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Interesting Prophet

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                                                Grace was silent as Kiera slipped into the room, closing the door behind her. She had thought Kiera was still with her boyfriend, but it was obvious that they had returned here to the Tower. The clothes that Keira was taking from the closet was no doubt for her human. She still couldn’t quite understand why Keira like the human boy, but she wasn’t going to tell Keira who she could and couldn’t date. As Keira asked why she was upset if Piety was alright, a new wave of tears began to slide down her cheeks. Grace quickly reached up to try and wipe them away, but with each tear she wiped away another took it’s place.

                                                “K-Killian,” Grace started knowing that she had to tell Keira. There was no easy way to tell the slightly younger mutant that she had just watched her best friend die. Her arms wrapped herself as if giving herself a hug and her head hung again, “He’s dead.” She whispered a little hoarsely, “I watched him die… there was nothing I could –I was useless.” Grace turned her back to Keira as she whispered even softer, “Why is everyone I care for most taken from me…?”

                                                There was a knock on the door then, followed by her future son’s voice. Grace took a few deep breaths (hoping they would help) before replying over her shoulder, “I’ll be fine Dante. Goodnight.” In truth she didn’t know if she really would be or not, but she knew that only time would tell. Though, she would do her best not to give up completely for her fiancé’s sake. There was no need for him to witness a second suicide attempt…

                                                {She's wearing: This.}...{She's with: Keira, Dante}...{Her location: New Asgard, Tower ⇒ Pietro II's room}

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Interesting Prophet

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Cory was glad that at least Stark seemed to be unharmed back at the base. “JARV make a note to research the dragons known as Makluan.” “Already done, Miss Stark…hostiles are closing in.” Cory could already see that they had attracted the attention of the remaining few Chitauri not engaging Thor in battle. Shots hit her armor repeatedly, though the bolts were doing little damage to her suit despite leaving scorch marks here and there. Cory didn’t have time to respond to Lady Sif’s amused remark before the goddess left her side and began retaliating. Cory stayed where she was as the last of the small missiles rising out of her armor. Each small missile rocketed away hitting and killing most of her intended targets. Those who survived her initial attack, Iron Maiden one by one took into the sky and dropped them from a deadly height.

Once she had dropped the last of the Chitauri, that had been targeting her, Cory surveyed the area from the sky. It seemed that there was a dwindling number of Chitauri left on the field and they all seemed to be engaged in battle with Thor. She noted that Lady Sif was making her way over towards Thor to help him, though Cory was pretty certain the Thunder God could handle them himself. “JARVIS how do I have any weapons left?” Cory didn’t think she did, but wanted confirmation just in case. “All weapons aside from repulsor rays have been depleted, Miss Stark. Might I suggest you continue dropping them like you have? It seems to be rather effective.” “Good to know JARV,” Cory replied swooping in to grab one of the Chitauri trying to fight Thor and continued with her current method of fighting.

{She's wearing: her suit over her normal cloths}...{She's with: Zayne, Roy & Sif ⇒ Sif & Thor}...{Her location: Outskirts of New Asgard ⇒ Outside of the Winchester SHIELD/X-Men base}

Shy Kitten

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Azazel watched Erik’s face for any sign of a reaction, how could the younger man just stand there as a human/mutant head roll over to him? The pain in his neck and shoulder temporarily forgotten as he watched the other man wrap the head up within his cape. So the man needed the metal which Logan had contained in his bones then? Well that was an interesting development one in which he would need to look into later on. He walked slowly over towards the metal bender almost as though he was considering his next move. Blood was smeared on his tail from where it had swiped the blood from Logans neck. What he had done played on his mind as he looked at the bundle which contained his friends husbands head. Could they now say that Logan was deceased? He would classify the man as such. His hands wandered to his wound, shock very much his main vocal point as he couldn’t feel any pain from the injury though he could feel the bony claws sticking out of his flesh.

“Yes it would appear as though he can be” Azazel murmured more to himself than his friend though he did hope that the other man had heard him. He followed the other man out of the room, his normally slicked back hair a mess. A fine layer of sweat covered his body but it was mainly seen on his face which had paled to a light pink due to shock. Upon hearing the other man speaking of leaving Azazel followed him more closely, was he honestly just registering what his friend said?

“How will we get back Erik? I can not teleport us there without risking this injury becoming worse” Azazel asked him standing as close as he dared to Erik while a heavy cold dread filled his stomach. It had been too easy to kill Logan and they were just going to leave his body there? The blade felt heavy in his hands. His grandsons blade… the one that had taken down the mighty Wolverine. Would Emma ever forgive him? He had acted in purely self defence! He hadn’t meant to kill him! His hands and tail tingled as he followed Erik wherever the man went.

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Precious Strawberry

10,450 Points
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Currently Wearing

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Gotta find your inner strength.
If you can't then just throw life away.
Gotta learn to rely on you

After Christa had safely taken a seat, Brian leaned over to her, taking her full attention. She smiled warmly at him. "If you won't accept a 'no', Sir Brian, then will you accept a rain check? I'm sure you wish to look after Ms. Lizzy for a while, correct?" she offered. She looked to the young lady in question, smile giving way to a serious line. "We will be sending many of the civilians to other SHIELD bases until this one can be repaired and strengthened. Maybe it would be best to do so for Elizabeth as well? Perhaps back to Britain?" she suggested. Brian would not have to worry so much about the girl if she were back home, far out of harm's way, and would not get himself hurt trying to protect her.

Rested and resolved to get all of the civilians to safety, Christa stood and made her way toward the door. She turned to address the crowd. "Attention, everyone: SHIELD will be sending many of you to sister bases until the damages in this one can be fixed and security heightened. If you have a specific place you wish to travel to, we will have agents that you may inform. If you all will line up, we will escort you to your rooms so that you may pack. Forms will be in the rooms of those we will be sending away for the time being. Any questions, please see me in my office," she announced. She carefully assigned lines for families, single men, and single women, then went up ahead of them while agents herded them, in case of emergency.

Beauty, strength, and wisdom, too.
You're beautiful inside and out.
Lead a great life without a doubt.

Precious Strawberry

10,450 Points
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Currently wearing: uniform >> pj's

And Nothin' Gonna Stop Me
Ain't No Stop And Go
I'm Speedin' On The Midway
I Gotta Really Burn This Road

                                                    "Oh, don't worry. I'll be dreaming up a proper punishment for you," Pietro promised the younger mutant. For now, he was too weary to raise his voice. He had had an exhausting day today, and he would have to prepare a funeral for his deceased comrade tomorrow morning. Just thinking of it exhausted him. "Good night, Speedy," he said, shortening the boy's code name into a nickname. "Let her and Damon know about the funeral," he told Dante, assuming that neither of them know already. Of course, it would be perfectly acceptable if they did not come. It would be a small affair, not as much ceremony as was regular before the invasion of twenty years ago. The only people necessarily attending would be those closest to the captain, including Grace, Pietro II, Dante, and himself. All other attendees would be there to comfort the living. That reminded him that perhaps he should call his daughter and let her know, not knowing she was in the building and had already acquired the knowledge. Though Keira had not been close friends with Hook, she would want to comfort Grace.

                                                    Aw, hell. He could call her in the morning after the funeral. Right now, he was bone tired. He changed at what for him was a slow pace, turned the lights out and retired to his bed.

You're Preachin' 'Bout My
Life Like You're The Law
Gonna Live Each Day And Hour Like
For Me There's No Tomorrow

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Versatile Shapeshifter

3,875 Points
  • Alchemy Level 1 100
  • Team Jacob 100
  • Gender Swap 100
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Threaten her and sign your death warrants,
You better Run you better hide,
My Attacks will come in torrents,
My retribution will not be denied!

Iron Demon followed Corlene at a distance; doing his job as her body guard and watching out for her safety. He was designed to do so, built to do so, programmed to do so, and he was good at it too. He watched as Corlene used up the last of her rockets. And as enemies began to attack her He transformed; opening up into his preferred form before flying in at record breaking speed. He used his belt fed mini-gun turret to take out every Chitauri that came within 50ft of Corlene, except for the ones that she flew to in order to kill them by dropping from a dangerous height. “You Must be out of ammo! How many times do I have to tell you? Always refit artillery when you leave the base!” He shouted before hovering above the battlefield, satisfied that she wasn’t about to be harmed. He did not leave though, as he would not leave her unprotected. She was his charge, the reason he existed at all. He would never abandon her. Never.

“I am Iron Demon.”
And if you're still bleeding, you're the lucky ones,
because most of us our feelings, they are dead and they are gone...

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....:::: Jane Foster
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It was obvious that Jacob wasn't buying a word of it, that he wanted to say so but probably wouldn't to her, but in all honesty, she really did feel fine, oddly. A little sore and like she could probably sleep for days, but altogether better than a human being who'd just been both shot and nearly knocked unconscious probably should have felt... and, well, she'd worry about that later.

She stepped out of the way of the moving medical crews as Jake continued on, but she never really would have expected what he told her next. Jane might have told him that she hadn't gotten the chance to actually meet Stark's daughter yet, but she was too caught on one statement; he was staying with SHIELD.

Jane's past with SHIELD made her wary enough of staying, as Jacob very well knew; they'd done little more than lead her around and lie to her since before the war started; for her own good, they seemed to think, though it never quite worked out that way. The new matter of her son definitely didn't help her caution toward them, either; her son, whose father just so happened to be public enemy number one... god, SHIELD would have a field day when they finally put the pieces together. They already had the information, and the idea of what they might do, to him if they ever got their hands on him, or even to her, was more than concerning enough. Jane had hoped to never have to talk to them about this; now she only hoped she would have the chance before they jumped to any decisions.

But... no, she couldn't say a word about Alvaro to Jacob; not just yet. Not before she'd sorted that, and a few other things out for herself... “Actually, I'm staying, too” she answered decidedly; honestly, it was a bit of a relief to find out she wouldn't have to argue the idea with him like she originally expected to... “if SHIELD hopes to stop the Chitauri permanently, they'll have to hit them at the source; I might be able to help them with that.” It was a bit more than a maybe; the only other person who knew the device that stabilized the Chitauri's portal to Earth, inside and out, anywhere near as well as it's creator Eric Selvig had known it, was Jane herself. Eric had built it, but she'd redesigned it, and if there was any way to shut it down without the risk of destroying the city along with it, she had every intention of finding it.

There was also, of course, Thor. Jane had finally caught up with him again, after years of seeing no sign of the thunder god and fearing the worst had happened to him... she couldn't just up and leave now. For the moment her place was here, whether she placed all of her faith in SHIELD or not.

She could tell Jake and Olivia about Alvaro, and the rest, later. If she ever figured how how the hell to drop that news on them... “And I can't exactly meet this girl if I'm not here, can I?” she added with a smile, keeping on the subject at hand. Her own opinions of SHIELD aside, it was good to see Jacob back with the family and friends he knew and grew up with; there was no reason why he shouldn't stay there with them. “If you're worried about what Olivia is going to say to this, I wouldn't expect her to leave either of us here to get into trouble without her.” But whether their staying would keep her there or not, Jane really couldn't say. Olivia had been nothing short of a bundle of nerves since they first arrived there; wary and on guard, and all things considered, it wouldn't shock her if the other woman opted to leave Westchester as soon as she possibly could. Jane couldn't entirely hold it against Liv if she did.

As more of the injured were brought in, Jane took another couple of steps aside to allow the staff and their helpers past; “we should keep going” she said to Jake, “they don't have the staff for this many people; they could probably use the help.” All the while she glanced repeatedly at the door, hoping to see some sign of her two still-missing friends.

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status: injured | location: SHIELD Base, Medical Ward | company: Jacob

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... we're setting fire to our insides for fun;
collecting pictures from the flood that wrecked this home.

Shy Kitten

11,150 Points
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Location: Baxter Building
With: A cute girl
Wearing: His uniform

They call me the Human Torch

Johnny watched her as she faced him, she wasn’t accepting his offer to help her? Not even when his arms weren’t covered in flames? He lowered his hands almost figuring that she wouldn’t have taken it anyways. “My flames wouldn’t hurt you… that much I can promise you” he told her raising his fire free hand once more… he really wanted to make sure that she got to the fight safely though from the looks of Thors clouds the battle may be ending and soon. Had they missed it? A part of him was hoping so… he wouldn’t be able to stop once he started unless someone took out his flames. He aimed to keep his thoughts on the battle and the girl with him not his sister. Not Susan. If she saw him now… knew what he’d done since being with her and the Fantastic Four… she’d be ashamed of and angry at him. He didn’t deserve to know her and yet he wanted his sister to come back so badly that it was almost killing him.

Ladies call me Torch

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Shy Kitten

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Thor Odinson
Mood: Angry and determined
Location: battlefield
With: Sif and Cory
Wearing: His Midgardian clothes
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Thor fought off the beasts as hard as he could, despite the apparently dwindling numbers he was almost constantly surrounded by them. The Chitauri army were retreating in places and in other (his mostly) they seemed to be aiming at hurting him as much as possible. Had Loki given orders like that before now? It wouldn’t surprise him… his brother had seemed so angry and as though he hated him. Thor could barely think of Loki’s face when he confronted the smaller man. He wanted the old Loki back, the one he used to play with the one who would keep his secrets.

He threw Mjölnir onto the ground sending Chitauri soldiers flying in every direction. Soon Mjölnir was flying from his hand hitting as many of them that was still in the air as possible all the while avoiding his friends. He fought of the Chitauri hand to hand from here on out though many still carried their weapons. He was indeed hit several times though he never fell. Thoughts of his friends kept him going, made him wish to win. As the Chitauri’s numbers dropped further he let his guard down long enough to turn and see Sif crossing a short distance to reach him though by the time she had reached the spot he had been in a lone Chitauri soldier had fired at him cauing him to slam bodily into a near by tree. He fell forwards onto his face and chest. Breathing deeply he tried to ignore the pain though it felt almost impossible for a few seconds which seemed to last for minutes.

Now he regretted sending Mjölnir away from him, rising to his knees he raised his hand out to his side and simply waited. Waiting was the worst part. He knew that he was vulnerable like this and that he couldn’t simply lower his hand while Mjölnir was coming to him. No he would have to depend on Sif to guard him while he waited to be armed again. His arm shook as he waited, why had Sif come to Midgard? Not that he was unhappy to see her… quite the contrary he was glad that she was there! They could use her skills as the goddess of war to help them free Midgard from Lokis clutches and hopefully free his brother from himself.

As soon as Mjölnir met his hand his arm swung round to hit another Chitauri that had been coming towards him from his right. Now with less of those beings around he calmly walked up to Sif smiling happily. “It is good to see you again Lady Sif, together we shall smite our enemies and free Midgard!” he said treating her like the fellow warrior that she was. He had been one of the few who had supported her when she wished to become a warrior. Many believed that as a woman she ought to be a maiden instead and should let only the boys/men be warriors though he had stood next to her and helped her win over his fathers blessings which in turned allowed her to become the fine warrior that she was.


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Interesting Prophet



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"She means that in a good way, right?"

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                                            After the excitement was over, and it seemed like his foster sister was going to be alright, Francis had stayed out of the medical team’s way. He knew only basic first aid, which wouldn’t do much to help any of the injured that were being brought in. He slid his bow of his shoulders since he didn’t need it at the moment and stood out of the way by his foster father waiting any orders he might be given, though he kept glancing over at Lizzy. It wasn’t long before Brian was handing him little sleeping Toni and nodded when he asked if he could look after her, while he watched over Lizzy. Francis was always glad to look after the toddler, though he hoped she would stay a sleep for a little while longer.

                                            So he stood there with Antoinette in his arms and began to softly hum a lullaby he thought little Toni liked. For his first actual battle he didn’t do too badly and well, he was still breathing which was always a bonus. He was a little beat up, but it was nothing as serious as some of the injured that kept being brought in and fused over with good reason. Wherever Mockingbird might be…. Francis hoped his mother would be proud of how he had done during this invasion. He had killed so many of those aliens that had only wanted to kill him because he had been their enemy. So, technically Francis had killed in self defense… but did that really make killing (even those aliens) right? Regardless of the correct answer, the fact that he had killed at all didn’t sit well with him.

Location: United States, New York ⇒ Winchester SHIELD/X-Men base Company: Brian Braddock & Others Outfit: His uniform

Interesting Prophet

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                                                                      Most of the Chitauri now seemed to be abruptly retreating from the battle. After they had come very close to possibly taking down this entire base… they were simply retreating? Had Loki called them back to New Asgard for some reason? Or had this been merely a show of power for the Trickster God? Natasha was considering all possible options and scenarios as to what could have led to this turn of events. She wasn’t exactly complaining, her daughter was now safe from those things. However, it didn’t quite make sense for them to do so at this point in the battle. The Chitaurian troops had actually nearly won the battle today. It was the closest they had ever come to doing so. If this was just a show of power from Loki, then pulling his troops back now was a mistake. He should have crushed them while he still had a chance to do so. At least that was her opinion.

                                                                      She’d received a message from Corlene’s JARVIS unit that Lady Sif had joined them on Midgard, which explained the sudden large power surge they had detected a little while ago. Widow was glad for more assistance the Asgardian’s were willing to give them. A new message came over her ear piece (this time from Tony sr.’s JARVIS unit) informing her of Clint’s condition… As much as she wanted to go check on Clint she was needed here at the command center since Hill was out of commission for the time being. Instead, she ordered a couple agents nearest to her to go make sure Agent Barton and Mr. Stark were escorted straight to the medical bay for medical care. The two agents nodded and hurried out of the room to complete their assigned task. After everything was over with she would go check on both her daughter and husband.

                                                                      Widow received yet another message, but this time it was from an agent in the medical bay. He informed her that Zayne had brought in an injured Roy to the medical bay. Natasha was glad that Roy had been rescued from Loki’s clutches and mind control. Still, like SHIELD had done with Clint, Natasha gave specific instructions to detain Roy in a secure location once his injuries were tended to. Even with Director Hill’s step-son, Natasha couldn’t be too lenient towards the boy and had to be sure Roy was back to being himself again. She glanced at her cell, having left it on silent all this time and realized that Austin has sent her a text. Reading it she rolled her eyes about Clint not being able to tell the Joes what to do. It sounded a little like a childish remark after a squabble with an adult. Still, she put the cell away to once again focus her attention on the various monitors in the control room.

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                                                                      WEAPONS | Widow's Bite | Glock-28 Pistols
                                                                      LOCATION | SHIELD Control Room
                                                                      WITH | Various other agents
                                                                      OOC | n/a

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No, he wasn't about to leave their escape in Azazel's otherwise capable hands this time; he knew from one glance that the other mutant was in no condition for it. “Let's not make things more complicated than they should be,” he said with a smirk; “I intended, old friend, for us to leave the same way I arrived. Our way out is not far from here; are you able to walk?” Azazel seemed to be surprisingly up to the task so far, despite his wounds. Unable to do much more until they reached the Tower, Erik tore a large portion of extra material from his cape, from the large section of it that did not currently contain Howlett's severed head, and handed it to the other mutant to put pressure on his wounded side. The broken remains of Wolverine's claws would have to be removed, but to do so now, without a proper medical team, would be too much of a risk.

Their short trek led them back to the broken down elevator shaft that Erik and Weiss had both used to gain entrance to the underground building, earlier. In the same way manner that he'd broken into the facility, Erik stepped into the closed space as his form levitated toward the surface; he grasped whatever manner of metal Azazel wore or carried on his person, and did the same with the fellow Brotherhood mutant, more carefully than he might have otherwise so not to aggravate his injuries any further.

On the surface, the small Chitauri ship that had transported both himself and Agent Weiss to the battlefield remained exactly where they'd left it, abandoned which, if Erik and the Hybrid had truly been allies, might have concerned him somewhat. The sudden absence of the Chitauri soldiers, however, told him all he needed to know regarding Weiss; when ordered the Chitauri would fight until the last of their soldiers fell, but given the strong hive mentality they possessed. Agent Weiss would have to be either imprisoned or dead for his troops to fall back so quickly, though Lehnsherr didn't intend to stay behind and find out which was the case.

Erik set the bundled fabric containing Wolverine's head aside as he approached the ship's controls, not caring to try and read the strange chains of symbols that, if he could read them, would have instructed him as to which controls served what function. It was fortunate that he'd seen Weiss and others pilot similar crafts enough times before, or they would have been stranded there. “I would sit down, if I were you” he said, though not unkindly; not only for the general sake of Azazel's injuries, but for the fact that the ship's ascent would likely throw the other mutant to the floor if he were still standing. The small Chitauri craft hummed to life, and Erik spared a glance from out the glass pane in front of him, to the wreckage of the once named Xavier Manor below as the ship lifted from the ground. The Chituari had indeed retreated, though the gruesome evidence of their arrival was still scattered across the former school's grounds; not so different from just twenty years before, when the school and haven for mutants had first been destroyed, and the Brotherhood leader couldn't quite bring himself to look at it any longer.

It was this fate that he'd strived for so long to prevent for his own fellow mutants; this, all of this, had to end before he could no longer do so. And now, perhaps he'd found a way to ensure it did.

“I'll ensure you're seen by the medics when we reach the Tower” he said to Azazel, as the ship turned and left the scene of the invasion behind them, returning to the city.

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status: well | location: Westchester Base, en route to Stark Tower | company: Azazel

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"I've been at the mercy of men just following orders.
Never again."
I am the Lady Sif, born a goddess and forged a warrior...
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Goddess Of War ...::: Sif Aridottir
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The war goddess swore under her breath as she watched Thor drop to the ground before she reached him, struck by one of the Chitauri's weapons and his own weapon nowhere in sight; she raced to close the little distance remaining between herself and her fallen companion as more of the creatures closed in. It seemed that both Corlene's presence and her own had all but been ignored completely by the dwindling forces of the Chitauri; considering who it was that led them, it should not have surprised her at all that the creatures' primary focus seemed to be Thor and Thor alone.

Sif's shield took the the brunt of the energy fire once again as she placed herself between them, and the attacking Chitauri soldier was felled quickly with the ruthless swing of her sword and a forceful kick to it's armored torso as it approached too closely; the war goddess then sidestepped with almost practiced ease as the familiar form of Mjolnir flew into view and past her to Thor's waiting hand, before raising her shield again to guard both herself and the thunderer against another blast from an alien weapon. Somewhere behind her the familiar crash of hammer striking armor signaled that Thor was once again up and fighting the offending creatures, just as Corlene dove down to grab the alien soldier in front of her, soaring a considerable distance from the ground before letting the creature fall to it's death. “You would make it sound as if it had been ages since we saw each other last, rather than a mere few days” she replied, smiling at him despite herself. Though it had felt like ages, to her at least, spending the past few days in Asgard trying not to worry for her family and dear friends fighting away on Earth, and worrying nonetheless. She was no less glad to see Thor as he was to see her, and far more so to see him as unharmed as he could be under the circumstances.

She watched as a second suit of armor quickly joined in the skirmish, firing on the last of the soldiers until those few that remained standing immediately made their retreat with the rest of their forces. “How many of these armored warriors do they possess?” Sif inquired, watching the new arrival with caution; there was something strange about this one, unsettling even, though she couldn't quite pinpoint what. Whatever the case, once again it was clearly not Stark who manned it; neither the pilot's voice nor the armor itself were right.

Soon the grounds were empty, save for the remaining four warriors and the fallen scattered around them. Although used to the sight of a bloodied field of battle, Sif fell silent at the particular sight before her, as if truly feeling the weight of this war for the first time since she'd arrived. To actually see for herself the amount of innocent blood that had been shed in only one skirmish, to know that the one behind it was someone she'd once known, once trusted; there'd been a time, though long ago, that she would never have thought it to be in Loki's nature, that Thor's brother was capable of causing the sort of destruction that lay before them now. The fact that she'd realized it some time ago did little to make it easier to dwell on now.

The war goddess didn't have to say anything to Thor, didn't have to look to him, to know that the facts of the matter burdened him even more so than it did her.

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status: well | mood: concerned | location: Outside Westchester Base | company: Thor/Corlene/Iron Demon

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... I have been baptized in the tears of my enemies,
and their children's children fear my name.

Interesting Prophet

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~ Time Travel Device ~ outfit ~ Location: New Asgard, Tower ~ Company: n/a ~ Current form ~ Codename: Damona ~

                              "Who am I?"
                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"That, my dear, is an excellent question."

                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"Though not one easily answered."

                              Maya sat on the bed eagerly awaiting her cousin’s reply. She just hoped Roadrunner hadn’t let it slip who her “mother” was. That was never a topic Maya felt comfortable speaking about because of the strange circumstances behind it. It was always confusing for others to understand, especially those outside her family. And if she did try to explain it to those outside of her family, Maya was (more often than not) met with ridicule and malice. It seemed that many people (even mutants) were horrified by things that they couldn’t (or just didn’t want to) understand... Finally her cell beeped & the screen lit up, signaling that she had received a text message. Reading it she smirked and sent back: Good 2 know. See u asap.

                              Now all she had to do was wait… she glanced at the time on her cell and sighed. Barley two minutes had passed since she’d sent her reply text. Waiting had never been one of her strong points, and Livius always teased her that the saying ‘curiosity killed the cat’ had been written just for her. The saying may not have been written for her, but it did apply to her at least. So she slid off the bed and looked around her mother’s room while she waited. It was so strange. Maya had never known a time when her parents didn’t share a room and so this just seemed a little surreal. She did her best to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to disturb Damon in the next room over.

                              She picked up a framed picture Damon had of him and Alvaro playing chess and Maya grinned. Her father seemed a bit frustrated in the picture since it the board showed Damon to be winning the match so far. Her father could be kinda a sore looser sometimes. Maya put the framed picture back from the dresser where she’d picked it up from. She continued around the room, making sure not make the room look like she’d ransacked it, but by the end her mother’s room was a bit messy. Though as Maya stood in the middle of the room, she snapped her fingers and the room magically cleaned itself up like it had been before she had begun snooping about. She glanced at the time on her cell and sighed. All that had taken about ten minutes, but there was still no sign of Roadrunner…

                              "What have I to fear?"
                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"Your heroes are scattered..."

                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"and I will not be bullied..."

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German translation:

Precious Strawberry

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☆════━━━━━┈Wanda Maximoff┈━━━━━════☆

Scarlet Witch

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                                      Skyfall is where we start.
                                      A thousand miles and poles apart.
                                      Where worlds collide and days are dark.

                                      "I'm fine," Wanda responded to her husband's inquiry. She felt herself being gently pushed away to arm's length while Kurt looked her over. She leaned her face into his hand, enjoying the warm and familiar touch. "How are you?" she asked after his lips pressed to her forehead in a kiss. After giving Kurt a thorough once-over with her eyes, seeing if she could spot anything other than shallow cuts and bruises, she gave the base one as well. It was not quite as bad as she had expected, but far worse than was acceptable for safety and security. Her face turned weary at the sight of it. "I suppose clean-up and reconstruction is going to happen in full-force tomorrow," she commented. Her muscles, already exhausted from the use of her powers for hours on end, were already throbbing in soreness at the thought of even more work tomorrow.

                                      Though she hated to think it, she was getting to old for this.

                                      "In the meantime, let's go to our room and make sure it isn't too damaged. We can call Damon from there and see how he's doing," she suggested. She held one of Kurt's hands with the one of her that was lassoed in his tail and led him to their room, passing civilians carrying forms and holding scared children's hands as they shuffled back and forth between rooms. They would be sent away either tonight or tomorrow. From the number of people carrying forms, probably the lion's share would be leaving for other bases while their home base was getting fixed. She wondered how many would return.

                                      Typing in the security code to their room, Wanda pushed open the door. The space within did not look bad at all, and the female mutant was relieved. She let go of Kurt's hand and walked over to the bed, falling onto it and sighing with relief. She pulled her headpiece from her forehead and sat up, setting the bit of armor on the nightstand and picking up her cell phone. She used the speed dial to call her son.

                        We carry forward into the night.
                        The strength of innocence, like children’s laughter.
                        An army standing for what is right.
                        We’ll fall like angels if we lose what matters.
                        I will not walk away.

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