Welcome to Gaia! ::

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[ outfit ]

                                                Indent Claire glanced to Austin, moving subtly closer to him. The two were clearly on the same side here, even if the responsible adults in the room were against them. Though the blonde quickly left the room, leaving her with Clint and Maria, the latter of which was instantly pissed with his departure. It was understandable. If she'd acted like that to her own parents, they wouldn't exactly be pleased either. But that glare was now turned onto her, and the blonde was quickly to glare right back, hands clenching tightly at being called an idiot. To her face. It took every ounce of willpower she had to not snap out an insult right back. Instead, she turned on a heel to leave once Steve entered. No doubt he'd want some time with his wife, and she'd covered everything that needed to be said in the office already. Not that it kept her from hearing Clint's comment on her and Austin being 'angsty teenagers' on her way out. They didn't get it. How was it fair for her to be free, and Liam to be in Loki's prison? It wasn't that she wanted to go back - god, that was the last place she wanted to be - but she damn well couldn't leave him there. Whether he was alive or she was retrieving a corpse, she just couldn't sit there and wait while her higher-ups sat with their thumbs up their asses and did nothing. The guilt of leaving Liam there while she'd escaped ate at her from the inside out like some awful animal, gnawing on her insides and leaving her nauseous.

                                                Indent She'd stopped to lean against the wall while waiting for their 'team leader' to come out of Hill's office. Her arms hung at her sides, and while the man spoke to her, she continued to stare across to the opposite wall. Only when he brought up weapons did she turn to him, quirking a brow. " I have weapons, " Claire replied simply, holding up her palms as long, pointed spikes of bone slid out from her wrists. She didn't even feel the sharp sting that accompanied it, nor did she bother to 'disarm' as she rolled her eyes and followed Clint off down the hall to the Weapons Storage room. She didn't need anything else. Sure, her bones weren't plated in adamantium, but they were far stronger than human bones, thanks to a particular inheritance of her mother's diamond skin, and her skeleton had a faster regeneration rate than any other part of her. Flesh wounds wouldn't bother her, not now. She had enough scars and healing injuries to remind her of how brutal Loki's methods were, and she was ready to head back to New Asgard. Just this once. After that, she'd live a happy life if she never saw the place again.

Interesting Prophet

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*~ Alvaro Lokison ~*
Guileless son, each day you grow older,
each moment I'm watching my vengeance unfold.
The child of my lover, the flesh of my soul,
will die in returning the birthright he stole

"Loyalty...loyalty...loyalty...loyalty, only to me."

Alvaro gladly handed over the trash can to his lover so he could dispose of the vomit filled contents. As he was left alone for a couple minutes, the prince stayed sitting on his bed and conjured up a glass of water for himself to drink. His throat was rather partch after tossing his cookies. He took a big gulp, swishing it around in his mouth a little bit in hopes of taking any traces of vomit away with it. He swallowed just as Damon had come back in from the hall.

Alvaro stayed silent as Damon placed a fresh bag in the trash can and handed it back to him just in case. Alvaro placed it on the ground beside him as he didn't feel that he needed it right now. His lover kissed the top of his head and it brought a grin to the Prince's lips and following statement attributed to it. "If she does that would amazing." Alvaro said running a hand through his bedhead of hair.

Alvaro was once more silent as his lover retrieved his cell from the table and proceeded to call Wanda. As his lover called, the prince drank the remaining water from his cup in smaller sips. His stomach hadn't really liked the big gulp he'd swallowed a few minutes ago. However quite soon after a thunk sounded as Damon's cell hit the bedroom floor and Damon turned to look at him seeming completely horrified.

Alvaro stood instantly and went to Damon's side asking, "What's the matter?" while simultaneously his lover asked if he knew a spell to erase what he just heard. Alvaro felt nauseated again, but he pushed the feeling away, concerned about what his lover had heard that would make Damon make such a face. "I know a spell that will erase the last thirty seconds of your current memory, but why did you want to know?"

Currentlt wearing: Sleepwear

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Precious Strawberry

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Hold me and Love me. Just wanna touch you for a Minute. heart

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                                                    Freyja smiled warmly, familial. "Absolutely, dearest Ryon. Whenever you wish," she responded. She was startled slightly by the kiss he placed to her forehead, though she said nothing. She simply responded with another, small smile and waved as he left. Now that he had gone, she turned her head slightly and glanced at her golden helmet. Now that she had befriended the young deity, she had to bestow a gift unto him. She grinned at the thing that usually caused her to wince. Once the door was firmly shut, she set about stripping out of her current, Midgardian outfit choice and changing into appropriate garb for gift retrieval.

                                                    Freyja, now clad in a simple white-and-grey dress, stood in the middle of the room as Jente and Gutt approached her, slowly transforming. Their bodies glowed and changed in shape and size without a sound out of either. It wasn't painful. It was magical. The two now had the forms of children, both blue-haired. They still had their feline ears and tails, but in the place of the fur that had previously covered them, Jente wore a dress fit for a young, Asgardian child and Gutt wore the shirt and pants one would find on a young boy found playing on palace grounds. Both outfits were, of course, blue, though they also had golden threads sewn throughout. Their eyes remained the same. Their feet were bare. "Armor for our mistress," the two said in unison and, in their young arms, armor of yellow and pink gold appeared.

                                                    "Very good, my dears. Go on, then," Freyja praised, and the two cats-turned-human got to it. Together, they fastened the goddess's belt to her hips and her metallic bustier to her breasts and back. Each took a golden shoulder pad and attached it to her shoulders, connecting with the bustier. With those on, Freyja sat on the bed so that they could move on. Jente took her place on the bed, standing on her knees, as she set about fixing her lady's hair into a low, bun, messy-looking due to the curls. Gutt took his place at Freyja's feet, placing her golden boots on in just the right way. The entire outfit was tricky, but the cats were well-trained and clever, and the goddess was always grateful for it.

                                                    Finally, Freyja stood and strode over to the vanity to pick up her helmet. Carefully, so as not to disturb Jente's careful styling, she placed it on her brow. Now, she looked like a Valkyrie, especially compared to the many paintings depicting her and her warrior women. She smiled to the children, now felines once more. "Come along, my loves," she ordered, bow and a quill of arrows in hand. Silent as shadows, the cats followed her out the door. Freyja was careful to make sure Ryon was not nearby as she closed the door behind herself and her cats. After determining that the coast was clear, she and the felines made their way down the hall and up the stairs. She got to the top floor, just below the ground level, when she heard voices. Recently familiar ones. She followed the trail and reached two men and a young lady, all of whom had been in Maria's office when she had been there last. "Greetings. Have you all decided to go on an errand of retrieval, as well?" she asked, tone almost too conversational for the task ahead.

Maybe 3 Seconds is enough for my Heart heart to quit it.
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Jormungandr Lokison
- - - - - - - - - - -
The Midgard Serpent

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Tribeca, what was once a small section of lower Manhattan, was unlike most sections of the island that were near water; in that it had become so eerily quiet over the last twenty years. Most civilians had ventured farther north, into the heart and upper outskirts of the city. Along the coast it was even more so, without even a boat to be seen on this section of water. And so it went virtually unnoticed when a large, seemingly endless shadow passed by beneath the waves, rippling the surface in it's wake as it moved toward land.

The Midgardians once wrote, a great many centuries ago, that the serpent Jormungandr had a body long enough to wrap around the entire Earth, and grasp his own tail. This, of course, was fallacy; a foolish story written by equally foolish men. Just as it was fallacy that the world would come to an end should he ever let go. For nothing stirred other than the waves themselves as Jormungandr, the great serpent of Midgard, crawled his way up Manhattan's shoreline and away from the sea for the first time in so long, he’d long since stopped keeping track; a few centuries at the very least. His body morphed and shrank as he touched dry land, changing from the monstrous serpentine form that he'd been trapped in so long, to a form that was far more... human. Or Aesir, he supposed bitterly. It was unfamiliar to him now, in any case; almost uncomfortable, after being bound to a single form so long. But he would adapt to it, as he'd adapted before; he had to stay out of sight, and this was the way to do so.

Jormungandr knew very little about this New Asgard, outside of the few details he’d heard from his father, but he knew enough to assume it was best to not draw unnecessary attention to himself.

The serpent turned man wandered the shoreline, staring blankly ahead, before happening upon a large piece of black tarp; it's edges fluttering loudly in the wind while the rest remained trapped under the rocks. With little effort he managed to wrench it free before then moved on, pushing a few strands of soaked, ink-black hair from his face as he wrapped his unclothed form in the dark, heavy material. Ah, yes, he’d have to do something about that. Shoes, too, he noted as he stepped carefully across the jagged, rocky ground; unseeing, but somehow seeming to know exactly where every stone and sharp edge lay.

He would find proper garments, and then he would go in search of his father; maybe even his siblings. If father had managed to finally release his bonds, would it not be the same for Hel and Fenrir? That prospect was enough to lift Jormungandr’s spirits immensely, and he hurried his pace as he made the trek down the shore and toward the city beyond it; it had been so long since he’d seen them. Would he even know them when he found them; or they him? And his father... the notion of that particular reunion made the trickster's son feel, afraid? No, not afraid; never afraid. Anxious, perhaps, was the better word. He already knew his father to be a changed man; not the father he'd grown up with, before he'd been cast down to Midgard. Jormungandr had witnessed much of that change with his own eyes, over the last twenty years, and wasn't quite sure what to make of it.

The long walk finally landed him amongst streets, and the barren Manhattan shore made way for a cluster of old buildings and trees. Jormungandr wasn’t sure where he was, but he had a good idea as to where he was headed. He swiftly crossed one street and turned down the walkway, headed north, instinct provided. There were very few people that far into the outskirts of the city, he noted; the few whose presence he noticed did not pause as he ventured by, despite his certainly odd appearance. He turned onto one of the smaller streets, avoiding what little bit of a crowd there was before bumping shoulders with a man as he walked past; a man who was fairly tall, if he could guess, almost as tall as himself. The man turned on him briefly, practically snarling the words “watch where you’re going”, before continuing on his way. Jormungandr stopped in his tracks.

It would be simple, to be rid of the mortal and move on; they meant nothing at all to him; these destructive creatures that Midgard would likely be better off without. There was, also, still the matter of clothes and shoes that needed solving.

“Excuse me, sir” he started, turning and catching up with the man; “perhaps you might help me with something.”

“Look, kid-“ the man began to say, turning around, only to be interrupted as Jormungandr’s hand met his neck. “I insist.” The tarp fell away from his outstretched arm, revealing part of an intricate tattoo; a black serpent which twisted it’s way around the limb, from wrist to shoulder. The man could only look on in shock, unable to utter a sound over the hand grasping his throat, as the tattoo moved across Jormungandr’s arm. It raised itself up, ink separating itself from skin, taking the form of a living, breathing serpent as it slithered over his forearm and stopped short of the mortal man’s face with a loud hiss. “I must know where I might find Stark Tower; if you don't mind.” The man pointed to his left in response, terrified eyes still locked on the snake coiled around Jormungandr's arm before looking up at it's master, and noting with some shock the pale, sightless eyes that glared back at him but not at him. “North of here; is it. I thank you kindly” the trickster's son said with a faint smile, leaving the man with just seconds to wonder how a blind man had made sense of a single finger-point, before the snake on Jormungandr's arm struck, sinking it’s venomous fangs into the side of the mortal man's neck.

Jormungandr let both snake and human crumple to the ground as the poison took hold, effectively paralyzing the man, before casually relieving his victim of a few articles of clothing.

- - -

Some worn jeans and one pair of shoes later, he fetched his pet from beside the man’s lifeless body, bright green eyes glancing around unseeing at the surrounding city as the snake coiled itself into place around his arm, sinking back under the skin. Jormungandr threw the man’s heavy leather jacket on, before setting off again.

The man had indicated that Stark Tower was to the north, so north was where he would go.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

status: well | location: Tribeca, New Asgard | company: Nobody

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Blessed Cultist

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...Being defeated is often a temporary condition...

Zayne was ready to fight, she was excited actually. She got the whole lightning thing down, she was so prepared.. Well that is when the man who gave her the knives came inbetween the two prepared to fight. Her excitment lowered fifty-percent. Of course, She figured. Let the man do his job. Though she stayed for backup, that is until she heard Roy called her. Almost like an angry animal like growl, slithered it's way out of her mouth. She tightly gripped onto her knife and with much sass, She turns around and walks over to Roy. Her excitement level lowered another fifty-percent. Just when she thought she thought that she was going into an exciting battle to near death, the men had to interfere! That angered her. Now she didn't feel like the warrior she trained to be her whole life. She would rather stay and die then retreat and survive, that was the more honorable way. Though she did hold onto knives, incase anything else comes by, it was probably just going to be useless Chitauri. Nothing that would be fun to fight. "We better get out of here.. I just retreaed from a good fight.." She mumbles angrily under breathe as she quickly followed Roy. She also hoped that he knew his way out.

...Giving up is what makes it permanent...

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Shirtless Codger

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[ Apparel ]

                xxxA top one of the skyscrapers in Manhatten the bright beam from the Bifrost activated. Within the beam were beautiful colors from the reflection of the rainbow bridge. After about a minute the beam disappeared and when it was once hitting now stood a beautiful eight-legged stallion with ebony hair. The stallion kicked up its four front legs into the air with a neigh and came back down. Slowly the horses bone structure began to break and shift through the whole body. As the transformation ended a handsome blonde man stood there clothed his in own nakedness.

                Sleipnir moved his hands up to his temples and rubbed them while he scrunched his face in discomfort. ”Ow.” He said loudly. He opened his eyes and looked down. ”Oh hey there buddy. First time I’ve ever seen you. I’m sorry what was that?” He moved his hand to his ear to hear better. Sleipnir giggled loudly ”oh you! You flatter me!” With a cheeky grin plastered on his face he walked over to the edge of the roof and looked down. It looked like hell down there; he straightened up and looked around from the top. It all looked like hell. Sleipnir sighed ”Looks like I’m going to need to go down.” He spoke loudly to himself; he turned around and saw the door that would take him into the building.

                As he walked through the building he noticed that it was an department store, well he didn’t actually know he was just using what he remembered Thor telling him when he returned from Midgard. Thor and Sleipnir got along a lot of the time. Even though his father imprisoned all his siblings Sleipnir didn’t blame Thor for it. He was sure that if Thor had any say in the matter he would have tried to help out.

                While walking through the store he came to what looked like the women’s department. Sleipnir looked around with intrigue he stopped when he came upon a red halter dress with sparkles lining the rim that was just beautiful. Sleipnir checked around to make sure he was alone. When he knew that he was he picked up the dress and put it on. He danced around in the dress spinning around. As he danced he came upon a mirror. He stopped in front and gazed at himself seductively. He moved his hand up to his mouth and bit his finger while lifting the dress just above the knee. ”Now I’m Mr. Sex.” He said with wink. ”HA HA!” He said with triumph as he skipped off to explore the other floors.

                A few floors down he reached the men’s department. These clothes were very boring compared to his lovely tight red halter dress. He put sass into his step and put his chin up with his ‘serious’ face as he walked down the halls. But then he came upon a pair of clothes that were very manly indeed. They looked…how did Thor put it? Hipster. Yes that’s what it was; these were hipster clothes. He looked at the tight pants and smiled knowingly to himself. Yes, he could get used to this midgardian fashion.

                When Sleipnir finished changing he admired himself in the mirror again. ”Totally Mr. Sex.” He said with a smile. The blue pants weren’t as tight as he thought they would be but they would suffice nonetheless. He looked at the dress lying on the ground. He had grown an attachment to the halter-top he couldn’t just leave it. So Sleipnir looked around and found himself a good black backpack and stuffed the dress inside and continued down the rest of the floors. The bottom floor was the food department so he took the liberty to pack the backpack full of ramen, dried peas, old milk, and pennies he found in one of the registers.

                The stallion now turned man walked out of the building ready for the hit the world. As he stood there breathing it in a nugly tall skinny male walked by. Sleip scrunched up his nose, as caught scent of the man who smelled of dead fish and seawater. As he stared at the back of the man’s head he noticed that he looked oddly familiar. ”Jory?” He looked down at the man’s arms and saw the tattoos. ”JORY!!!!!!!” He called happily while running after him. ”BROTHER!!!!!!!!” He practically screamed with delight as he skipped after him at incredible speed. ”BROTHER!!!!!!!!!”

Mega Werewolf

11,175 Points
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Superstar, where you from? How's it going?
I know you got a clue what you’re doing

Pietro Maximoff II
Night Stalker

Pietro held onto the gun tighter and put it behind his back. "Maybe if we were in a zombie apocolips and you needed to go kill zombies before they came in here and eat our brains. But seeing as that's not the case you don't get your gun back." Smart a** Pietro II said. Knowing it was an important gun to her he was going to make sure nothing happened to it. Then his mom told him to give back the gun too. "there's no zombies about to eat us so she does not need it back." he told his mom.

Keira was like their dad and Pietro was like their mom. at this age kitty was completly rebellious. So rebellious she dated a brotherhood mutant. Okay Keira got that part of their moms rebelion. Still Pietro stood his ground. "I mean it I don't care how many of you tell me to give it back I won't." he said. They just battled last night the last thing she needed was to go carry a gun and walk around with a psychopath. To prove he wasn't giveing it back Pietro disarmed the gun and put it on top of the counters out of Grace's reach.

You can play brand new to all the other chicks out here
But I know what you are, what you are, baby

Precious Strawberry

10,450 Points
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Remember when you ran away and I got on my knees and begged you not to
leave because I'd go
berserk?? Well...
You left me anyhow and then the days got
worse and worse and now you see
I've gone completely
out of my mind..

Maci, feeling obligated, though not knowing why, decided to introduce Remy to the gods and goddesses before them as if she were introducing the characters of an opera. "Do you see that gentleman there? The one with the emerald clothing and ink-dark locks? That is your King Loki Laufeyson," she began. She did not see the false-king as her own ruler, having seen so many rise and fall. It was not as if she had taken any of them seriously, anyway. "The little one near him and the woman with the odd horses all over her clothing is his youngest daughter, Enya Lokidottir. These Asgardians have an odd naming system," she continued, commenting. Next, she gestured to the older girl and the young man. "That beauty there is the king's elder daughter, Hel Lokidottir. And the glowing young man is...we assume one of his son's, whom we have read about, though we not not which," she finished. Satisfied that she had gotten around to everyone, she turned her grin to him. "Did you catch all that, Remy-dear? Can you remember it all? It is quite a bit of information to take in all at once for one so young, we figure," she asked, tone on the knife-point between jovial and mocking.

You thought it was a joke and so you laughed, you laughed when I had said
that loosing you would make me flip my lid.. RIGHT???
I know you
laughed, I heard you laugh, you laughed you laughed and
and then you left, but now you know I'm utterly mad... And..

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"I am the God of Mischief; I am Loki, the fire that burns.
And why does the fire burn?..."

Loki Laufeyson
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
God of Chaos -- Ruler of Midgard

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"Fenrir, my son."

He released Hel from their embrace as the great wolf approached them, but remained close to his eldest daughter's side. Loki was aware of Enya's presence, ensuring that she stayed close behind him. His son was no monster, of that he was certain; Fenrir would never harm Hel, and it was unlikely that he would do the same to Enya, despite his already evident hatred of her. But Loki was not unfamiliar with Fenrir's temper, or his strength.

Nor was he unfamiliar with Enya's.

But he soon found himself bristling with rage of his own as his son's accusations spilled forth; or perhaps it was from just seeing him, after all these years; seeing the shape he’d been left in, the evident scars from Gleipnir’s chains coiled over Fenrir’s skin. It was too much; far too much. He should not be losing his patience with them, the logical half of his mind told him; this was not their fault, there was so much that both Fenrir and Hel didn’t know. He deserved every bit of their anger and distrust; he’d made a great many mistakes by them, but…

“I never once betrayed your mother, Fenrir” he answered; trying and completely failing to bite back the sudden ferocity in his own voice, but it bled out of him as quickly as it had surfaced. “She…” She was gone; dead. When Odin had revealed the foretelling of Ragnarok, imprisoned their children, Angrboda had been inconsolable. She’d allowed herself to die, slowly, naturally, but intentional all the same. There was nothing he could have done, and it was hardly for lack of trying. Loki had done all that he could to console her, to make her see some shred of reason. He’d tried everything in his power to free their children; to convince his so-called father that he must have made a mistake; all to no avail. He hadn’t the power to undo the Allfather’s magic, then. Angrboda had wasted away, and their children had remained in their bonds.

He’d never betrayed her, no… but he’d failed her, just as he failed them. And he would forever be sorry for that, if he felt remorse for nothing else in his life. “Your mother is gone,” and the pain of acknowledging it, of reopening old wounds that he'd tried so hard for so long to bury, was evident in his features, in the way he failed to steady his own voice; “she has been for some time...” But he didn’t break, couldn’t break; he’d mourned Angrboda’s death for some time. Grief, in recent years, had since become a weakness he could no longer afford.

“Do you truly believe I’d think so lowly of her; of my own children? It was never my intention to abandon you” he continued. Hadn’t it been, though, for a moment? One moment of weakness, dangling over the edge of the broken Bifrost; he’d never intended to survive, when he let go. He’d very nearly abandoned them for good. “Did I not swear to her, to you, that I would do everything within my power to ensure you would be free again? I had no way in which to do so, before.” And it was only by sheer fortune, good or bad, he wasn’t sure; that he’d found it. Or rather they, the Chitauri, had found him.

But there was still Fenrir, who’d been bound by magic far stronger than that which held the others in their prisons. Loki hadn’t yet found a way to break it, but someone, or something else had…

There was little chance to say more on it, however, before they found their reunion interrupted. Loki was the first to move as the unfamiliar man approached them; he stepped forward, and the mask slipped back into place, calm and stoic as ever. However there was a demeanor about the trickster that promised serious harm to the stranger, were he to make any step in the wrong direction. Unconsciously, Loki placed himself carefully as he stood before the other man, so that the trickster god stood between him and his children.

"Do you have business here, stranger?" he inquired, eyes locking on the mortal's oddly red-hued ones. Immediately something about this man didn't sit quite right with him, but he wasn't sure what it was.

- - - - - - - - - -

status: well | location: Central Park, New Asgard | company: Hel/Fenrir/Enya/Remy

Interesting Prophet

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Corlene "Cory" Stark
Iron Maiden

{She's wearing: This & her Bluetooth}
{She's with: her Mother}
{Her location: SHIELD Base, cafeteria}

"Shatter every window till it's all blown away,
Every brick, every board, every slamming door flown away
Till there's nothing left standing..."

Cory took solace in her mother's touch as she was wrapped in her mother's strong arms. She sobbed into Pepper's shoulder a little uncontrollably now and her body shook with each sob. At Pepper's reassuring words, she sorely wanted to believe in them. However, Hook had very easily taken down Ryon yesterday. If he could do that to one of Asgard, then what was to stop him from harming everyone else Cory cared for? Despite herself she nodded, her head still buried in her mother's shoulder blade.

Yesterday had been so full of surprises, both dreadful and happy, it had driven her to visit her therapist early this morning. And now here she was breaking down in public in her mother's arms. Her coffee on the table was probably room temperature by now and would only get colder, but that was the least of her worries at the moment. "I have a briefing with Hill today." Cory said lifting her head slightly so that her mother could hear the words clearly. "We can talk with her then about him...?" she suggested as she heard her mother's low whisper of Oh my god...

"On a lighter note," Cory began not realizing her mother's comment hadn't been directed at her. "Jacob Summers isn't dead either. I can't decide if I want to strangle or hug him." she was completely serious on that point. Cory couldn't help, but feel like maybe if Jake hadn't vanished then she wouldn't have gotten involved with Killian in the first place. Jacob had been her best friend up until his sudden disappearance.

Then she remembered that before going on the mission, she'd encountered a Iron Man-like suit. Cory hesitated in mentioning this to her mother and buried her face back in her mother's shoulder blade. She realized that with the arrival of the Avengers back from Asgard, that other iron suit was more than likely the Ironman, her father. A father she'd never met, but for years had been told that she was very much like him. Until a year or two ago Cory and Pepper would make small vidoes at the end of each day, so that in the event Tony would ever return he would be able to watch his daughter grow up in a sense.

Cory had understood the reason behind the videos, but to her her so called father was more like a fairy tale or a ghost than an actual person. "...Mom, I think I might have encountered Iron Man yesterday before my mission." she said this hesitantly and didn't bother to lift her head up so that the words could be heard clearly. Therefore they might have come out a little jumbled.

"...Nothing left to yesterday
Every tear-soaked whiskey memory blown away,
Blown away."

Interesting Prophet

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Grace "Nymph" Creed

{She's wearing: This.}
{She's with: Killian}
{Her location: New Asgard}

"Sinking under the water
Holding all your breath inside
Fighting to find all the answers..."

Grace smirked as even Kitty told Pietro II to give her back the gun. However it almost instantly faded into a scowl as he still refused. He had even gone so far as to place it out of her reach. Now, she was extremely irritated by her best friends antics. Glancing over at the clock it was past time to meet Killian and she knew it was never really a good idea to piss him off in the slightest.

However, Grace rarely really lost her temper, but with Pietro II keeping one of her mother's guns away from her, she was coming quite close to loosing it. Her fingernails elongated slightly and became quite sharp. This was one of her powers she'd inherited from her father. "I know you're just looking out for me, Pietro, but you can not order me around!" her usually calm voice rose with anger as she spoke and she glared at him. "I am going on this mission. You can hold onto the gun. I'll go grab another from my room."

Grace said before storming out of the kitchen, the apple falling out of her other hand. She ran down the hall grabbed a couple hand guns instead before taking the stairs down to meet Killian, who didn't look very happy at all that she was late. "I'm sorry, Pietro II was being a jerk." was all she offered in her defense before the two of them set off to start their mission. As they journey to East Harlem Hook informed her of the nature of the mission and she was hardly surprised. Though that did make her wonder about why Hook had chosen her in the first place. She was neither fond of killing or seeing blood and yet Hook had want her as his companion on this mission.

"...You've gone down a path
that you just can't go
The wrong way down a one way road."

Distinct Poster

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                                                        Despite Clint's willingness to keep his calm, Clint was still mildly annoyed by the fact that Austin was trying his mettle. Claire seemed to be quiet despite her firecracker nature, but he could tell she was just as flighty. It was then that Austin would try to compare himself to his father and demand why he couldn't just do things on his own. This causing Clint to stop, take a deep breath then close the gap between the two so he could explain to him why. "Why? Because you're a wrecking ball. A loose cannon at most. Your brother knows how to lead due to his Medical history. He can patch Agents up and continue fighting. Hell, he could even patch himself up. And the number one thing your brother has that you don't? Respect. Even if your mother gives him a direct order he doesn't like, he follows it. You? You insult her by betraying her word". Clint was realizing that his temper was slightly rising, so he would take a moment to walk in a small circle and rest his hand on his forehead. He wasn't going to let this kid annoy him or get under his skin.

                                                        But he wasn't going to allow the kid to insult him just as he did his mother. Let alone his mother being the head and Commander of SHIELD. "Point being. You aren't ever considered a leader because of reasons which you just proved in the meeting room. You're a hot head. You do things on instinct and not strategy. That's why you get hurt so often. And as far as you being like your father? Once you can direct and command an entire SHIELD infantry of foot soldiers, take over an entire city that was once claimed by Chitauri and return back with no casualties, then you can talk to me about whether you're anything like your father". He wouldn't say anymore after that but simply give a head tilt to them both to follow him as they would arrive at the Weapons Depot and he would stock up heavily this time on arrows. But as he noticed Freyja, he would nod and try not to sound as mad as he did from before. "Hello Freyja. If you want to join that makes four people. that's what Maria wanted. I'm about done grabbing weapons. Feel free to grab some if you'd like" Clint offered.

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                                                        No longer worried about what he had done in the comfort of Freyja's hospitality, Ryon would make haste towards his living quarters. In his head he was keeping mind what Freyja had told him in the means of how to work the water spout mechanism that had been attached to the wall which was to clean himself off. There was a bottle by the name of 'shampoo' that sounded utterly awfully titled. But if it was supposed to assist in the cleaning process, he would give it a try. On top of that, there was supposedly a fire which caused the water to get hot and something to make it cold. Freyja mentioning for him to find the medium between the two for the utmost comfort. It wouldn't take him long to return to his quarters and take a gander at the water spout that he too had in his bathroom. He followed Freyja's word of turning the knobs so that water would shoot out. But as expected, it was very hot to the touch. He shook his hand in response to this.

                                                        Regardless, Ryon managed to turn the knob for the cold so that the water wasn't so hot and once he had found a steamy yet comfortably hot enough temperature, he would start to piece by piece disrobe from his armor. Before long, he would simply stand there, bathroom door open in nothing bit his nude body and the sound of the water impacting the shower floor while the steam of the room was clear on the mirrors. He was hesitant to step inside of the shower, but once he had done so he would close the curtain so that water would not escape the tub and close his eyes to allow his muscle to relax and soothe themselves. The suggestion to turn the nozzle on the spout was high and as he would do this, he tested each setting as it changed the effect it would have the water hit his body. The setting he felt Freyja suggest was one that he too had much agreed to follow with and as he allowed this setting to take effect, Ryon maintained his eyes closed and tilted his head back to finally rinse his hair of it's dirty and ill taken care of looks.

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                                                        Maintaining his attention on Maci just as well as the family reunion of sorts ahead of him, Remy couldn't help but keep all of the information Maci was telling him safe in his head. He would remember all of this as it could prove of a rather important factor in if he ever had to communicate to the family or keep tabs on their backgrounds. Apparently from the way Maci jotted down each person verbally, he was informed who the 'King' of the area was as well as his family in kind and of their origin. "That ah' did mah' colorful friend. That ah' did. Looks like we're about tah' have company" Remy would respond in kind as just as he would finish, the 'King' of sorts, Loki, would notice the two and make a b-line straight for Remy. He would ask what his business was and by that, his visualization from his features and vocal tone was quite confrontational. But Remy had no worries about it at all. He held the ace. Literally.

                                                        "Business here? Naw'. I ain't got any reasons. But ah' was informed you're tha' king around these parts. Granted ah' don't necessarily know any Kings or Queens in mah' time. But ya' seem to have dat' look on yo' face that ah' appear tah' be a threat. Now I'd normally laugh at dis' an' walk away. But seein' as you're with yo' family, I got no quarrels with you, mon ami'. Mattah' ah' fact, ah' remember seein' ya' face on the television screen sometime. Ya' tried to' take over some' gala and then ya' ended up sendin' Chitauri to Remy's front door. Now Remy ain't about to complain, but Remy don't appreciate dem' buggy bastards bustin' in tah' my apartment and causin' me trouble. Dat's why ah' took care ah' dem' mah'self. Sorry tah' lower ya' cavalry there, king. But I'm thinkin' ya' need ah' better suited army tah' take over an' entire city. Jus' sayin'". Remy would finish, but by the time he was done his hands would aimlessly play with his playing cards as they would tilt and turn in mid air. A perfect arm from one hand to the other and a random display of aerial shuffling to send the entire deck into on single hand. Just to show off a bit of what he could do. But not all to hide his talents.

Distinct Poster

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                                                  Despite waiting for what seemed to be a lifetime, Wade had to make a decision now that might effect him later. But at the same time, he wasn't one to care. It's not like he would miss anything if he didn't come back to her and she would be out causing chaos someplace else. In honest retrospective, Wade was a charmer. but lied when he had to. He was a good liar. A great liar. Lying was his forte as was never shutting up. He always had something to say. And in this case, he wouldn't ignore his senses. "Well. As much as I would like to stand here and admire the vie, I have people to kill and things to do. Hasta' la vista" Wade would respond to the female beside him. In a flash, he was already teleported to the rooftop just ahead and wad scaling each and every obstacle that was in his way in a breeze. Whether it be jumping over things. Sliding over rooftops. Hopping over ventilation tubes or closing the gap over ledges. It was a thrill ride and a half, but he knew better then to d**k around and waste his time then to pursue the two men who he wanted to absolutely slaughter for his history.

                                                  Only thing stopping him now? A scent that was flowing through the air. It was Mexican food. It was Chimichangas. And they were his. Hopping over the nearest ledge into an alleyway and scaring the s**t out of a homeless guy in a cardboard box, Wade just gave him a lazy two-finger salute and made his way out of the alleyway to the sidewalk. Within minutes and near collisions with passing cars that had to slam on their brakes as Wade made his way across the street, he grabbed a few peoples attention due to his actions. But mostly, he smirked it off. A minute not too soon and he was already waiting in line for the food stand and the man to put together his Mexican delicacies. Normally, he'd demand that he get it for free. But in this case, he saw no reason to be a d**k. this early at least. So as he was given the food and paid for it himself, Wade would disappear to one the nearest alleyways to eat his food with a content smile on his face. His back was pressed against the wall of the alleyway and one leg was crossed over the other. If anything, this was his momentary downtime before he'd get back to work.

Shirtless Codger

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                                              Midgard was much less appealing then Sigyn had imagined it to be. She had expected something more mystical and fantastic and really all she could see was desolation, smoke, and darkness off in the distance. Where she had landed was outside of the city that was stood before her. She looked around trying to figure out where she should go. Not far off maybe half a mile was ruins of what looked like used to be a great manor. Sigyn needed a place to go, a place she could stay for a while until she ventured into the city so she began to walk towards the ruins. As she walked she took pity on the land. Though there was still nature about, it was not bright and healthy like it was back in Asgard. She wondered to herself what had happened here. She had not wanted to believe that Loki was the undoing of this world but now that she saw the desolation with her own eyes it appeared that everything she had heard was correct.

                                              As the goddess walked towards the ruins she took the liberty of using her healing magic on the environment as she walked past. With each step she took either a flower revived or the leaves of a tree returned to it’s bright green. Sigyn took her time with the walk towards the ruins. She wasn’t going to be getting anywhere near the city on foot anytime soon and she would do best to keep a hold of her strength. Sigyn did not know much about Midgard other than it was the realm of the mortals that worshipped the citizens of Asgard. As the ages passed though the belief in the midgardians has faltered and eventually diminished. Thor was the one to remind them that the Asgardians were not just a myth.

                                              Mixed with the thrill of adventure that thrived inside of her, Sigyn felt a fear being in the new environment. She wasn’t sure what creatures lurked here, if Midgard was like any other realms she had visited then she must be careful with her step.

                                              The goddess neared the ruins of the manor; it was a shame to see such a structure that must have once been beautiful to be in such a state. From what she could see the remains were not very old, this must have been a structure that was recently brought down by who knows what. She climbed up on one of the blocks sat down resting her body. Unlike the Bifrost, being sent to another realm with a different type of magic was exhausting. She looked up at the sky seeing the blue. Even with the destruction all around there was at least one thing that remained untouched.

                                              She laid onto the rock and closed her eyes, she breathed in deeply as she relived Asgard with her imagination. She hoped that she would be able to return and see her sons again. She hoped that they were doing well without her, it pained her to leave Vali and Nari behind but she knew that Vali would be responsible and take care of Nari.

                                              Her eyes opened halfway and stared at one of the clouds floating across the blue. Leaving was a good decision. She needed to help the Avengers and whether they liked it or not she would be an asset. At least that’s what she hoped she would be.

X-Men Base Ruins « ʟ o c a t i o n xxx xxx
Alone « c o m p a n y xxx xxx
Here « c l o t h i n g xxx xxx

Interesting Prophet

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{Wearing: Second Uniform }....{Location: New Asgard, on his way to East Harlem}....{With: Grace}

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      Killian Jones

                                          Hook had been waiting a total of fifteen, maybe twenty minutes in front of the Tower for his companion. He leaned against the building his arms carefully crossed over his chest and his foot was tapping slightly in his impatience. "She's not usually late." Hook muttered to himself, glancing at the Towers entrance. From prior experience with Grace he knew she wasn't generally late in completing a task, unless there was a good reason for it.

                                          "A friend must be delaying her." Hook sighed straightening up and was about to go in and retrieve his companion, when Grace practically ran out of the building seeming quite annoyed. Hook only gave her a small smile and a nod in response to her explanation. He had been right as what was delaying her. "We shall depart then Grace." Killian stated and began to lead the way to East Harlem. "Our mission is to eliminate one rebel and a traitorous hybrid that have located living in the East Harlem area. The two have been living in one of the apartment buildings in that area."

                                          Hook explained, leaving nothing out. He needed her to be well informed in case things got a little out of hand during the mission. He'd picked her as his companion not only because they'd worked together before, but because Grace had the abilities of the older mutant Sabertooth. She had his deadly claws as well as his heightened senses, which could be used to track their targets if they happened to miss them at the apartment. Though he wouldn't admit it, Jones also knew he was a little fond of the girl as well as her company.

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