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Jeering Lunatic

5,950 Points
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Hello there, if you’ve dropped by this RP I am assuming you enjoy Batman as well as I do, now I’d love to have everyone join in but I have a few rules too abide by.

1.You MUST post at least a paragraph long which is about 5 lines, I despise having to scroll through 50 pages of one liners >_>
2.If you are using a main character please try and post more then a couple times a week, and if not at least once a day, I know we get busy sometimes but it would be helpful.
3.Please pm me first before you start posting, I would like too know who you are rping as.
4.No trolling
5.No bumping, this is an rp if you want to Bump go to the chatterbox.
6.No god modding
7. NO CYBERING, although violence is allowed and of course appreciated smile
8. No page stretching with font or images...if you do your post will be deleted
10. Rules liable too change at any given time (still feeling this out)

11: **NEW RULE:** Because we have had some people take characters and only post once or twice in a span of two weeks or so, if a person doesn’t post a response for a week without giving me proper notification through PM as too why they will not be on, I will ask them one more time if they plan to rp…and if it continues the role will be freed up for future use, thank you. (its especially important for key players like Batman)

-The Main Characters-

-Batman: BlackMoonVampire
-Joker: Razorblade-Smile
-Robin (or Nightwing, specify which you prefer):
-Poison Ivy: The Obscure Voice of Fate
-Batgirl/Oracle: AgentPeachsNCream
Harley Quinn: JagzTheInsane
-Catwoman: HarleyTheMad
-Scarecrow: Gemsplycer
-Riddler: Gemsplycer
-Two Face:
-Mr. Freeze:
-Ras Al Guhl:
-Duela Dent -aka The Jokers Daughter'- Herowyn
-Red Bat- Raxephlon

-Other Characters-

The Mad Hatter:
-Black Dahlia/Cheshire Cat: BlackMoonVampire
Killer Croc:
Black Mask:

I do know there are more characters, please pm me if you would like to play a certain one. I would also prefer if you used one of the characters listed above, but if you really want to have an original send me a pm about them and follow this format below (this can also work for any of the characters above as well smile )
Weight (optional):
Hair Color:
Eye color:
Any other characteristics:
Disorders (optional):
Place of Residency (optional):
Marital Status:
Any other random information (optional):
Picture or in depth description of appearance:

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Jeering Lunatic

5,950 Points
  • Happy Birthday! 100
  • Brandisher 100
  • Heckler 50

Name: Bruce Wayne
Alias: Batman, Dark Knight, The Caped Crusader, Batsy(by most villians)
Occupation: Hero/Millionaire Bachelor
Hero/Villian/NA: Hero
Height: around six two
Weight (optional): two hundred and ten pounds
Age: 36
Hair Color: brown, mostly slicked back
Eye color: brown
Any other characteristics: many scars on his body from fights, master of combat and martial arts,
Weapons: bat-rangs, batmobile, bat-ractor, and many other bat-themed weapons
Personality:In his secret identity, Batman is Bruce Wayne, a wealthy businessman who lives in Gotham City. To the world at large, Bruce Wayne is often seen as an irresponsible, superficial playboy who lives off his family's personal fortune (amassed when Bruce's family invested in Gotham real estate before the city was a bustling metropolis)[91] and the profits of Wayne Enterprises, a major private technology firm that he inherits. However, Wayne is also known for his contributions to charity, notably through his Wayne Foundation. Bruce creates the playboy public persona to aid in throwing off suspicion of his secret identity, often acting dim-witted and self-absorbed to further the act.
As Batman, he is vicious and cold, but refuses to kill anyone as his code of honor.
Alliances: None, sometimes Catwoman before she goes criminal again
Disorders (optional): Schizoid Personality Disorder, Antisocial PErsonality Disorder, Split PErsonality
Place of Residency (optional): Wayne Manor
Marital Status: Single
Any other random information (optional): Hes batman
Picture or in depth description of appearance:
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Name: Believed to be 'Jack Napier' though theres speculation not
Alias: Joker, The Clown Prince, J, Joe, (To Harley: Puddin', Mistah J)
Occupation: Arch Nemisis too Batman
Hero/Villian/NA: Villian
Height: 6'2 relatively
Weight: 170 lbs
Age: N/A appears to be in his 40's
Hair Color: Green
Eye color: Acidic Green

Any other characteristics: Due too a swan dive into a vat of chemicals (which Ironically becomes his own brand at a later date) The Jokers skin is permenently a ghastly white tone, while his lips are a blood red, and forever frozen on his mouth is a horrific grin that seems to split his face in two halves.

Weapons: Always carries a knife on his person, the hand buzzer (which viciously shocks its victims), the flower in his lapel that shoots acid, a deck of razor cards, a few guns (typically used for the act of scaring...though he has other uses) joker bombs, gas canisters, laughing gas, his body, and anything he can get his grimey little hands on.

Personality: Joker is an estranged being with a terrible bipolar disorder, he could go from being your friend too your enemy in moments. His senseless gags at times seem harmless and funny until it finally crosses the line and people start to die. He loves Harley dearly, but is not sure how to express it...so he abuses her too show his affection, he at times blames his inability to show such emotions because he's distracted by the Batman. First and foremost the Joker is a sadist, a madman, and can effectively take hit after hit using a sort of super madness that allows him to overcome many various forms of attack.

Alliances: Joker uses Penguins ability too axcess Axis chemicals and so has little problem with him. He has little other allies save for Harley Quinn who is his devoted follower, henchgirl, and off an on girlfriend.

Disorders: A Psychotic, Sado Masochist, Compulsive, Bi Polar, Arsonist
Place of Residency: A warehouse near the Pier
Marital Status: Single, but off and on dating Harley Quinn
Any other random information: Joker and Harley own two Hyenas named Bud and Lou, Poison Ivy also despises Joker mostly because of the way he treats her best friend Harley

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Name: Harleen Quinzel
Alias: Harley Quinn
Occupation: A psychotic criminal, and also Joker's accomplice. Before she was driven mad, she was a therapist at Arkham Asylum.
Hero/Villian/NA: Villain
Height:5 foot, 3 inches
Weight: 115 pounds
Age: in her twenties
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye color: Blue
Any other characteristics: Harley is an elite-skilled gymnast, and after her best friend Poison Ivy injected her with a special serum, she gained an immunity to all poisons and became much more strong and fast.
Weapons: Harley has a series of gags; Some of which are her large mallet, her pop-gun(She has a couple, that can shoot out different things) and Joker gas-grenades.
Personality: Harley is a very bubbly person; Naive, yet still somehow has an innocent personality at times, despite the unnameable crimes she's help her Puddin' with. While normally she's a happy camper, Harley can turn into a ticking time bomb when it comes to threatening Mistah J, or one depressed harlequin when she's been rejected by him. Harley practically has no backbone when dealing with Joker, and when she does stand up for herself it's usually thwarted by the fear of either losing him or his threats. She also believes Batman is the cause of all of her Puddin's pain, and consequently hates him for it.
Alliances: The Joker, and basically whoever he's allied with (and of course Poison Ivy, and sometimes Catwoman).
Place of Residency: An old warehouse out by the Pier.
Marital Status: She's an on-again off-again girlfriend to Joker.
Any other random information: Her middle name is Francis.
Picture or in depth description of appearance:

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Name: Pamela Lillian Isley
Alias: Poison Ivy, Ivy, May Queen
Occupation: Bi-Polar Lusty Environmentalist
Hero/Villain/NA: Villain
Height: 5’8
Weight (optional): 138lbs
Age: 24
Hair Color: Bright Red
Eye color: Jade
Weapons: Toxic Skin, Seduction By Pheromones, Kiss Of Death, Communication and Manipulation of Plants, Immune to all poisons, bacteria and fungi.
Personality: Ivy has unpredictable mood swings, ranging from sweet as apple pie to as sour as a lime especially if someone is threatening her plants.
Alliances: Harley Quinn is her best friend and accomplice as well as Catwoman.
Disorders (optional): Bi-polar, Anti-Social Personality Disorder
Place of Residency (optional): A large greenhouse on the edge of the city.
Marital Status: Single
Any other random information (optional):
She is obsessed with plants, botany, and environmentalism. She uses toxins from plants and her own bloodstream for her criminal activities, which are usually aimed at protecting the natural environment. Fellow villain Harley Quinn is her recurring partner-in-crime and possibly her only human friend. Pamela Isley grows up wealthy with emotionally distant parents. She later studies advanced botanical biochemistry at a university with Alec Holland under Dr. Jason Woodrue. Isley, a timid, shrinking violet, is easily seduced by her professor. Woodrue injects Isley with poisons and toxins as an experiment, causing her transformation. She nearly dies twice as a result from these poisonings, driving her insane. Later Woodrue flees from the authorities, leaving Isley in the hospital for six months. Enraged at the betrayal, she suffers from violent mood swings, being sweet one moment and like poison the next. When her boyfriend has a car accident after mysteriously suffering from a massive fungal overgrowth, Isley drops out of school and leaves Seattle, eventually settling in Gotham City.
She begins her criminal career by threatening to release her suffocating spores into the air unless the city meets her demands. Batman, who appears in Gotham that very same year, thwarts her scheme, and she is incarcerated in Arkham Asylum. From this point on, she has a kind of obsession with Batman, he being the only person she could not control. Over the years, she develops plant-like superpowers, the most noticeable being a lethal toxin in her lips; she is able to literally kill with a kiss.
She only started a life of crime to attain sufficient funds to find a location to be alone with her plants, undisturbed by humanity. A few years later, she attempts to leave Gotham forever, escaping Arkham to settle on a deserted island in the Caribbean. She transforms the barren wasteland into a second Eden, and is, for the first time in her life, happy. It is soon firebombed, however, when an American-owned corporation tests their weapons systems out on what they think is an abandoned island. Ivy returns to Gotham with a vengeance, punishing those responsible. After being willingly apprehended by Batman, she resolves that she can never leave Gotham, at least not until the world was safe for plants. From then on, she dedicates herself to the impossible mission of "purifying" Gotham
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*Cheshire Cat*

Name:Viviana Rae Alcyone Maroni
Alias: Black Dahlia, formally Cheshire Cat
Occupation: Bomber and Theif for hire, also was a chemist
Hero/Villian/NA: Villian
Height: five foot five
Weight (optional): one hundred and fifteen
Age: 34
Hair Color: Blond with one pink streak
Eye color: acidic grey-green
Any other characteristics: Due to the injection she was given, her pupils are silver instead of black. It also gave her enhanced senses and amazing acrobatic skills and agility.
Weapons: Various type of bombs(she can hide them anywhere), throwing knives, two magnum pistols, baseball bat
Personality: Viviana puts on the show of the sweet and defenseless woman, when really she is lethal to the T. Raised inside the Italian Mafia, she knows how to defend herself. Her personality itself is acidic. She can be very calm for only a short while before she finally cracks and is vicious and violent. Her attitude is like this due to the fact her father injected her with some test serum to make mob members faster. No one else had lived and she managed to survive.
As the Black Dahlia, she is very sensual and flirty, her seduction getting her far.
Alliances: Anyone who pays well enough, has worked with the Joker and Riddler on some occasions.
Disorders (optional): Cleptomania, Pyromania, Masochism, PTS
Place of Residency (optional): A high price flat in upper Gotham
Marital Status: Single
Any other random information (optional): Has never been caught by the police, due to her uncanny ability to escape most situations, including with her contortionism. In Europe, she was known as the Cheshire Cat due to her ability to vanish without a trace. She changed her name to Black Dahlia when she came to America when she was around 23.
Picture or in depth description of appearance:
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*Duela Dent*

Name: Duela Dent
Alias: Duela
Occupation: N/A
Hero/Villian/NA: She is both, but usually just follows her daddy.
Height: 5"3'
Weight (optional): 102
Age: 19
Hair Color: Bright Red
Eye color: Vivid Green
Any other characteristics: -
Weapons: Fists and an overlarge gun
Personality: Duela is an escaped convict from Arkham, like almost everyone in Gotham. Although she had claimed to be the daughter of many Villians, but seems to be sticking to the title "The Joker's Daughter"
Alliances: The Joker, Enigma
Personality: Insane, sort of a cling-on, likes to taunt people
Disorders (optional): Insane
Place of Residency (optional): On the floor of a dance studio that is rarely used.
Marital Status: Single, but looking
Any other random information (optional): -

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Name: Selina Kyle
Alias: Catwoman
Occupation: master thief, criminal
Hero/Villian/NA: considered mostly Villian, but has been known to play the hero…Selina rarely works for anything unless its in her favor. She was also once a love interest in Bruce Waynes life.
Height: 5’9
Weight: 145
Age: 32
Hair Color: blonde (but has been known to dye it black at times)
Eye color: Green
Any other characteristics: Has an ifinity for cats
Weapons: Selina carries a whip with her at all times, which can be used to swing easily from place to place around Gotham, on her gloved hands bare steel claws, wonderful for slashing, her body as well…can be used as a weapon, fighting styles mind you.
Personality: Catwoman is a spirited individual that may at times come across as a b***h, she rarely enjoys the company of others…though she has been known to keep the company of the Riddler at times, but most of all her dear Oswald…whom she works closely with.
Alliances: Riddler, Harley, Ivy, Penguin
[b]Disorders: kleptomaniac (otherwise completely sane)
Place of Residency: Different apartments around Gotham
Marital Status: single
Any other random information: Owns four cats, has never been caught by the police, and out of necessity has 9 lives…or rather 8 after being shot by Black Mask.

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Name:Jonathan Crane
Alias:Scarecrow/ Scare-Beast
Occupation:psychiatrist (phobia specialist)
Hair Color:Brown
Eye color:Empty Blue
Any other characteristics:When Knocked out, or to much blunt Trauma to the head, The Scarecrow becomes the Scare-Beast.
Weapons:Scythe and Fear Chemicals
Personality:Crane, other than being utterly obsessed with fear, he has no regard for human life, but is NO murder. He uses humans as gunie pigs to test his new chemicals of fear on. He is cold, calculating and is by no means a coward, for what does Fear have to fear?
Place of Residency:Unknown
Marital Status:Single
Any other random information:The Joker is immune to Crane's Fear gas, also, - Well-educated on the psychology of fear
- Develops various tools which induce crippling fear
- May transform under duress into the monstrous "Scarebeast", gaining superhuman strength, endurance, and a more potent hallucinogen.
- Master of drunken boxing and crane-style kung-fu.
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Name: Eric Baldier
Alias: REDbat
Occupation: Vigilante
Hero/Villian/NA: Hero?
Weight: 170
Age: 23
Hair Color: Long, Bright Red
Eye color: Vivid Green
Any other characteristics: Athletic built, cocky smile.
Grave blades - Blades mounted to his forearms
REDbat Flyers - similar to batarangs however do not spin, rather glide through the air. these are razor sharp and are actually engineered with a small motor within allowing them to travel further and faster than Batman's batarangs
Utility belt - fitted with various day to day items used by maskwearing night fearing vigilante crime fighters in gotham such as smoke bombs, nerve gasses, and even a short range EMP generator.
2x Katanas - with a black blade and red wrapped handles, these are used for battles involving multiple opponents, As Red doesnt have very superior physical strength like Batman.
Personality: Cocky and Arrogant, Red/Eric tends to underestimate his opponents or overestimate his abilities. While he did design his REDbat suit himself, he is still working out the kinks and is always pushing himself to the limit, even in simple situations. However in day to day activities, Eric Baldier is very social and confident, he enjoys parties and female company while maintaining his fathers estate, He has come to Gotham hoping to make a name for himself, bringing his own father's company name allong with him, hoping to forge a corporate friendship with Bruce Wayne.
Alliances: None so far
Disorders: N/A
Place of Residency: Formerly from New York city, Eric shows obvious traits of Irish descent, however his family has been in America since the 1920s. He now lives in Gotham and is currently staying in a penthouse suite at Gotham's finest hotel.
Marital Status: Single
Any other random information:
Eric has always had an infatuation with Crime fighters. He grew up watching the news waiting to hear about what great adventures his heros had overcome, always aspiring to be one himself, however he took a special liking to Batman of Gotham City. While many heros had special powers or something like that, Batman seemed to be your average Joe, not seeing himself as anything special, Eric imediately took the Dark Knight in as his personal Hero.
His father owned a family run, successful electronics corporation known as R.E. or Reliant Enterprises. While Eric's great great Grandfather started the company in the early 1920s after imigrating from Ireland, The company had changed specialties three times in its eighty year lifespan, switching over to electronics in the 50s and quickly became one of the leading competitors to Wayne enterprises in the eighties and early nineties.
Afte Eric's father died of a stroke three years ago, Eric found himself the benefactor of the Estate, being the only son. The young Baldier quickly took things into his own hands as he lead RE to buy out many smaller companies before finally loosing interest in industry, hoping to merge with Wayne enterprises and end his pointless battles for corporate supremacy, something he cared little of.
however his first night in Gotham brought him a great deal of Trauma, as he found himself held up at gunpoint within a taxi on the streets of Gotham after a party. When he refused to hand over his belongings, Eric was shot and left for dead. Luckily the millionaire heir was rescued and his life was saved, however he held a bitterness for greed and unneeded violence. He embarked on designing his own suit and once again took up his childhood dream of becoming a Hero himself.
And so now, Gotham has two dark knights... can they get allong, lets hope so.
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=Barbara Gordon=

Name: Barbara 'Babs' Gordon
Alias: Oracle
Occupation: Computer hacker and Coordinator of the Birds of Prey; Former student; former librarian; former vigilante
Hero/Villian/NA: Hero
Height: 5'7"
Weight (optional): 126lbs
Hair Color: Red
Eye color: Blue
Any other characteristics: Very Intelligent
Weapons: eskrima sticks
Personality: A Very smart, intelligent, and independent woman. Believes that woman can make as much of a change as men, and has proven this, thus far. Babs is kind and caring, and is very loyal, and trusting of those she loves.
Alliances: Birds Of Prey, Batman
Disorders (optional): Paraplegic: Paralyzed from the waist down.
Place of Residency (optional): Goes between Gotham and Metropolis, depending on where she is needed.
Marital Status: Single

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Shirtless Elder

7,750 Points
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  • Flatterer 200
Name:Edward Nashton
Alias:The Riddler and/or E. Nigma
Occupation:Part Time P.I., Rouge, and Villain To Batman
Hero/Villain/NA:off again, on again hero, mainly villain
Height:about 5'9
Hair Color:Red with black horizontal pin-strips
Eye colorEnvy Green

Weapons:The Riddler uses, and along with, A Question Pistol, A Question Sword, Question Grenades, and Various Deathtraps

PersonalityThe Riddler is a savvy, cunning, and very quick-witted villain. His powers of reasoning and deduction are second only to batman; The Riddler's a man that does not like to be physical, he would mush rather defeat or kill some one with his elaborate traps, riddles, and pitfalls to handle most of his work. He is calm and collected at times but also A coward that will run if the need arises and with batman always.

Alliances:The Riddler has no alliances, Its not that he doesn't want them, it's just because he helps who he pleases be it batman or the penguin, BUT when he is running and needs a place to turn her usually tries to hide behind the Joker, Penguin, and anyone else willing to hide this massive coward when he is in a pinch

Disorder:intense obsessive compulsion (his madness is his obsession with riddles)
Place of Residency:the Riddle Factory an underground warehouse/game show studio

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Name:Jonathan Crane
Alias:Scarecrow/ Scare-Beast
Occupation:psychiatrist (phobia specialist)
Weight (optional):120
Hair Color:Brown
Eye color:Empty Blue
Any other characteristics:When Knocked out, or to much blunt Trauma to the head, The Scarecrow becomes the Scare-Beast.

Weapons:Scythe and Fear Chemicals

Personality:Crane, other than being utterly obsessed with fear, has no regard for human life, but is NO murderer. He uses humans as gunie pigs to test his new chemicals of fear on. He is cold, calculating and is by no means a coward, for what does Fear have to fear?


Marital Status:Single

Any other random information:The Joker is immune to Crane's Fear gas, also, Well-educated on the psychology of fear Develops various tools which induce crippling fear, May transform under duress into the monstrous "Scare-beast", gaining superhuman strength, endurance, and a more potent hallucinogen. Master of drunken boxing and crane-style kung-fu.

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Jeering Lunatic

5,950 Points
  • Happy Birthday! 100
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  • Heckler 50
(We'll obviously accept more people into rping, as we go along...but I feel we need to get the ball rolling, so thus a post! : D)

Arkham was strangely silent during the time, usually it rang with the cries of madmen and even at times doctors alike...often depending on who was escaping. Clicking his tongue, an estranged alarming voice sounded, full of command...and scotch full and dripping with Delirium. "--Alright Jerry, Uncle Joker's got a hell of a joke for ya." stretching timidly from his just outside his cleared cell--a straight jacket on his person. J cranks his neck around, smacking his lips and laughing insidiously as the man in the slimming purple suit stood like an awkward contortionist within the hall mind reeling while like the Riddler with his Riddles, the Joker was with his Jokes. All the while, unbeknownst to the Orderly, that J was tugging away secretively at his Jacket, he was a master at getting the things off...such old ways, it would be better if they updated the Asylum and gave him a real treat.

"--Okay here we go. You’re driving the Bus Jerry to Craaaazzzzytown 5 people get on 2 get off, at the next stop 400 people get on 250 of those people get off, at the last destination 25 people get on, 12 of those people get off. Now…” as the Joker continued on with his Joke the Orderly listened doing his best to calculate the number of people getting on and getting off doing well up until the rakish man finished his Joke. "--What color are the bus drivers eyes?” all color drained from the Orderlies face as he stood there with a blank stare, his expression suddenly contortioning into something savage. "--What the ******** kind of Joke is that!? How would I know what color the bus drivers eyes were!?” Joker merely laughed, that desdended horror only growing in mirth as he buckles over slightly trying to catch his breath, in a moment however he snaps upwards, the restraints at his back coming free and falling into a pool of fabric onto the floor. Grabbing the man suddenly and hard by the nape of the neck, he aptly responded ”—BECAUSE you big silly, You are the Bus Driver…and your eyes are blue. What if…” Joker pound his gloved fist against a mirror hidden beneath a wire mesh, managing to secure a single shard as it hit the floor. ”—WHAT IF…” he repeated himself, ”—I took out your eyes for the momentous occasion, and kept them as a trophy?” drawing the glass closer and closer Jerry suddenly collapsed after a moment out of fear, wherein the Clown Prince simply tossed him aside, giggling and parading down the hall, he completely aware of where he was going. He was gonna get out of Arkham and go say hello to the boys, and of course to his Poo, Harley.

Shirtless Elder

7,750 Points
  • Generous 100
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  • Flatterer 200
-Edward sat there thinking, that's all he could do, sit there and think. Oh he heard the commotion outside his cell, and the nicer, "reformed" half said, 'No Nashton you have to serve your time this constant bull of coming in and out of this place is madding in it's self; but some how this was also fun, a riddle in its self, why endure a small, white cell for which the is an easy escape but not an easy entrance. The answer there was none, reason, it wasn't there and this riddle always plagued his mind, but on hearing the orderlies shout "STOP HIM, HE IS LOOSE AGAIN!" he smiled softly, " Time to go..."-he then quickly unfastens the restraints, removed the jacket and headed down the hallway sneaking out of Arkham the same way as always, through the air duct, passed the guard room, out on the roof top and slip down the sewer back to third and main into the Riddle Factory for a wardrobe change and sleep-

-Everything was going smoothly, smoothly till he saw the Joker sitting in his seat, grand-"Joker Nice to see you in my humble home, and were is the little miss? I hope she got away safely. -now to say that The Riddler hated The Joker was a bit of an understatement, but he knew when to shut it and play cool, and keep his head low; everyone knew that if there is one villain you don't toy with and that was The Joker- "Anything I could get you food, drink, information?"

Jeering Lunatic

5,950 Points
  • Happy Birthday! 100
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  • Heckler 50
Joe had wished too see his Poo soon enough, knowing her she was probably dressing up the Warehouse all nice and pretty for her Puddin's return, and perhaps even making her god aweful pies. His Harls was a dear, a lovely thing...a pretty good Henchgirl, but a lousy cook. Still if he could turn it around and toss it in her face it would be good for a laugh. His first stop was at the Riddlers Riddle Factory, and regardless of the situation Joker always seemed to be the type not to care whether he was welcomed or not. Entering rather soundly with his gloved hands shoved into his jacket pockets, he was whistling 'Camptown Races' by some group called Cumberland Blues. Nice redneck great depression music, when he finally came about the needed turns and halls, and aspied Edward in front of him he ceased his whistling and withdrew his hands from his pockets, spreading his arms outwide as if about to embrace a freind that had not been seen in some time. "--Nigma! How ya been ol' pal? Good I hope...if not I may have to clear up the problem." he added while patting his inner coat pocket, which left one to wonder what gadgets and weapons hid in his coat. Taking a small moment he casually dust a bit of plaster off the leg of his trousers. "--Harls is fine, probably at the homestead making a party thats sure to be a real hoot. Currently I need nothing from you Riddler, I dislike being in peoples pockets...far too small and filled with oodles of Lint." he added while wandering here and there and looking about. "Nice place"

Fashionable Lunatic

~♠ Harley Quinn ♠~

Harley burst into the warehouse that Puddin’ and her had found a few years back. It was spacious and held various gadgets and specialty weapons that Harley wasn’t allowed to touch, something about her being “clumsy” whatever that meant. “MIIISSSTTTAAA JAAAY!!!!” she called out in her shrill voice that echoed and amplified off the bare walls. “Awww….my Puddin’ ain’t home yet! That’s ok! I think I’ll redecorate for a welcome home party…ohh! And I can bake him a pie!” she squealed in happiness as she bounded across the oversized room towards a large storage space.
The large door grinded open and revealed a surplus of party supplies, “Puddin’ always likes a good party…” she smiled and sighed at the thought of him, his green hair and the way his smile just stirred a feeling in her nether- “I wonder what kinda pie I should fix…hmm maybe coconut cream.” she brain stormed as she hefted a large box of streamers and deflated balloons out into the main part of the room. “Oh…he’s just gonna love it!” she cooed as she set to work, she needed the room ready before he got home.

Shirtless Elder

7,750 Points
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-he smiled and gave out a sigh- Well I have found a bit of your items here and there Joker. Like this wondrous buzzer I borrowed before I left the white room, other than that nothing more or less than the usual things I normally have.-he chuckled a bit thinking of what hilarity if the joker had zapped himself with his own accursed "joy" buzzer, but luck like that was rare and in between. As soon as the Joker stopped rummaging through his pockets. Nigma turned on the power, it is very rare to see The joker surprised, but in this case, it was a mix of surprise and mad delight as the Riddler's hideout was a game show studio.- Well Joker I have been thinking, Why not bring Batman down here for a quiz show, I just so love a game when lives are the prizes. If we do this though we have to be tactful about it, when need to figure out people that batman saves,a lot; so I was thinking we start with the commissioner. Batman is always saving that old fool a thousand times a day. -Mentally the Riddler has had enough of Batman personally and professionally, and what better poetics than to use the Joker- I ask you this Joker because I know you want to give ol' Batty a final curtain bow before he leaves the stage. So I say lets have fun with it I get to quiz him you drop the guillotine on him, on national T.v. -The Joker, again who is hardly surprised, was very surprised by this out of character behavior of the Riddler- Oh and yes yes I know by now I should as you a question...well then I have thought of this one long and hard...[/i-he writes it down slowly- "You are in a sterile whit room. The pain is unbearable. The tools are at hand. What is your next move?" -he smiled- I figure since there are 12 levels below use I want to see if he can figure out every little riddle till the top, were in YOU will be waiting for him.

Jeering Lunatic

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The real truth in the situation was that Joe had buzzed himself, but relatively it had been to get himself out of a sticky situation which usually meant it was on purpose and that it was terribly painful for the other party member involved. “—Oh yes the Joy Buzzer…I do recall that, I will have that and a few of the other gags I might have lying around. Keep one of the bang guns though…never know when you’ll use it. Did you know one time I buzzed someone so much they started to smoke…and smoke…and smoke…so much until finally POW! Their noggin exploded, cracked in half…guess you could say he had a splitting headache. BWAH HA HA HAA BRAH HA HAA!” The madman laughed to himself as he bent over clutching his side, amused by his own less then amusing joke. When however Edward started calling the shots, and actually taking a step up and making suggestions…Joker could admit…if only to himself, that he was a little impressed…indeed he was so much that he was half tempted to pinch Riddler’s cheek and use baby talk… and who would the Joker be if he didn’t, and so he did. “—Oh my, my wittle Eddie is gwowing up.” more maniacal laughter sounded, as Joker smoothed back his emerald hair and turned that Glasgow smile onto the man. “—It sounds like a perfectly good idea. I’m not much of a man with a plan, I just…do. So this may perhaps be a nice change…now we just gotta figure out where Old Batsy is.” he chimes in while locating some of his things and rounding them back up into his coat pockets. “—But were gonna have too talk about this some time soon Eddie baby, cause I gotta go see how the little missus is get along. Maybe make sure she hasn’t blown up half the city block…at least not ours anyways.” blowing the man an air kiss, which could hardly be any inclination to Jokers sexuality…just Joe being Joe, he thrust his hands into his pockets, continued whistling ‘Camptown Races’ and made his way to he and Harleys warehouse.
Selina rest against a large stone gargoyle, decrepit and rustic with the harsh Gotham weather and wrought with age. Cats had always been known to defy the odds with height, she had been the first woman she assumed to scale such heights on an average basis…if however people had known how wonderful it was up so high she assumed there would be so many more people joining her up top, something however she enjoyed was the solace that rooftops provided, and escape from the mania that was everyday existence. Selina had given that up some time ago, any chance of a normal life, but she had become a stronger person through and through…if not perhaps, just a little crazy and over the top. Perching upon the ledge, pleather gloved hands catching the light as she stretches out she keeps her eyes plastered upon the expanse, thoughts coalescing as she tipped her vision. Things weren’t the same as they had once been, now was a Darker Gotham, and she only assumed things were only liable to get worse. The Cat felt that now days the world was her Oyster, it was about damned time she took the bull by the proverbial horns and lived.

Down below her in her sights, not but a 100 feet she watched over Riddlers place, those eyes of hers narrowed behind her mask as she watches Joe take off in the opposite direction, which could only mean he was going after a collection of Petrollium or back to Harley...she wouldn't put either past him. Selina had waited, because next to Roman, Joker was her least favorite face in Gotham. Slipping her whip from her waist, she took a few practice swings, and when she was satisfied with her outcome, she took one for the win and cracked it hard above her head, drawing it about a rooftop billboards lower rungs. When it caught, she gave it a careful tug...and then like the daredevil she was...jumped down 3 flights. She soared, falling through the air gracefully like a bird before tumbling into a front roll at her destination. She being on the roof of Riddlers Riddle Factory. Reaching into her thieves satchel on her back, she removed her tools and calmly used her diamond edged claw to cut through the glass, a few more devices used to extract the glass, before she slid in, nimble and delicate like the animal she represented. Her words came out in a perfect coo as she smiled, white teeth glittering in the dark. "--Someone told me you were the Cats Meow, I had to come see for myself." she spoke from the shadows as she settled along the scaffolding above.

(I promise they won't all be this big o.O)
Barbara Gordon, known as Babs to most of her friends, found herself in her small apartment in Gotham City. It wasn't anything great, but had just what she needed. Keeping 2 apartments wasn't easy, so bother her Gotham apartment and her Metropolis apartment were small. All the lights were off in the place, and for anyone looking at the windows from the street, would think she was asleep or no one was home. But, this was how she always did her work. Her multiple computer screens were the only thing showing light into the small room. She was leaning against the back of her wheelchair, her arms on on of her keyboards, simply browsing through different files, and news reports. She was surprised, it was actually a quiet night in Gotham City, and that just never happened. But of course, she thought to soon...

The small Oracle icon in the corner of her screen started to blink, and whenever it started to blink, it means something happened, something was going wrong. Quickly opening up at screen she saw what was wrong. Once again the fools at Arkham couldn't keep the crazies there. Hacking into the system, to figure out details, she got one of the camera's feed, and was able to replay back the last few minutes. She felt her heart stop for a minute when she the who had made the escape. It was none other than the man who put her in this chair, the Joker.

"s**t.... There goes my bubble bath."

With that she x'ed the camera out, and went to contact Bruce. Hopefully he wouldn't be out and about with out his phone... though he has been known to do that, and often.
Selina picked up a signal and she hung back from Riddlers area, she taking a step out into the chill of the night. Slipping her goggles up too rest on her forehead, she tapped her earpeice having abandoned the cell phone in her other catsuit, the mewing cat ring tend to give her away when she was trying to be stealthy. The message was meant for Bruce, not for her...but hell if she didn't feel she couldn't intervene...even just a little bit. When the call was ended, Selina traced the call (if such a thing was possible with Babs phone) and called her back. Considering for obvious reasons why Selina popped up as a private caller, if Babs did pick up she would speak. "--How are things Babs? If you're looking for Bruce, I haven't seen him in some time...which seems hardly the time to be playing Playboy of the year when Gothams favorite criminal mastermind is walking the streets." she finished while scaling along the wall, she wondering if Edward was worth her time...Oswald had the connections indeed, but it would be either Nigma or Jervis Tetch that would need to help her, and the last thing she needed was to be drawn into the Hatters hysteria. Cursed Cuckoos nest...she'd never been there save to break an inmate out once...and planned to never go there again."--I'll try and keep an eye out on the clown and see he doesn't blow up Gotham City while Bruce is gone." she added while crossing her vinyl clad arms over the swell of her chest.
Babs cursed silently, under her breath, as she disconnected the line from Bruce. 'Where the hell could he be,' she thought to herself. Suddenly, the little Oracle Icon started to flash, and the beeping noise indicating she had a call startled her from her thoughts. "Incoming call from blocked number." The female voice from the computer was telling her. Babs' rolled her eyes, and after a few clicks, she uncovered that it was Selina. A smirk came to her face thinking about how the cat might actually think she wouldn't find out who this 'blocked number was'.

"Well, well, well. Good Evening Selina. Now what do I have the pleasure of your call?" Babs listened as Selina explained about Bruce. "Okay, well thanks Selina. If you somehow get in contact with him before I do just let him know I'm looking for him. And if you need any help, also let me know. I'll get my Birds to help you out if it becomes to much for you. Just keep in touch, Dear."
“—Thanks Barbara, I sha’ll keep in touch.” Selina Kyle was a strange sort, she was in a way a wolf in sheeps clothing…but at times even a sheep in wolfs clothing. She had her guidelines, her rules. For the most part, she worked to further her own gain, or even to further Oswalds own financial gain, which in the long run could be accrued to her own status. She was currently playing the good guy because she was less then fond of the Clown, afterall he had tried to kill her on multiple separate accounts…only almost succeeded once. She wanted him off the streets as badly as Bruce and Babs did, which is why she would perhaps try and see that Joe kept in line, maybe Harley could entertain him long enough till Bruce returned. Because personally, she just wanted to steal the cats paw opal and be done with it. Bidding one final adieu, Cat closed off the transmission and slid her goggles back over her eyes, those ruby lips parting over pearly white teeth as she re-entered Riddlers domain. “—Anybody home?”

Shirtless Elder

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-Nashton was toiling away at plans when heard a familiar voice, Cat woman's. He groaned, she was always so nosy and would be very bother some if she found out his plans, so he hid them, in the one place she would never to think, under his hat.- Ah, it's the stray cat looking for some milk, Sorry I'm not Batman, but could I offer you some brandy? -in a way he wanted to drop her into a dark hole and forget she came but Nigma was no heartless beast, nor was he suicidal. So he played the Generous Host for now- Oh, and if you're here about the joker don't fret kitty cat, he was here to pick up some of his "toys" they always seem to fall into my lap, yet I can never figure out why.-he put on a fake smile and handed her the glass, he thought of all the ways to make her leave but he figured best leave it to her to leave on her own than to force her out-

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