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It is said that once every one thousand years, a purple dragon is born. This dragon has powers no other dragon can - deep powers known only to them, as well as the ability to master any element they can be taught. These dragons are revered - even worshiped - by some, and can often be a bringer of great peace, or great destruction.

The purple dragon born years ago had been combed and tended by the four Masters of the Base Elements - Tyfrador, the Master of Fire, the Master of Wind, the Master of Water, and the Master of Earth. Each of them had passed on their knowledge, and the purple dragon himself was a symbol of peace for the people of the world.

Until a strange creature came along, covering areas in darkness and decay, striking fear and anger into the hearts of mortals and dragons alike. Through many methods, this Tyrant gathered creatures for his armies - anything from the quick-footed Cheetahs of the Avalar Plains to the very Dragons themselves fell under his sway. Those not taken or killed rallied up, and all believed that the powerful purple dragon would save them. His Masters took great care in giving him what they could, preparing him for the final confrontation.

However, the purple dragon refused to engage the tyrant, much to the shock of his once teachers. Because of this action, a nursery was attacked, the eggs inside either taken or destroyed. However, the quick-eyed Master of Wind noticed the purple dragon in the distance, alerting the other Masters. Tracking him down to an abandoned monastery - far from the tyrant's kingdom, left behind by ones who had come long before - they confronted him, only to be met with a shocking revelation.

"I have seen ahead. Were I to engage him now, I would defeat him, but perish from my wounds after the battle. The world would be peaceful for a short while, but in a few years time, he would rise, more terrible than ever, and there would be none that could stand against him."

"If you cannot stop him, then who?" Tyfrador demanded. "Is there no hope?"

"No single dragon can destroy him for good. Which is why I brought them here."

Leading the masters deeper in the monestary, the purple dragon showed them a hidden room, where the eggs he had taken were set comfortably in safety.

"These eggs hold the mark of destiny upon them," he explained to his teachers. "Only together can they destroy the Tyrant for good."

"Even with the Mark of Destiny..." the Master of Wind said slowly. "They will be born as the rest of us, only able to command a single element."

"Normally, they would."

"Normally?" the Master of Water questioned.

"It is my destiny to perish if peace is to be restored for good," the purple dragon said quietly. "I will separate my essence into these eggs. While my soul will be erased, it will empower them, when they hatch, to become skilled enough to use many other elements."

"But only purple dragons can actually master more than one element," the Master of Earth put in.

"We've never seen a soul split like this before," Tyfrador interrupted. "While they may always be the most skilled with the one they are born with..."

"They will still be able to master the others at their command," the purple dragon finished. "I cannot say what elements they will know... likely, the ones that come from this split will be those you do not know, and even some that are seen in the more evil of dragons. But no matter what, you must not shun them for it."

"Because an element does not have to be inherently evil?" the Master of Water inquired, ever curious.

"Correct. And because these dragons are our only hope. You must stay here and raise them - guard and protect them until the time comes. But never let them stray far - if the Tyrant becomes aware of their presence too soon, all hope will be lost."

The Masters agreed, giving their words to protect the unborn heroes with their lives. As they set out to reinforce the monastery and gather what would be needed to provide for the young ones, the purple dragon commenced his ceremony, giving his power to each of the unborn whelplings. The Masters buried him at the foot of the monestary, where water touched earth constantly, the wind blew gently, and the sun's warmth touched every day, before turning their attention to the younglings, eyes trained each day towards the horizion for any sign of danger...

// Literacy

This is a literate roleplay. That means I want, at the least, a paragraph of six sentences per post. There is no limit to how MUCH you can write - I just want to see that at the least, please, because people need something to reply off of.

While I may allow less in certain cases (IE, you're fighting, and you can't think of much to do), I won't allow one liners at ALL. You can think up at least two sentences, even in fights, right? I'm sure you can! I have faith in you.

Also, no text talk or chatspeak or whatever you want to call it to try to get around the rules. You must have at least grammar and spelling command of a decent level, please. If you can do better, that's GREAT.

// Spaces

If we get enough spaces for evil filled, I'll open up more good spaces. If we manage to get a good number of evil characters, I'll extend the group of Chosen Dragons to five. You can have as many good or evil characters as you can keep up with, but only a single Chosen Dragon per person.

// Elements

Each of the Chosen Dragons have a total of five elements: One which they are born with and can use the best, two of the four from the masters which they can use well, and two others which they have little practice in. To explain it a bit more... while they aren't as skilled with the latter two as the former one, they can still command them to some degree - and they possess the ability to use the final two, but lack much skill in it at the start.

Two dragons can share the same element mastery if:
A. One is evil and the other is good.
B. You control both.
C. Two different people agree on it before hand and clear it with me.

// Godmodding

Don't do it. Easy 'nuff.

// Races

You may make up your own race for this, but ASK ME FIRST! I'm going to need details on it, and I reserve the right to reject it. In other words, Pm your profile if you want a custom race.

// Profiles

Fill out my profiles competely and PM them to me. PM them! If you post them, you'll be rejected and asked to delete them. Titles should be "Taken at Birth" for Chosen Dragons, "Age Hasn't Stopped Me" for Masters, "Rebellion Flight" for Good Dragons, "Doing What I Please" for Evil Dragons, "Running the Fight" for other Good Characters, and "Pleased With What I Do" for other Evil Characters. I put this at the bottom to make sure you read the rules. Put a ninja in your pm to prove that you read them.

You may edit the coding a bit if something doesn't quite work right, but please, no major edits, or I will ask you to redo it. If something in the coding is broken, tell me.
Chosen Dragons

[align=center][size=20][b][color=Color1][Name][/color][/b], [color=color2]the Chosen Dragon[/color][/size]

[img]Icon of your picture here, please.[/img][/align]

[size=10][color=Color1][b]I'm Sometimes Called::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Nicknames[/color]
[color=Color1][b]My Gender Is::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Gender[/color]
[color=Color1][b]I'm Most In Tune With::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Main Element.[/color]
[color=Color1][b]But I Also Resonate With::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Four Sub-elements. Remember, two of them have to be either Water, Fire, Earth, or Wind.[/color]
[color=Color1][b]When I Look Into The Water::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Appearance. Link to a picture, please. Four legged, with wings.[/color]
[color=Color1][b]I've Roamed The World For Years::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Adolescent.[/color]
[color=Color1][b]People Say I'm::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Personality. Doesn't have to be long, just give us an idea, eh?[/color]
[color=Color1][b]Tap Tap::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Theme Song(s)[/color]
[color=Color1][b]Huh, I Think I Forgot Something::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Anything not covered above.[/color]
[color=Color1][b]My Puppetmaster::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Username[/color][/size]

Roleplaying Sample::

Dragon Masters

[align=center][size=20][b][color=Color1][Name][/color][/b], [color=color2]the Master Dragon[/color][/size]

[img]Icon of your picture here, please.[/img][/align]

[size=10][color=Color1][b]I'm Sometimes Called::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Nicknames[/color]
[color=Color1][b]My Gender Is::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Gender[/color]
[color=Color1][b]I'm Most In Tune With::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Main Element.[/color]
[color=Color1][b]When I Look Into The Water::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Appearance. Link to a picture, please. Four legged, with wings.[/color]
[color=Color1][b]I've Roamed The World For Years::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Adult.[/color]
[color=Color1][b]People Say I'm::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Personality. Doesn't have to be long, just give us an idea, eh?[/color]
[color=Color1][b]Tap Tap::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Theme Song(s)[/color]
[color=Color1][b]Huh, I Think I Forgot Something::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Anything not covered above.[/color]
[color=Color1][b]My Puppetmaster::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Username[/color][/size]

Roleplaying Sample::

Good Dragons

[align=center][size=20][b][color=Color1][Name][/color][/b], [color=color2]the Dragon[/color][/size]

[img]Icon of your picture here, please.[/img][/align]

[size=10][color=Color1][b]I'm Sometimes Called::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Nicknames[/color]
[color=Color1][b]My Gender Is::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Gender[/color]
[color=Color1][b]I'm Most In Tune With::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Main Element.[/color]
[color=Color1][b]But I Also Resonate With::[/b][/color] [color=color2]One sub element.[/color]
[color=Color1][b]When I Look Into The Water::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Appearance. Link to a picture, please. Four legged, with wings.[/color]
[color=Color1][b]I've Roamed The World For Years::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Whelp (Baby/Child), Adolescent (Teen), Adult (Adult)[/color]
[color=Color1][b]People Say I'm::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Personality. Doesn't have to be long, just give us an idea, eh?[/color]
[color=Color1][b]Tap Tap::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Theme Song(s)[/color]
[color=Color1][b]Huh, I Think I Forgot Something::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Anything not covered above.[/color]
[color=Color1][b]My Puppetmaster::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Username[/color][/size]

Roleplaying Sample::

Evil Dragons

[align=center][size=20][b][color=Color1][Name][/color][/b], [color=color2]the Evil Dragon[/color][/size]

[img]Icon of your picture here, please.[/img][/align]

[size=10][color=Color1][b]I'm Sometimes Called::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Nicknames[/color]
[color=Color1][b]My Gender Is::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Gender[/color]
[color=Color1][b]I'm Most In Tune With::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Main Element.[/color]
[color=Color1][b]But I Also Resonate With::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Two sub-elements.[/color]
[color=Color1][b]When I Look Into The Water::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Appearance. Link to a picture, please. Four legged, with wings.[/color]
[color=Color1][b]I've Roamed The World For Years::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Adolescent or Adult[/color]
[color=Color1][b]People Say I'm::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Personality. Doesn't have to be long, just give us an idea, eh?[/color]
[color=Color1][b]Tap Tap::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Theme Song(s)[/color]
[color=Color1][b]Huh, I Think I Forgot Something::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Anything not covered above.[/color]
[color=Color1][b]My Puppetmaster::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Username[/color][/size]

Roleplaying Sample::


[align=center][size=20][b][color=Color1][Name][/color][/b], [color=color2]the (Good or Evil) Warrior[/color][/size]

[img]Icon of your picture here, please.[/img][/align]

[size=10][color=Color1][b]I'm Sometimes Called::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Nicknames[/color]
[color=Color1][b]My Gender Is::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Gender[/color]
[color=Color1][b]I'm Most In Tune With::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Abilities. Keep them to your race - Cheetahs can't breathe fire, for instance, but they can jump higher and are more agile than others. Feel free to make up your own races as well, but give me details about them![/color]
[color=Color1][b]When I Look Into The Water::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Appearance. Link to a picture, please. Four legged, with wings.[/color]
[color=Color1][b]I've Roamed The World For Years::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Child, Adolesent, or Adult[/color]
[color=Color1][b]People Say I'm::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Personality. Doesn't have to be long, just give us an idea, eh?[/color]
[color=Color1][b]Tap Tap::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Theme Song(s)[/color]
[color=Color1][b]Huh, I Think I Forgot Something::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Anything not covered above.[/color]
[color=Color1][b]My Puppetmaster::[/b][/color] [color=color2]Username[/color][/size]

Roleplaying Sample::
The Chosen Ones

Nero, the Shadow Dragon - Kaenor
Seyakel, the Light Dragon - BlackStar_Hanyou
Etney, the Fire Dragon - mitkitty
Sierra, the Earth Dragon - Incubusai

The Masters

Tyfrador, the Fire Master - Kaenor
???, the Earth Master - Open
???, the Water Master - Open
Anila, the Wind Master - paperclipjunkie

The Forces of Good

???, the ??? Dragon - Open
???, the ??? Dragon - Open
???, the ??? Dragon - Open
???, the ??? Dragon - Open
???, the ??? Dragon - Open

The Forces of Evil

The Tyrant - Kaenor

???, the ??? Dragon - Open
???, the ??? Dragon - Open
???, the ??? Dragon - Open
???, the ??? Dragon - Open
???, the ??? Dragon - Open

Profiles can be found Here.

The Azure Monastery: The place where the Masters and the Chosen dragons are currently hiding out. While somewhat old, it's in good shape from the Masters' care. Hidden away, it's nearly impossible for anyone to find without being led to it.

The Lamenting Forest: The forest surrounding the Azure Monastery, it's calm and quiet, named in honor of the purple dragon buried there. Often times, the younglings are let loose to play in safety here, but are forbidden to pass the gateway made by onyx gems. At least one Master is always watching those in the forest.

The Dragon City: The Capital of the Dragon Empire, the nameless Tyrant has taken over and resides here comfortably. A gigantic city with many areas and plazas, it's still intact for those who reside here. However, because of the master's power, all plant life has wilted or become mutated, the once beautiful flowers and gardens transformed into disgusting and polluted overgrowth.

The Twisted Forest: A forest surrounding Dragon City, the various wildlife here have become mutated and corrupted, making travel on land dangerous.

The Tyrant: The strange, unknown creature currently ruling most of the world with an iron fist.

Malafor: A purple dragon from long ago that wreaked havoc, chaos, and nearly caused the destruction of the world.

Spyro: Yet another purple dragon from history, this one brought about peace to the world, with his companion Cynder.

Cynder: The young dragon with dark powers that assisted Spyro.
Flower's Bloom || Heat's Reign || Leaf's Trek || Snow's Fall

The younglings are enjoying a day off in the snow at the monastery.

The forces of the Tyrant are either doing missions or out on their own.
N e r o
C h o s e n -- o f -- S h a d o w

It was morning.

Nero could tell it was morning due to the sunlight shining in his eyes. With a groan, the young black dragon rolled over in an attempt to get back to sleep. As he lay there, something occurred to him.

Why hadn't Tyfrador woken him up? The Master of Fire always woke him and the other chosen up before every one else. Why not today?

Then he remembered. Today was the day the masters had chosen as their day off. Feeling glad that he did not have to train to day, the black dragon quickly got out of bed. He headed over to the window to see how many of the other dragons were outside already. When Nero looked out the window, he saw it.


Bashful Cat

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Etney rolled over on her back. The masters told her that today she had to get up and practice her abilities, even though everyone else got the day off. They said it was because she had bad control. She didn't see why, though. Everyone got angry when she practiced. It wasn't her fault that all of her abilities were destructive. It just happened that way! Fire made random things blow up..somehow, Earth made earthquakes and rock slides, Electricity made bolts even hotter than her fire, and sound...well, sound went everywhere. It wasn't fair! Etney got up and started stomping out of the pace where she slept. Anything that wasn't bolted down started jumping around as she walked over to the window. She stared longingly out the window at the snow on the ground, it was so pretty an white. She wanted to play with it so badly...

Accursed Lover

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Ϛ є y α ҝ є ʅ

ℂ ɦ o s є η a o ғ a L i ɢ ɦ Ϯ


                  Seyakel stirred as the morning sunlight coming through her window finally hit her face. She frowned, half-awake and half asleep, and shifted, turning her back towards the window. The warm sun felt good on her wings, and for a time, Seyakel dozed in peace. She dreamed, fuzzy, warm things that made her smile. There was a tickling in her brain, like she'd forgotten something important...

                  Kel snapped awake, yelping as her sleepy brain finally revealed the forgotten information. She was late for training! She swiftly got to her feet, tripping a bit over her bedding as she went. The golden dragon went through her morning routine at breakneck speed, finishing in record time. She was about to head to her first lesson when she caught sight of the world outside her window. Kel stopped cold, her jaw dropping.

                  Snow. It was snowing!

                  It had been forever since Kel had seen snow. She sighed wistfully; too bad she had lessons... wait, didn't the masters say they were off today? Oh, wonder of wonders, this had to be the best day of her life! Kel loved snow, and she wasted no time getting outside. She felt the ground shake, and she realized it was her fellow Chosen, Etney. Kel frowned; why was she making the monastery shake? Etney usually only did that when she was upset.

                  Oh, yes, that's right. She still has lessons. Kel knew she would be in a bad mood if she still had lessons, especially on a snow day. The dragon was torn. On the one claw, she wanted to go enjoy the snow. It was a very rare event, after all, and she'd worked extra hard on her lessons so she could enjoy it. On the other... well, it was Etney. Kel wasn't too close with the other two, but she wanted to be. And anyone would need a friend when they had to miss out. Hmm, what to do?

                  Kel decided on a compromise. She would enjoy the snow until lunch (Etney had lessons in the morning, she was sure), and afterwards she'd try to cheer up her fellow Chosen. Maybe a spar; Kel needed work on fighting, and Etney always had a love for destruction.

Bashful Cat

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Etney tore her eyes away from the snow and turned away. "Who cares? Not me!" she said unconvincingly. "I-I'd probably melt it anyway..."
As she walked away from the window and towards the area to train, a freezing wind gusted through the monestary and made the place rattle. Etney didn't notice. I was really trying not to break stuff yesterday, I really was, but that vase broke anyway.
"Stupid powers, always going out of control..." she muttered angrily "I train just as much as anyone else-but no, all my powers have to act up whenever I get emotional! What is the point of having powers you can't CONTROL!" as she shouted the last word, a huge shockwave burst from her mouth and upturned everything in its path, along with making everything else bump around as well. Etney grabbed her mouth.
Uh oh...
N e r o
C h o s e n -- o f -- S h a d o w

Nero quickly left his room. He wasn't very eager to get out into the snow, but he knew all too well how much trouble the younger dragons could cause. In his haste, the black dragon didn't notice the ground shaking.
He did, however, notice the icy wind blowing through the halls of the monastary. Puzzled, Nero stopped. When he had been looking out his window earlier, he hadn't felt much of a breeze, yet now it was blowing very strongly through the halls. The young dragon was mildly confused by this, though he didn't stop, at least, not until what sounded like a scream echoed loudly through the halls. He knew right away what made that sound.


With a sigh, he turned and headed towards the chosen's room.

Bashful Cat

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"Oh no, oh no, oh no!" Etney said, panicking. She tried to put the stuff back, but as she picked up a figurine of a dragon, a surge of heat coursed through her hands. The figurine exploded. Etney was horrified "Gah! How did that happen?" she ran around, making the ground shake again. Etney sat down, about to cry. "I'll never get to go outside now..."

Questionable Roisterer

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Anila the Master Dragon

A crashing noise of breaking wood startled the large white dragon into the world of the concious. "Wha? What on Earth was that?!" Her voice was mumbled and the words could barely be made out. Stumbling to her feet still half asleep she blearily peered around looking for a source of the noise. Her eyes then fell upon one of the beams in her sleeping quarters. It was smashed to pieces, indeed some of those pieces littered upon Anila's tail. It had been her own actions during sleep which had destroyed it.

"Good going! Pity, it was a beautiful pillar." With a snort of a huff she began cleaning up the pieces before she heard yet another loud crash like noise. This time it had come from where the young Chosen Ones were located. "Dear goodness, they're like puppies. Must they always be watched?"

Granted it was the Master's day off from teaching lessons, Anila knew better to stay around in case anything happened. Obviously she had been right. They called her paraniod. Yet her feelings were usually acurate. With another snort-sigh and she headed out through the snow to the young dragon's quarters. Her delicate hearing directed her to young Etney in the training arena. The Dragonet of all the others had the most trouble controling her powers.

"Relax youngling, it's just wood. Though I take it you see now why you must concentrate on controling your powers? Start with your emotions and go from there." The white dragon knew very well about how hard it was to master the more volatile of elements, so she understood what the young one's were going through. She placed her tail gently around the young dragon's body for a brief second before moving away to gaze down at her. Anila's cyan blue eyes would bore down on the youngling in an attempt to be sympathetic and disaproving at the same time.

Bashful Cat

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Etney was breathing heavily, in an attempt to calm down. This was apparently futile, as huge gusts of wind were blowing everywhere. She was shaking as she looked Alina in the eyes. "Control my--Everyone says that! How is that supposed to work? Do I just stop feeling? 'Cause I can do that!" she was holding her head. "Things don't hurt me! But the minute I get excited, I-I..." The ground rumbled a bit. "...do that..."
Etney shook her head. "N-never mind! What should I do today? Regular exercises?" she asked, regaining her composure.

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