (Picture, can not be anime)
Sorry, I thought you were someone else: (Username)
Fine, I guess I'll tell you: (Characters name)
But everyone else calls me: (Nickname)
Can't you tell by looking at me?: (Gender)
Um, Im obviously: (Age)
Do the math!: (School year)
Look at my uniform smart one: (House your character belongs in)
Are you kidding me? Im so: (Against or with Voldemort)
What? You don't remember?: (Do you play quidditch, if so what are you?)
I suppose I like...: (Men? Women? Both?)
Wow... Thanks!: (Likes)
Ick, what's wrong with you?!: (Dislikes)
I happen to be great at: (Skills, can be classes)
But im not so great at: (Non-skills, can be classes)
Siblings? In the school? Well...: (Siblings?)
Asking all these questions you'd think you'd know enough about me...: (Personality)
Theres not much to tell...: (Biography)
Hey that's mine! What are you a stalker?!: (Scedual. Periods can consist of a chosen class or free time, but you need to have at leased three classes.)
Breakfest in the Great Hall
Period 1:
Period 2:
Lunch in the Great Hall
Period 4:
Period 5:
Free Time
Dinner in the great hall
Oops, I almost forgot!: (Anything else you'd like to add?)

Character Skeleton (For teachers)

Can I help you?: (Picture, can not be anime)
The voice inside my head: (Username)
I am known as: (Name)
But you can call me: (Work name)
It's not obvious?: (Gender)
Not that it's any of you're buisness: (Age)
I suppose you'll find out sooner or later: (Class(es) your character teaches)
What do you think?: (Is your character a head of house? If so which one?)
Hush your voice!: (Against or with Voldemort)
What a question to ask!: (Does your character like men, women, or both?)
Thank you: (Likes)
Detention!: (Dislikes)
Asking all these questions you'd think you'd know enough about me...: (Personality)
My life before teaching?: (Biography)
One moment!: (Anything else you'd like to add?)

Fashionable Lunatic


Here, as the title states, is where I will keep the names of anyone who will be leaving for any amount of time... Just so thing's can continue naturally and people are up to date with whomever is able to socialize with! Be sure to pm me with your leaving information before you... Well, leave, for any amount of time so your name can be put up here too!!

Fashionable Lunatic


Below is a calender of sorts. Indicating what day it is and what time it is. Also it helps keep track of the upcoming holidays and quidditch matches that will soon take place. Saturday and Sunday are the times students are free to visit Hogsmade. Quidditch teams must ask me to scedual a practice on any of these days, if they aren't already taken. And I am in charge of picking a day for the Games. Members of this forum must always refer to the 'Calender' before posting, as time waits for no man and mistakes could make things confusing. As for the days of the month, there are only 10. Believe me, time goes by very slowely.... This is really just to speed up the school year.

September, October, November, December, January, Febuary, March, April, May, June, July

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wensday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Breakfest, period one, period two, Lunch,period four, period five, free time, supper,night time

~~ Important News ~~

Ravenclaw Quidditch practice on Saturday after breakfest

Slytherin Quidditch practice on Saturday after lunch

Gryffindor Quidditch practice on Sunday after breakfest

Hufflepuff Quidditch practice on Sunday after lunch

Fashionable Lunatic

Quidditch Teams

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Gryffindor: Captain-Colet Cobalt Oblivion
Seeker-Colet Cobalt Oblivion
Chaser-Yuki Marioka
Chaser-Miki Marioka

Slytherin: Captain- Aslann Anderlynne Avery
Seeker-Aslann Anderlynne Avery
Chaser-Stephon Williams

Hufflepuff: Captain-

Ravenclaw: Captain-

Fashionable Lunatic


Remaining characters we need to start: two

Fashionable Lunatic


Posting may begin now!

Sugary Star

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Camrielle Nadia Pentance

"Take was taken but give whats meant to be given"


Camrielle closed her book in the library; she had been studying for her Muggle’s class. She ran a hand through her blonde hair. Camri was not the skinniest girl in the world, she was curvaceous but his it in her robs and over sized outfits.. She usually wore large sweaters to cover herself. She was not exactly proud of her body or her looks, so she would try to cover up as much as possible. She must have seemed weird in the summer and spring wearing sweaters, though she fit straight in for winter.
She walked down the hall into the Grand hall for Lunch. She set her books down swinging her head slightly to swing the blonde long from her face. She sat in her usual seat, she chewed on her lip looking at the food and let out a low sigh. “I am not hungry again” she mumbled.


Fashionable Lunatic

Wake up everyone,
How can you sleep at a time like this,
Unless the dreamer is the real you?
Listen to your voice,
The one that tells you to taste past the tip of your tongue,
Leap in, the net will appear.
I don't wanna wake before,
The dream is over,
I'm gonna make it mine,
Yes I, I know it,
I'm gonna make it mine,
Yes i'll make it all mine...

Yuki and Miki Marioka
Current Objective: Running away from a prefect.

User Image
"Hurry up, would you?!" A girlish voice yelled, the tone of it being enough to echo the short sentence throughout the over crowded hallway. And, in the process, managing to grasp the attention of whomever was involved in it's population. "I can't believe I'm actually beating you in a race! It's usually the other way around!" Among the natural chant of footsteps, some off beat ones could be herd. Two sets of them to be exact. Each seemed to be heading in the same location; The Great Hall.
"Don't let it get to your head! Besides, this is hardly a race!" Shoving a few first years aside, two figures finally came into view. One only a little bit ahead of the other, but both being identical. Well... Almost identical. The twin that followed behind had a rather messy hair do, one that was held up by ash that only signified that she had been in an explosion of some kind. "And would you calm it down a little? I think we've lost him." She spoke, stopping in her tracks and reaching out to grab her sisters arm as she panted for breath so she too was forced back to take a breather.
The first years who were recently pushed aside, upon recognizing the two girls, quickly shook off whatever anger they had been feeling and proceeded to walk around the pair. Knowing all too well that this was a natural routine of the twins. And everyone knows not to pick a fight with Yuki and Miki. Unless, of course, you want to be tied up and thrown out of the Astronomy tower. Not that that actually happened of course... And besides, the kid was fine within the next day thanks to Madam Pomfrey.
Grinning from ear to ear, Miki watched in silence as her sister got herself together long enough to stand straightly.
"You look horrible." She stated, matter-of-factly, before placing a hand on her head in attempt to smooth out some of the mess, "I'm almost ashamed to be known as you're twin." Yuki frowned then, making a quick step backwards so that she was a safe distance away before crossing her arms accusingly against her chest. "You could've warned me, you know... We set that trap up weeks ago, you know I don't have a very good memory!"
Holding back a laugh Miki turned on her heels and eyed the entrance into the great hall, knowing all too well that in a matter of seconds she would have to make haste into getting through it. "Yeah...I could have warned you..." She started, stepping forward and picking up her pace as the seconds ticked by, "Had I not set it up for you in the first place!" By now she was in a steady sprint, and having already made her way past the huge held open wooden doors, her next objective was to get to the Gryffindor table in one piece.
"Get back here so I can get my revenge!" Yuki yelled, the sentence that Miki had all too well been expecting. Honestly, when it came to that whole 'pay back' topic the girl wasn't the brightest. After all, who would willingly walk back over to someone if that someone blurted something like that out?
Hearing her sister run into the Great Hall Miki quickly dodged behind a few other people and obnoxiously sat in between two other Gryffindor's that she didn't actually know, but if it came to it would use them as human shields, and watched in interest as her smoking sister attempted to maneuver past the students crowding the room.

And timing's everything,
And this time there's plenty,
I am balancing,
Careful and steady,
And reveiling in energy that everyone's emmiting.
Well I don't wanna wait no more,
Oh I wanna celebrate the whole world,
I'm gonna make it mine,
Oh yes I'm following your joy.
I'm gonna make it mine,
Because I, I am open,
Im gonna make it mine,
That's why, I will show it.
I'm gonna make it mine,
Yes i'll make it all mine...

Sugary Star

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Camrielle Nadia Pentance

"Take was taken but give whats meant to be given"


Camrielle watched the twins goof off for a brief moment she slightly rolled her eyes, those two seemed to always cause mischief when they were around. She grabbed some chicken and a roll, she had to put something in her system right? She nibbled on the sweet white meat of the chicken. She pulled out a notebook of notes and opened them, She needed to study the muggle world. It was hard for her to wrap her head around a none magical world. Why were paintings so interesting if they did not move? What were these cell phones they used? It was all so strange to her yet so very interesting. Maybe one day she would spend a year in the muggle world to learn more. She would also be far away from that Evil He- whom- he- will- not- name.


Fashionable Lunatic

Wake up everyone,
How can you sleep at a time like this,
Unless the dreamer is the real you?
Listen to your voice,
The one that tells you to taste past the tip of your tongue,
Leap in, the net will appear.
I don't wanna wake before,
The dream is over,
I'm gonna make it mine,
Yes I, I know it,
I'm gonna make it mine,
Yes i'll make it all mine...

Yuki and Miki Marioka
Current Objective: Hiding and Hunting.

User Image
Miki's gaze faded away from her sisters direction, just as her interest in the entire situation did the same. In the time that it would take Yuki to calm down and think rationally about finding her, whatever happened was going to be long forgotten. Taking that as a hint that it would be alright to drop her guard, the older twin slouched a bit so she was a tad bit more comfy, before staring around at everyone who sat near her.
There were a few familiar faces, but all seemed too focused on the food in front of them or different conversations to really want to part and start one with her. Rubbing her neck, more out of habbit then helpful, her dark eyes continued to scan past mostly everyone, only stopping once they met the image of a girl sitting directly across from her. She was blond, extremelly lost in thought, alone, and seemingly familiar. Well, what the hell?

Miki called, reaching across a few plates and grabbing a bun for herself to munch on, "What's up?"
Yuki sighed, clearly frustrated by the lack of progress she was making to find her 'clone.' Honestly, with as much time as she spent looking at her own reflection, finding someone who had the exact same features shouldn't have been as hard as it was turning out to be. Then again... There were just so many people sitting at the Gryffindor table it was hard to identify them all.
Pacing past a row of students, who looked at her in complete interest because of her appearance, Yuki's face remained expressionless. She knew they were staring, but she definetly didn't care... Besides she was set on doing something, and when that happens simple things like this never manage to get to her.

And timing's everything,
And this time there's plenty,
I am balancing,
Careful and steady,
And reveiling in energy that everyone's emmiting.
Well I don't wanna wait no more,
Oh I wanna celebrate the whole world,
I'm gonna make it mine,
Oh yes I'm following your joy.
I'm gonna make it mine,
Because I, I am open,
Im gonna make it mine,
That's why, I will show it.
I'm gonna make it mine,
Yes i'll make it all mine...

Sugary Star

User Image


Camrielle Nadia Pentance

"Take was taken but give whats meant to be given"


Her concentration on her notes and her fantasies were broken by a Menial Hello from a girl across from her. The blonde head glanced up with her light green eyes to meet the gaze of one of the twins who had been goofing off earlier. Her lips parted in surprise, someone was speaking to her… just cause? She blinked a moment to return to reality once more as the girl asked Camri what was up. “Umm…” she said closing her notebook and stuffing it back into her bag “nothing important, and what is up with you?” she asked Miki, how did the girl get her hair so smooth and shiny? And where did she get her make up? “Hold yourself together Camri” she thought to herself, she shouldn’t be studying someone like that.
She began to nibble on her roll now, maybe after this she could have time to go back to the library, she should check out the book she was reading earlier. Then she would need to study for potions class, there was a pop quiz today… the teacher always had signs when he was going to give a quiz.


Fashionable Lunatic

Hey, slow it down, whataya want from me?
Whataya want from me?
Yeah, I'm afraid, whataya want from me?
Whataya want from me?
There might have been a time when I would give myself away
Oh, once upon a time, I didn't give a damn,
But now, here we are, so whataya want from me?
Whataya want from me?

Stephon Williams

User Image
Heavy footsteps made there way from outside in the hall, past the Great Hall's doors, and into the room, causing those whom were sitting closer to the enterance to stop whatever they were doing and stare over in the mans direction. His thick blond hair hanging loosely and just managing to cover the top of his light green eyes, creating an almost mysterious effect, and causing most of the girls who had looked over in wonder to soon swoon in admiration.
Merly winking in their direction, the blond made his way down the isle in between the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw table, turning on his heels just as he reached the front of the teachers table and continuing on his way until getting to the Slytherin one. Which, upon reaching, followed suit with one or three people cheering out his name in recognition. He wasn't going to lie, he absolutely loved the attention... Really, who wouldn't? The only thing he wished was that he could tell the difference between a real friend and just another fake one.
Whatever the case, he made no attempt to back away from the pat on the back that a fellow Slytherin instantly jumped to give, "Have a good day so far, Stephon?" The sixth year asked, waiting intently for a replyed scentence before even thinking about backing off and sitting back down. With a polite smile the one known as Stephon simply nodded back and proceeded around the kid, stopping once he finally reached his part of the table, the middle, and taking his seat in between his ushual group of people.

Just don't give up, I am workin' it out,
Please don't give in, I won't let you down,
It messed me up, need a second to breathe,
Just keep coming around,
Hey, whataya want from me?
Whataya want from me?
Whataya want from me?

Fashionable Lunatic

Wake up everyone,
How can you sleep at a time like this,
Unless the dreamer is the real you?
Listen to your voice,
The one that tells you to taste past the tip of your tongue,
Leap in, the net will appear.
I don't wanna wake before,
The dream is over,
I'm gonna make it mine,
Yes I, I know it,
I'm gonna make it mine,
Yes i'll make it all mine...

Yuki and Miki Marioka
Current Objective: Hiding and Hunting.

User Image
Miki grinned, throwing the last bit of the plane bun into her mouth before chewing it quickly and resting her arms on the table, making it seem like she was almost leaning forward. "Nothing, really." She exclaimed, her voice issuing pure boredom while her eyes, which were glissening out of mischief, told another story. "Just hiding from my strange looking sibling--"
Her scentence was cut off by something coming in contact with the top of her head, that something, sadly enough being, a bowl of porridge that proceeded to take away the look that she had worked all morning on. Mouth agape and eyes wide open she turned her attention upwards, towards the source of what had just happened.

"Paybacks a b***h."
Yuki laughed, removing the bowl from around her sisters head and replacing it with a large towel before scooting someone off to the and taking a seat beside her. "You should know by now not to mess with m--Oh, hello, whose this?" Turning her attention to stare at the girl that Miki had recently been in conversation with, the ash covered teenager reached across the table and offered a hand to shake in greeting. "I see you've already met my ill-brained sister...My name's Yuki... And you are?"

And timing's everything,
And this time there's plenty,
I am balancing,
Careful and steady,
And reveiling in energy that everyone's emmiting.
Well I don't wanna wait no more,
Oh I wanna celebrate the whole world,
I'm gonna make it mine,
Oh yes I'm following your joy.
I'm gonna make it mine,
Because I, I am open,
Im gonna make it mine,
That's why, I will show it.
I'm gonna make it mine,
Yes i'll make it all mine...

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